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DEFENSE i INTELLIGENCE 7 AGENCY Syria: Muslim Brotherhood Pressure Intensifies (U) ‘ MAY 1982 _ PROPERTY: OF DIA Liprapy (RAE rr 7 Seenet weed Xawbreir IPTES (U) SYRIA: MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD PRESSURE 1¥’ ‘DDB-2630-34-82, Information Cutoff Date: 22 April 1982 This is a Department of De Ligence Document Prepared by theB@MOUSG Aaa) Directorate for Research, Defense Intelligence Agency | ae SPCRET PREFACE (opmerem) syria is a crucial player in the Middle East equation because of its involvement in the Arab-Israeli problem, its presence in Lebanon, and its unique relationship with the Soviet Union. The stability of the Assad governnent is an area of extreme concern since it could have a direct impact not only on the Middle East peace process and regional stability, but on US-Soviet relations Well. In 1979, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Muslin Islamic fundamentalist organization, began a concerted effort to oust President Assad. Although the Brotherhood attempt of 1979-80 was successfully thwarted by Assad, a new venture began to be,and by early 1982 the Hana rebellion broke out. While the Brotherhood ‘suffered a second militery defeat, the Hana episode reflected @ nev sophistication in Muslim Brotherhood planning and operation: (WU) Each classified title and heading in this report has been properly marked; all those unmarked are unclassified. (W) The following list of appraisals may serve as useful references: Syria: Te Strategy of the Communist Party of Syria for Survival, DIAIAPPR 94-81, dated 30 June 1981; Syriai Assad and the Politics of Political Survival, DIATAPPR 97~ 81, dated 9 July 1981; Syria: The Muslis Brotherhood Challenge chet Failed, DIAIAPPR 112-B1, dated. 30 July 1981 and; Egypt? Muslim GrotheThood Threat, DIAIAPPR 16-82, ‘deced 9 February 1962, (UV) Contzibutions and coments fron the following eee (b)@y10 USC 474 (U) Word processing support vas provided by(b)(@/10US0 424 | (WU) Questions and commenté concerning this publication should be referred in writing to the Defense Intelligence Agency(b)(3)10USC424 "] Washington, D.C. 20301. Requests for additional copies, should he forwarded through comand approval channels, a8 appropriate, £duDtA‘A(0)(9).10USC 424 using DD form 1142, ice With DIA Manual 59-3, DIA Reference Interagency Document. Request, in accor (Reverse Blank) CONTENTS Page SUMMARY sss eeseee 1, DISCUSSION so... sess a. Background ..s..eee+ b. A New Leadership, A New Challenge ¢. Tactics to Topple the Assad Regine . d. Premature Discovery . 2. CONCLUSION . ILLUSTRATION Map - Brotherhood Infiltration Routes to Hana . (Revers® Brandy sere suouay (eiwenens)

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