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THE WORLD’S GREATEST THOUGHT DISCOVERY MASS-INTELLECTUAL PRESSURE & ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE 1950-1954 BY MACK STAUFFER Mack Stauffer's Priority of Thought The Alpha-Matho Vibratory Scale was first published twenty-one years ago to establish the Author’s claim that Man’s emotion moved in.a perpetual personal cycle, sepatate and distinct from the mass or group. That there was a regular ebb and fiow to this energy in the life of every person as evidenced by our different moods. That our emotional energy was perpetually produced, stored and expended by the mind and body in regular cycle of tens. That our emotional energy being crea- tive was subjective and accounted for the periodicity to our moods of gloom and despair one day and our en- thusiastic attitude to life on another day, and not a matter of chance or circumstance to be determined from the success or failure to our plans but that our moods come and go independent of any objective out- ward show and are responsive to the rise and fall of our emotional energy. In that all Man’s acts are dependent upon measure- ments and magnitudes of material objects as estab- lished from applied mathematics, that a mathematical solution was possible to determine the rise and fall, ebb and flow to our tide of emotional energy: Mind and body being one, produce Intellectual and Physical vibration of Emotional energy: The alphabet is sym- bolic of Intellectual energy—and mathematics of Physi- cal energy: The scientific principles of this energy vibration were reduced to a simple Scale of the a, b, ¢, and ten numerals to enable every one to predict with mathematical certainty not only their own percentage of emotional energy but that of any person for any day of the year-—-the principles of the Scale are scientific, Constructive and Educational. YOUR EMOTIONAL OUTLOOK It really makes little difference whether you are old or young, sick or well, rich or poor; whether you are struggling to make ends meet or sitting pretty in the lap of luxury, the most important thing about you is your philosophy of life. It is your outlook, your point of view of life that is, after all, going to give you your chance to be happy. And this is all true just be- cause happiness is subjective—it is inside you, not out- side. Happiness is a state of emotions, not a state of affairs. The ambition of. every normal, sane person is to be happy.and make others happy. Yes, since Man’s numbed skull was first pierced by a gleam of thought, Happiness: became the one common intellectual goal of every human being. But long eons before Intelligence eanie into being, emotions resided in Man. In those days there was no sharp line drawn between the nor- mal und abnormal bchavior of our emotions. Every human being was a law unto himself and is today, but with certain restrictions which society has rather shakily erected that would determine a vague standard of average outlets through which our emotions can move. Of course, every one knows that our emotions are dynamical responses to the forces of life and as a member of a social community, our emotional conduct should measure up or down in keeping within these average standards. These average standards of today vary in practically every civilized country. The old maxim, “when in Rome,-do as they do in Rome,” is the best rule to follow. Any variation of emotional conduct out of harmony with these vague standards of average outlets is no- ticenble in the community and must be reckoned with. ‘Today the real test of our sanity is our ability to move in the social community with the minimum of friction. This is very hard for most of us to do for the reason few of us were taught these fundamentals of life. 4 Every child, as well ‘as grown-ups, must have emo- tional outlets. “Inasmuch as these outlets must meas- ure up to certain vague standards, the most appro- priate time to guide our emotions into so-called nor- mal outlets is during our first six years of growth, through environment and parental training. Unless such training is had, we find ourselves subjected to ab- norma] overflows which disturb our equilibrium, and in conflict with these certain standards of the community. Any abnormal] overflow should be viewed with the same degree of concern and alarm as are those with emotion habitually . thwarted, or the short-circuited mixed emotions. Emotions should be studied, under- stood and guided into and through normal outlets; otherwise, if they are diverted into unusual channels, we become socially maladjusted. Did you ever pause, take time out of your busy life to analyze your human behavior and how far did you get before you realized that you are a creature whose origin started from an emotional sex impulse? That is why your life is ruled or dominated by emotions. Since the beginning of time, the method or process. of Man’s creation has not changed, or ever will change. It is the law of Nature and Man does not change Na- ture’s law, much as we would at times like to do so, We are all created in the same manner, but everyone is different; no two persons are alike, not even twins. Yes, at first this does seem like one of those queer pranks of Nature, but it is not, and, to the contrary, conforms to its own law and is easily traced. It is not possible nor ever will be possible for any two human being to be precisely alike for the reason no two mothers are alike, each having developed a different personality and individual problems; no two days in their life are the same; therefore no two periods of conception are ever the same or is constituted upon the same emotional sex urge, or the drive to mate. You and I are separate entities, with a personal life to 5 live and our own personal problems to work ovt from an “emotional outlook.” That is why you and I have a separate, perpetual personal cycle tide to our emo- tional energy. The periodicy to the ebb and flow to our emotional tide sets us apart as @ separate and distinct unit from the mass or group. Your emotional outlook will include all the attributes of human behavior, personal slants and bents which are nothing other than emotional attitudes. These atti- tudes vary in intensity according to our emotional make-up, stronger in some than in others. A point to stress here is, no two human beings ever lived or ever will live who would react in precisely the same way and with precisely the same degree of intensity to the same emotional experience, because they are emotionally constituted differently. A condition that would tend to promote happiness in one person will often provoke an unhappy mood in others. By the way, did you ever reflect upon your own moods of happiness and unhappiness? Your ups and downs in life, how they seem to you to come and go. Good days and bad days, along with ordinary days, how they seem to march by in orderly procession. And that is precisely what happens. Their procession is one of order regardless how inopportune and disorderly they may appear in your affairs of life. Nature is no respecter of man’s wishes, and we are eternally moved through our personal perpetual cycle of emotional vi- bratory energy. That is the “why” of our ups and downs, good days and bad days. You know the kind— days that are bright and cheerful, when we are full of “pep,” when we tackle each task with an added zest— one of those “this is the life’ kind of days when you fee] like a million dellars; and you have wondered why life can’t be like this every day. Well, it won't because your emotional make-up is not built that way. When this “high” tide recedes, move on to lower levels, your emotional outlook changes. 6 Then you have days called had days—just the oppo- site to your good ones. Everyone knows when they show up, even our friends will confidentially remark, “What's happened to Bill?” We are the pleture of gloom and despair, The day starts off wrong for you; must have gotten out of the bed on the wrong side, stepped off on the wrong foot, ar something. You slip and almost break a rib in the bath. Funny, too, because you use that tub every morning, What's this? The razor pulls, There ought to be a law against dull razor blades; and when you sit down for breakfast, “is the coffee rotten!” You are going to change brands of coffee! That’s a good idea if it will ward off such days, but it won't! Late to work; ought to be a law agninst traffie jams; and so it goes on throughout the day. Every thing goes wrong; each little upset gets under your skin, Everybody and everything gone haywire, out of kelter, bumping into you at every turn, Sure, you are glad when such a hectic day hag passed, We all ara, because we all have them and hope never to have another one, but we will, just as soon as our perpetual personal eycle of emotion reaches the same level that produces the necessary change in our emo- tional outlook. Most everyone believes and usually refers to thelr periods of elation or happiness, depression or unhap- piness to some cireumstance, That is, to something which happened to you that ‘eaused you to haye a good day and be happy, or the reverse that caused you to have a had day, They attribute the equse to some out- ward cireumstance, or to something inside of you—the ple you ate last night, too many cocktails; your liver is out of kelter, and so on; always something that has happened to you, either inside or out. Now the big point here {s,-they failed to notice that sometimes al! these bad things happened and you continue to be happy—your work at the offices was accomplished with ease, and so on down the line, Our happiness and 7 success is not dependent upon chance or circumstance of any one day, but wnat it does depend upon is your point of view, or emotional outlook, Just where in our bodies emotions come from, scien- tists do not know. We are sure that the origin and stimulation of. our emotion is not confined to any one organ of the body, or any one area of the brain, as is intelligence. The stimulation and’ reactions of emo- tions is a highly. complicated process which biologists even yet know little. We do know our emotions react through and by. the five-senses. Involved in all emo- tional responses are the activities of the ductless glands or endocrines, like the thyriod, suprarenals and others. These in turn cause changes to be brought about in the chemical composition of the blood, in the elasticity of blood vessels, and causes many other com- plex physiologic ‘activities. The one common ground all biologists occupy is that emotion is the force that moves, drives every function of our body mechanism, If that be true, then our ‘emotion is simply the vibra- tory expression of a life force substance functioning through our physical bodies. What is life substance? We do not know. We know it is transmitted through the HUNGER drive to mate, That our birthright includes an endowment of the four fundamental primary emotions, HUNGER, RAGE, FEAR, PAIN. From these come all other emotions or vibratory nesponses, HUNGER is the primordial emotion, the first and oldest drive in life. Hunger drives you to mate. Hunger drives the female ovum to consume the germ -of the male. All living organism must have food or it perishes. The fertilized ovum during the prenatal growth’ period of two hundred and eighty days is constantly fed from food furnished by the blood of the Mother otherwise this one celled embyro could not grow from a speck no larger than a period and divide into two, four, eight, et cetera, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of cells. Increasing its weight millions of times, with thousands of speciali- zed parts, heart, lungs, brain, nerves, skin, everything to make up the body mechanism, Do I stress the HUNGER drive too much? It cannot be overempha- sized. RAGE, FEAR and PAIN are subservient. They furnish ways and means. To be more concrete. At birth, the child came here naked, unashamed, ignorant and HUNGRY. Separated from the food supply fur- nished with each heart throb of the mother’s blood during two hundred and eighty days, what happens? The viscera, living parts, send out a distress call for food. Unless put to the Mother’s breast or otherwise fed, RAGE, FEAR and PAIN ‘will emote, moving it in a manner familiar to all nurses. The way individuals move, in answer to the HUNGER _drive make up their personality. The way Nations with their masses of humanity move in answer to the HUNGER drive, make up the history of mankind. The HUNGER drive, dominated from. uncontrolled RAGE, FEAR, PAIN, moved the overpopulated Germany, Italy, Japan into a war of conquest. The well trained, well-organized, controlled emotional repertorie of Roosevelt and Churchill defeat their purposes. Wars and all acts of humanity must conform to the Law. of the Cycle. All the forces of crea- tion move in a periodic cycle. Man represents or stands for a creative force and must have an individual or perpetual pericdic cycle to which his emotional forces conform. Man’s creative cycle is a cycle of tens. 280 days is the normal pre-natal growth cycle of every’ human being; 28 days make the Lunar month and is “women’s periodic cycle — 280 days are ten Lunar months. Therefore your life forces must function within their creative cycle of ten. We are created under the vibrations of a Name; you were born with a Name and represent its vibratory force in life. Your name then will identify this particular series of 9 vibration of creative forces throughout conscious life, Your Name ig your Intellectual identification with Creation, Using the alphabet, the basis of all intel- lectual energy, Mack Stauffer devised a method that will enable the individual to mathematically determine their cycle of emotional energy. The principle has been reduced to the simple terms of letters and the ten numerals, made into a Seale and placed upon a calendar ready to use. Don’t confuse this work as one of an Intelligence Test. These Intelligence Tests are useful and often helpful and considered necessary by the Psychologist and Psychiatrist. They cannot nor do they attempt to reveal anything about your emotional make up, the personality or character of the person tested. Any well qualified Psychiatrist or Psychologiat who is inter- ested in the whole problem of human behavior, knows that personality and emotions play a far more impor- tant part in our lives than does mere intelligence, There is much misunderstanding and misconception surrounding emotion and intelligence and often enough the two words are used interchangeably. To explain, the point is this: Emotion is the force or power that enables you to acquire intelligence. Al] intellectual activities are generated through emotional response to life forces. Intelligence is simply your ability to learn —to add and subtract—to remember where you live— are examples of intellectual activity. There are many, yes, most of us, believe implicity that their decisions and choices in life are reached only through a process of cold, hard reasoning, which, they eomplacently flatter themselves, is an index to their intellectual ability. They have overlooked the fact that we are creatures of emotion, live an emotional life, and in the final analysis, our thoughts and reason used to make our choices and decisions, be they simple or mo- mentus, come from an emotional response, and thus is our point of view an Emotional Outlook. 10 DO NAMES REVEAL OUR EMOTIONAL MAKEUP We are emotional creatures, created under the vi- bratory influence of a Name. Our inheritance at birth is a Name and a body mechanism dominated by Emo- tion—(Hunger-Rage-Fear-Pain). The end lies concealed in the beginning: Emotion is the force that moves us— the name, our identification with Creation. Every one has a name, no one can live without emotions. Before you, was the name. The Name must be the “key” to reveal our Emotional Makeup. - What to live for—what you are—largely depends upon your emotional makeup as revealed from the letters of your name, The inheritance of emotional makeup from names as revealed from the Alpha-Matho Vibratory Scale is vividly illustrated in the authentic lineage of the Edwards and Kallikak families. Their historical record extends back over ONE HUNDRED YEARS. KALLIKAK 1 KAKAK In 1775 married a feeble minded girl who bore a LL son .of low mentality. In 1912 there were 480 known direct descendants from this union. Of these, 148 were of such low mentality as to be classified as feeble minded. Most of the others were of relatively low mental ability. 33 of the latter were sexually immoral. 26 of illegitimate birth and 24 confirmed alcoholics. 1 Notice the terrific heavy bombardment in the “kakak” first cycle. These spasms when not counter-balanced in other cycles of energy are destructive. The mental spark will not jump a gap of seyen vibratory cycles. DOMAmaners EDWARDS A Born 1763: In 1900 there were 1394 ide: scendants of whom 13 were college presidents. 65 colleve professors. 100 elereymen, 6) pbysicians. DD 75 army and navy officers. 100 lawyers. 60 authors. & 80 prominent publie officials. The rest included nm acvessful bankers, business men, and etc. weve known io be of feeble mentality or to ted a crime, Notiee the rhythm of the Edwards vibratory emotional’ makeup. The highest ve in the constructive fourth ‘‘dxnd” cycle. E.ery J'revident of the United States had the pow- erful “dxad" pulsation. COnaomAwNe Contrat the dark pisture of the Kallikak descend- ants with the seeouiplishment> of the Edwards family. Why has the Kallikak’s remained Native? Why bas the Edwards family developed continuous intellectual erowth over the same period of more thin ONE HUNDRED years? The answer is found in the name--the key to Emotional Makeup. ii INTELLECTUAL ENERGY—IN LIFE— AFTER DEATH Intellectual Energy creates life in “cycles” of Ten— 280 days is the average pre-natal growth period—28 days make the Lunar month. Women’s periodic cycle —280 days is 10 Lunar months. Man’s Conscious En- ergy remains within this Creative Cycle. Before life was the Name, thus the Name is Man’s Intellectual Identification with Creation. To illustrate: Christ did not say “Brother,” nor “Spirit,” come forth—but cried in a loud voice the Name, “L-A-Z-A-R-U-S” come forth —the vibrations of these letters carried beyond the veil of Conscious death--the Intellectual Energy returned to the body, endowing it with Physical Energy, permitting - L-A-Z-A-R-U-S to “come forth” into the Five Sense Conscious Life. The Name must be our Intellectual Identification before Life—in Life and after Death. WHAT IS LIFE? ‘Tis a delicate shell Cast up by Eternity’s flow Upon Time’s bank of quicksand to dwell And for a moment its loveliness to show. Back to ita element grand Is the billow which brought it ashore; See! Another is washing the strand And the beautiful shell is no more. 12 HOW .TO. USE THE SCALE You don’t have to know a lot'to intelligently apply the Scale to all phases of human endeavor. Intelli- gence does not depend upon how much you know nor how many College degrees you can write after your name but what does determine our intelligence is the ability to adjust our thinking and actions to the ever changing conditions and problems of life —the chief difference between an intelligent man and the ignorant one is, not that the first is acquainted with regions invisible to the second, away from common sight and interest, but that he understands and uses the common: * things which the second man only sees. In former editions explanation of the underlying basic principles of the Scale served only to corifuse those without training in the field of psychology in’ the ap- plication of the Scale to their problems. In that to- day scientists in the field of psychology recognize the basic scientific principles of our Scale as facts and can so be accepted as such, explanations only to the usage of the Scale and its simple application to ‘all phases of human endeavor will be -given.: To Start Using The Scale First make a chart of your name as shown on page 15 using your full name and the maiden surname of your Mother. The letters from your given or Christian: name are minor energy vibration, being affixed—the - letters from your own and Mother’s surname are major energy vibrations, being Creative. The Creative energy is your real vibration, regardless how often you may change your name, you cannot change your creative. vibration, . If your Mother’s maiden name. was Jones and your Father’s Smith, then your intellectual identification with Creation will respond to this creative energy. of JONES-SMITH. After. the letters of your name have been placed in Scale as shown from the chart, you can 13 determine your percentage of energy vibration for any day. To simplify working out the percentage, count each letter in the major energy as a unit of ten and each letter in the minor energy as a unit of five: Thus the major energy vibration will appear twice as power- ful as the minor energy vibration. Your best days will come from the cycle containing the most letters in the major energy column: Cycle where no letters appear mean that you are “off” vibration—these days are commonly called our bad or unlucky days for the reason we are mentally low—such days should be de- voted to routine matters as far as possible—it is a good time to criticize our past efforts. One should not feel blue, discouraged, down-and-out on these low days and regard their troubles, whether economic, financial, marital or social as too great to bear, just look at your chart and you will know that perhaps tomorrow or the next day the tide will rise in your favor and these same obstacles are easily overcome. Always plan your work requiring highest mental precision to come on your cycle showing highest percentage vibration and where possible make personal contacts when both parties are in vibration. This affords a more harmoni- ous environment which is conducive to the successful culmination of your plans and endeavors. Every one should understand there is nothing mys- terious about the Scale. It will not reveal your fortune or tell whether you will be a success or failure—that is strictly a matter of your own. It simply enables every person to adjust their affairs in life according to their good and bad days, often called “lucky and un- lucky” days. Now, regardless of our vocation in the varying phases of human endeavor, your percentage vibration of Con- scious Emotional Energy reaction to Intellectual En- ergy will be reflected in accomplishments for that day. 14 CHART YOUR NAME First write your full name, including your mother’s maiden surname only, Place the letters as they appear in the given or Christian names. in the minor column. Place the letters as they appear in the surnames in the major column. That will be your Creative energy. Count each letter in any minor day cycle as 5%. Count each letter in any major day cycle as 10%, add and this will give your percentage. of emotional vibra- tory energy for that day. Use your chart for ready reference to quickly know your vibrations, Write Name EMOTIONAL ENERGY “Minor | Major Place all aku letters opposite Cycle 1 Place all blv letters opposite Cycle 2 Place all cisw letters opposite Cycle 3 Place all dnx letters opposite Cycle 4 Place all eoy letters opposite Cycle 6 Place all fpz fetters opposite Cycle 6 Place all gq __ letters opposite Cycle 7 Place all br Ictters opposite Cycle 8 Place all is letters opposite Cycle 9 Place all it letters opposite Cycle 0 15 HARMONY IN THE HOME The atmusphere of the home should be one of har- monious accord, not one of discord and friction. Make a chart for each member of the family and you will know the emotional cycle tide, its ebb and flow, of each one’s mental attitude. First the husband and wife should check their charts together—ascertaining their “high and low” vibration days. This will enable both to be more considerate of each other on their low days. Do not punish the children, ascertain their mental atti- tudes from the Scale and then directing their activities will be an easy matter. Remember their emotions re- quire outlets as does those of grown-ups. IN THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE The use of the Scale will greatly increase the mana- gerial efficiency not only of the president, but of the subordinates as well. A glance at the Scale will enable the “big chief’ to know the high and low percentage of his subordinates for that day. This enables him to place the most important. assignment with those. of highest vibration energy, with the assurance their ac- complishments will be greater and more satisfactory than those with lesser vibration. Any employer can prove this by checking his employes engaged in the same endeavor. With qualifications equal, those having the highest day vibration of energy will accomplish more than those with lesser percentage of energy. SALESMANSHIP Every day the salesman will encounter some buyer with a “grouch.” On other days this same buyer is most affable and usually responsive to your “sale talk” with his order. You have days, too, when you are “grouchy” and low mentally; days when your sales ability couldn’t sell a dime for a nickel; yet some buy- ers “bought” a good order from you. But remember 16 they “bought” and that you did not “sell” them. If you will check the name of the buyers giving you good orders, you will find they were in “high” vibration, and checking yourself the Scale will show that was one of your “off,” or low vibration days of energy. Much time may be saved by checking your prospective buyers the night before calling upon them. Always call first. upon the buyers having the “highest” vibration of energy. Their mental attitude will be more responsive to your sales talk, while those with “low” vibration will be largely negative. This method in the use of the Scale should augment your sales 40% or more. Try it to in- crease your sales record, : a7. Alpha-lMatho Vibratory Scale Cycles Everything within the observation of man has been given a name. Instantly, when a thing is seen -by the eye, consciously or unconsciously, a name of some kind is given it. ‘That name is made phonetically in accord with the mathematical law of vibration and based upon the same Subconscious Law which governs the Heart action. That name is made within a correct vibration of the Optic Nerve, or the sense of sight. That name is made within a correct vibration of the Auditory Nerve, or the sense of hearing; with the Olfactory Nerve, or sense of smell; or the Glossopharyngeal and Lingual Nerves, or sense of taste; or by the Sense of Touch. Human Speech All human speech is produced by vibration of two elastic folds of mucous membrane attached to the cartilages and the larynx, which are called Vocal Chords. The Alphabet is an instrument of twenty-six letters used to convey speech.. Every letter of the Alphabet from “A” to “Z” is a creature of vibratory effort. To make International Pitch “C” the vocal chords must make 517.3 vibrations per second. To make Concert Pitch “GC” the vocal chords must make 540 vibrations per second. Music is the universal language based upon a mathematical law of vibrations per second the wide world over—The Law of Life is based upon the mathe- matical law of vibration of Human Heart the wide world over. Cycle-Like Change Nature never made a Square thing! Thought moves in cycles or curves. Plato thought the world was round; Columbus proved it. Aristotle thought all things were set to harmony and moved in a system of cycle-like changes; my Alpha-Matho Scale proves it. Aristotle, Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, the German scientist, have the same Alpha-Matho vibration and are 18 positive Proof of the Periodic Cycle vibration of a grea. thought current. Cycle of Life While Life is produced by the vibration, or Harmony of the Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidney and Vital Organs, its Cycle is “Dust to Dust,” or “Spirit to Spirit,” or man would live Forever! Cycle of Music Twelve notes make the Musical Seale for the wide world over. Start from the lowest “C” and go eleven steps and will be found another “C.” One may run the twelve steps, whole and half tones, in twelve seconds, twelve minutes, twelve days, or twelve years and it will be found that the Destination is only but another “C.” One can run every note of the Eight and One-Third Oc- taves of the musical scale and find every note repeats itself every twelve steps and makes the Cycle of Music. Cycle of Colors As is found with Music, the same is found in the Chromatic movement in Colors—which Musical Semi- tones were formerly designated. The same number of Light Vibrations per second produces the same Color to the Eye the wide world over. Cycle of Alpha-Matho Scale There are really but ten Alpha-Matho positions. The Alpha-Matho Cycle is made in thirty years, while the Cycle of the Sun, or Solar Cycle, is made in twenty- eight years before the dominical or Sunday letters re- turn to their former place; that is, so the days of the month again fall upon the same days of the week. The cycle of the letters of the Alpha-Matho Scale will return to their correct position every thirty years—see Scale. Relativity of “AUKA” “A” is the First letter of the Alphabet; “K” is the Eleventh; “U” is the Twenty-first. “AUKA” will al- ways find Relativity on the Alpha-Matho Line where the year ends in figure One. Thus: “BVYL” is the Second, 19 Twelfth, and Twenty-second letters and will find Rela- tivity where the year ends in figure Two. “CWM” is the Third, Thirteenth and Twenty-third letters and will find Relativity, or Just Mere Plain Vibration where the year ends in figure Three. Thus: “RH” is Eighth and Eigh- teenth letters and will find Vibration where the year ends in figure Fight. Names Index to Psychology A Name has so many Alpha-Matho vibrations. When a name has more letters corresponding to one Alpha- Matho position, more so, than the other positions, that name then is supposed to be more in accord with its Cosmosal Urge; that Cosmosal Urge is that heretofore unknown psychology which some call Hunch. And if thought is produced by vibratory action of the Brain; then this Psychology, this “hunch,” this will-o’-the-wisp pursuit of the ages, is ended. Vhe Alpha-Matho Scale will tell what the Mind Thinks. 20 THE ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE Copyright, 1921 By MACK STAUFFER NH dst GHMUMwmDONOAZRE RAM MB Ose oo wD aqHekPowoegape nat mes oO wD nw 2< THE ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE AND THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Our likes and dislikes are preknowledge from the subconscious mentality, which knows all things, and {s based upon a law of vibrations that is as true as the A-B C's and the law. of mathematical certainty. To. prepossess with unexamined opinions, or opinions formed without due knowledge of facts and circumstances attending to the object or thing in question is nothing but the fast working of the subconscious mind— the all-seeing eye which vibrates in the mighty sixty-third octave at 9,000,000,000,- 900,000,000 beats per second, when and where it isso fast that nothing can ob- scure its vision, and it, of course, must see the truth: ~ e2 ee When we look upon the color red our op- tic nerve receives 450,000,000,000,000 vibra- tory impressions per second and creates our sense of vision. When we close our eyes and think our brain cells move at a rate of 9,000,000,000,000,000,000 vibrations per sec- ond. If our optic nerve could register im- pressions in the mighty sixty-third octave we could see our thoughts in the air all about us. Our ear drum will register sound waves from sixteen vibrations per second up to 40,000, If it could register vibratory impressions in the sixty-third octave the ear could hear thought and could obtain preknowledge from the sub- consclous world or a fixed future. But as It is our five senses are too slow to even feel, hear, see, smell or touch the high vi- bratory movement of the thought work. mee se The human heart is made to vibrate or pump blood around one beat per second, starting the first octave. ee ee Conselence is an internal or self-kuowl- edge or judgment of right and wrong fixed 21 by a subconsclous power or the faculty of second sight, which decides on the lawfulnese or unlawfulness of certain actions and procedure, and approves or condemns accordingly, Conscience is nothing then but a magnetized condition from subconsclousness. The magnetized needle always vibrates with the north pole of right. Crime may result from insanity, caused by a derangement of the five senses, but behind every dark slde of the human mind of five senses there lurks the ever-shining sun of consclence. There is energy behind every heart vibration and it is the insane, the fool and criminal who will tell you so. eeee 1s the alphabet an instrument created from our subconscious mind? If so, we could by an alphabetical arrangement foretell a bit of the fixed future. And if the alphabet ia an instrument from our subconsciousness It must also be in accord with the law of vibrations, which is mathematics. Mathematics is the most accurate, precise and exact science known within our knowledge. Then ff the future is fixed it can be mathematically measured by the prophet, the seer, the power of second sight, or by the super-mathematician, ee ee The alphabet is an instrument created from the subconscious mind. The English alphabet has stood the test of the centuries and it is created from all the other alphabets of the world, A thing that has existed for the centurles must vibrate with all the sub- conscious currents, otherwise that thing would not exist. The al- phabet is an instrument of vibration. When we utter sound we make vibrations. Everything is vibrations, Ali things heing equal, vibration is concentrative energy at a certain point overcoming gravitational balance of 14.7 pounds per square inch pressure. aeee Our names are given us before we are born, Our names must have subconscious significance and must vibrate with the general ssubconsciousness, Our names are creatures created from the alpha- bet and vibratory origin. Thus at certain times the subconscious forces vibrates certain letters in our names as the subconscious force shifts with the planetary movement of the Solar System. een e Tu creating my “ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE” I dis- covered it to be music, or that the scale of music was the same as my “ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE.” With the twenty-six intervals of the alphabet I diseovered the same thing with the twelve intervals in music. There Is no such thing as a perfect scale in 22 music, Should the twelve intervals be tuned perfectly on a piano the last interval would be too sharp to make the piano sound in tune, In my “ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE” I encount- ered the same thing in the alphabet.. Therefore my sinzle and dou- ble “open ‘a-z’ ’-vibration will be found at regular intervals In my seale as I fitted the alphabet to mathematics. The double “open ‘a-z' "-vibration oceurs at the expiration of every twenty-six years, Since 1916 to the year “J ‘a-z’ 1920” and to the year 1921 this dou- ble “open ‘a-z' *-vibration has been all-powerful, and perhaps caus- ing all of this wild ‘Jazz music, as the “J 1920"-vibration was pulsatory also in with the “open ‘a-z’’”’, Music, mathematics and alphabet appear to be akin. A certain tune will always make us move, dance or stir some sort of motion or vibration. The letters in our names vibrate at some time or other to the same law or MASS- INTELLECTUAL-PRESSURE, 23 KNOW CHARACTER BY NAME THE KEY There are distinctive associations of letters producing the same “stem-like” Characterisms, Peculiarities, Eccentricities, Individual- ims and Moods which by Name convey Ideas and Mental Images to the mind, Each “cycle will find relativity as follows: Cycle 1—AUKA gives urge to Arts—Letters—Music—Literature, Cycle 2—BLVB in Venture—Banking—Liberalism—Logie—Law. Cycle 8—CWMC in Ambition—-Wit—Magnetism—War. Cyele 4—DXND in Editorial—Directorship—Dictatorial, Cycle 5—-EOYE in Philosophy—Oratory—Eloquence. Cycle 6—FPZF in Metaphysical and Prophetism. Cycle 1—GQ in Religion—-Supernaturalism—Genius. Cycle 8—HR in Romance—History— Precedent, Cycle 9—IS in Initiation—Vision—Science—Egotism—Imitation Cycle 0—JT in Imagination and Invention, ee ee THE VIBRATORY SCALE CALENDAR The Vibratory Scale as shown upon the Calendar is perfect as much so as everything is perfect in conformity to the cycle-like pat tern from the Great Founder's mold, Nature never made a square thing, The earth in its yearly Cycle around the sun requires 365 and 4 odd days, with every fourth year comprising the 366th day, or Leap Year, Therefore there is not a perfect year in a straight line sense —there is always an over-lapping. All motion moves in cycle, thus everytaing that exists must be in Harmony or Vibration to an ever- exacting Curve or Cycle. And what happens to the twelve Calendar Months in making its Oycle of the year also happens with the twelve intervals which compose the musical Scale. The much talked-about “lost chord” in music is lost in each note which is tuned a vibration or so less than perfect to make the Cycle or complete octave. The general Cosmosal or Mass Intellectual Pressure yibration for 1952 is BLY. Persons having these letters or part of these letters in their names will be in tune with the Cosmosal forces during the year and their percentage of vibration will be double powerful on each day of the year where the Scale shows these lettera are vibra- tory. For your percentage of vibration check your full name with the letters shown by the Scale for any day, adding the year vibra- tion as it appears, 24 PUBLISHER’S NOTE PAGES 25-36 ARE NOT MISSING THEY CONTAIN THE YEARLY VIBRATORY SCALE CALENDAR OR ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE AND CAN BE FOUND IN THE BACK OF THIS BOOK FOR THE YEARS 1942 & 1950-1954 Man's Great Subconscious Urge THE SPIRIT WORLD The theory of some Intelligence Divine functioning a Harmonious arrangement or system of Life is sound. We gaze back over the murky-mysterious past and find the ever will-o’-the-wisp fleeting thought is the pursuit of the soul. Animism, or the theory of souls, is the ever-iridescent dream since the gleam of life pierced man’s numbed skull. The Spirit World? Yes. The why of the pause of this earthly existence—then the plunge into the Great Unknown—has been the ever-puzzling puzzle. Back of all of this, is a force, an unseen hand that worked the Savage and Barbarian into a state of cul- ture, a philosophy of life, and religion as it is today. Knowledge in some vague way always comes from afar. Life itself has been and is a mystifying force of which we have only been able to feel by the means of the five senses. Is Life, after all, a mere hallucination? What force changes the Savage to his present culture? What makes the rocks move? The idea of holding personal conversations with De- ities, Spirits and Ghosts, appear old as human thought itself. With the ancients when a member of the tribe had fallen asleep or was stunned or was insensible from any cause in which life for the moment had departed from the body, that the member had died and the soul returns to the body when signs of life are seen. It is with this picture that one must look back into the shadowy past when these dark, murky, gloomy, myste- rious impressions filled the dreamy, imaginative savage mind, who thought at death the soul became an ances- 37 tral ghost and would appear in dreams to its family and take their souls on a visit to some far-off heaven Such always has been the one cotnmon thought of al! races and classes of people, that at death the scul passed to a higher and better world—whcther that hu- man be a savage or a man of culture. Man, an animal at birth, is more than an animal at death, Man by his existence here, however, creates a Spiritual Force and it is the only thing he develops here that he did not have when he came. Man depends on his existence here upon the lower forms of life; if the lower forms of life did not exist, man could not exist in his physical image as of today. Upon the existence of man here is depended the spiritual order of life above the Physical. There could not be a Spiritual World unless the Mental forces of the Universe put that idea in man. The existence of such a hope is proof that such a land exists, for every dent in the Conscious mind by dream or otherwise is put there by some Spiritual Force. It is known our thoughts do not come from the cell crea- tures we eat and which maintains our physical strue- tures while ovr minds are continually pierced by some Vibratory-Intellectual Lighting. Thus al] Thought comes from a Force which is Higher than the Worm and that of Man--the Thought that is higher than Man’s must be Divine. The Spiritual existence of Man after separa- tion from the Physical is as natural and possible as is sleep. Man merely separates from his low five sense Vibratory existence as he does many thousands of times during his natural lifetime. Man is a creature of environment and has floundered in the dark for centuries stabbing and snarling at the Vibratory-Thought-Ideas which are continually changing him, but Man is still receiving Divine Impressions from the same place as did the Prophets of Old. Thus Man is a Creature of an Unknown Vibratory Destiny and te get on the other side of the wall one must 38 sever all thought and conception of the Physical image of man as he is today. The Reason one’s mind becomes confused with the things of the next World is because he can not or has never been able to think only within a five-sense Vibratory Plane—thus his opinions of the next World’s existence can only be construed in five- sense calculations, and it is true the fast vibrations of nine quintillions per second which produce Thought, a thing which can not be seen, being too fast for the phys- ieal eye to register its movements, which moves through all solids and space. Then it must follow as true that the Spirit World Vibration would be at a rate of eighteen quintillions per second and be equally too fast for the slow brain cells of nine quintillions per second te reg- ister. Thus is the Vibratory existence of the Spirit World too fast for the brain cells of Man to register, as is the Thought Force too fast for the five senses to reg- ister. Even though Man’s Subconscious Mind is the Ail-See- ing Eye of our Five-Sense World, there dances another World above it that it can not see, being too fast even for the mind of man to think of, much less feel its im- pression. While in a Vibratory sense the Subconscious Mind is directed to run the Physical Body, but the Force that directs it is possibly beyond the Mental Conception of the Subconscio s even so that description is a physical five-sense impossibility—-but the Worm in the mud is doing its work in the great scheme of Creation and is just as Divine as Man, only Man appears to be more akin to the Scpreme Intelligence. When Man can form a conjunction with his Great Unknown Subconscious Self then and there will Man find a way to his Land of Spirituality. Thus Is Our Thought Spiritual. 39 Mass-Intellectual Pressure Why I believe in Premonitions? Because I Know the Power of Second-Sight Belongs in the Region of the 63rd Octave at Nine Quintillion Per Second When and Where the Sub- conscious Mind Becomes the All-Seeing Eye. in my novel, “Humanity and the Mysterious Knight,” written between the years 1902 and 1912, the result of a dream, in which I foretold over one hundred world- events, including the World War and in chronologic se- quence the election of a president with the unknown initial “H,” one of my young lady characters swoons and during the suspension of objective consciousness she fortells many future events which are to happen, among one of which is the defeat of Germany by America in a great international struggle. Of course, this young lady’s friends are all excited, but “the Head Physician, with all the persuasive power of his generous nature, assured them that Marion’s condition (the young lady in question) was not serious and no occasion for alarm The diagnosis was, as he had predicted, that she (Ma- rion) had suddenly expended too much nerve force, and as the body manufactured the necessary amount of hu- man electrical substance, she would be her normal self . .” “ ‘Hysteria is what some doctors call it,’ (this Head Physician continued to say on page 80); ‘but I am of the opinion she has just had a glimpse of the future. You see, when the objective faculties are not working or have responded to sleep, the subconscious mind is 40 awake. While in this condition she could only receive those mental impressions. The objective mind must be dormant and the subconscious faculties must be con- scious before she could produce those scenes so clearly and so vividly.’” * * ” * “He continued: ‘I have often heard of such remark- able cases, but it has never been my lot to attend one. This young lady has wonderful psychic powers; a power that is said to be more prominent in women than in men; however, this is purely speculative, and as it hap- pens beyond the border of concrete things we have more fiction than truth. The case is occult in nature; it is beyond the power of medicine, and I can only deduct my knowledge from hastily drawn conclusions and not from any earnest thought of the subject.’ ” * * * * On pages 19-20 of this same novel one of its char- acters speaks as follows: “‘ . . Love may be in- tellectual or not, but it is an attractive force. This earth, for instances, as it is, a floating speck of dust in the vastless void, is attracted by the law of gravitation. Under this classification one could say that the Moon is in love with the Earth, and that the Earth is flirting with the Sun. If this is love, then love is a vibrating force, always attracting that which is in the same pitch, or in sympathy. Kvery person impels or creates this force. It is not a credulous thing to believe that thoughts are transmitted from one brain to another. Thought is force, possessing energy, and it is called love among the human family when it attracts. The force that at- tracts men and women and all lower animals is the same force that holds this Earth and Stars in their position—and so on in the vastless void—is but Energy!” * * * iJ The mind of man “breathes” its thoughts much in the same sense as the lungs of man “breathes” its air. One should be careful of the “atmosphere” that is entered. 41 Since everything is reduced to a mere question of vi- brations one will find in the mineral kingdom the strug- gle of matter has been one long effort toward Unity. In chemistry the atomic compounds move in chemical octaves and even the rocks move and v‘nrate because of a force which is constantiy displacing their haven of rest. The whole scheme of creation, whether it be stars, rocks or the mind of man, is reduced to one simple sci- ence of vibrations. The whole upward struggle of hu- man life has been what it is by the mere disturbing force making a cellular displacement of the pitch of the hu- man mind. The human hearts starts vibrating around one beat per second. Sound starts at two vibrations per second, making the first octave and ends at the fifteenth octave at 32,768 to 40,000 beats per second. Above this the human ear can not register sound because the rate of vibrations is too fast. : * * * * This energy travels on upward until it reaches the sixty-second octave which is 4,611,525,018,427,387,904 vibrations per second. In this scale of vibrations, be- tween the fifth octave, at 82 vibrations per second, where sound is first heard, to the sixty-second octave, at 4,611,525,018,427,387,904 vibrations per second, where it is too fast for any of the five senses to register, we we have sound, electricity, heat, light and cosmic rays. * * * * Listen! At the sixty-third octave we have reached the enormous rate of vibration at 9,223,052,036,854,775,- 808. In and above nine quintillion beats we have en- tered into the region known as thought, which is the © fastest thing known to man. Here we have entered the region of the All-Seeing Eye, or Subconscious Mind. Here is the great power of the universe which is mind acting directly upon the subconsciousness of mankind. This is the Energy which makes the human heart vi- brate. If not, then perpetual motion is possible. But perpetual motion, or any motion, that is supplied and 42 renewed from itself, or made to vibrate without the intervention of any external cause is not possible, has not been possible, or ever will be possible. Now what is this vibrating force? From whence does it come? Can it be seen? No. It vibrates too fast for the human eye to register its motion. Can it be felt? Yes, for it is nothing but the simple registration of our vibratory electro-resistance of which is made gravimetric pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch. This is the thing we feel and call Life! In a sense it is an electro-resistance to the electro-biological force which vibrates our con- scious life. * ££ * & The receiving station for this great electro-biological force is‘the brain of man. Why is it that when a leg or an arm is cut from the body that man does not die? Why is it that the moment the head is severed that death instantly follows? This is because the electro- vibratory force between the brain and the body is broken! No person can live without a brain. To suffer the loss of an arm or leg is nothing! * * * * Then the brain must be the great vibratory-receiving station for the electro-biological current which must be and is the great Power of the universe! And when man sleeps he merely turns off the electro-vibratory switch, so to speak, while this current or fluid is continually passing through a vertain part of the brain taking care of parts that are as mysterious to him as is the stars above. oo _Man is a creature of vibratory-impressions only. In this world he is a creature of but five sense-impressions, namely: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching —but there are perhaps 5,000 other senses used by the insects, of which we know nothing. If man is not a creature of the Five Senses, what is he? If these five senses are not instruments which record vibratory-im- pressions, what are they? Then if man does not re- 43 ceive his thoughts through vibratory-impressions, how does he get them? If there is not a vibratory-current everlastingly making a vibratory-pressure upon man’s mentality from birth until death, how could he receive his thought-impressions? This force is always passing through the body, or the mind, either when man is asleep or awake. This electro-vibratory current is always acting in conjunction with the Universal Mind of the Universe, which is mind-force, itself vibratory. * * * * The great power of the universe is Mind, I said in my novel “Humanity and the Mysterious Knight,” nearly twenty years ago. It is the electro-biological force working in conjunction with the subconscious mind of man. This great force is intelligence, it may be spirit- ual, it may be electricity, it may be the Law of Gravita- tion, it may be the same force that takes a tiny seed and produces a giant tree! It may be anything you may want to call it, but the moment it strikes the brain- cells of man, it puts a vibratory-gleam of its force in it which is a conscious understanding of an intellectual life! * - * * All life is but the result of a vibratory force! All of the universe itself is sustained by a vibratory-force. All the speculative theories can be said, but one thing sure is the brain registers vibratory impressions—then if the brain registers vibratory impressions through the five senses, it must receive its vibratory thought force in the same manner. In the subconscious life of 9,000,- 000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, perhaps all men may be equal—but their differences in Conscious Life is only in the vibrations of their five senses, where each conscious little atom is trying to regulate and legislate its own eyesight-view vibration upon the whole world, but a man of weak-eyed vibration can never make a law for the stronger-eyed vibration. Consequently the law of the land must have the general vibratory approval 44 of the conscious five-sense world. It is the most sensi- tive brains that register the finest thoughts and it is in this high vibratory brain cells only that decrees the man of culture from the brute. If one could but shut himself off from the vibratory- impressions of the five senses and be conscious of all the subconscious forces, he would correct much sickness of the body which is the result of wrong five-sense im- pression of thought. We are creatures of a Force which changes us. This Force is always giving the mind the life-light it is con- scious of having during awakened moments and “once in awhile” making a dent upon the objective mind, thus causing man to be a creature of the Vibratory Thought World with an Idea. This is the Force which turns our Earth on its axis every twenty-four hours and it never turns again in the same “‘astrophere,” thus in this vi- bratory Mass Aeriform surrounding this Earth, or any Planet we change in our thoughts and views of life in that the highest pinnacle reached yesterday must be surmounted today, and every “tomorrow’s determina- tion” is set that to-day’s best will be outdone. Thus a Mass Intellectual Pressure surrounds this Earth, the same in all countries, and its Vibratory Im- pressions will be spoken in their different tongues—a man hurts his finger, his brain will receive the Vibra- tory Pressure of the hurt. If a Frenchman, he will cuss in French; if an Englishman, he will cuss in English— but the mind of either will have received the same Vi- bratory Impression. After all, it is the fastest moving brain cells that de- termines the intellectual force of man and to whom the “gods give their breath.” But the GREAT SUBCON- SCIOUS MIND, unexplored since Adam first received the gleam of God and his Maker, remains the ever- puzzling puzzle—the jungle land of Man’s Dream—in 45 there must be the Secret of Life. The Great Struggle of the Universe is yet to be played by “Giant Minds” in the Mighty Sixty-Fourth Octave, and it is my premoni- tion that the Romance of the Great Unknown will be written by the Master Mind who can take a drop of blood and see a world of things a billion years ago and a billion years hence. Such will be the Scroll of some Master Genius whose Mind will find the Vibratory Pitch and then will be written The Great Expose of the Uni- verse. 46 THE “ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE” AP- PLIED TO THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT PROVES EVERY PRES- IDENT ELECTED IN CHRONOLOGIC ORDER (SOME OF THEIR INITIALS) THAT THE PAST OF THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN FIXED FOR OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS. The Presidents Who Were Elected Vibrated to the “Alpha-Matho Vibratory Seale.” The Defeated Candidates for the Presidency Did Not Vibrate at Certain Times and When They Did 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1796 SeM eg dae 1796 1197 1798 1799 aPovwvoZrzepwe nt we ao Rom SOO w > 1800 1801 1802 1803 w a@eay RrwA.g They Were Successful 8-Con Ball) Washington became the first resident of the United States on the “S I 1789 7 3 vibration, This vibratory pulsation has also the “open ‘a-x'" call, which runs into the U “U K A 1791 U” pulsation, Washington vi- brated with this scale at this time more than V any of his eleven opponents. . W—Washington’s re-election occurred on the “W M C 1793. W.”" His opponents were: John Adams, X Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Pinckney, Aaron Burr. John Adama receiving the second num- Y ber of votes, was again made vice-president. Z—John (Boylston) Adams. Adams’ power came from his mother’s name, Roviston, which vi- brated the “Y O E 1795 Y." Adams’ “OOO”. pull and other vibratory letters, made him all- powerful over pease Jefferson, Thomas Pinckney, Aaron Bu: Samuel Adams, Oliver Eligworth, Geonee Clinton, John Jay, James Iredell and others. Jefferson receiving second number of votes, wes made vice-president. —Thomas (Randolph) Jefferson. Jefferson's power started on his initials with the “T J A 1800” vibration. Aaron Burr's power came also on the “A U K 1801 A” vibration, John B Adams, Charles C. Pinckney and John Jay were also in the race for the presidency, There be- C ing a tie vote for Jefferson and Burr, the choice devolved upon the House of Representa- tives. Jefferson was made president and Burr vice-president. 47 OZEC Roy amo Ryaw> NS KR 2408 ovo 2 Bene maoDaw Pp “may anoy mx Oa gy “M3<0 Guye x OZRr Aa Pyoz “xaqcqnan N Aas BF Oe> aueRow 1824" 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 : ney. His power D—Jefferson was re-elected over Charles C, Pinck- mn with the “nd (Ran- F dolph on the “D N 1804 D” pulse. His “Oo vibrated the “EY O 1805 E." Pinek- G ney appears to receive but a faint quiver, preaee (Conway) Madison, Madison's heavy os- cillation began on the “I § 1809 2” vibration, I and also with “ J T 1810 J” leaving Charles K C. Pinckney and George Clinton without a ae L ple. Madison oscillation continued on the M C W 1813 M,” making DeWitt Clinton and N Jared Ingersoll ‘‘also-rans,” who had contested © his success. Madison's terrible vibration ex- tended to the “O E ¥ 1815 0” pulse. P—James (Jones) Monroe. Monroe's terrible vi- Q bration st on the “O E ¥ 1815 O," making R his victory over Rufus King complete at the T—James (Jones) Monroe. Monroe's victory over John Quincy Adams was in his “T J 1820"~ pull as welt as his vibration on “S I 1819 8.” y His natural “R” assured victory. having had a greater subconscious pull than Adams at the Start. =—fohe (Smith) Quincy Adams. Adams’ fight for the presidency between Henry Clay and Y Andrew Jackson, resolved into the House of Representatives, which gave him the preal- Z% dency. But in the Electorial Sollegs Jackson had received 99 votes to Adams’ 84 and Clay's 87. This vote of 99 for Jackson shows his great subconscious vibration; but It was as- serted by some of Jackson's friends that Adams had bribed Clay. * ~Andrew (Hutchinson) Jackson. Jackson's di- rect “R H 1828” call, with his “S I 1829” and “T J 1830," made him defeat Adams for his re-election by twice the electorial vote, B—Ulay, Webster and Calhoun of 1833, “C WM 1833'C" did not affect Jackson's sweeping vie~ tory for re-election, when opposed by Henry D olay, John Floyd and William Wirt Jeck- E son's vibration extended on “A BC D E™ to the open “FZ P 1836 F.” F—Martin (Hoes) Van Buren. Van Buren owes his victory over William Henry (Bassett) fare & fison, Hugh L. White, Dantel Ws wy lie P. ace (all whigs) to ane su] given him vice-president under J: I The vibration of “H R 1838 H” appeared to be a call for Harrison. 48 Ovoz- Ogee quan KMg< ozmer mee nN \- RoR S ow > Seda Aw HQ qH 2er Rew non mag sh 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1861 1852 1854 1855 1856 1867 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 ea Henry fon, ee Harrison's bration: started E N-—James Knox Polk. Polk's victory over Henry the “N P. X 1844 N” vibra- from 8 noid owsh at md Roma entered Mexico. The vibration was “P F Z 1846 P.” The T vibration now Is “Z A” for Zachary. “R H 1848 R” is direct call for" “Old Rough and U Ready.” Zachary Taylor died July, 1850. The “T J 1850 T” is direct call for Taylor, July, Za. 1850 Taylor. What does the “T J ZA 1850 T” and “U K A 1851 U” vibrations mean? Wm. Henry Harrison died on this vibration, it walled Tas Taylor, too. Millard Fillmore (rightly. named) and vibrating on the “W M C 1853 W” oat “V L B 1852 V™ fill more of Taylor's V—Franklin (Kendrick) Pierce. Pierce's victory ‘W over Winfield Seotp was net so much in any a certain winention aes advantage was in his Y “ks,” “‘ms,’* “RRBs.” Z—James (Speer) Buchanan. Buchanan's success over John C. Freemont and Millard Fillmore in with the “¥Y O E 1855 ¥” on his Ea.” He shook the “ a-z” vibration with his “AAAs.” His “SS” quaking “S I 1859," which more than offset Fillmore’s one “R” advantage. —Abrabam (Hanks) Lincoln, “AAAA-vibration on the “oper A him an easy victor over Stephen, Arao old Doug- jas, J. C. Breckenridge and John Bell, Lin- B coln's vibration started m the tise a 1859." 1859 was the year of the famous L In-Doug- © las debate. The “I” is for filtnols where the debate was held. But that unknown terrible D “A U_K_ A” vibration, which had already sounded Wm. Henry Harrlson’s and Zachary 49 ‘as ozmt AS Boom aavonw qx set > aovaD No wom Oy gow. Gun oOvoz Aen agny MH ag ozmr o wo HMSeddnn aw 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 187. 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 E Taylor's call to the Great Beyond, found assas- sination with its fatal “AAAs.” “D X N 1864 F D” found Lincoln's re-election confronted by George Brinton McClellan’s “NNNs,” but can- G cellation left Lincoln the victor yet. On the “E Y O 1865 E” pulsation Booth (OO) in Ford (O) Theatre, made Lincoln’s (0) vice-president oaeed (OO) president on the “E ¥ O 1865 H—Ulyssess Simpson Grant. After a little cancel~ ] lation Horatio Seymor iad only “HORO” to ight Grant’s “SSSSs," “NNs, LL” and “G,” K Seymour vibrated “H R 1868 H. Grant gave “I'S 1869 I” a terrible spasm with his “SSSSs."" L He tickled “L BL 1872 L? and gave “N D X M 1374 N” a double convlusion Grant's agitation N extended far past the 1872 contest, and it is O needless to say that Hora-ce Greeley received the same fate as did Hora-tio Seymour. P—Rutherford Birchard Hays, The contest for the presidency between Samuel Jones Tilden Q and Hays are in Hays’ favor, While the “R H 1878 R” vibration of 1878 and are Rutherford R Hays’ initials “R. H.” Tilden’s “S I 1879 S” is a call for Samuel, and the “T J 1880 T” vibra- S tion is Jones Tilden’s initials “J T.” Of course Hays’ “RRRRs" are a terrible convulsion in themselves. Tilden obtained the popular vote, Hays the presidency, T—James Abram (Balloon) Garfield. Garfield’s mighty “AAAAA” vibration defeated Winfield U Scott Hancock. But remember there Is that terrible “U K A 1881 Charles J. Guiteau, VY whose name vibrates also, shot Garfield. Ches- ter A, Arthur, hse name vibrates, became ‘W president. X—Grover (Neal) Cleveland. Cleveland’s vibrated ¥ more than James Gillespie Blaine in every vi- Z bration from 1884 to the double “VV” in 1892. —Benjamin Irwin Harrison. The vibration of “R H 1888” with Harrison’s initial “H,” with Harrison’s “RRRs” “IIIs” and trembling every beat in his immediate vicinity, defeated A Grover Cleveland for re-election, B—Grover (Neal) Cleveland, But the puisation © of 1892 found Cleveland hammering Benjamin Irwin Harrison with his “LLLs,” “VVs" D “EEEEs,” with a powerful immediate call on E his initial “C” in “C W M 1893 C” vibration, which defeated Harrison for re-election. 50 RrA - Roe N « 4 2 < qHHD OVOZ a> 24eadXawonw POD OZ RM RON Onno n 2 e x 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 F—Wm. (Allison) McKinley. McKinley's “LLLs” and “MAKOI" defeated Wm. Jennings Bryan's “NNs” and “JGBR.” McKinley's “LLLs” gave him three vibrations in the 1892 beat. “‘C-M” in 1893 made him five vibrations. Th ‘0 1895 gave him 6 vibrations, Bryan's “NNs' 1894, “BB” 1892, made him 3 vibrations. Bryan's “G"-pull 1897 reduced McKinley one vibration. Bryan's double “R’-pull reduced McKinley power to $-vibrations. The “I” 1899 gave Me- Kinley 4 vibrations when Bryan's vibrated with his last “J”. 1900. In the Bryan-McKinley campaign of 1900 Bryan polled less votes than in 1896. McKinley's power was greater for he had reached his “K" vibration. But four presl- dents had found that terrible “K A U 1901 K." Do vibrations repeat? McKinley was born on his initial vibration “M C 1843 WM." That terrible “C” became an open “Z-A" vibration. The “F Cz P 1896 F,” when he was first elected president. F. Czolozs assassinated McKinley. Does vibrations tepeat. Lincoln's assassin had two “OOs,”* Johnson had two “OOs,”" cae had two “OOs,"" Roosevelt bad five “OOOO0Os,” and they all vibrated on the “OE ¥. 1905 0" vibration as they did in 1865. RrAaen Ba N—Theodore (Bullock) Roosevelt. Roosevelt's heavy O five “OOOOO"-pulsation defeated Alton B. P Parke ho contested his right to be re-elected Q 01n the “O E Y 1905 O” heat. R—Wm. Howard Taft. Taft's direct vibratlon on a his initial “H” “R H 1908 R,” defeated Wm. U Jennings Bryan for the presidency. ‘V—Woodrow Wilson. Wilson's victory over Taft and Roosevelt was in his direct “WWW" “W M W C 1913 W” call. His four “OOOOs" reduced Roosevelt's “OOO00x" to one “O,"" which with X another vibration for Wilson in “X N D 1914 X,” Roosevelt's power was null. Taft appeared Y not to have any direct vibration. Z—Woodrow Wilson. Agalnst Woodrow Wilson's powerful initial “WW" vibration of “W M C 1913 W* and his terrib'e “OOO0"-pulsation on the “Y O E 1915 Y," defeated Charles E. Hughes, who opposed Wilson for re-election. The closing days of his administration shows no future vibrations. —Warren Gamatiet (Dickerson) Harding. Hard- ing vibration on the “open-A" with his heavy A YXAAA™ bombardment, which was nothing B Short of what may he characterlzed as spasms, Hefoated James M. Cox, whe had minor subcon- © scious call Supplemented.—But five Presidents had al- ready found that terrible SAUKA” vibration. Do Vibrations and Cycles repeat? The sixth consecutive cycle has repeated. “ CMWC-1923

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