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Software installation guide:

1. Enter a virtual drive through My Computer and start installing the software.
2- At the Serial request, enter one of these codes:


Enter the 001G1 entry in the Product Key and complete the installation.
3- Run the software after installation.
4. Before you click the Activate button, interrupt your internet connection or
block an Internet access firewall, then click the Activate button.
Select the option I have an activation code from Autodesk.
6. At this point, it is necessary to run one of the patches (for the 32-bit xf-
adsk2015_x86 file and for the 64-bit xf-adsk2015_x64 file version) installed on the
system (32 or 64 bits). (To run Windows 7 and 8, you must right-click on the file
and click Run as administrator) and click on the Patch tab in Mem Patch to display
the Successfully patched message.
7. Next, you need to copy the serial in the request code field to the Patch and
click on Generate to display the serial in the activation code field.
Now it�s enough to copy the same serial in the relevant part and hit Next to crack
the software and the activation message will appear.

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