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You are absolutely right - speed and accuracy count a lot.

Tricks save you important time during a paper. I used to implement a few tricks when I prepared for JEE:

1. Often when the question consists of a term with multiple x's and y's (or a's and b's) and you have to reduce it to a value, just put some numbers in
place of x and y and check out the options. One of the options will match. For example, if the question says that x, y, z are three numbers in GP, put
x = 2, y = 4 and z = 8 or something of this sort.
2. Sometimes in Physics (and also in Chemistry) there are options with different units. In this case, just do a dimension check of the question. It will
match one of the options. This is the correct answer as dimensions cannot change in an equation.
3. This trick is restricted to Maths. In questions where you are asked to find the number of solutions to two equations, or to find the range, you can
very easily do this by drawing the graph of the equations without actually finding out the solutions.
4. This one is only applicable to exams which have some questions WITHOUT NEGATIVE MARKING. So this is NOT APPLICABLE to JEE
Main. It is applicable to some questions in the JEE Advanced. Five minutes from the end of the paper, make stretch guesses on non-negative
marking questions that you were not able to solve. What is meant by stretch guessing is marking the same option for all questions. So, for example,
mark B, B, B, ... for every such question. If you don't get any right, you don't lose anything. But if you do, it's a bonus for you.
5. there are some shortcut tricks mentioned in the study materials provided by the Kaysons but most of the pivotal tricks are demonstrated by the
teachers in the classrooms. You can always get to know about them if you have someone who is involved in Kaysons programme.
Other way of getting acquainted by those tricks without getting involved in classroom programme is by getting the classroom notes of an Ex-student because all the
tricks will be mentioned in it with proper illustration.

Hope this helps.

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