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a woman aged 40 years, consulted from the womb part of one hospital gets the disease within 4
days after giving birth by caesarean section, because high blood glucose levels are obtained.
patients are consulted for further management because of high glucose levels. From anamnesa
patients have undergone cesarean section. the history of premature rupture of the membranes, 5
days before the patient went to the hospital because of the large amount of fluid coming out and
aggravating the patient. before going to the midwife but advised to go to the hospital.

Based on the history, physical examination, results are possible because there is no family
history of the laboratory and ECG, problems with diabetes, complaints of drinking a lot, often
these patients are very complex because of the condition of their pregnancy (old age, premature
rupture of membranes, and high social value baby), the presence of diabetes in pregnancy, as
well as heart health problems (heart failure stage C functional class C II due to coronary artery
disease and old myocard inferior wall infarct). Patients received diet therapy 1700 kcal / day,
long acting insulin injection 0-6 subcutaneous iu, captopril 6.25 mg orally every 8 hours, and
simvastatin 20 mg. After blood sugar is controlled on treatment on day 5 after surgery the patient
is discharged from the hospital.
Question ?

1. what a diagnosis ?

2. How is the management of the therapy?

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