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21st Century Literature

By: Cuison

• The term ___ refers to spirits that roam the land and are also known as the Shinto gods.

Answer: Kami

• During the ____ period, Shintoism became the main religion in Japan

Answer: Meiji

• Some prominent rocks are worshipped as Kami

Answer: True

• The demonic creatures represented as ogres and trolls roaming the earth

Answer: Oni

• Which of the following is not one of the three levels in which the Japanese are shaped?

Answer: Standard of living

• The name of the tree on which Gautama vowed never to arise until he found the truth.

Answer: Pipal

• Which of the following is incorrect?

Answer: Sorrow is one of the unwholesome mental states impeding progress towards enlightenment.

• Confucianism, like the Catholics, have specific rituals or practices for their religion.

Answer: False

• Which of the following is not one of the Confucian Thoughts from the Analects?

Answer: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

• Heaven or ____ is a positive and personal force in the universe for Confucius.

Answer: T’ien

• The one who secured friendship of several major European countries.

Answer: Edward VII

• During World War II, when was London destroyed causing the death approximately 60,000

Answer: 1941
• Which of the following is not one of the independent countries which the British Empire has
dissolved into?

Answer: Nepal

• The common themes of British literature often stray from modernism and stream of

Answer: False

• What marked the end of World War I?

Answer: Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles

• This refers to a set of philosophical, political, and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the
aesthetic aspect of modernism.

Answer: Modernity

• Postmodern art favors discontinuity in narrative structure.

Answer: True

• Which of the following terms related to postmodernism means "construction or creation from a
diverse range of available things"?

Answer: bricolage

• The common ground in the themes of postmodernism and modernism.

Answer: result of war and invasions

• Identify the aspect of modernism described:

The rise of spontaneity and discovery in creation.

Answer: a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs.

• This artist's artworks feature racism and discrimination. One such example is the image below:

Answer: Oswaldo Guayasamin

• Explores aspects that are associated with imagination, attempting to express the inner life of

Answer: Surrealism

• Treats unreal events as matter of fact.

Answer: Magic Realism

• Portrays nonrealistic subjects, often a product of hallucinations.

Answer: Fantasy
• ____ is a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that
the world of dream and fantasy combines.

Answer: Surrealism

• Is the ruling political party of post-apartheid South Africa

Answer: African National Congress

• The West Africa-Nsukka Group aims to revive the ____ art of the Igbo tribe.

Answer: Uli

• French speaking African writers, politicians and intellectuals developed the ideological
philosophy, Negritude.

Answer: True

• Approximately how many ethnic groups are in Nigeria?

Answer: 200

• The Southern part of West Africa are mostly

Answer: Christians

• The goal of Hindu Life which refers to physical pleasure.

Answer: Kama

• In Indian Literature, the devil does not exist. Instead, God does something bad to a person to
teach them a lesson.

Answer: True

• A demonic being from Hindu mythology.

Answer: Rakshasa

• The female Rakshasa in human form takes the name

Answer: Manushya-Rakshasi

• ___ refers to the red mark on the forehead of the Indians and is said to be a sign of God.

Answer: kunkuni

• _____ is a major south-flowing river in South Asia.

Answer: Indus River

• A way to achieve God by how you act.

Answer: Bakhti

• A way to achieve God through direct action.

Answer: Karma

• Being a Hindu is said to be a sign of being

Answer: glorious

• The Indian goddess of dance

Answer: Shivast

• These are charms, wards or scriptures that are said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.

Answer: Ofuda

• Omamori comes from the word mamori, which means,

Answer: protection

• Time refers to ___ while moment means "for the time being."

Answer: clear-cut situation

• The Japanese do not possess guilt.

Answer: True

• The sun goddess, ___ is considered as the most important God.

Answer: Amaterasu

• To the Japanese, a person's poor quality/badness is relative because of the existence of


Answer: False

• Shinto believes that the reason for human's attachment to nature is because they become kami
after they die.

Answer: True

• Families build ___ where kamis live.

Answer: Shrines

• This term refers to Japanese festivals to celebrate and honor shrines.

Answer: matsuri

• 勇気 (Romaji: yuuki) means love.

Answer: False

• The main principle of Confucianism is ___ which means "humaneness" or "benevolence."

Answer: Ren
• The term ___, refers to loyalty to one's true nature

Answer: Zhong

• Chinese expressed things by ____ than analysis.

Answer: individualization

• Chinese Literature serves to portray only a fraction of reality.

Answer: False

• To Buddhists, ___ or suffering is the innate nature of existence

Answer: dukkha

• Which of the following is not a book of Confucianism?

Answer: Li Ching

• Complete the quote: Not to discuss with a man worthy of conversation is to waste the man. To
discuss with a man not worthy of conversation is to

Answer: waste words

• The Chinese do not like change.

Answer: True

• One of the classics of Confucianism that is a collection of 300 poems and songs from the early
Chou Dynasty.

Answer: Shih Ching

• ___ is a religion that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices largely
based on teachings attributed to Buddha.

Answer: Buddhism

• The first woman member in the House of Commons.

Answer: Lady Astor

• Who was the youngest Prime Minister of Britain for almost 200 years?

Answer: Tony Blair

• People of the time read war poems that are based on the horrors of the aftermath of the World

Answer: True

• The age of technology brought about the following except:

Answer: Storage Drives

• The first woman Prime Minister and was elected three consecutive times.

Answer: Margaret Thatcher

• This type of newspaper was developed in 1962 as a supplement to the Sunday newspaper.

Answer: tabloid

• Adolf Hitler's conquering strategy called ___ or Lightning War

Answer: Blitzkrieg

• After the first World War, the clothing of people became simplistic.

Answer: False

• A law designed to protect woman's rights during that time.

Answer: Equal Pay Act of 1970

• All women over eighteen were granted the right to vote.

Answer: False

• The European Enlightenment began on mid-eighteenth century.

Answer: True

• This term generally refers to the broad aesthetic movements of the 20th Century.

Answer: Modernism

• Identify the aspect of modernism described: Discontinuous narratives and randomseeming

collages of different materials.

Answer: an emphasis on fragmented forms

• ____ was implemented and Canada was then separated from the British parliament

Answer: Canada Act of 1982

• In Modern America, this country is the first to become an independent nation in West Indies.

Answer: Haiti

• The following are countries that proclaimed independence from Spain except for:

Answer: Texas

• Choosing materials used to produce art and in methods of displaying, distributing and
consuming art.

Answer: a rejection of the distinction between "high" and "low" or popular culture

• Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

Answer: False

• Aztecs found Tenochtitlan in 1325 to 1350 A.D. Today, Tenochtitlan is known as:

Answer: Mexico

• Postmodernism emphasizes pastiche. Which of the following is the closest meaning of the word

Answer: an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist or period

• The English title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' novel which became the epicenter of novels in this

Answer: One Hundred Years of Solitude

• The art/literature has a realistic setting.

Answer: Magic Realism and Realism

• Depicts everyday subjects and situations in contemporary settings.

Answer: Realism

• The objective is to bring a fresh image of our everyday world.

Answer: Magic Realism

• A fantasy plot that is accepted by the characters.

Answer: Magic Realism and Fantasy

• The purpose of this is an approach to find methods of uniting the conscious and subconscious
realms of experience.

Answer: Surrealism

• Explores the social and political ills in the 20th Century.

Answer: Magic Realism

• The Spanish and Portuguese in South America had two goals. What are these?

Answer: increase wealth and convert the natives to Christians

• A movement where Brazilians explored their myths and folklore.

Answer: Modernismo

• A popularly acclaimed artist whose artworks result in powerful paradoxes, often provoking
unsettling thoughts.

Answer: Rene Magritte


By: JayArChocHls

• The total length of the Indus River is ____ kilometers.

Answer: 3180

• ____ is said to be relative in the Japanese customs.

Answer: Truth

• A book of Confucianism that talks about "Great Learning."

Answer: Ta Hsueh

• The first Indian poet who wrote the epic, Ramayana.

Answer: Maharishi Valmiki

• Omamori are charms, wards or scriptures said to bring the bearer good luck or protection,
depending on what is written on them.

Answer: True

• Siddhartha Gautama was born and eventually grew up in India.

Answer: False

• This emphasizes the criticism of something broken.

Answer: Postmodernism

• This expresses the inner life and psychology of humans.

Answer: Surrealism

• Queen Victoria died after only ten years of being a queen.

Answer: False

• This massacre occurred in Rwanda causing millions to flee.

Answer: Hutus

• This is the term that depicts an ideal society.

Answer: Dystopia

• One of the themes reflected in postmodernism which means the construction or creation from a
diverse range of available things.

Answer: bricolage
• There is a line drawn between the rich and the poor in dystopian literature.

Answer: True

• Edward VII earned the title, "Edward the ____" because he secured good relationship between
European countries.

Answer: Peacemaker

• What is the existing goal of the Ramayana?

Answer: Dharma

• Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?

Answer: Right Thought

• A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.

Answer: Meng Tzu

• This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect,
will bring life into harmony with the process of the universe.

Answer: Lun Yu

• This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.

Answer: Postmodern

• The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.

Answer: Leopold Sedar Senghor

• Rakshasas are most commonly called ____.

Answer: Maneaters

• The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.

Answer: Negritude

• This depicts the tragedy of something broken.

Answer: Modernism

• The Chinese accept that change is inevitable.

Answer: True

• Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.

Answer: True

• In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following
Answer: Australians

• Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group
called, "____."

Answer: Entente Cordiale

• This Japanese term refers to the spirits that roam the land.

Answer: Yokai

• The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same.

Answer: False

• Confucianism is characterized by a highly ____ view of human nature.

Answer: Optimistic

• A Japanese term referring to nature.

Answer: Kigo

• I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of __

hexagrams that reflect the relationship between Yin and Yang in nature and society.

Answer: 64

• This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural.

Answer: Fantasy

• The one who proposed equality in the West Africa.

Answer: Blaise Daigne

• This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety.

Answer: Li Ching

• Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found
the truth.

Answer: Seated under the pipal tree

• The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the
living are few, but the dead are many" became popular.

Answer: Kisa Gotami

• The ___ group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the
Igbo tribe.

Answer: West Africa-Nsukka

• There is no devil in Indian literature.

Answer: True

• The ____ River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.

Answer: Indus

• The ____ religion believes that we planned our lives with God.

Answer: Youruba

• Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the ____ in conquering Poland.

Answer: Lightning war

• Indian Literature is often described as illogical.

Answer: True

• Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress
towards enlightenment?

Answer: Lying

• The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness.

Answer: Anatta

• The Indians have ___ identities of the god.

Answer: 300

• A way to achieve God which depends on how you act.

Answer: Bakhti

• This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.

Answer: dukkha

• The term that refers to the goal of liberation.

Answer: Moksha

• The Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.

Answer: Herman Cortes

• The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:

Answer: Happiness

• This is a collection of fables given to kings and princes that will teach them all there is to know
about values, leadership and governance.
Answer: Panchatantra

• The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.

Answer: Yajur Veda

• A Japanese word which means protection.

Answer: mamori

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