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Macrobiotics is not a radical theory or an extreme diet, but it is a

basic traditional way of living, providing fundamental principles of

how to live in harmony with nature. George Ohsawa, a philosopher
and founder of macrobiotics, established the idea as "MUSO
principle" by incorporating the traditional Japanese diet and the
eastern principle of "Yin" and "Yang."
He was the pioneer who extended the diet regimen to the western
world with the purpose of encouraging healthy and long-lasting
lives. The basic of the macrobiotic diet lies in organics. It is a natural
diet based on unrefined grains and naturally grown vegetables that
are local and seasonal. It is a diet and life style that has not only
been adopted by the eastern world but by the western world as well.
Considered a leading diet for the new era, a variety of fields such as
mass media, medicine, education, and food industries all over the
world are recognizing its effectiveness.

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