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‘THE MASTER KEY OF DESTINY, PREFACE, ‘This little book should be worth its weight in gold to every man and womaa, young or old, desiring to make ‘of their life and opportunities, nce prosperity or adversity. ane to measure the exact duration of each period of gain 1u when to seek favors from others, when to ing uncanny about these principles con- 1d herein. They are based upon the Secret Tesch Ings of the Ancient Egytians, Chaldeans, Babylonian, . Hindus and Chinsse who have used ‘AS stated in our Bible, these ancient peoples believed that God placed the win and. stars in the heavens as signs and symbols for man and centu nusands upon thous sesertions, by stars, Instead of being victims ‘Wards of God. Therefore, the study fan understanding of the celestial they are interpreted will Tree. all ids have proven ‘but that ‘his greatness lay i stakes of ordinary man. Prac thelr principles. No matter what fe may ‘be, you will 6nd. them an idvin the conducting of your, everyday sand in the solving of perplexing problems. THE AUTHOR, THE MASTER KEY OF DESTINY. CHAPTER ONE. a ~~_=—=—SEr sstordy of the varie fates of ask we Rod wane et aver Sehmaae mega mare | were tohanpcnn ae ‘among. the ox - Prope a DRE, ee eatin mtn ge Ue etalon ats seinad ou BB ee or Ler Piss lane gn ln ad SoS il life and the religious attitude of the world’ i’ genera, Site lia age Sees Rye oe, Coming down tthe 186 entry we hae the fore SUAS BN SFE ngaoes of Botany od Se Dey nce nent gece ese ge Sek, cat ye Se Habs Se" werk of eke ‘se ants the Eteach Magee af

Royal adsiaide Grits 1 ‘Aug. 29, 1922 Nahr ee i se ler 1844, and at the Of 2) years, or ia 1864 he Exhibit 1. 1864 2 1684 equals 2. feven years later, when he was 27 years of age, the great Chicago fire and local panic destroyed his Irian he bong Now let us examine bornNovember 25, Banibie 5, $0, Paragraph “When Ruling ike organized. the Edgar Thomson Steel Works which earned over $300 000i pros during ite Best year of ‘The foregoing examples show concluslvely that every. let the rule of the Accanes just Totals for Mr. A, Year Arcane equiis 22 Month Arcane eg Week Arcane equs Day Arcane equals oss, Bele founded by Bare decane 22, The Blind Foo! 16 Arcane 1, OSIRIS—THE CROWN, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the Supreme God, the Lord of Hosts who predestines, cone gpole and directs all fe manifestations throughout the reeupied by fs ion and ‘Aga conqueror, he the Bright Stmour of undimmed confiden Thead is pro: ected by the helmet of Crea ligence Jeft‘arm he carrier the shi ynt hand grasps the naked sword of pointed towards the earth, symbolizing his readiness to Begin the battle of life have good but thoula al ates: ave" good con ut ahould pay careful atten Hon t0 diet, and all eating foods or ‘etimutante chould be avoided DISPOSITIONS. ‘Those ruled by this Arcane are generous, happy, snot, etndi, anata = Exact. Thay potcess quick tempers, but forgive read tnd hold no grudges “They are generally populae and spec PAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments they are inclined to sellandalgence, fatter Slackmness, vanity and uscless display. They ‘see their own ide of every question, and there unwanted. advice toat the By vere they to follow it theses, OCCUPATIONS, They make good Presi Chairmen, Corporation Executives, Managets, font Heads, Generals, Trastsen, Taventors, F Merchants, Artiste, Schoolmasters, Decorator ers, Gilera, Jockeys, C fepecially Bited for sity, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promis advancement to postions of honour and authority ae to the hates, position in hfe. They “80 Ts large cities or governmental employ. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or leser pe the life t promises promotion, prsferment, inet Income anda prosperous happy period. general iy ood time in which to stati new etprises. ITS KEYNOTES are Domination, Egotism, Todi vidoalty and Acton 7 Arcane 2, ISIS THE DIVINE MOTHER. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym bolizes the Absolute Being in ity maternal, feminine pect, vis in a glass the Past the Heavenly’ form, supplies one ine Love necessary for their jou ley of Lite, hey through the V: IN THE Cow! Vestal Virgin, vei which mark the entrance to the wayside temple of ‘arthly "pleasure, “The columns are emblematic of Mammon and Worldly ambition, the insidious forces ih Ture humanity to destriction; while the veled Virgin represents. the Conscience which steddfast to the road of Duty and Spiritual Atainment. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the unbroken tle between the toul and the source from which it sprang. the union of man and woman, the Grown of Creation THOSE RULED by this “Arcane possess bot of moderate 7 peculiar rolling essing warm 2 to which the? te very sunceptbe, DISPOSITIONS. Those ruled by this Arcane have vivid imaginations, retentive memories, fondness for Thome and ehldres, high ideals agreeable and allant manners, and a strong Sttraction for those of the oppo" FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, moments this Arcane inclines its ts, Laundresses, cals, Wine Merchants, Manulacturers and Dealers in fruit juices and liquids, Waitresses, Bartenders. and Handlere and Dealers in common commodities WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises a moderate degree of progress with many changes but in the end the native will overcome hie obstacies and Achieve a reasonable degree of success. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of Me it promises changes and unsettled income, journeys. that ace ing to men, as well az a violent but short for the want of the other sex ITS KEYNOTES are Change, Instability and Flexi- witty, tna) Arcane %, HORUS —URANIA, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym: bolizes the balanced wisdom and sustained the Supreme Godhead whose unalterable Wi forth like IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolize Horus, the young son, crowned with twelve stare, per twelve functions of Creative Intelligence, In (hand ie a glabe tipped scepter, emblematic of domination dver snimal fe and the lesser forces of navarey wh Jht hand points upwards toward an eagle in Fight, signdying the desie of the Human Soul to return to its intial’ Heavenly home. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the highest products of human endeavor, the perfect fits Of nature, the union of body, soul and spice. THOSE, RULED by this Arcane possess wel-pro- portioned bodies, good complexions, clear eyes, browd foreheads and. an open, fran countenance. “They are honest, just and incere, endowed. with boundless nergy. ‘They. should. avoid over-exertion, eat blood nourehing foods and indulge in moderate ‘outdoor sports DISPOSITIONS, Those ruled by this Arcane are jovial, honest, highly talented, energetic, fond of argu: Inent, truchearted and lovers of law, philosophy and (Saige eddy. ey ae Yond oren rand ponces boundless ent est an. active. Instinct towards helping others, bat ah ‘bared bre through for good and a FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. their confidence In their weale and to litter away thei make good Judges, Coun Coilegtans, amyers,* Doctor Negatatory Deters tn Come ial pap dv ttortgages, Explorers, Agi Solalers, ‘Provision Dealers, Commission "Merchants, Grocers: Mechanics, Clothing Merchante or Manat halons, Wook brokers, Buyers and: Deslere in Hotel Keepers, Mim Actors, Vaude- ‘Garber, on WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane usually indicates one who will rise to high honors as measured fone who will be reepected and , business oF community. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of , the life it promises the support of those in autho tapecialy Inwyers and the clergy. Te gives prosperity promotion, increased income and happiness. ITS KEYNOTES are Expansion, Growth and Per- 09] Arcane 4, LUCIPER—THE FALLING STAR, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane eyr bolizes the emptying of the vial of Divine wrath tpon the Realms of Barty and Soul of Man IN THe CONSCIOUS REALM it eymbolizes Luck fer, the sun of rman, seeking to Increave his individ: iy theeugh Force’ and Déminat IN THE MATERIAL REALM W symbolizes Luci fer as a man crowned with the dim star of earth dor: nation, sitting ats council table surrounded by Di content, gotism, Worlding, Ambition and Greet who Sige him to eoel a : forms, the outpouring of Chao: new cycle of age, THOSE RULED by this Arcane posses neat, stature; strong, well-built bodies. ‘Their com: ions are ruddy to fair, "They usually have ght sand are quite handsome, expecially if "They have a reasonable degree is essential that they be kept free fry. Their eyes should be caretully protected and care be observed in diet as they are susceptible te Blomaine poloning and acute lndige DISPOSITIONS. “Those ruled by this Arcane are magnetic, generous, erudious, somewhat reserved, but je to vislent tempere often destroy all chance of kappine FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In moments its natives are rash, impulsive and given to Opposing everything ‘and everybody, and because of this tendency the temper is seldom well contrelled and folten led, despite their good tense, into foo! "When opposed to others they are dicts. t to goto any extent to force others to ic own way of thinking. OCCUPATIONS. They make good Generals, Sei centists, Astrolog Carpenters, Taxi drivers, and are successful in most uncommon pursuits WHEN RULING THE LIF! a series of sharp ups and downs Eareer. They either, proportion to thei stat lite, become a Napéleon’ or like Lucifer, the Falling Stat, are dropped fom the Heavens to Destruction of the rock beneath, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or tesser pe the life promises the sudden breaking up of loss of employment, upsetting of condition Glecontent and trouble ofall kinds whi the ‘result of the native’s own Impulsive or fo ions for he is the greatest sensation ascker of ITS KEYNOTES are Sensation, Pride, Ones and Seltindulgence. (a1 Arcane $. HERMES —THE HIGH PRIEST. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM thie Arcane sym: holies the Godhead as the Marter of all Secrets and gulating” the Infinite manifestations of conic and tnctary ite By means of AUS alembrachg. Unt INTHE CONSCIOUS REALM it eymbotzes Spc. itoal perception and reception, by. which mankind inaintdlns connection with the Absolute IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Her- mes the High Priest, seated tn the sanctaary of the ‘Tenple of True Perception, his left hand resting on the tiple cross pertonilying the act of the heaven, mental and material worlds; fis right hand he makes the sign of lence {ation and at hie feet kneel the unredeemed, seeking the blesings of Divine Hllamination as the mersenger ot the gods, THOSE RULED by this Arcane gene rather tll bodie Pleslons, brown eyes, good sight anda fctive mind, They "hive a quick, active. wally but Should guard themcelves against exposure and nervous Strain, “The tuoge ‘Mould’ be watched and Gare taken that the vital Hulds of the body are not ‘wasted, ail fattening. and. heating {oode should "be Solded. “Outdoor sports will prove beneficial, DISPOSITIONS. ‘Those roled by this Arcane never seem able to keep their hands or fect stil, are apt in Acquiring languages, impulsive, changeable, and ner ‘Soutly active Fond of changing around the arrange Tent of furniture, but are seldem entirely happy. They fave great personal charm and are. joyous, eloquent and ingenious. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak momenta, they are subject to extravagance, wayward: nets, ightiness, ckleness, change and the Untcrups Tous’ eof other people's toney or propery ‘OCCUPATIONS. ‘They make good Writers, Ave thors, Protestors, Secretaries, Steampsnip and Corpora: Often Siesta Geologie Interpreter Ae ‘Guatrymen, Nurses, Strong cewards, Dairymen, Lavatory Attendants, Scavenger WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane makes a hard struggle for the native, to acquire or finish hi successful life, YEAR, or lesser period of ‘partially fortunate Eycle. but all gains made will be as a resule of hard struggle and toon dissipated or lost.” It is a changeable, unstable Accompanied by anslety and worry But in the Tig KEYNOTES are Learning, Acti and’ Variety. [71 ty, Commerce Arcane 6 ASTARTE —EROS. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM thie Arcane sym- Dollies the effect of Divine Love as the uniting power which brought order and harmony out of Chao IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the equilibrium or balanced harmony of the Univerte, every clement of which is held by God's Love to its ap- pointed place and to'the expression of its true natu IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbol cording to sex A rte or Eros, the-young sun, ‘the garb of Vircue, and Pl inthe garb of Vice; whi ze makes ready to speed the arrow of Blessing or conse: ‘Thus, pertonifying the antagonism of ight snd the binding ‘of effects to oh THOSE RULED by this Arcane bodies, large faces, expressive ey wooden nent of aca atts ae s5,cht Bey and ney ol phy execs eal be wien in hee ren ant heareg bine cme seri, ere metiet teva otra aed ey Southuctanne wnitaay oi rite rede amrrens sm DTRRORIRTONE, Tote indo tie Arr et EE Ih ee Sas See oedere cae. ele paling, eon anna Wiehe dl iloundde ba te bated BR ieee go rena Pacers anole canneteee e eee eAUTS AND TECULURITIES, Seah sone trong oy eer SEEGER Ole erate eet Reber, pOeCUPATIONS, they ae ot Aes Bee Sern, rogue, Menderes, Moun Rete Aa ei ete Aa erurang Men, Bromeliad or fea bien couch Soa seers, Due n Wott i aodene, sumer, Males fat, totes, Shr mar nt Du Com every bute, Basen, Pare ‘hey should not manage, do best in or in the occupations autlined above. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or the life it inclines the native toward which aistuc TS KEYNOTES are Poetry, Art, Music, Social Accomplishments, Affections and the ‘practical appli- cation of things to their ends. (21 Arcane 7, POSEIDON— THE CHARIOT DRIVER, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym- Dolizes the Supreme Being as a Charicteer, driving pairs of white and black herses, personifying ‘opposite nd conficting forces according to HIS will. Thus, expressing the domination of the Divine’ Will over matter_and all Ife manifestations, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the goal of human attainment go beaatiully portrayed Buddha when he said, "He who Keepa’the Chariot of his Passions under Control, I call the Driver of Charlot; He who does not, merely holds the reins.” IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes that the victory of human emancipation ean only through the sevenfold. path of “right thought, right resolve, effort and ‘ight action. Victory gained through intelligence, the development ‘of which is the purpose of life. THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess short bodies; full, pale faces; large eyes; brown hs arms and legs: and eshy hands complaints ‘which are di gout, scurvy, and contagious Overansicly, worry and over-feeding should be stud ously avoided. DISPOSITIONS. Those ruled by this Arcane are full of life, magnetic, intuitive, generous and eaty going up to & certain point when they will fght like agers They are seldom foo i nce and demonstrate great determination a coming obstatles; are changeful, passionate, Loyal, cult to know and_ generally live om the border between their higher and lower natures for which reason, they are frequently unseited, restless, ambitious 4nd inclined to undoual Occupations, FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments they are inclined toward improvidence fi fang cravings for physical stimu: Tants, and’are'subject to deceit and overthrow. ‘OCCUPATIONS. ‘They make good Seamen, Dealers and Manufacturers in cotton, tobatco, drugs, t22, coffee find chemicals whore moain’base ia water, They are Iso fuceess{ul as Corporation Officials, Railcoad OFF Cials, Theatrical Managers, Comic Singers, Actors, Pro- moters, Politicians, Mine's, ‘Fish Dealers, Pason oF Hospital Attendants, Nurees, Bird Dealers and Brewers, ang are succees(al when dealing with masses. WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises many changes, uncertain fortunes, great gains fol bby large losses, and women at some time exer Influence upon’ the welfare of the native. They are much more fortunate daring latter half of life. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life it promises sharp Auctuations health, but during its reign the native fertte honor glory and succene PATS EVNGTES ace Love, Unity, Inspiration and erception, (231 Arcane 8 KRONOS—THE HERMIT. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym: bolizes God as the Great Teacher watching threwgh eyes of Love every effort made and every step gained in our strugele toward Lite Eternal HE and HE alone sees and understands our ‘moments of weakness or trial, for after each ervor or misstep be lifts ue back upon the Path and instead of condemning, HE igspices us onward and. upward ‘towards our, Final IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the Conscience, man's ever present guide and friend, urging him ‘to tear from is eyes the bandage repreventing the valor of his ignorance 40 that he may eee ahead the clear, straight road of human emancipation IN ‘THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the adveriurer of Arcane One with bis armor, his shield id helmet cast acide, leaning, wounded upon a forest ‘on which {a inscribed, is true, ithe dare only that which he can attempt and then go forward with unbroken ‘will he is bound some day fo find beneath his hand, the key to Power andAttainment.” THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess a some- what slim figure, ‘They usually have a large nose, cm lips, small beard, dark thin hai, and Geep-ret eyee with heavy brows. Care should be taken against colds and Infectious “diseases, ‘for which reason animal food should be avoided. DISPOSITIONS. Those ruled by this Arcane are often depressed and eeldom happy unless they have something to worry about; are fond of long walks, Grives, mountain climbing, outdoor sports and are very particular about the location of their home, object to Envolity and are strong i ambition, desire to FAULTS AND PEt moments they are inclined towards worldly ara Tn their weak raw views, deersnaion to nsceed af Sry ee Whining about How people treat them; Drying to the Beale of others and spending too much to Heep Sin te owl QECUPATIONS. They make good Dealers ip land and property, Bankers, Financets, Pawnbrokers, Money Tenders, Mi Plumbers, “arcihest ‘Aecnta, Diplomats, ‘Nuns, Literary Workers, Monks, Aatigua sts, Dealers in Sporting Goods, Undcreers, ‘of heavy materials, Dealers in leather, wool or lead, Farmers, Horshoers and Ship Chai WHEN RULING THE LIFE this Arcane generally ives hard stevggle with many impediments and much in and effort to make all ends mect, but is good for financiers and bank employees. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the fe it promises an arc of strain and stile, the Breaking, up of old es and separations TTS “KEYNOTES. are Prudence, Caution and Patience. 124) Arcane 9, JANUS —THE WARRIOR. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym- Spaeth Wiel, Energy and all Pervading Ai of the SUPREME MIND which produces, ‘and directs to its Final Goal the des IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the outpourings, of mane inner nature which te to fight le's battles to a victor IN THE MATERIAL REALM it and an unbroken will congt Sa we can by divine grace win our way to the Baal gaat THOSE RULED by this Arcane pousess spare but trong bodies, siatures abave average, long thie faces ick shouldets, shallow comple light eye tandy hair, strong’ const should. get Bleaty of avoid overstrain, overeating and Gulgence in rare meats or stimulating drink, RISTOSITIONS. [Those ruled by this Arcane are terprising, generous, sincere, quick to anger, fea at, festless, enthusiastic, hopeful and most’ of the time quite courageous, They Tike fr & (deep sincere love for their homes, making hee mothers, aplendid “husbands and excellent veldigns ‘They are usually ingenious, a the importance of favors shown’ them, posite goed to talk about themselves, are jealous, furious wher told thetr faults and are much inclined te ‘ations an a rent of OCCUPATIONS, ‘They make good Surgeons, Den- tists, Chemists, Authors, Weitere Oratoree Tnventony Explore ry Oficers, Soldiers, Pioneers: Tire: wet, Pele Oni and Poleanes, ovmnatt Ex ployees, Surveyors, Salesmen, Iron aod Steel Workers, Phonograph B tile, Manufacturers sed Dealers, Veterinary Surgeons, Cattle Dealers Butchers Blacksmiths, Grooms, Velet, Doormen and Posters WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this A WHEN RULING ANY YEAR or lesser period, it Promises much strife, annoyances through others, gain through, sitions or enterprises. There wif be ‘much activity, increase in income, traveling and hability to loss through fire or accidents, ITS KEYNOTES are Enecgy, Keennes and Accidents, t Arcane 10, FORTUNAS—THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the connecting link between the Divine fatal. ith which man has been endowed and the stage of, environment on which he plays his part. Free this Arcane on he gathers the experience {fe holdem SONSCIOUS REALM it symboizes youth ready. to Bloom iat ma or waned fquinfed a only the God of the Heavens ean noes him for the field of 5 os ich was placed two ange ‘Bgures 2 lion and a. bul ‘thus personilying inevitable cont sequence, whic fated to Blossom into THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess good bodies, broad shoulders, large, prominent eyes, ight of ellowish ais, an oval face and muddy ‘complexion, while below we how every act 8 ‘are. to be be given the lungs 1 overstrain, by this ‘Arcane are energetic, rather proud of family and possess ail of the cibutes of @ good leader, being enterprising, inven Fesourceful, constant, good. natured and. happy Their power of concentration is strong, their clearnecs of mental vision good and are clever af repartee at repartee, FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments they are inclined to go to law, to be too indulgent, susceptible to Aattery, slackness. and ism, Uazy'and selfish. They also have a habit of butting into things that do not concern them, to give unwanted advice, to set up standards for others to Hse by and are ‘OCCUPATIONS car ‘and orderiy. They make good Inventors, Ge- Service ‘Men, Church Bignitanes, Presidents, “Traateen,Gosernment Managers, Depariment Heed Treasuttre, Artiste, School Bircipale Teschers, Aveo Desughtemen, Jevelery Jockeys, Coachmen, Butlere and ace generally hited for-pontions ef responsi ang authority, making eepecaiiy good Seles Managed WHEN RULING THE Link ts Arcone mongecs elevatio ne of responsiblity, hone general Success inte and many wellzarned henore WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the Ie, it promises promotion, preterment and shoei Bonjour peri, HCGe capt good Tor the Sep Ring gl new enterprises of a id . TS KEYNOTES are Domination, Egotiam, Action and pronounced Individual. (261 Arcane 11, THE GLITTERING INTELLIGENCE— CLENCHED FIST. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym. bolises the transitory nature of if, the eects of good symbolizes that to tg Toteligence of THOSE RULED by thin Arcane usually possess rather tall, Slender to ‘stocky bodies, with Fandsome pes, davk wavy hie and ediom coimplexions, Care ‘Mould be taken against overstraine an they are enpecs Fasceptible to. preumonin, dieaten and nervous calla DISPOSITIONS. ne cer tpes ret by A DAPORTIONG, Te ab ee eb fee re ena oe oe coats, AND PEGALARINES, te et ecregzaee Loans deans ifshness, arrogance and abuse of power, OCCUPATIONS. They make good Joureal Writers, Editors, Noted Orators, Real Estate Agents Surveyors, Mus'clans, Singers, Composers, Entertainers, ‘Astrologians, Adve ‘mien, Secretaries, Rel ‘Gommircial Salespeople, At ‘Telephone Officials, Typists, Bookkeepers, Aviators, Football Players, Runners, ers, Deygoods Merchanta, and Shoemakers WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane denotes that the native will be subject to many ups and downs and changes in life, It threatens health, lost of physi Gal strength, denies robustness, and often compels the bative to remain always on guard to prevent nervous Straine or breakdowns. Thoce ruled by thie Arcane iy careful to avoid worry, mental viulgence ict only. trancitory gain est, this Arcane pro: ‘which are'soon dissipated. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life it promises ether glitering success au a result of bold, well-thought-out, ener ya, or as it ‘ost usually the case, a period of change and reversal. ITS KEYNOTES are Glittering Intelligence ‘Arrogance, Change and Instability. (27) Arcane 12, THE SACRIFICED—-BETRAYED, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the acquired experience of life or the teachings which come through sacrifice and repressment of sel IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the Peace, content and ttue happiness that comes through Unselfishly helping others; teaches that the only victory Worth while is the conquest of self: that man’ other ‘The ancient symbol of this Arcane was a Hanged Man signifying that he who failed to comprehend this law. and Instead of following the Will of God fammon will reap hie harvest woes ag pire as the sun oa il rise on the mm, To the worldly wise thie Arcane Promises punishment, reverses, trouble and a violent, Stdden or turbulent end. THOSE RULED by this Arcane usually possess medium statures which tend toward Aeshiness in middle Ife, pate round faces, brown tyes and hair. They are t very steong and should wot over-eat oF indulge in ich fatces, foods or pastry. DISPOSITIONS, ver trifles, to grow old gracefully and sometimes have Prophetic dreams or presentiments, eat freque are obliged to watch heir fof to show considerable false prid Involved with the opposite sex fendencier to jo fall asleep duri ers, Dealers in common commodities, such as Groce Glergymen, Hotel Keepers, General Clothing Dealers, Prison Matrone, Laundresses, HEN RULING THE LIFE, is Arcane promises outside of the Church only. moderate success, man changes, unsettled income ‘and unless the native re- prentce rand desires, in 80 far ae they may Effect others, he will have # hicd time of it, Anding Promotion slow. They do best in the employ of others End should stay out of business for themselves, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or the life it promises change, ceversalof position, culpa astiement or loss of honor, dangers from women, phen and danger of « violent end Tig KEYNOTES. are Patience, Sacifce, Betrayal (781 Arcane 13, THE PATH OF UNITY—THE MOWER. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM thie Arcane sym- bolizes Hope, Transformation, Divine Chastisement snd Death, IN THE MATERIAL REALM it or the Consequences of previous. conquered their lower nature fe changes and the rewards of Virtue, while it deals ponishment, destruction and death to thots who have followed the path of selfishness, greed, indulgence and dissipation. THOSE RULED by 1 full atong Bodies, large sand e re especially tenttve to stomach, hears, nerFous aod blood disorders, ancurieme and fainting DISPOSITIONS. The higher type ruled by Arcane are. very ambitious falthfal fo their lice snd fiends, atfectonate and elegant In appearance: They fe generally daring and “venturesomne,, exceedingly en to. study and In thee weal ed to hesitate, vaciliate and ‘rude or boorish, seeking to force pon others or to play the part of "bullies? In such moments they ate very susceptible to disipa- madden changes and to infatuations with the erude jolent temper at these times makes thei very impulsive and unpopular. OCCUPATIONS. They ficlals, District Attorneys, Cri lecticians, Jewelers, Mechanics, Dealers ‘Medical and Scientihe Apparatus, Hypna fare" dangerous Anarchists and: Leaders of Revolutions. WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane denotes that the native will be subject to tany sudden upe and mie "and wal my jeeeangement eatatrophes, changes, wanderings and imposition, the first alt of the fe being the most fortanate, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life it promises sudden gains followed by sharp dis upsets or changes ‘of hacrnfal nature; or death within the circle of relatives, ITS KEYNOTES are Pride, Ostentation, Force and Destruction. [a1 Arcane 14, VESTAL VIRGIN-THE DANCING GIRL. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane aym- bolizes the eve ations, trials and dangers of IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the combination of environment with the individuality and fautions one and all against-giving. way to. worldly desires, forget JF ambident, “te” points the old truism that each period of prosperity and lowed by one of reaction and tial, and Tollowing the path to, husband "thelr FGloutcen and ep avoid overdaiy on thet moral and Physical strength, that they may be able to successfaly Resist the temptations and dangers of envionment and hature, and avoid the storm of eal of ‘attainment. ‘THOSE RULED by this Arcane proportioned bodies, brown hit, good, complex Hituotveeyee and are very ah ana plssing nce. They. are. Hable to. indigestion, phys fervous breskdowns for, which reason they should get Plenty of sleep, avoid heavy lifting and adhere tora Eimpie, wholesome det. DISPOSITIONS. ‘The higher types ruled bs Arcane ate bright, cheerful, economies! and fond ot imgsic and dancing, often earry when, quite Oung, and. prove sincere, industrious, practical ani Zonatfuctively critical They are kind-hearted, ‘witty, considerate, pure in thought and often quite talented FAULTS AND PRCULIARITIES. In theit weal this mont hey are inlied fo lacunae and Ruarfelsome and. express. Aeaustaction with everyone nd everything, which makes them tend towards dissi- ation, carelesiness, vanity and recklessness, seeking Excitement, sensation and excesses of all sorts; thereby, Soing themselves much harm OCCUPATIONS. They make good Pub Speakers, School Teachers, Secretaries, Lawyers Crit: kes, Physicians, Writers, Cherssta, sors, Journalists, Publishers, Guardians, Police, Officials, 1a: ers, Registrars, Orators, Proof-readers, Printers, Engineers, Clerks, Bookscllers, Messengers, Contec ‘Dealers. Second-hand Deslers, De Dressmakers, Dancers, Stewards, efs and Pastry Cooks, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises lectual conquests, travel, popularity, and moderate Euccers, but it seldom gives Food health or a ectled ome. WHEN RULING ANY YEAI the life it makes the native rest Satisfied, causing him to change hie’ position, business Of domicile. Te marks an average but not over pros: perour eycle, IT$ KEYNOTES are Change, Pleasure, Ambition and. Diseriesination. [301 Arcane 15, THE PATH OF DARKNESS—TYPHON. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the Tgnorance, Temptation and Fall of ran, their predetermined consequences in the hideous forma of Suffering, Destruction and Chace, IN THE MATERIAL REALM It symbolizes the , holding in'one hand the in the ether the symbol of ion, Hatred and Vice, while rough shod. he tramplet over. the. homes, and ights of others, and mankind, thas THOSE RULED by 1 iene, thigh wethtain large broad faces, sallow complexions, erk carlin hate, thick necks and dark eyes ‘hey ofien eller fore ruptures, hemoreolds, and complaints of the excretory sy tem, heart and liver DISPOSITIONS. ‘The higher types ruled by thie ‘Arcane are devoted in their loves and friendships, and are_very teserved, viglant, thorough, strong willed, ‘modest tnd cautious.” They’ have quick brliant minds, ood yolees.and are inclined to be religious and fond Sf study ant’ science FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In thel moments they are inclined to be cruel, su weak Cunning, vindictive and indiferent to the mental and moral sufferings of others, and seem to take a delight in saying ‘ean and hurtful things. They” are. great scolds, naggers and cranks, and when bad are thoroughly bed, thus, often bringing upon themselves and. those depindent upon them suffering, ruin and destruction. sterers, Engravers, and Deal WHEN RULING THE LIFE, « an ordisary but seldom success Sccupation or business being offset ‘by domestic and Other troubles, which cause the native much unhappi- hess, Bardship and misery WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or Istsor period of the life it promises trouble with and theough others, danger to! their children, “domestic disagreements, changes and setbacks. Itis'a good time ‘aullgus, reduce expenses and to Keep to ones sel ITS KEYNOTES sre Patience, Unexpected Lo through others, Reaction and Seli-Indulgence, ry Arcane 16, THE THUNDERBOLT—THE SHATTERED TOWER. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the Tower and Power of the Conscience destroyed and laid in ruins as the result of Ignorance, Selfishness and. Vice IN THE MATERIAL REALM it ie symbolized by a lightning struck or Shattered ‘Tower which repre ‘Certain lose of character, position and respect feageerated pride, foolish ventures and voluntary misdeeds, THOSE RULED by this Arcane usualy ite short or vary gout, colds, dropey or contagious diseases ‘They should avoid ich and drugs. DISPOSITIONS. ‘The higher types ruled by this Arcane are self-sacrificing, devoted, ‘romantic, brave, frank and honorable. are fond of geology, chem: tly ‘have considerable art starchy foods istry, music and. frequ talent. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In theic weale moments they are inclined to be. stubborn, grasping, Over-confdent and indolent. ‘They are fond of specs: #5, indulgent of too exact Eee ad Hei [32] Ascane 17. CHARON—CONVALESCENCE. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM thie Arcane sym- bolizes the Hope and Illumination that follows Despair IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Truth, raked, inclining two turns. toward earth tthe pours the Waters of Hope and. the this Arcane are usually short, fully formed. They have thin to ‘eyes, weak knees, and dysentery and akin DISPOSITIONS. The Arcane are iachued to be renstved, ing ‘obstaces, and show a Keon Toterest in all fom Baker, They are. devoted, honed ndasoos ous tender and much respected ft their ood isle ‘ent, tound sense and splendid characters FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, Ia thir weak moments they are ‘eter are also given to scolding and anoying © OCCUPATIONS. ‘They make good Baplores, At torneys, Clecgymen, Physicians, Social Workers, Or- tors,” Couriers, Commercial ‘Travelers, Property, Valuers, Aseayers, Bank Clerks, ‘Theket Brokers, Thea fessional Dancers, Designers, 8 chants and ‘Manufacturers, Pawn ousewiver, Farmers, and with the more primitive ype they are Prone #6 irregular occupations WHEN RULING THE LIPE, this Arcane promises a moderately successful career, & pleasant home ie, Gutiful children, more than one, marriage, chureh and Social actiisee “They ate fond of young people and Inclined to dislike thove older than themeshves. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR cr leses period of the romiees an uncertain but favorable period, chenge of Home, eceupation er position, many” unex: pected. gring of & secondary native and’a happy’ Bro- Erestive and constructive penod generally. ITS KEYNOTES are Hope, Faith, Tllumination and Service, 133) Arcane 18, ‘THE GRAVE—TWILIGHT. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane symbol- izes Over-confidence, Treachery, Deception and. the consequences of evil Companionthips IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symb Pyramids, one white representing the um sulting from right thought and right conduct; while the other Black personifies the forces of evil, falee. pride and selfsdelusion. This Arcane. Wa native to trust only in God as the promises of “alc weather’ friends and those who would use him for their: own nf the treachery under the gatb of at to misery and destruction tery, only leat THOSE RULED by this Arcane are usually of short stature, with rather lean Bodies, ruddy’ ‘and face, dark hair and light ey: should, therefore, avoid quarreling, excitement, lifting or overeating, | re DISPOSITIONS, ‘The higher types ruled by this Arcane are humorous, Joyal, courageous, prudett and determined, “They have a deep regard for their home ties and make good parents and fatthial friends, FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their week fed to: melancholia, unprofitable ith the “opposite. sex, over-contdence, t authority, Aeklene ne. their OCCUPATIONS. They make good Po! Dipk Government’ "Employees, Fa laree Dealers in Land, Property, Fish and Meats, They make attendant mn, Hospitals, Asylums, Prisons, ete, and farmers and handlers of heavy materials WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promi a constant struggle to get ahead and to maintain o Position. “It brings domestic ushappiness, unproftable Estocitions with Shove of the other vex and olen gies most is and relation: Cautious in the conducting of ship with others. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life it gives‘a false sense of security, quertels with the opposite: sex, unprofitable associations of partner ships, unstable income, heavy expense in proportion to Feceipts, worry and often timer iliness ‘of 88 ITS KEYNOTES ate Over-confdence, Treachery, Deception, Evil Companionships and Trouble, cy Arcane 18, RESURRECTION—LIGHT. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane symbol- izes Divine Help, the Return of the Prodigal, the Guid ig Light of Sanity. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Eros and Astarte holding each other by the hand encircled by 4 wreath of flowers which personifies the Content and Happiness that results from Right Conduct, Faith and Spiritual Perception and: Recepiton. THOSE RULED by this Arcane. us fractal, healthy bodice he alm, happy contented faces seth, well oie earings they should vetain ‘their facul old age. DISPOSITIONS, All types ruled by this Arcane are Kind, humane, dutiful and possess. warm sympath ‘They are thoughtful, temperate habits snd health to a ripe when young, are inven: cesstal because of thelr whole: someness and charm with most everyone. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments they ace impulsive, somewhat slack, self-indulk Sent and faint hearted, but eupport adversity with Bitience. QCCUPATIONS. They make good Electr Promoters, Beinters, ‘Skip Cay Real "Estate Dealers for low Gstgymen, Generais, Senators, Lead ‘Bxscutives, ‘Trotees Prater Literary Works WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises a moderately prosperous but very happy lifer «com Tortable home and a respected place in the community oF crete in which he WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser petiod of thelife i gives moderate success in busines, postpone- ents, good Feputa *fppy arciage or partnership, promotion, prefermient and factory income. ITS KEYNOTES are Good Fortune, Happiness, Contentment and Progress. 1381 Arcane 20, ‘THE DIVINE BREATH—PREPARATION. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcene eymbol- izes. the Healing Power of the Godhead on the #07 tied Sun. Soul of the previous At ‘nealing. wounds, ‘strengthening his spirits and preparing him for the Bnal tert symbolized by Arcane Twenty-One, IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes an Angel whose head is surrounded by the Halo of Divine Love, calling to her by means of a trumpet, a man, womda and little child ax from a tomb, which personi fies the re-awakening of the souls of Wiose who have been put to tleep by error and signifies that those who hear and a veil be bstacles that lle in thelr path THOSE RULED by this Arcane are usually rather obese and short in stature. “They have full ound faces, pretty mouths, pale complexions, light or brown ‘ait ony, infectious disorders, headaches and sometimes idiocy. DISPOSITIONS. The hi FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weaker moments they ate inclined to be improvident, impract- tnd yearn for stimulants or excitement. “When die tipated they are beartless and prone to be fanatical in their ereed or dogma, narrow-minded, stsbborn and un easonable ‘occupations. good. Evangelists, Foot oe Manulacturers. tors, Nurses, Comedy ‘Actors, Traveling Sales: Dealers in common ‘commodities, Mediste, rugeiste and Peychi WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcan: marked rise in the lle as compared to stat frany changes, journeys and ups and down tnd he overcomes all obit ing success, Tt, However, irequently gives trouble in iment cele and home, and eles strong ial five attachments to those of he opposite tex, and pro- ‘ded the native masters bia protersion or occupation it promises an jegeee of auecess, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the ie ranes and Gotaies that the cable to overcome, It very frequent! brings marriage or strong love affairs, changesin the home of position and belore the end of the period un- expected gains or elevation, ITS KEYNOTES are Power, Conquest, Reversal ang Change: (361 ‘Arcane 21 ‘THE CROWNED SUN—THE UNIVERSE. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM thie Arcane sym. bolizes the reward of Absolute ‘Truth, Right Living and Spiritual Perception. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the fun soul of Arcane One grovn to maturity and cleansed bythe path of Sacrifice which began at Areane Twelve and ended with Arcane Highteens fe is now back on ‘the path ready Tor the fnaf test which begine with tis Arcine.” For this test he is equipped with Opporunity, 1 Tnspization, and provised he keepa the Faith nd has learned the lessona of the previous Areanes, he ‘ound to wuceeed and achieve his goal THOSE RULED by thie Arcane ate wualy of middle egy static, poses ie gomneriony Hake ale aa ne It of good hes e phjecaly ive and fatl of vitality. ‘The throat t however, jetbegletete and they should sword overtatng and fous of sleep. Fe obliging, courteous, brillant mentally and ned, Prey ate fond of erature maa the ‘and ate fall of courage, energy and the wil to attain by falr-and honorable meame FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments thote ruled by this Arcane ae inclined to be eteconfident, reckless, exteavagent, hot tempered, sllindulgent and egotstc OCCUPATIONS. They make good_ Pioneers, Soldiers, Short-story Writers, ‘Surgeons, Government Employees, - Actors, Sings ‘Railroad Executives, tors, Stock Brokers “Adverts: ing Men; Engineers, Carbuilders, Gardeners, Perfume Manufacturers, and on account of their maty sterling qualities they are able to. adapt themselves to almost Sy ss in which they will throw their Whole heart and soul WHEN RULING THE LIFE, marked advancement, usually to crown the mative with dig WHEN RULING ANY YI R, or ke thelfet promises a cycle of marked gi Sand honor, It sceme'te be the one period ative has the ree will necessary" to. aceon Embiions and derives be they what they may. KEYNOTES are Success, Wealth, Honors and is Arcane 22 THE SLAVE—THE BLIND FOOL, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes Error, Folly, False Pride and Igacrance ‘consequences, ‘which ate ‘Restraint, Arrogance, Catastrophe and Final Destriction, IN THE MATERIAL REALM this Arcane sym: bolizes a Blind Slave garbed ax a Fool with a knapsack ss, wronk. doings and coneequencey, rug. ‘along the edge of the precipice of fon. ‘ersoalfie the fal end of all that ie Bhose who, THOSE RULED by thi Arcane are usually pos sessed of thick, Rabby, short bodien, with pig-ike eyes, ark hair and a pale, west, They cepble t cin, ead ing of physical, mental and spistual bal ‘betheic chet study. DESCRIPTIONS. The Areane are_very fond of rey love persons Mdormment, are very generout, philatbropie and eee ‘guently give away thelr all without a thought of the FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak ‘moments those ruled by this Atcane are easly led astray, diaike to say no to anyone and bring al sors of trouble on themadnes by they extravagance and nciation Spend money at cvery opportunity. At these times they Bone later of the "Wanders Unger vel ti OCCUPATIONS. They make good Salespeople, Importers, Exporters, Ship. Owners, Supercargos, Demonstrators of Electrical Equipment, Machinery of and are espe lapted as officers and ‘employees on eoastwise Seamen on the great lake ich occupations they fet the short and'constant changes that seem necessary fo this type. conitions become fixed at which time they frequently ‘become inmates of old peoples homes or dependent spon inees of others. IEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of iden reversals Fidence or then m folly, for during such pes hen deciaediy fen to advice an ave his own’ way 1 sequences, ‘Ne Arcane Sixteen th rlunate of 3 TTS" KEYNOTES are’ Presumption, Folly, Entrap- ment and sudden Reversals (38) NOTES ON PLANETARY HOURS, One of the most valuable ma Ancients is that when the days ate divided. into’ hour divisions corresponding to the order of the daye of the week, we are able to determine the nature of we will experience or contact at such times. Purther observation and a careful recording of euch experiences goon brought a realization that each planetary hou ws favorable or unfavorable for the consummation of Gift ferent purposes, and out, of these observations has grown the system of reading such divisions in order that we may intelligently use each part of the day for jose things or purposes which It proves, ‘Therefore, to find the nature of any hour turn to the tables of planetary hours ay given on pages 4 to 55 inclusive, and after Ginding the day of the week at the top of the column ruling the day in question, locate the time or hour operative at the moment for which the consulted and turn to the reading for the ing that time, Example — To find the nature note the time by your watch and if during the daylight ‘saving period subtract one hour, Theg turn to the planetary table for the month di under the head of the day of the week for whi Is consulted you you will soon learn whether that time it favor- able for your purpose. Try them out. Apply them to your daily. problems Properly used they wil prove a valuable aid in prote 0 @ or embarrassment and’ a substant ‘They will satisfy you that the scriptural maxim which says, “There is a time for everything,” ie true. We Kenow of no other system which brings home this truth more simply or effectively than these ancient Plan zy James Harvey, the prominent Scotch Astrolog survey of thelr application to events, {nd individual, points out ‘was wrecked at Norfolk, Vir- i922 at 7:17 ofclock P.M. during destroyed at, Hull, sat otoce Pr it “At Los Angeles, California William Desmond Taylor war murdered on Pebruary 1, 1922 at ®efclock Pht dering the planetary hour of Venus Harvey, there: fore, esta. “Wan it'a man who did the deed?” Mark (31 “Lord Carnavon died at Cairo, Ezypt, on the Sth of Apri, 1923 at 1:57 o'clock A. M. during the planetary hour when Saturn riled in that latitude, "On March 12, 1923, during the hour of M. cof the writer employed a eathier for his cashier proved: 40 quatteltome and. dishonest that. he hhad to Be discharged.” See reading for the pla hour of Mars Another friend told me on April 6th, 1924 that he had just ended a pleasant and highly satisfactory con versation with a young lady and wished to keow if T ould describe hie visitor, I'looked up the time and found the hour was ruled by Venus and therefore, told hnim that the young lady im question wat a person of moderate size, very attractive with large, Beautfal eyes, long lashes anda fine pink and white complexion but that she was too fond of dress and pleasure and too extravagant to make a desirable wife and noting that hie year was ruled by the Arcane 15, 1 advised him against Marriage. “He, however, married the party in question and. was separated and divorced. in less’ than seven months, Another friend by ry offce one day and wante him the nature of = windfal See reading for the Bour at Jupiter, ey can be used for prov fof, questions and problems and when properly applied in conjunction with the 22 Arcanes cf the Tree of Life, they constitute a system of inca value to all earnest students the writer wishes to acknowledge his {0 Papus, Eliphas’ Sevi, Peek, Sepa Heyon and others whose years of pa- ie hints enabled him to develop and perfect the system hereinbefore outlined. ter every. Srey them out on your own experiences and ‘those of fiends and members of your Tamily and’ when you have become convinced of their genuineness, apply them fo convince others of the Trath for by showing those tn trouble the good eras ahead, yoo an. do-much to Felieve their despondeney and help them to face thelr ature with courage and contdence. tao) JANUARY (Any year) FEBRUARY Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noon) = ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noon) [m= ‘tware, | ed. | satay lat. 2 fe oo we | rauce| rei, | sary [cok 2 i tare [tee NORTH of a ine passing thru and San Francisco, Ices SOUTH of this line. Sublcast ose hour for Daylight Saving Time where and when used. Use column 2 for all places SOUTH of ths line _Subtaci one hour for Dapight Seving Time where and ian) MARCH, Morning Houre — (Midnight to Noon) Afternoon Hours — (Noon to Midnight) ee column 1 for all polats NORTH of «line peeing thru ‘Washington, D. C., St, Louis and San Francisco. ‘Use column 2 for all places SOUTH of this line Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Time where and when sed, [43] APRIL ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Ns Afternoon Hours — (Noon to Use column 2 for all Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Time where and when used, 4) ‘MAY Morning Hours — (Midaight to Noon) Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Ti when used. mee See (4s) JUNE ‘Morning Hours ~ (Bidnight to Nooa) (sune'y eo ‘toee, | wes, rau, Pat, [sou “La ‘Afternoon Hours ~ (Noon to Midnight [Use column 1 forall points NORTH of a line passing thru Washington, D. C, St.Louis and San Francisca, 182 for all places SOUTH of this line, (47) AUGUST ‘Moraing Hours — (Midnight to Noon) Use columa 1 for ‘Washington, D. C., St. Fouls and San Fr Use column 28 SOUTH of this line, Subtract one hour for Daplight Saving Time where when used. ae oats NORTH of ain passing tire aad SEPTEMBER ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noon) Afternoon Hours — (Moon to Midnight) ints NORTH of a Line passing thru and Sen Francisco. 2 forall places SOUTH of this line, fone hour for Daplight Saving Time where and (49) OCTOBER ‘Afternoon Hours = (oon to Midaight) (0) NOVEMBER DECEMBER ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noon) ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noon) Use columa 1 for all ‘Washington, D. C. ‘Use columa 2 Subtract one hour Subtract one ho when used, when used. 182) JUPITER, “ng adilten the lustrous, lordeth now, Aad the dark "work, complete of preperttion, He arawe by force into the real‘ light’ hier, JUPITER is postive and fortunate, ious objects and worldly matters ‘new ‘undertakings "and. Gur Peviod one shoul attend to al matters of a chat legal, clerical or public ature disposed H sympathetic genuine and upright durieg the es {Gruunate ofall planetary hours which Vo ° HOUR OF GobD FORTUNE, ‘THIS HOUR is favorable for seek mortgages o favors Nearly everyone is exercise better judgment and t0 be generous is known as the 3 trkng Joan, ered, vis a good period in whieh Tawyers, physicians, eddeatorn politicians utd sharitable petsones to deal with bankSea merhante edges, moneyed people and cashiers, tocommenee neat Lndertakings, open new stores and’ oces ere Bee th comer nen, Brokers, and’ agent, “Ty fact, nearly all matters begun ducing this pefiod Tent favorably. Tt iy Eood period in which PEOPLE brought in contact with you during this period are ustally of good eae with clear coupiesions, rank open eyes and forge foreheate, Theis Mrasner free, open, generous and upright, "They are fond of animals, despise cliques, low or mean ees and whee thelr confidence is lon its seldom regatsed ILLNESS brought to your attention daring this hour ‘ivally due to Blood or liver disturbances, tpoplosy om high living, inflammation of the longa, cree, gatarch or connected with the veins row anche et igestve ocgans, CONVERSATION OR LETTERS RECEIVED daring this hour will generally refer to egal chariot, francial or pubic maters of relate to sebjects suse ated. with. precious metals of objects, Uae, te Danks, brokers, merchants, judges, moneyed people, big politicians, new enterprises or undertakings building, igion, ne animals, large public movements FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, look NORTHEAST, They may be recovered again if your day, and week values are good, (sce Part ‘No. 1). by hhatd ‘search or threatening attitudes. £531 VENUS. in the painted oriel of the the sunteen sun inca fady at her casement, star, the star of love Tone ‘THE HOUR OF VENUS is feminine and fortunate, In relates to all matter connected with love, marriage, pleasure, heart, "music, dress, ormamentations, the fheatre, social gatherings, ete, It is known a the HOU of LOVE and PLEASURE, at appeal fo the public taste, such Soeties eae amustment, heate womens clothing, dress accessories, and omamenta. Tt ln a goo ne in'which to deal with hotel Keepers, Housewiv Festaurant, managers, dressmakers, mmiliners, jewele furniture deslere, tailors, Roriets, nuctet, ma arti new friends, court women enter & ‘tay Business relating t0 short journey or to th females in general, hour ace usually of moderate height with plamp bodies, IRE Bald cdptnone orgs handeone ef tond rk Syeashes, fl ‘he eoper larger’ chan‘ fowerand are'ot'« sonny Snposition, ‘They are ford Of dress peamsre and the opposite sex and generally fe jeatul of those whom they Tove. ESS brought to your attention is usally due to female complaint of Mcknest’ anscelated with te [Giteys, threat or fesh, due to encene of some tort CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dur- ing dh hou stay fess fo pease women, com sey marrage, couyahip, placer of armaszmest; dre hurscs, furniture, adornments or other subjects ruled By this how FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, look SOUTHEAST andi your day valuk is good, (ce Park BOMB hey wil be folnd 184) MERCURY, “Hermes, nothing loth Obeyed the “Aepiebesrer' in able to persuade allo THE HOUR OF MERCURY is masculine, fortunate le. Te relates to intellectual matters glace live and gate topest ths how" are ureally ve mentally and physically andi i favorable toy ater that ean be gully clo eae 2 HOUR study, Invention and gclence. tis known of INTELLECTUAL and NERVOUS AWARED: THIS HOUR is favorable for signing of papers the Weiting of letters, advertisements, and contracts; to be id messengers or messages, mays, architects, otares, see ‘publishers, "editor, ing, to buy houses, to graft or plant, to begin thor Jpkneys, to lend o: Bottow money, toes Advice ot {avore from wealthy or prominent persons, Te i good for making minor changes or dealing with neightora, ves, musicians and cervants. PEOPLE broug iod are us ich deep fore: and Servou Slender and such people are seldom ‘entirely well. TLUNESS up pom ent nt os hse SUN “Most glorious orb! that wert a worship, ere ‘The mystery of their making was revealdl Thou eaten minister of the Almighty, ‘Which gladden'd on thelr mountain topt the bearts Of the Ehaldacan eheph they pouré ‘Themselves in orlson — Byron, ‘THE HOUR OF THE SUN is po but only semi-forfunate.It relates tran ital dlgnined, government, put a Eat i ahtavortie for te beg he lidings, moving into s new howe, fice or a ratting’ on new elothing or dealing with the feminine fon feds known a8 the HOUR of HONOR, PRIDE, and POWER. THIS HOUR is favorable, for sethng, employment romotion, referent, popularity, friends of dealing With government offldle, senators, representatives, Tmayork; truvtees and prominent pent generally. 2ORLE brought in comact with Sou ducing this hour ace uovally rather large. of body, postess broad outers large beads a rey compenlon, fa grey They‘ ate FRethed tp "be, prod and’ com repiewhat oe te anger but dengerous when arou ey ae fon of children, bons, power snd positon. ‘They make Good friends and afe generous enemies, disease, conjunctivitis, guinsy, epi Gemie fever, neuralgia, dysentery, dropay and other acute complaints CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dus- ing this period wil generally refer to business matters, publi taracters, hosors, referent, promotion, gov Eenment, state or munielpal pe ther matters as are ruled by the sun. FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, look EASTWARD. ‘They may be recovered at the full moon, provided your day value, (see Part No. 1) is favorable, sire and such [561 | MOON. “To the blane Moon, Her office they presen’, “Bitton, ‘THE HOUR of the MOON snd _umetled.. Therefore, pro four are not 40. be relied ope Inclined to stek relief during th until the hour of Jupiter howe relates common and changeable matters, people snd Aravels renewals, visitors, agents, liquide ted problems, "Tete known as the ‘nd CHANGE, THIS HOUR is good for travel and bringing sbout 28 the minds of most people are ing during this period, "They are therefore, more easily influenced that at other tines Te rms of water sports and dealings that Heat ofa binding nature but ai attera ov dtisons favorable to your interest should be clinched at ence for unlee this in done, z opportunity purchase small sis, sheep, goats, dogs Greats and 70 taking medicie, ending money or 3 dung ths pes PEOPLE brought in contact with you during this hour are of moderate size, ple or duaky complckions, posses full lire Hien eyee brown hai and Teg ave a peculiar walk. ‘They afe generally restless and changeable, never long contented, fond of taecling (and only too often they are we ita ILLNESS brought to your attention during this hour generally relate to colle, stomachache, convulsions, Feasles, shoriness of breathy rotten coughs bladde? id eye complaint CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dur. ing this houe will generally refer to eave, hadds, hanger, Gnsstied state of affairs, women id all things cf 2 commen or changeable 187) MARS “Jet the tender star of love, ‘The star of love and dreams? tent above from that blu THE HOUR of MARS is positive, fery, contentious and ‘dangerous and relates to, all Kinds of accidents, Explosion n Bry, warlike matters and pervons, Eximinaiy litte and ord deere are general active daring erigd which {s'known as the HOUR of COUR: ‘STRIFE and FIRE. THIS HOUR it good for military men, surgeons, police aushorites and all those whose aecupation require fhe wearing of uniforms, It is favorable fo carpenters, hardware machinists, structural iron workers, ind metal workers. During this period, ge of the incres ‘ tality of Inakes one courageous iy food ‘lor a Sudadkhy ‘and. frmnean Criminal, types of dangerous character are usually active dating ti Thetetore, avoid quarrels and h heightens the ambitions and cent "The hour is expe fick, fers requiring cours ing dangerous places. 1s during this ‘with strong well: Jurned or dark complexions, dark eyes, fed or datk hair and of & bold, courageous, arguc Renjative or dictatorial nature ‘They frequently beat & fark ot gear on the head or facer possess vety Bede Beard, a long nose, walk fast and a quite high-atrung. positive carriage, ILLNESS brought to your atten will generally relate to Satempe (Bf passion oF to cuts, wounds: fevers, small pox and all com ature. CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dur- cs fire, nccident, and all other matte FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour took WESTWARD but the chances cf recovery are generally very alight. ducing this hour ‘baths, accidents, iran inkammatory Iss} SATURN “The empite of Saturnus is gone by: Lord of the secret bith Of thiges is he; ‘Within the lap of earth, and in the depthe OF the imagination dominater; ‘Andi his are all things that eachew the light” “sche THE HOUR OF SATURN in decetfal and treacher cous inal mater of world natce fe usualy eles fe basinen “it reutee to abst, ea eae" cork ge a sewers Sod people’ conned wth Si eit Enown as the HOUR cl SOVERSY, MISERY and DESPAIR. THIS HOUR ie gocd to buy of sel eats ayes lenses or auath andor einen ta a of all kinds, to" dea with ‘cont dealers landlords real Siete agen frmers mine excrete nase Ste ite pars hactaber eothes deasee pases a Cideiy or wry Conervtne eee PEOPLE brought in con petiod arc stall Scop an they wall oF wand, ey forsens Sak eae po, en ie Benes So odor arte iets and Reqaesoy nested ots tone ILLNESS brought to your attention dri suite ial aoc: Steet ah uty drops, prolonged celts, net, bad fall, Coothache or ear’ aed apices nGQNVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED duc ing this hour generally teferto lang, property egreal {ufe,slcknens, death, Broken Bonen, aged peopl, eso: ‘xy, fear oF things of an unclean gfe, FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, took SOUTHWEST and you may find them If year most Weck and day values are al favorabley ce Fast Rory sometime’ Gefore they aze bat ie will gener recovered. FTI [891 TABLE OP BIRTH DATE VALUES Feb. ue naa i416 nas nas 17 a8 a9 1-20 nat ua nas rey 13s, 136 re) 1-28 11-29 11-30 wa na 3 4 Ws 26 7 ne 9 m0 11-10 No Day 1-11 No Day, Mar, wat fret) ma 144 was, 1216 a7 1248 is 1-20 eH na 12533, 194 13s 1226 27 1278 1601 May Jun 22 $1 m3 saa maa as be a6 Ss aa 6 aa 317 m9 348 0 39 za 520 aa bat ms on 24 33 2s 276 335, a7 3.36, 23 347 229 3a 230 39 e130 ay ed B21 sa 42 corres Bs es ee 4s M7 46 ya oe? +9 48 310 49 3-10 No Day ‘TABLE OF BIRTH DATE VALUES Jy +10 on on ay + os Aug. 9 S10 su a saa su 55, 516 a7 sas s9 S20 oa sm 523 TTT TTT Sept. Oct oo 79 610 740 ou on on 7a e133 ou 76 es rs. ois 76 omy os 8 61 19 6-20 7-20 ou ora on nn on 7 ou 14 6-25 7-35 6% 78 om rar oe 78 on 729 630 730 rio oer o2 ma ea os m3 wa oe 4 Be OS hs es O96 Ee £6 oF rr oat oe he ee 8 NoDay 8-9 NoDay ten Dee. 410 oan on os oe ous 6 7 rary rary 920 on on 93 om 95 9-36 27 8 29 9-30 1 10-2 103 10-4 wes 10-6 10-7 1-8 1-9 10-10

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