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Green tea has a popularity since ancient times because of its

medicinal properties. Loaded with an ample number of nutritive

value for reducing the risk of cancer as well as weight loss. But many
people follow the wrong method for preparing Green tea. As a result
, they do not get the desired results. So below are the steps for
brewing the Green tea in the correct way:

Step 1: Choose the right type of Green tea: Green tea should be
chosen carefully whether it is in the form of green tea leaves, bags or
powder, it should be chosen carefully. Scientific studies on Matcha
tea found out that the matcha green tea from Japan, has more
nutritive value than the fannings and dust which are usually found in
tea bags.
Step 2: Setting the correct temperature for water: The actual
temperature for preparing green tea should be around 180 degree
farenheit. The other method by which the Green tea can be prepared
is by allowing the boiled water sit for 2to 3 minutes and then adding
tea bags into it.
Step 3: The right amount of time required for steeping: Green tea is
known to be very delicate and thus it should infused for around 2-3
minutes. If the tea is steeped for more than 3 minutes, then the tea
will taste bitter.
Step 4: Importance of preservatives: Preservatives adds more flavor
to green teas. Honey, lemon juice, mint leaves, powder herbs has
nutritional benefits thereby, enhance the flavor of green teas.
Step 5: Use proportionate amount of tea: Though right temperatures
of water and correct timing for infusion are required for the perfect
taste of green tea. However, depending on your taste, you can
balance the amount of tea leaves or powder. The fixed ratio would be
is adding 2 grams of green tea leaves in half cups of water.

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