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This paper explores the dynamic coupling and interactions between local news and international

news. It is widely believed that international events intertwine with local events. International
events intertwine with the perception of current events. For example, the protests in Hong Kong has
sparked a wider anti-government actions worldwide. Drink a cup of warm drinks to improve cold and
clammy hands and feet. Kompani has a big face. EPL all-stars team. Carrie Lam announced
withdrawal of the extradition law. However, protests and march go on on Hong Kong streets.
Protesters insist that all five demands be addressed. Protesters say that the withdrawal is too little
and too late. Violent protests go on in Hong Kong, with increased clashes with the police. The police
have used brute force against the protesters. The police have fired numerous rounds of tear gas,
employed water canons, which ejects a blue liquid, believed to contain unknown chemicals. Deep
rift among Hong Kongers has occurred due to the extradition law. Petrochemicals have a disastrous
effect on the environment and human health. Some people drink petrochemicals to sustain their
lives. The horse does not stop galloping to move forward.

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