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৴৫৳+ ি “Group verb/ Phrasal verbs/ Prepositional verbs” বাংলা

অ্থ ও উৎাড়র৐ ৛ড়কারর

ককা৐ ককা৐ Verb বা রিয়া অ্থ রকারের জর৐ে এর পর বেবৃত Preposition-এর

উপর র৐্থ রেৡল। এই Preposition-ুরলা Verb ৛মৣরড়র অরবরেৎে অংে। তাই এই
Verb ৛মৣড়রক Group verb বা Phrasal Verb বা Prepositional Verb

র৐রে এই ৛কল Verb-এর উৎাড়রণ কৎওয়া ড়রলা :


1) Act against (রব রে কাজ করা): He acted against the interest

of the company.

2) Act for (পরে কাজ করা): A lawyer acts for his client.

3) Act from (ককা৐ উরেেে র৐রয় কাজ করা): We should act from a
sense of duty.

4) Act on (অ৐ৢ৛ারর কাজ করা): He acted on this rule.

5) Act under (আরৎে কমর৐ কাজ করা): He acted under the orders
of his leader.

6) Act upon (র্ারবত করা): Over eating acts upon our health.

7) Act upon (র৐্্র করা): Acting upon information the police

raided the hostel

8) Act up to (পৣণথ করা): The computer does act up to our


9) Act the role of (্ৣ রমকায় অর্৐য় করা): He acted the role of


10) Bear away (জয় লা্ করা): Sele bear away the prize.

11) Bear down (ৎম৐ করা): They should born doer the smoking

12) Bear off (ররতর ারিতায় জয়লা্ করা): Sadia bear off the prize.

13) Bear up (৛ড়ে করা/অটল ্াকা): I can’t bear up such an


14) Bear with (৛ড়ে করা): I can’t bear with such an insult.


15) Blow away (উরিরয় ক৐ওয়া): The storm blew away the hut.

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16) Blow down (উপরিরয় কেলা): Many trees were Blow down by the

17) Blow out (র৐রবরয় কেলা): Blow out the lamp.

18) Blow over (রবারড়ত ড়ওয়া): A storm blew over our town.

19) Blow up (রবরফারণ ঘটা): The Bridge was blown up by the

enemy. Break down:


20) Break away (ড়ঠাৎ পারলরয় াওয়া): He breaks away from the

21) Break down (ক্রে াওয়া): His health has broken down.

22) Break in (রেো কৎওয়া/ কপা৚ মা৐ার৐া): The farmer broken in the

23) Break into (ররবে করা): A thief break into my room last

24) Break off (্ামা): Shathy break off in the middle of the
life story.

25) Break off (রিন করা): She breaks off all relations with

26) Break open (্রেরেলা): The broke the door opens.

27) Break out (রাৎৢ্থাব ড়ওয়া): Cholera has broken out.

28) Break up (িৢ ি ড়ওয়া): Our college break up to 3.30 pm.

29) Break with (৛পকথ রিন করা): I break with him for his


30) Bring about (ঘটার৐া): Smoking will bring about your loss
of health.

31) Bring down (৐ত ড়ওয়া): My brother brought down my


32) Bring forth (র৛ব করা): She brought forth two babies at a

33) Bring off (উোর করা): A life boat bring off the crew of
a lost ship.

34) Bring on (ঘটায়): Smoking brings on various diseases.

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35) Bring out (রকাে করা/ বৢঝা): He has brought out a new
edition of his book.

36) Bring round (্ারলা ড়ওয়া): The patient was brought round
her treatment.

37) Bring to (ঞা৐ রেরার৐া): Hearing the result the girt

fainted but was brought to.

38) Bring to book (রতরকার করা): He has brought to book for

his misconduct.

39) Bring to light (রকাে করা): The book was bring to light.


40) Burst into tears (ককঁ রৎ কেলা): Shathy burst into tears

41) Burst out (ু করা): Habib burst out laughter.


42) Call at ( াওয়া): He called at my house.

43) Call out (োওয়া, ৎারব করা): He calls for her punishment.

44) Call forth (আড়বা৐ করা): The leader called forth the

45) Call in (ডাকা): We call in a doctor.

46) Call off (রতোড়ার করা): The workers called off their

47) Call on (কাররা ৛ার্ কৎখা করা): He called on me at my house.

48) Call out (কজারর ডাকা): The man called out the police.

49) Call over (৐াম ডাকা): The teacher called over the rolls.

50) Call up (মরণ করা): I can call up his name.

51) Call upon (৛াোৎ করা): He will call upon me tomorrow.


52) Carry away (বড়৐ করা): The boy was carried away many
valuable lives.

53) Carry off (জয় করা): He was carried off the prize.

54) Carry on (োরলরয় াওয়া): He is caring on well with his


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55) Carry out (পাল৐ করা): Students should carry out their
teacher’s advice.

56) Carry the day (জয়লা্ করা): We caring the day in our
liberation war.


57) Cast away (িৢ রি কেলা): He cast away the pen.

58) Cast off (কেরল কৎওয়া): He has cast off his old shirt.

59) Cast out (ককরট কৎওয়া): My name was cast out of the

60) Cast into ( প কৎওয়া): The gold is cast into a ring.


61) Come away (খৢরল াওয়া): The handle of the axe came away.

62) Come about (ঘটা): It come about in a strange way.

63) Come across (৐জরর পিা): I come across him in the


64) Come along (আ৛া): Come along with me.

65) Come at (আিমণ করা): kabir come at with sharp knife.

66) Come by (ড়ঠাৎ কৎখরত পাওয়া): I come by a purse of gold on

the way.

67) Come down (করম আ৛া): its demand is coming down.

68) Come forward (এরিরয় আ৛া): I come forward and saved the

69) Come of (জম রড়৐ করা): He come of arise family.

70) Come off (অ৐ৢরিত ড়ওয়া): The marriage creamery of my elder

sister comes off today.

71) Come on (ু ড়ওয়া): The rsin came on yesterday.

72) Come over (উওৡণথ ড়ওয়া): He came over many difficulties.

73) Come in (ররবে করা): May I come in sir?

74) Come round (করািমৢত ড়ওয়া): He was came round soon.

75) Come upon (ড়ঠাৎ কৎখা পাওয়া): I come upon him a parse of
gold on the way.

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76) Come up to (অ৐ৢ প ড়ওয়া): His result did not come up to

her expectation.


77) Cut down (ককরট কেল): He cut down the tree.

78) Cut off (ককরট কেল): She cut off her hair.

79) Cut out (পরারজত করার৐া): I was cut him out in the

80) Cut out (বাৎ কৎওয়া): I was cut out tea for the last

81) Cut in (অংে ক৐ওয়া): They cut in the middle of our talk.

82) Cut up (টৢ কররা করর কাটা): The maid cut up the meat.


83) Do away with (পররতোি করা): Do away with your bad habits.

84) Do for (র৐ঃব ড়ওয়া): I am done for my wrong decision.

85) Do for (কাজ েলা): This pen will do for a pencil.

86) Do into (অ৐ৢবাৎ করা): Do the book into English.

87) Do off (খৢরল কেলা): Do off your show.

88) Do on (পরর৏া৐ করা): Do on your shay.

89) Do with (বেবড়ার করা): He has nothing to do with the



90) Draw back (৛রর াওয়া): A woman of ward can’t draw back
form his ward.

91) Draw off (রপিৢ ড়টা): The enemy drew off.

92) Draw on (কারি আ৛া): our examination is drawing on.

93) Draw out (আক৚থণ করা): His miseries draw out other

94) Draw to (আক৤ ট ড়ওয়া): He draws to his village.

95) Draw up (৛াজার৐া): The forces were draw up.


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96) Get down (কলখা): Get down what I say.

97) Get down (অবতরণ করা): I got down from the bus.

98) Get in (ররবে করা): We dot in the room.

99) Get into (রবপরৎ পিা): We got into trouble.

100) Get off (৐ামা): He got off from the bus.

101) Get out (বাইরর াওয়া): Don’t get out in the rain.

102) Get over (অরতিম করা): He gets over all the


103) Get through (কে৚ করা): Get through the work in a week.

104) Get to (রমরলত ড়ওয়া): He got to the meeting in time.

105) Get up (উঠা): Get up from bed early.


106) Give away (রবতরণ করা): The chairman gave away the


107) Go away (েরল াওয়া): He has gone away from the country
for ever.

108) Go about (করা): Go about your business.

109) Go abroad (রবরৎরে াওয়া): He went abroad last year.

110) Go against (রব রে াওয়া): I shall not go against my


111) Go ahead (৛ামর৐ াওয়া): Go ahead and you will find the

112) Go back (রেরর াওয়া): Go back to your country.

113) Go by (ক্া মত েলা): Go by the advice of your father.

114) Go down (্ৢ রল াওয়া): the sun has gone down.

115) Go for (রবরবরেত ড়ওয়া): He goes in our country for a vast


116) Go into (তৎমম করা): The police will go into the


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117) Go in for (পে ক৐ওয়া/ ৛ম্থ৐ করা): The public will go in

for the chairman.

118) Go off (পৣণথ ড়ওয়া): The function went off in a decent


119) Go on (োরলরয় াওয়া): He is going on well with.

120) Go out (র৐র্ াওয়া): Went out the lamp.

121) Go out (বাইরর াওয়া): Don’t go out in the rain.


122) Hand on (৛ঁরপ কৎওয়া): Hand on the package to my father.

123) Hand over (ড়৛মামমর করা): The man handed over a book to


124) Hang back (রপির৐ রেরর আ৛া): I can’t hang back from my

125) Hang upon (মর৐ার াি রৎরয় কো৐া): The student hangs upon his
teacher speech.


126) Hold in (৛ং ত রাখা): Hold in your tongue.

127) Hold out (র৛াররত করা): He did hold out his hands to me.

128) Hold over (মৢলতরব রাখা): The group meeting was held over.

129) Hold to (কলরি ্াকা): I can hold to my plan.

130) Hold up (রবলরিত করা): The appointment was held up by the


131) Hold with (একমত ড়ওয়া): I can hold with you on this


132) Keep away (ৎৣরর ্াকা): Keep away from the bad men.

133) Keep at (কলরি ্াকা): Al ways keep at your studies.

134) Keep from (ৎৣরর ্াকা): He keeps from the bed men.


135) Look at (তাকা৐): Look at the picture.

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136) Look upon (ঘ৤ণার কোরখ কৎখা): The poor are not generally
look down upon.

137) Look for (কখাঁজ করা): He is looking for a good job.

138) Look up to (৛মা৐ করা): He looks up to his teacher.


139) Pass away (মরর াওয়া): The patient passed away at night.

140) Pass by (েরল াওয়া): The house passed by his flat.

141) Pass on (অর৛র ড়ওয়া): Let us pass on to another mater.


142) Pick at (খৢত ৏রা): Don’t pick at others.

143) Pick up (৛ংরড় করা): I picked up a ticket.

144) Pick up with (৛াোত ড়ওয়া): Where did you pick up me.


145) Pull at (কটর৐ ৛রার৐া): The workers are pulling at the

heavy engine.

146) Pull in (বদৡ করা): The police pulled in the boy for

147) Pull out (তোি করা): A bus pulled out the station.


148) Put about (ুজব িিার৐া): He does not believe the stories
that are being put about.

149) Put back (রেরররয় রাখা): Put back the bag in a time.

150) Put by (৛চয় করা): Put by good for future.

151) Put in (ররবে করা): He has put in five month’s service.

152) Put up (ররতররা৏ করা): We put up a fence the enemies.


153) Set down (৐ারমরয় কৎওয়া): The bus set him down near his

154) Set up (বেব৛া ু করা): My brother has set up a



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155) Take away (রেরররয় ক৐ওয়া): He took away a book he gave me.

156) Take to (অ্ো৛ করা): I have taken to drinking.

157) Take in (রতাররত ড়ওয়া): I was taken in by him.

[ইটারর৐ট ড়রত ৛ংরড়ৡত]

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