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I wake up at 6:00, I shower, breakfast, watch the news

while the bus passes by me, I get off the bus and walk
to school, return home, lunch, I take a bath and take a
nap, in the afternoon I go out to walk and do some
exercise, while I'm listening to music, I come home to
dinner, while I watch my favorite program, then I go
to the room to talk with my parents for a while, we
have the habit of telling how our day was, we took a
cup of coffee while we share as a family, when I finish
I say goodbye and go to my room, while I manage to
fall asleep I connected an arto to my social networks to
chat with my friend, I say goodbye to them, I brush my
teeth and then I go to the bed, that's where my day
My room is very wide, cream-colored, I have all
my things, there is a stand where my perfumes
and my toiletries are, the small gray recorder with
black, a television, a computer. There is a desk
where there are many books. I always have some
flowers, a vase, I like the smell and the joy they
make me feel when I enter, all that makes my
room a place of its own, it also has a window that
faces the patio, so during the day it allows good
light and good ventilation when it is very hot.

my dad is called Ismael Peña is 55 years old, he

teaches at my community college, he has been
working there for many years.
My mom is called Carmen Peña, she is 50 years old
and she is 5 years younger than my father. Years ago I
stopped working, since since she had my little sister
she wanted to dedicate herself to her family full time.
I have three sisters, they are very funny and friendly.
We love each other very much, we always support
each other, my parents feel very proud of us and the
way we treat each other at all times.
I love my family and they love me too. On weekends
we usually share time together, sometimes we visit our
grandparents, we go out to eat, to the cinema or
sometimes we decide to stay at home and thus we
share quality time
Good evening tutor and companions.
Next, I share the PHASE 2: AUDIO RECORDING.
Your room description

Your daily routine description

Description Famili

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