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A) Completate le seguenti frasi inserendo i verbi tra parentesi al tempo presente o futuro.

1. If I …………. a cheap flight, I ………… my holidays at home this year. (not find - spend)
2. If you ………… woollen jumpers in hot water, you ………… them. (wash - ruin)
3. If you ………… that woollen jumper in hot water, you ………… it. (wash - ruin)
4. My parents ………… me to go to the concert tomorrow only if I ………… to be home by midnight. (allow
- promise)
5. Close that door. If you …………. it open, our cat …………. away. (leave - run)
6. If I …………. enough money this summer, I …………. myself a little used car. (earn - buy)
7. Pasta …………. not very good if it …………. too long. (be - be cooked)
8. If we …………. the chance, we …………. and visit you in Munich when we …………. there next month.
(have -come - be)
9. If the weather …………., we …………. camping in the mountains next weekend. (not change-go)
10. You …………. fat if you …………. eating so many snacks. (get - continue)

B) Per ognuna delle frasi seguenti scrivetene una nuova usando le parole date tra parentesi.
e.g. The road will be closed to traffic tomorrow. (How/they get here?)
How will they get here if the road is closed to traffic tomorrow?

1. Rupert will probably stand as a candidate at the next elections. (vote for him)
If Rupert …………………., a lot of people …………………..
2. Pete will still be decorating his flat tomorrow. (give him a hand)
If Pete …………………., I …………………..
3. Perhaps she'll get my letter in time. (be able to join us)
If she …………………., she …………………..
4. They'll have heard about the hijacking. (be worried about us)
If they …………………., they …………………..
5. The winner will be disqualified. (who/receive the medal?)
Who …………………. if ………………….?

C) Inserite i verbi fra parentesi al condizionale presente o congiuntivo imperfetto in modo da formare frasi
ipotetiche del 2° tipo.
e.g. If I …………………., I …………………. better marks at school. (study - get)
If I studied harder, I would get better marks at school.

1. If Bobby …………………. So much time playing computer games, he …………………. more time with me.
(not waste - spend)
2. I …………………. if I …………………. you. (not complain - be)
3. If you …………………. your hair blonde, you …………………. fantastic. (dye - look)
4. I …………………. a rock band if I …………………. sing. (join - can)
5. What …………………. if you …………………. some money on the street? (do - find)
6. If you …………………. him now, you …………………. to recognize him. (see - not be able)
7. I …………………. you if you …………………. the last man on earth. (not marry - be)
8. Where …………………. if you ………………….live anywhere in the world? (you live - can)
9. I …………………. her better if she …………………. a bit differently. (treat - behave)
10. If you …………………. me more around the house, I …………………. it. (help - appreciate)
D) Per ognuna delle frasi seguenti scrivetene una nuova usando le parole date tra parentesi.
e.g. Peter doesn’t know what you are doing. (be furious)
If Peter knew what you are doing, he would be furious.
1. You have a lot of money. (what you do?)
If you had a lot of money, what would you do?

1. You're so absent-minded. (keep losing things)

You …………………. if …………………..
2. She works so fast. (make so many mistakes)
If she …………………., she…………………..
3. I am not rich. (buy that house)
If …………………., I …………………..
4. We'll invite her to our wedding. (she/be pleased?)
…………………. if ………………….?
5. The actors are so bad. (be more successful)
If …………………., the play …………………..
6. Sue isn't here now. (what/Sam do?)
What …………………. if Sue ………………….?

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