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September 18, 2018

The Manager
M.C Briones St. Highway
Tipolo, Mandaue City


Good Day! This has reference to my one unit Suzuki Raider 115cc which I purchased on
installment basis from your firm. I have fully paid the purchase price thereof as of
December 2, 2017 unfortunately, inspite of several demands you have failed to deliver to
me the appropriate registration papers for my motorcycle.

Please consider this letter my final demand for you to deliver to me the said registration
papers covering my motorcycle within 5 days from receipt of this letter. Otherwise, much
to my regret I will be compelled to institute the appropriate criminal and civil action against
you which will of course include a claim for damages and attorney’s fees.

I hope you give this letter your preferential attention.

Very Truly Yours,

Wilson Walog

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