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]Angular is not generating HTML and then passing it to the browser to have it

parsed, instead Angular is generating DOM data structures directly!

This works much faster than building manually HTML and then passing it to the DOM
for parsing. By building DOM nodes directly, Angular is bypassing the HTML parsing
step altogether. So the browser simply takes the ready to use DOM tree and renders
it to the screen.
And more than that, it will do so in an optimal way, by trying to change just the
HTML that absolutely needs to be changed:
Angular will not replace the whole DOM tree each time, it updates the DOM in an
optimal way, depending on what parts of the Model have changed


differences between stack and heap memory in Java:

1) The main difference between heap and stack is that stack memory is used to store
local variables and function call while heap memory is used to store objects in
Java. No matter, where the object is created in code e.g. as a member variable,
local variable or class variable, they are always created inside heap space in

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