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The University Murders story written by Richard MacAndrew is a story which relates about a


First of all, at the beginning of the story appeared a man who is called Billy Marr. He went to
the police station to confess apparently a murder. The inspector of the police, who was Grant,
didn’t believe him because he thought that as Billy was drunk, he was telling a lie as always.
Meanwhile Grant was listening to him, the other inspector, Logan received a call and it said
that they’ve found a body of a young woman on Calton Hill, the name of that woman was
Clare Rutherford.

Secondly, after the investigations that the officers were doing about Clare’s murder, they
received news in which there was another disappearance. The name of that person was
Frances Steward, she also was a girl who had been murdered as Clare did. The police officers
wanted to know as fast as they can who was the murder. So, they made many investigations
asking to the closest people of them.

Finally, the inspector Logan had disappeared while she was doing the investigations, the others
officers got worried and started to investigate. Suddenly, the officers found her in Karen’s
apartment, she was a research student at the university. Immediately the officers arrested her
and they know that she was the murder of the others two girls. On the other hand, the officers
called to Marr and told him that he wasn’t the murder.

In my opinion, I like too much the story of the book, it has many interesting parts in which it
catches your attention. Moreover, I liked the book because there are many phrasal verbs
which help me to improve my English language.

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