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My advice to all my dear students is that you must be determined in your life and never
look back. Past must always be considered a lesson not a deterrent. Don’t be afraid
to make mistakes and don’t lament your mistakes, instead, get up, learn from your
mistakes and move ahead. Always look ahead and be optimistic while taking up new
projects, assignments or challenges in your personal or professional life.

I would also like to say, while you must do well in your professional life, don’t restrict
yourself to the office’s boundaries, nurture some hobby as well; take out time for family
and live your life to the fullest. Be selfless and kind to others and always be focused
on achieving your goal despite the hard tests that life throws on you.

Before I rest my speech, I would like to say that be nice and kind to every single person
you meet in your professional and personal life irrespective of their post or position.
Always listen to your heart, believe in yourself and tackle the challenges you come up
in your life. Life is not beautiful unless we make it. This college has prepared you for
your next flight. The world needs enthusiastic and creative people like you. It is your
time to earn your name, make your career and make your parents and mentors
proud. Many challenges await you, but one thing you should always keep in mind is
that you must remain humble. I am sure your poised character will earn you accolades.


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