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Class B
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................... 1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 2
KPI Dashboard........................................................................................................................... 4
A.Product Activity BACKLOG 6th Semester ( Short Semester )............................................... 4
B.Format Tracking Timeline .................................................................................................... 4
PROGRESS AND FUTURE PLAN............................................................................................. 5
1.BUILDING THE PRODUCT (DONE ) .................................................................................... 5
A.Product desain ................................................................................................................. 5
B.Testing if the design affect performance ............................................................................ 5
C.The Prototype .................................................................................................................. 6
Prototype Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 7
2.CONSUMER TARGETING ( DONE ) ..................................................................................... 8
A.Survey Market ................................................................................................................. 8
B.Determine Market Area ...................................................................................................10
C.Validate Consumer Problem : ..........................................................................................11
D.MARKET PENETRATION..............................................................................................12
E.INCUBATOR PROGRAM ..............................................................................................13
IPR Strategy .......................................................................................................................13
A.THE BRAND ..................................................................................................................13
B.Lab mask Component Tes (as a circulation requirement for medical devices) ....................14
C.DETERMIND INTELEKTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT .....................................................14
D.MASK DISTRIBUTING LICENCING ............................................................................15
APPENDIX :...........................................................................................................................17

Air pollution has become a common condition in big cities such as Bandung, Jakarta and other
metropolitan cities. However, the contents of burning vehicles as a major contributor to pollution
such as carbon monoxide, tin and benzene have a very serious impact on human health. Short-term
caused by pollutants include skin irritation, nasal irritation and eye irritation. Irritation can also
occur in other parts and cause sore throats to inflammation and swelling of the airways. For long-
term effects, the effects can only be felt for the next 5-10 years. This is due to the slow decline in
lung function, and increases the risk of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, to lung
cancer. Overview, lung health and respiratory tract are the most affected by worsening air
pollution. Naturally, given the respiratory tract is directly affected by pollution, from irritation to
the deposition of particles that trigger disease. This is certainly very dangerous.

To overcome the current conditions, people are forced to use practical masks. There are various
types of masks around us, but the most commonly used are standard medical fiber masks. Although
this type of mask is effective against dust, it is not effective against smaller and more dangerous
particles such as PM 2.5-sized Particles. The exposure of PM2.5-sized particles is very dangerous
for the brain. The very small size of PM2,5 allows it to enter in the network of blood vessels in the
brain. that's why it is very necessary for a mask product that is able to filter particles of small
particles with PM2.5 diameter that can be used by all people. practical and easy. for now, masks
to PM2.5 (particles in diameter 2.5 μm) there is not much in the market, there are several
nanotechnology masks for motorized riders, but it is still difficult to find and the price is very

there are several technologies that are now being developed to overcome this. mask technology
that makes it easier for people to prevent small particles of evil entering the body. one that is being
developed now is the use of technology on masks. but, using nanofiber as a screening method is
less common than ordinary masks that use medical fibers, paper, or cloth. ordinary masks even if
they appear to be protective but not enough to be able to filter out small PM 2.5-sized particles
around us.
in fact, the use of nanofiber with masks is only seen in the laboratory, and industrial use is most
often seen in water filters.
because of this problem, the APA Group plans to change that, adding a nanofiltering method for
the use of antipollution masks. Nanofiber, as explained by Nachriebe (our nanofiber vendor), can
be made into various levels of protection, so we can enter several markets with different price
masks of different quality. Because nanofiber can be produced differently to protect the wearer
from dust or pollen up to the scale of ultrafine PM1 particles, there will be many opportunities to
use. We are committed to being able to innovate in solving this problem by creating a high-quality
nanotechnology mask product that is able to overcome air filtration problems inhaled by humans,
we are engaged in the health sector in the form of medical masks. To be sure, there are a number
of important things we must do before making health products, one of which is partner and

licensing issues. We are very concerned about health issues as a serious issue That's why we
collaborate with partners / business partners in running this project so that this project can succeed

we are collaborating with the Nachribe Business Unit. Nachriebe is an independent business unit
founded by ITB Physics Doctoral student Ahmad Fauzi as a business unit that produces various
types of tools related to nanotechnology. Position of Nachriebe As a supplier of nanofiber materials
for mask production. Then the process was continued with our mass production after we got the
raw material, including the process of designing, sewing, packaging, and marketing it to
consumers. We hope that in the future we will continue to collaborate with good so that the mask
products that we develop together can overcome the problems of air pollution that exist in our
society, easily available at competitive prices.

Partner Agreement

with Mas oji (developer of nano technology raw products, ITB S3 physics students with Nachribe
company) who collaborate with our company

There are several agreements that we have made at yesterday's lab visit:
1. Nachriebe acts as a material seller (nanofiber), the APA Group acts as a buyer.
2. Nachriebe agreed to test the APA prototype mask.
3. Material will be sold directly at the time, price and number of transactions
All agreements have been signed in the agreement document (MOU)

KPI Dashboard

A.Product Activity BACKLOG 6th Semester ( Short Semester )

B.Format Tracking Timeline



A.Product desain

We replicate the designs of various mask models, from bicycle masks to medical masks. We also
test this nano tech mask material with fabric with rubber frames, ear hooks & velcro head hooks.
We are trying to find a variety of possible forms and designs of masks. that is convenient and liked
by our buyers. that's why we always discuss with our partner project, Nachriebe, to test the
difference between various qualities between one nanofiber mask and the other, so we know which
nano technology mask design is the best which we will take and decide to choose for next through
the next process. We believe that design plays an important role in this project, so we choose the
best design that is convenient for users

B.Testing if the design affect performance

after we determine the various types of designs and materials used in the manufacture of
nanotechnology masks for our products, we then carry out tests of various kinds of materials and
designs. from the various designs that we made before which ones have the best quality. , it turns
out that after conducting a quality test, fabric is the best material that can be used in making
technology masks compared to other materials. There are several considerations why we choose
fabric as our outer material. our consideration
1. Comfortable material quality
2. Price is not expensive
3. Durable

In addition to fabric, there are several components contained in our nano technology masks. Our
masks have four layers of composite nanomaterials, which comprehensively block harmful
substances such as particulate matter, allergens and exhaust fumes of vehicles, making the lungs
healthier. filtered actively put into the mask and air circulation is formed through three-
dimensional airways and moist air is removed through a valve hidden airways! so that breathing
is comfortable and healthy

C.The Prototype

Prototype Specification

1. Purpose of the prototype report

This report provides a description about our product development, the nanofilter antipollution
mask, through prototype progressing.
2. Type of Prototype
For the time being, we’re working on the low fidelity prototype. In this part of lo-fi prototype
development, we’re testing the design & material for the mask, by partnering with a tailor and a
designer. For lo-fi, we don’t use the nanofiber from Nachriebe just yet, but we have ordered several
pieces of nanofiber to test their performance compared to other masks.
3. Assumptions and Constraints
The materials we’ll be using are mostly relatively cheap, but few of them are industrial and can’t
be bought at small numbers.
The mask market is already established with clear customers, price ranges, & competitors, so
market penetration will be relatively easy, but loyal customers wouldn’t be as easy to seduce. Other
than that, we can only manufacture the products in small number, so while we can sell them with
pre-order system, we would have a hard time selling our product to company, which would order
many units.
4. End of Iteration Criteria
We will end our iteration when we’ve made the high fidelity prototype, with fully functional
5. Major Functions
Our antipollution mask product is used to protect the wearer from air pollution common in traffic.
For our first hi-fi prototype goal, we’re making a PM2.5 mask, because it’s effective against
vehicle combustion & heavy metal, and can also penetrate the medium priced market

Prototype Evaluation

1. Status of the prototype

The lo-fi prototype is basically a phase where we test the materials & design of the mask. We’re
currently testing cloth material with rubber frame, earloop, & velcro headloop design. The cloth is
cheap & fits according to the face of the wearer. Rubber frame & loops makes the mask elastic.
Meanwhile, we use both earloop & headloop to make the mask more universal; if people want to
use earloop or headloop, both are available.
After we fixed our material & design, then we put the nanofiber inside. For the hi-fi prototype
later, the nanofiber will be put inside the mask permanently so that when the mask is dirty enough,
people should buy a new mask completely; we’re selling the mask, not the nanofiber refill.

2. Navigation Flow
Check the Make sure to
expiration wear the mask
right (different

Choose to Use daily

wear either when
the eaploop necessary
Figure 1: Navigation Flow of Antipollution Mask

Table 1: Low-fidelity prototype

Description On-going phase. Currently testing cloth material with rubber frame, earloop, &
velcro headloop design.
Capability Functions as well as the common cloth masks, can capture dust.

Pre-condition -

Post condition Keep changing the materials & design until we get one right, then we develop it
into high fidelity prototype.

Low-Fidelitely Prototype Nano Mask Technology


A.Survey Market

we chose main ussers to use our product

1. Online ride hailing companies (to be used by the drivers)
2. The police force (used by traffic units)
3. Public

B.Determine Market Area

we focus more on small areas in Bandung, West Java.and this is our analysis of Tam Som Tam

Police Officers
INDONESIA (579.000 )
WEST. JAVA (104.220)

Gojek Driver

C.Validate Consumer Problem :

the main problem experienced by our prospective customers is the absence of nano technology
masks on the market that can help them counteract various kinds of dangerous small particles that
have PM 2.5 with affordable nutrients.we try to validate about the problem problems experienced
by our prospective customers, after validating, as for the problem problems that are usually
experienced by potential customers are:

1. Use of conventional masks is less effective in filtering out small particles, there are still particles
that enter the throat and cause various health problems
2. There are some Nano Teknology mask products on the market but the price is too expensive to
3.In the market there is also a mask with filtering technology, but because the filtering is too tight,
it makes it difficult for users to breathe
4. Many masks sold in the market are not sterile
5. masks on the market are easily damaged

from this survey table, we know what the prospective customer wants from the product that we
will develop.

most consumers want a mask that is comfortable to use(84%)then followed by durable(80%) and
sterile and good design same presentation(64%)

most consumers want a mask that is comfortable to use. then followed by durable and sterile and
good design.

Because of that, we try as much as possible to be able to make nano technology mask products
that can make consumers feel satisfied. Our future direction is to make a technology mask that has
a strong filtering system with PM 2.5, a good NanoFiber Filtration Technique, and users can easily
breathe with the products we offer.

surely before that we saw a number of brands that were already on the market and we learned how
to make a brand that could complement the shortcomings of existing brands. so that there would
be healthy competition without dropping pre-existing brands in the market.

one example of our competitors in running this business is the bowin company that supplies
various kinds of medical devices including masks, but we are different from bowin and we will try
to compete in a healthy manner by showing the value of our own products, as for our differences
with bowin and other competitors among others



Wide selection of prices, quality for nanofiber, and selling price range.Many types of masks,
ranging from Rp. 3,000 to Rp. 200,000.00 that are already on the market.The range of market
prices chosen by competitors: Rp. 30,000 - Rp. 100,000.00 (Median is in the range of Rp. 40,000
- Rp. 50,000) Selling price range: Rp. 40,000 - Rp. 60,000.

so we can choose the quality of the nanofiber we will buy in the nachriebe and every price we
buy will have a different quality. the price of 10,000 nono fiber will be different from the price of
30,000. instead the nanofiber we buy from Nachriebe will be processed again (Nano Technology


1. Cubic
We plan to take part in the Cubic Incubator Program. The program is a business incubation
program to grow the business, get potential partners and investment seed up to 300 million
rupiah. Cubic provides shared workspace facilities, coaching, mentoring, partners-connect, and
investment pitching



IPR Strategy
There is no IP defense that we are using at the moment, because our technology owners and those
who collaborate with us, namely Nachriebe, prefer to sell their products to us and not make joint
projects, they are suppliers of materials for us which we will later if it is itself a better mask product.
Nachribe always help us in every test of the material needed in the test test as a condition of the
future distribution. Nachribe products / business units have the right to nanofiber materials. At
other times, we will file a patent for our product itself, the nanofiber mask that we have made to
maintain product sustainability. we will continue to test the performance of our products and
develop products in the future


We really want to build this nano technology mask product to be the best nanotechnology mask
product that can solve various kinds of health problems for Indonesian people, especially
respiratory health. That's why we always strive with the team to do the best in building this product.
The plan is for the future, the first thing that I and the Team have to do is look for the name of the
appropriate product brand that is easily remembered by the community and becomes the market
leader. Therefore, the role of a Brand is very important. for the time being 3 product names. the
product names that we will likely use in the future are ProMask, NanoMask, Maskerindo. we
always hope that by giving the best product names to our products we can make our products
always remembered in the market and be the best in their field.

then the way we branding our products is:
1. Follow various kinds of health equipment events / exhibitions held by various parties, both
private and government
2. Enter our products to all online stores in Indonesia to make it easier for our consumers who
prefer online shopping
3. Advertise through various channels that exist in this modern era. One of the most potential is to
make the best use of existing technological advances by advertising through existing social media.
Like Instagram, Facebook etc.
4. socialize to the wider community the importance of maintaining health, especially respiratory
health. Because as well as good people are people who can prevent a disease before getting sick
5. Routinely conduct events / seminars themselves that are open to the wider community that
emphasize the theme of respiratory health

B.Lab mask Component Tes (as a circulation requirement for medical


health equipment is very important to have marketing authorization issued by the local health
office, not to mention medical devices nano technology masks. however, there are various kinds
of conditions that must be fulfilled by a medical device if you want to register and get permission
from the health department. important because with permission will give a sense of trust to
consumers that the products they use are safe and have passed various testing processes.
Our plan in the next step is to conduct a product worthy test that we will do at the ITB Physics
Laboratory with our partners who work with us, Nachribe. We will conduct a process of testing
nano technology mask products in order to be able to register and get permission from the health


It is important to protect the nanotechnology mask products that we make, from people who copy
them without permission (forgery), because that will affect our profits. Because consumers can
buy products, which are not original from us, it can also damage the reputation of our company,
because fake products often have lower quality. Then brand protection includes preventing illegal
use of brands, and preventing any activity, which can damage the reputation of the brand of
technology that we make

The first step in brand protection is the enforcement of intellectual property rights. Intellectual
property law, designed to protect creators (and creation owners), from others who unfairly copy
their creations. Protection of intellectual property that will be registered includes:

What we need to patent from our nano technology mask products is, about the methods and
inventions we found in making mask products through different methods. This is done to protect
us so that other people cannot make, use, offer, or sell inventions. we, there are some documents
that we must prepare in this process:
• special power of attorney,
• letter of transfer of rights,
• descriptions, claims, abstracts,
• picture,
• proof of original priority,
• proof of payment,
And to get a patent certificate, it takes 5 years. But for 5 years before getting a certificate, we can
already file a claim

2. Trademark
The protection for the trademark that will be registered is about the logo of our product. Logo
Masker nano technology (which has not given the product name) consists of images and writing,
which is a single unit. For registration, we will fulfill the requirements to submit a request,
submit a trademark by the applicant directly and through a verification process carried out by the
Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, and Check Formalities and Substantive
Examinations. To get a trademark.


Mask distribution license is a very important thing that must be done for someone who wants to
circulate medical devices, if without a product marketing permit, a product is not worthy of
circulation or is illegal. Health tools including masks are things that must be registered and must
obtain marketing authorization. by the ministry of health. The provision of licensing services for
Medical Device Distribution Permits (IPAK) will be given to a product. However, a product must
meet the requirements set by the health department. In this case, my product in the form of a
nanotechnology mask must also go through a series of licensing processes. before it is worthy of
circulation to the market. things that must be prepared are:

1. Permit for Medical Device Distributors and
2. Certificate of Medical Devices and PKRT Production and Addendum
3. Certificate of Free Sale of Medical Devices and PKRT
4. Letter of Other Information
- Certificate of raw material
• The Application Letter is addressed to the Director of Development of Medical Devices
• Production and Distribution
• Copy of distribution permit
• Copy of production certificate
- Certificate of spare part
• The Application Letter is addressed to the Director of the Development of Production and
Distribution of Medical Devices
• Copy of distribution permit
• Catalog / bosur / other supporting data regarding the product which explains that the
product is a spare part of the distribution permit. Rejection letter from INSW or local
government stating that it requires permission from the ministry of health
- Certificate for testing in the framework of registration requirements
• The Application Letter is addressed to the Director of Development of Medical Devices
Production and Distribution
• Catalog / bosur / other supporting data regarding PIB products
• Invoice
• Letter from the testing laboratory
• 5Legalizing IPAK / Production Certificate / Distribution Permit

for the completion of the permit itself from the beginning of arranging the permit for distribution
equipment for medical devices it takes a long time, the average to be able to get a marketing permit
for medical devices takes 2-3 months, from the beginning to the end. after that, we can get
permission from the health department


with Mas oji (developer of nano technology raw products, ITB S3 physics students with Nachribe
company) who collaborate with our company

Physics Lab ( Lab Tes Our Product )


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