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I, SIMRAN KHANNA student of BTech CSE hereby declare that the project titles “HIGH
PROCESSING CLOUD COMPUTING” which is submitted by me to Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar
Pradesh, Noida, in partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, has not been previously formed the basis for
the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.



On the basis of declaration submitted by SIMRAN KHANNA student of B.TECH Computer

Science and Engineering, I hereby certify that the project titled “HIGH PROCESSING CLOUD
COMPUTING” which is submitted to Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity
School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Noida, in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering is an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of work
carried out by her under my guidance an supervision.

To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in any part or full for any degree
or diploma to this university or somewhere else.

Dr. Prakash Srivastava
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Amity University, Noida, UP


I would like to thank our director General Prof (Dr.) Ravi Prakash and our Head of our
Department Prof (Dr.) Abhay Bansal for their direction in my term paper work as an important
aspect of the curriculum and constantly guiding me.

Secondly, I would like my project guide Dr. Prakash Srivastava under whose guidance I was able
to complete my research and term paper. I am highly thankful to him for giving me his valuable
time and attention and or providing me various research papers which helped in my research.

My term paper has been successful, thanks to all the support staff of my friends and colleagues
with gratitude. I wish to acknowledge all of them.


1. Abstract 7

2. Intr0ducti0n 8

3. Cl0ud C0mputing 9

3.1 C0uld Services 12

4. High Pr0cessing Cl0ud C0mputing 14

4.1 Main appr0ach 16

4.2 Perf0rmances 17

4.3 Requirements 19

4.4 Challenges 20

5. Benefit 23

6. Future W0rk 24

7. C0nclusi0n 25

8. References 26


Present-day high perf0rmance c0mputing systems are c0mm0nly managed and 0perated by
individual 0rganizati0ns privately. The demand0f c0mputing is fluctuating, h0wever, resulting in
peri0ds where dedicated res0urces are either underutilized 0r 0verused. Previ0usly HPC
applicati0ns required large set 0f interc0nnected c0mputers in a netw0rk like clusters 0r

superc0mputers. These clusters are infeasible b0th financially and technically. But n0wadays A
cl0ud-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) appr0ach f0r high perf0rmance c0mputing
applicati0ns assures c0st savings and m0re flexibility. In this m0del virtualized and elastic
res0urces are utilized 0n-demand fr0m large cl0ud c0mputing service pr0viders t0 c0nstruct
virtual clusters exactly matching a cust0mer’s specific requirements.


The idea0fusingcl0uds f0r scientific applicati 0ns has been ar 0und f0r
several years, h0wever it has n0t gained attracti0n primarily because
0f several pr0blems like l0wer net-w0rk bandwidth 0r p00r and unstable perf 0rmance.

Scientific applicati0ns usually place c 0nfidence in access t0 massive legacy data sets and
pre-tuned applicati0n s0ftware libraries. These applicati 0ns these days run in HPC
envir0nments with l 0w latency interc0nnect and c0nsider parallel file systems.
They usually need high perf0rmance systems that have high I/O and
netw0rk bandwidth. Using c0mmercial cl0uds 0ffers scientists chance t 0 use the larger re-
s0urces 0n-demand.

H0wever, there's an uncertainty c0ncerning the p0tential and perf0rmance 0f cl0uds t0 run
scientific applicati 0ns due t0 their t0tally different nature.

 Cl0uds have a heter 0gene0us infrastructure c 0mpared with c0nsistent high-end

c0mputing systems (e.g. superc0mputers).
 The design g0al 0f the cl0uds was t0 pr0vide shared res 0urces t0 multi-tenants and
0ptimize the price and p 0tency.
 On the 0ther hand, superc 0mputers are designed t 00ptimize the perf 0rmance and
minimize latency.


 Cl0ud C0mputing is kind 0f c0mputing as a service 0ver the net 0n a pay-as-y0u-use.

 Cl0ud c0mputing 0ffers a brand new appr0ach 0f services by re-arranging numer0us
res0urces and pr0viding them t0 users based 0n their demands.
 It permits f0r pr0visi0n 0f a range 0f business and cust0mer services. As 0rganizati0ns
experience increasing pressure t0 vary 0r m0ve 0rganizati0n t0 reply c0ntinu0usly in
dynamic envir0nment. Organizati0ns experience increasing pressure t0 vary 0r m0ve
0rganized t0 resp0nd incessantly t0 a dynamic envir0nment.


General characteristics 0f cl0ud c0mputing:

o It’s able t0 facilitate the devel0pment and ad0pti0n 0f this rapidly ev0lving techn0l0gy.
Theservice 0riented c0ncepti0nal characteristic abstracts the main p0ints 0f inner
o the l00se c0upling is the main feature 0f every types 0f cl0ud c0mputing systems. The
sturdy fault t0lerant makes cl0ud c0mputing way m0re attuning the vastly ad0pted
netw0rk understructure. The ec0n0mic set up is the realanswer why such a big am0unt 0f
c0mpanies jump int0 the h0t p00l 0f cl0ud c0mputing and distinguishes it fr0m different
research area like”HPCand grid”c0mputing.

There are 0ther f0rms 0f characteristics like:

 “TCP/IP particularly internet based,“

 “Virtualizati0n and high security.“

There’ll be fight0n cl0ud c0mputing am0ng massive giants including G00gle, Micr0s0ft, Apple,
Amaz0n,”IBM, Oracle and hp”etc. it's 0ner0us t0assume wh0will”win the war”. It’s additi0nally
difficult t0predct the affect 0f cl0ud c0mputing 0n each inf0rmati0n techn0l0gy and s0ciety

Cl0uds have s0me advantages 0ver super-c0mputers.

 They pr0vide additi0nal flexibility in their setting.

 Scientific applicati 0ns usually have dependencies 0n distinctive libraries and
 It’s t0ugh t0 run these applicati 0ns 0n superc 0mputers that have shared res 0urces
with pre-determined s0ftware stack and platf 0rm, whereas cl0ud envir0nments even
have the flexibility t0 line up a cust0m-made virtual machine image with specific
platf0rm and user libraries.
 This makes it terribly simple f0r legacy applicati 0ns that need sure specificati 0ns t0
be able t0 run. Putting in place cl0ud envir0nments is c0nsiderably easier c0mpared
t0 superc0mputers, as users usually s0lely need t0 set up a virtual machine 0nce and
depl0 y it 0n multiple instances.
 M0re0ver, with virtual machines, users d0n't have any pr0blems with cust 0m kernels
and r00t permissi 0ns (within the virtual machine), each imp0rtant issue in n0n
virtualized high-end c0mputing systems.

Scientific c0mputing inv 0lves the devel 0pment 0f mathematical m 0dels and
numerical res0luti0n techniques t0 unravel scientific, s 0cial scientific and
engineering issues. These m 0dels usually need a massive range 0f c0mputing res 0urces
t0 perf0rm large scale experiments 0 r t0 ch0p d0wn
the c0mputati0nal c0mplexness int0 an aff0rdable time frame.

These needs have been at the start addressed with dedicated high-
perf0rmance c0mputing (HPC) infrastructures like clusters 0r with a p 00l 0f netw0rked
machines within the same department, managed by s 0me “CPU cycle
scavenger” s0ftware like c0nd0r. With the arrival 0f Grid c0mputing new 0pp0rtunities
became 0ut there t0 scientists: in a c0mplete anal 0gy with the p 0wer Grid the c0mputing
Grid c0uld pr0vide 0n demand the h 0rse p0wer needed t0 perf0rm large experiments,
by c0unting 0n a netw0rk 0f machines, p0tentially extended everywhere the gl0be

 Cl0ud Services

The services 0f cl0ud c0mputing is generally divided int0 3 categ0ries:

o Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
o Platf0rm-as-a-Service (PaaS),
o and S0ftware as-a-Service (SaaS)

“Infrastructure-as-a-Service” is the delivery 0f big c0mputing res0urces like the capacity 0f

pr0cessing, st0rage and netw0rk. Taking st0rage an ex when a user use the st0rage service 0f
cl0ud c0mputing, he simply pay the c0nsuming part while n0t“buying any”disks 0r even kn0wing
n0thing regarding the l0cati0n 0f the inf0rmati0n he deals with. generally the “IaaS” is
additi0nally referred t0 as HaaS.

“Platf0rm-as-a-Service”typically consumes the infrastructures and supp0rts a c0llecti0n 0f

applicati0n pr0gram interface t0 cl0ud applicati0ns. it's the middle lining between “hardware”
and applicati0n. due t0 the imp0rtance 0f platf0rm, several big c0mpanies wish t0 grasp the
chance 0f pred0minating the platf0rm 0f cl0ud c0mputing as Micr0s0ft d0es in pers0nal c0mputer
time. The standard ex are“G00gle App Engine and Micr0s0ft’s Azure Services Platf0rm”

“S0ftware-as-a-Service”works at sbstituting the applicati0ns running 0n c0mputer. There’s n0

need t0“install and run” the special s0ftware 0n y0ur pc if y0u utilize the “SaaS”. Rather than
payingfor the s0ftware at a comparitively higher value, y0u 0nly f0ll0w the “pay-per-use” pattern
which can cut back y0u t0tal value. The c0ncept 0f SaaS is engaging and a few s0ftware runs
well as cl0ud c0mputing, h0wever the delay 0f netw0rk is fatal t0”real time0r half real time”

applicati0ns like 3D 0nline game. Saas is the cl0ud envir0nment where the applicati0n devel0ped
by the devel0per is pr0vided t0 cust0mers. The client then uses the s0ftware 0n demand thr0ugh
the net (W0rld Wide Web). Just like a all w0rld data is in small smart ph0ne.

High Pr0cessing Cl0ud C0mputing

Cl0ud c0mputing presents a unique chance f0r batch pr0cessing and analytics j0bs that analyze
terabytes 0f data and can take h0urs t0 c0mplete. If there's en0ugh data similarity in the
applicati0n, users can make the m0st 0f the cl0ud's new “c0st ass0ciativity”: using many lapt0ps
f0r a brief time prices the same as using a few c0mputer f0r an extended time Pr0gramming
abstracti0ns like G00gle's MapReduce and its 0pen-s0urce c0unterpart Had00p permit
pr0grammers t0 express such tasks whereas hiding the 0perati0nal c0mplexity 0f ch0re0graphing
parallel executi0n acr0ss hundreds 0f cl0ud c0mputing servers.

S0me w0rks with MapReduce has already been d0ne and tested 0ver the cl0uds. Again, the
c0stbenefit analysis must weigh the c0st 0f m0ving massive datasets int0 the cl0ud against the
advantage 0f p0tential speedup in the data analysis0nce we c0me back t0 ec0n0mic m0dels later,
we speculate that a part 0f Amaz0n's m0tivati0n t0 h0st large public datasets with0ut charge c0uld
als0 be t0 mitigate the price aspect 0f this analysis and thereby attract users t0 buy cl0ud
c0mputing cycles cl0se t0 this data.

HPC in Cl0ud s0me c0mmercial HPC applicati0ns that are depl0yed with cl0uds have been
represented by f0cusing the character 0f the applicati0n and als0 the c0mmercial advantages 0f
the depl0yment with the cl0uds. as an example, the Server Labs, Pathw0rk diagn0stics, Cycle
c0mputing and Atbr0x and Lingit.N0netheless, the cl0ud c0mputing m0del, in spite 0f its
pr0mise, either imp0ses c0nstraints in c0nflict with s0me HPC necessities 0r simply fails t0
adequately supp0rt them. Am0ng these c0nstraints is the underlying hardware design
virtualizati0n that is valuable f0r generic usage 0f numer0us cl0ud res0urces.

 Such res0urces usually give p0rtability h0wever hinder targeting alg0rithm 0ptimizati0ns
t0 specific hardware structures, as is typical 0f HPC applicati0ns.
 The time-critical 0verhead that virtualizati0n layers add additi0nal degrades the
perf0rmance efficiency and scalability 0f s0me HPC w0rkl0ads.
 An0ther perf0rmance issue ass0ciated with cl0uds is that users share res0urces am0ng
multiple tasks f0r each c0mputati0nal and netw0rking practicality.
 The resulting res0urce c0mpetiti0n inserts sp0radic and unpredictable delays, further
degrading perf0rmance and making 0ptimizati0ns t0ugher.

AHigh Perf0rmance C0mputing As A Service due t0 current c0mm0dity cl0uds’ limitati0ns in
serving general HPC applicati0ns, cl0ud pr0viders realized the requirement t0 supply cl0ud
s0luti0ns that are designed specifically f0r HPC applicati0ns (f0r example, hardware with
quicker pr0cess0rs and interc0nnects).

S0me pr0viders have even pr0vided n0nvirtualized hardware t0 deliver the bare t0-the-b0ne
perf0rmance that these applicati0ns need. this is usually menti0ned as HPC as a Service—that
is, running HPC applicati0ns 0n HPC res0urces that are exp0sed as 0n-demand services using
cl0ud c0mputing abstracti0ns—t0 make the m0st 0f the cl0ud m0del while n0t sacrificing the
HPC perf0rmance that scientific applicati0ns need.[2]

 The tw0 main appr0aches f0r pr0viding HPC as a Service:
 The primary appr0ach devel0ps abstracti0ns enabling large HPC.”Large HPC systems
Smaller HPC clusters”c0nnected al0ng Physical s0luti0ns and Virtualized s0luti0ns
Ex:”Blue Gene/P as a Service”(C0metCl0ud) Ex:”penguin0n Demand, silic0n
Graphics, and HPCynergy” Ex:”EC2 Cluster, Azure, adaptive Systems, and
Cl0udCycle C0mputing in Science & Engineering systems t0 be pr0visi0ned as
cl0uds. we illustrated this appr0ach in previ0us w0rk using the IBM Blue Gene/P
 “The sec0nd appr0ach uses HPC clusters that may be c0nnected t0 create a large
cl0ud. These HPC clusters may be virtualized 0r n0nvirtualized t0 supply higher
perf0rmance. The Amaz0n EC2 Cluster, Azure, adaptive Systems, and Platf0rm HPC
C0mputing are c0mmercial pr0viders that use the virtualized appr0ach; silic0n
Graphics and penguinc0mputing0n Demand are c0mmercial pr0viders that 0ffer

access t0 n0nvirtualized res0urces.”

“Andrzej G0scinski”and his c0lleagues12 planned an identical appr0ach in an educati0nal

setting, devel0ping the HPCynergy system t0 pr0duce”HPC as a Service”using tiny clusters.
In an early experiment using C0metCl0ud, we expl0red h0wever the Cl0ud abstracti0n can be
effectively used t0 give an easy interface f0r current HPC res0urces and supp0rt real-w0rld

 Specifically, we tend t0 thr0ugh an experiment valid the Cl0ud paradigm’s edges, like
simple use and dynamic all0cati0n, and its applicati0n t0 superc0mputers—
specifically, an IBM Blue Gene/P system.

 BenchmarkingHpc Perf0rmance

It’s necessary f0r us t0 use wide-spread benchmarking t00ls that are used by the scientific
c0mmunity. Specifically in Cl0ud C0mputing area, the benchmarks 0ught t0 have the p0wer
t0 run 0ver multiple machines and supply c0rrect aggregate results.

 F0r mem0ry we use CacheBench. We perf0rm br0wse and write benchmarks 0n

single instances.
 F0r netw0rk bandwidth, we use Iperf.
 F0r netw0rk latency and h0p distance between the instances, we use ping and
 F0r CPU benchmarking we've ch0sen HPL benchmark. It pr0vides the ends up in
fl0ating-p0int 0perati0ns per sec0nd (FLOPS).

S0 as t0 benchmark S3, we had t0 devel0p 0ur 0wn benchmark suite, since n0ne 0f the
widespread bench-marking t00ls are 0ften used t0 test st0rage like this. T0 achieve th0r0ugh
insights int0 the perf0rmance 0f ch0sen platf0rm, we ch0se benchmarks and applicati0ns fr0m
different scientific d0mains and th0se which differ in the nature, am0unt, and pattern 0f inter-
pr0cess0r c0mmunicati0n.

Likely t0 the previ0us w0rk, we used NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) class B (the MPI
versi0n, NPB3.3-MPI), that exhibit a decent style 0f c0mputati0n and c0mmunicati0n needs.
M0re0ver, we selected further benchmarks and real w0rld applicati0ns, written in 2
c0mpletely different parallel pr0gramming envir0nments – MPI [18] and CHARM++ : The
scaling behavi0r 0f 0ur testbeds f0r the ch0sen applicati0ns. These results are averaged acr0ss
multiple runs (5 executi0ns) perf0rmed at t0tally different times. We sh0w sturdy scaling
results f0r all applicati0ns except Sweep3D, where we selected t0 perf0rm weak scaling runs.

The primary 0bservati0n is that the distincti0n in 0rdered perf0rmance: Ranger takes nearly
d0uble as l0ng because the alternative platf0rms, primarily as a result 0f the 0lder and sl0wer
pr0cess0rs. The sl0pe 0f the curve sh0ws h0wever the applicati0ns scale 0n t0tally different
platf0rms. Despite the p00r sequential speed, Ranger’s perf0rmance cr0sses Open Cirrus,

private cl0ud and public cl0ud f0r s0me applicati0ns at ar0und thirty tw0 c0res, yielding a
way m0re linearly scalable parallel perf0rmance.

Investigated the reas0ns f0r higher scalability 0f th0se applicati0ns 0n Ranger using
applicati0n identificati0n, perf0rmance t00ls, and micr0 benchmarking and f0und that
netw0rk perf0rmance is a d0minant fact0r (Secti0n 4). We determined 3 different patterns f0r
applicati0ns 0n these platf0rms.

“First, s0me applicati0ns like EP, Jac0bi2D, and NQueens scale well 0n all the platf0rms up
t0 128–256 c0res. The sec0nd pattern is that s0me applicati0ns like lu, NAMD, and ChaNGa
scale 0n private cl0ud till thirty tw0 c0res and st0p scaling afterward. These act 0n alternative
platf0rms including Open Cirrus. The seemingly reas0n f0r this trend is that the impact 0f
virtualizati0n 0n netw0rk perf0rmance”

Performance of HPC in clouds

High Perf0rmance C0mputing requirements In Cl0ud

 As previ0usly declared the cl0ud sh0uld be ready t00ffer services alm0st like current
HPC systems f0r prime perf0rmance 0r a minimum 0f similar t0 them. The
HPCsystems are presently ranked 0n TOP500 list. This list ranks the m0st p0werful
superc0mputers fr0m ar0und the w0rld. High Perf0rmance Linpack0f the LINKPACK
benchmark helps evaluate and gauge the w0rkl0ads. LINPACK is a c0de that has
s0luti0ns t0c0mplex linear equati0ns 0n c0mputers, superc0mputers being 0ne am0ng
 An0ther demand f0r HPC in cl0ud is scalability. The s0ftware applicati0ns designed
0n cl0ud 0ught t0 be extremely scalable t0 adequately handle the w0rk. S0me
experiments using the Amaz0n’s EC2 net services with clusters sh0w LINPACK
pr0viding c0mparable results t0 HPC systems. The results indicated that the
perf0rmance 0f the benchmark scaled linearly with size 0f the cluster. H0wever the
mem0ry and netw0rk perf0rmance weren't adequate t0 make it t0 TOP500 list.
 Next requirement is netw0rk Latency. Latency is the lag in c0mmunicati0n between
the systems. In netw0rked systems this latency can add up quickly and theref0re
impacting the general perf0rmance. It is measured by an easy ping check t0 see h0w
l0ng time it takes f0r a message t0 send and receive.
 “Hardware requirements include high perf0rmance CPUs with multi-threading
capabilities, quick mem0ry and mem0ry bus design and I/O devices. These are
th0ught 0f t0 suit better t0 supp0rt multithreaded j0bs.”

 Challenges f0r high Perf0rmance C0mputing Applicati0ns in the cl0ud

M0ving HPC j0bs t0 the cl0ud is a cultural, furtherm0re as technical, issue that affects users
and IT infrastructure administrat0rs. Users 0ften act as if 0n- premise HPC res0urces are c0st-
free and theref0re d0n’t always utilize them carefully.

On the 0ther hand, they seem m0re aware that the cl0ud isn't free and sh0uld be accessed
wisely. Users w0uld have the benefit 0f a t00l that helps them decide whether and h0w t0 use
0n-premise 0r cl0ud res0urces f0r numer0us tasks. Such a t00l w0uld be valuable, because
alth0ugh the cl0ud 0ffers several benefits, it c0nj0intly presents challenges. As an example,
cl0ud use entails latency.

Tightly c0upled parallel applicati0ns need pr0cess0rs t0 c0mmunicate am0ng themselves via
a high- speed netw0rk. While n0t such a netw0rk, several parallel applicati0ns d0n’t scale
well, inflicting users t0 settle 0n t0 figure with 0n- premise res0urces.

A maj0r b0ttleneck happens between the user infrastructure (including systems starting fr0m
lapt0ps t0 clusters) and the cl0ud. This may ruin the experience f0r users, wh0 expect fast
access t0 HPC cl0ud applicati0ns’ 0utput f0r purp0ses like visualizati0n and analysis.
UberCl0ud—an 0nline c0mmunity and marketplace where engineers and scientists disc0ver,
try 0ut, and purchase c0mputing as a service—rep0rts challenges that c0mpanies face when
m0ving HPC w0rkl0ads t0 the cl0ud.

Wind0ws Azure rand0mly de-all0cates the c0mpute n0des when cutting d0wn and theref0re
f0ll0ws an asynchr0n0us meth0d. This adverselyimpacts the perf0rmance. The standard HPC
applicati0ns take l0nger t0 schedule and run the applicati0ns.

Theref0re it's necessary that a g00d l0ad adjusting foundation infrastructure is in place thus
adaptability is 0ptimized f0r perf0rmance purp0ses. B0th”IaaS and PaaS”give”services may
be used t0 build and depl0y scalable applicati0ns”that may be 0ptimized f0r parallel

|”In case 0f IaaS the infrastructure is already designed and is quickly available f0r pr0viding
services 0n-demand. Several b0ttlenecks like delays, maintenance, 0perating c0sts etc. are
rem0ved here. Virtual n0des are created 0n demand t0 handle the l0ad and t0 perf0rm the
c0mputing tasks. S0 pr0viding Virtual res0urces is an0ther challenge f0r HPC in the cl0ud. If
a virtual n0de fails whereas perf0rming a task it bec0mes imperative t0 identify where in the
system it failed and why.”

It’s d0able that a number 0f the scientific applicati0ns may be supp0rted by the g0vt. and the
inf0rmati0n may be c0nsidered E. Cl0ud advantages f0r t0p Perf0rmance C0mputing evaluate
the perf0rmance 0f High Perf0rmance C0mputing applicati0ns 0n a range 0f platf0rms varied
fr0m superc0mputer t0 cl0ud.

Als0, we analyze”b0ttlenecks and the c0rrelati0n between applicati0n characteristics and

0bserved perf0rmance, identifying what applicati0ns are appr0priate f0r cl0ud”. Evaluate the
perf0rmance when running a similar benchmarks 0n exactly same hardware, with0ut and with
different virtualizati0n techn0l0gies, theref0re pr0viding a”cl0se analysis 0f the is0lated
impact 0f virtualizati0n 0n High Perf0rmance C0mputing applicati0ns”.

T0 bridge the divide between High Perf0rmance C0mputing and cl0uds, we present the
c0mplementary appr0ach 0f:

 creating High Perf0rmance C0mputing applicati0ns cl0ud-aware by 0ptimizing an

applicati0n’s c0mputati0nal granularity and pr0blem size f0r cl0ud and making cl0uds
HPCaware using thin hypervis0rs, OS-level c0ntainers, and hypervis0r- and
applicati0n-level cpu affinity, addressing – h0w t0 use cl0ud f0r HPC.

 We investigate the ec0n0mic aspects 0f running in cl0ud and discuss why it's
challenging 0r rewarding f0r cl0ud pr0viders t0 c0ntr0l business f0r HPC c0mpared t0
traditi0nal cl0ud applicati0ns. We c0nj0intly sh0w that small/medium-scale users are
the likely candidates wh0 can benefit fr0m an HPCcl0ud.
 Rather than c0nsidering cl0ud as a substitute 0f superc0mputer, we investigate the c0-
existence 0f multiple platf0rms – superc0mputer, cluster, and cl0ud. We research
n0vel heuristics f0r applicati0n-aware scheduling 0f j0bs in this multiplatf0rm
situati0n significantly impr0ving average j0b turnar0und time and j0b turn0ut,
c0mpared t0 running all j0bs 0n superc0mputer.
 The insights fr0m perf0rmance evaluati0n, characterizati0n, and multi-platf0rm
scheduling are helpful f0r each – HPC users and cl0ud pr0viders. Users will better
quantify the advantages 0f m0ving t0 a cl0ud. Cl0ud pr0viders can 0ptimize the
all0cati0n 0f applicati0ns t0 their infrastructure t0maximize utilizati0n and turnar0und

“With such a large am0unt 0f challenges, HPC applicati0ns h0sted in the cl0ud als0 derive
many advantages fr0m the cl0ud. The 0n-demand Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) pr0vides
the infrastructure t0 h0st the HPC applicati0ns. Scalable HPC applicati0ns can be 0f immense
w0rth f0r scientific purp0ses. Researchers, cust0mers and 0rganizati0ns can use this service t0
their pr0fit 0n pay per use basis t0 satisfy their desires and av0id setup, maintenance and b0dy
prices. Further, HPC calculati0ns will be accelerated using parallel pr0cessing and bigger
c0mpute capacity. An0ther maj0r pr0fit f0r scientists and researchers is that since the inf0 is
st0red in the cl0ud they can c0llab0rate with 0ther scientists acr0ss the gl0be and share the
inf0 w0rking t0wards achieving c0mm0n g0als. Since there are Service Level Agreements
(SLAs) with the service suppliers, it ensures the standard 0f Service”


HPC as a Service pr0vides users with a number 0f key benefits as f0ll0ws. A. HPC res0urces
scale with demand and are available with n0 capital 0utlay-0nly the res0urces used are actually
paid f0r. B. Experts in high-perf0rmance c0mputing help setup and 0ptimize the s0ftware
envir0nment and can help tr0uble-sh00t issues that might 0ccur. C. Faster time-t0-results
especially f0r c0mputati0nal requirements that greatly exceed the existing c0mputing capacity. D.
Acc0unts are pr0vided 0n an individual user basis, and users are billed f0r the time they use
service. E. A HPC platf0rm f0r y0u and y0ur applicati0ns: Supp0rt f0r ANSYS, Open FOAM,
LSTC, etc ... and third party supp0rt. F. Access fr0m anywhere in the w0rlds with high-speed
data transfer in and 0ut.


H0wever, many anticipated pr0perties 0f distributed cl0ud envir0nments str0ngly suggest that
cl0uds can 0nly partly address HPC user needs and that s0me w0rkl0ad subd0mains will remain
bey0nd the capabilities 0f cl0ud services. Virtualizati0n, uncertainty 0f hardware Structural
details, lack0f netw0rk c0ntr0l and mem0ry access c0ntenti0n,repeatability,and pr0tecti0n and
security all inhibit cl0ud paradigm ad0pti0n f0r certain critical uses. Als0, it's unlikely that a
general business m0del, implicit with cl0uds, will pr0vide the extreme c0mputing and peak

Finally, pr0tected access t0 such facilities is a p0tential s0urce 0f c0mpetitive edge f0r science,
market, and nati0nal security, and the agencies that empl0y them will theref0re limit 0r entirely
preclude 0ffering such systems t0 a cl0ud-c0vered pr0cessing w0rld.


Fr0m the research and analysis that concluded in many exp, cl0ud c0mputing h0lds plenty 0f
pr0mise with stress 0n HPC applicati0ns. The“IaaS and PaaS” p0ssibly are good apt f0r h0sting
“HPC” applicati0ns in the cl0ud as hardware needed f0r the infrastructure and the important
s0ftware levels are already 0n the market f0r cust0mers, researchers and 0rganizati0ns. These
0rganizati0ns will save t0ns 0f cash and 0verhead price by taking benefit0f applicati0ns that could
scale potentially in this infrastructures 0n a “pay per use” basis. H0wever, there are many
challenges f0r HPC applicati0ns within the cl0ud t00. Up t0 n0w 0nly a few 0f 0rganizati0ns give
cl0ud services. Just s0me 0f th0se 0rganizati0ns have infrastructures that do supp0rt small-
scaleHPC applicati0ns. Running massive scale HPC applicati0ns remains a pr0blem that are
extremely “data intensive and that c0nsume high CPU capabilities”. Inc0nsistent results whereas
“experimenting with HPC” applicati0ns shows a l0t is still need t0 d0ne. When c0mpared
t0recent traditi0nal “HPC system the clusters” within the cl0ud c0me sh0rt a little.



[2]Aditya Devarakonda. "Cloud Paradigmsand Practices for Computational and Data-

Enabled Science and Engineering" (2013)

[3] Paolo Faraboschi,."Evaluating andImproving the Performance and Scheduling ofHPC

Applications in Cloud" on Cloud Computing (2014).


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