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& Hoeglund Public Company Limited


Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 0

Rev 2: 01/10/09
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

APPLICATION POLICY ...................................................................................... 2 
HDPE STUB END (Flange Adaptor) PE80........................................................... 6 
HDPE STUB END (Flange Adaptor) PE100......................................................... 8 
Fabricated HDPE BEND ..................................................................................... 11 
HDPE REDUCER ............................................................................................... 21 
Fabricated HDPE EQUAL TEE 90 .................................................................... 25 
Fabricated HDPE SWAGED TEE 90 ................................................................ 25 
Fabricated HDPE REDUCED TEE 90............................................................... 28 
Fabricated HDPE TEE WYE 45 ........................................................................ 31 
BACKING RING ................................................................................................ 32 
BLIND FLANGE ................................................................................................ 38 
BOLT AND NUTS .............................................................................................. 43 
GASKET for HDPE Pipe..................................................................................... 47 
PUDDLE FLANGE ............................................................................................. 50 
COMPRESSION FITTNGS (POLYWARE) ...................................................... 51 

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 1

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


1. Only straight tees (90°) are allowed in the standard fitting program. 60°, 45° or
30° are not included in the KWH Pipe standard fitting program. Laterals with
branches< 90° shall be individually designed

2. If no de-rating is applied to an equal tee, the installed fitting must be use in

combination with reinforcement to the full strength of the fitting (for instance
concrete or fiberglass reinforcement)

3. If a 40% de-rating is applied to an equal tee, no reinforcement is necessary. If

installed above ground, bending moment is not allow on the main pipe or on the
branch. If prescribed in the local installation codes, reinforcement to the full
strength of the bend is mandatory.

4. Reinforcement is not necessary for segment welded bends; provided they are
installed in friction soil according to approve installation code (RIL-77 or
corresponding). If installed above ground, in loose soils, or if prescribed in local
installation codes, reinforcement to the full strength of the bend is mandatory.

5. The maximum cutting angle for segments is 15°

6. The recommended method of manufacturing equal tees, is the so-called Y-

welding, V-welding is allowed, but not recommended.

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 2

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Fabricated fittings design for Bends and Tees

KWH pipe recommends that fittings be ordered by EDR (Equivalent Dimension Ratio). The
pressure rating of the EDR fittings is the same as that associated with the SDR of the matching pipe.
The table below details the pipe SDR is used to fabricate the appropriate EDR fitting.

All Fabricated fittings can be supplied with either flanged ends and/or plain ends for butt
fusion to the piping system.

Fitting Description Fitting Wall Thickness EDR Pipe SDR for

fittings fabricate fittings
Approximately 25% greater wall 26 21
thickness than pipe 21 17
(cut angle 7.5 <   15)
17 13.6
13.6 11
11 9
9 7.4
7.3 (ASTM)
7.4 (ISO)
Approximately 50% greater wall 26 17
Straight Tee thickness than pipe 21 13.6
17 11
13.6 9
11 7.4
9 6
7.3 (ASTM)
7.4 (ISO)
EDR (Equivalent Dimension Ratio)

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 3

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

(นโยบายการใช้ งานสํ าหรับอุปกรณ์ ข้องอและสามทางทีม่ กี ารเชื่อมประกอบ
แบบ Segment)
การใช้ งานสํ าหรับอุปกรณ์ ข้องอและสามทางทีม่ กี ารเชื่อมประกอบแบบ Segment
1. เฉพาะสามทาง 90 เท่านั้นที่อนุญาติให้ใช้ตามเอกสารฉบับนี้ สําหรับสามทาง 60° ,45° หรื อ 30° ไม่
รวมอยูใ่ นเอกสารฉบับนี้ โดยสามทางที่มีองศาน้อยกว่า 90 ควรจะถูกออกแบบเป็ นการเฉพาะ
2. ถ้าไม่ตอ้ งการลดการรับแรงดันของสามทาง การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สามทางควรจะต้องมีการเสริ มความแข็งแรงให้
ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของอุปกรณ์ เช่น การหุม้ ด้วยคอนกรี ต หรื อ ไฟเบอร์กลาส
3. สําหรับสามทางถ้าการใช้งานมีการลดการรับแรงดันลง 40% ของแรงดันปกติของท่อ ไม่มีความจําเป็ นต้องมี
การเสริ มความแข็งแรงของสามทาง และสําหรับการติดตั้งเหนือพื้นดิน ไม่อนุญาติให้ติดตั้งสามทางใน
ตําแหน่งที่ก่อให้เกิดการดัดโค้งทั้งในท่อหลักและท่อแยก ถ้าพื้นที่ที่ติดตั้งนั้นถูกกําหนดไว้แล้วควรจะมีการ
เสริ มแรงของสามทางนั้นให้ครอบคลุมส่ วนที่เกิดแรงดัดทั้งหมด
4. การเสริ มแรงไม่มีความจําเป็ นกับ segment ของอุปกรณ์ขอ้ งอหรื อข้อโค้ง เมื่อมีการติดตั้งในดินที่มีแรง
เสี ยดทานและติดตั้งตามมาตรฐานของ RIL-77 หรื อเทียบเท่า แต่ถา้ ต้องติดตั้งเหนือดิน, ในสภาพดินอ่อน
หรื อในพื้นที่ที่ไม่สามารถติดตั้งตามมาตรฐานได้ ให้เสริ มแรงข้องอให้ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของส่ วนที่จะเกิด
5. มุมมากสุ ดสําหรับการตัดประกอบอุปกรณ์แต่ละ Segmentคือ 15
6. แนะนําวิธีการผลิตสามทางโดยการเชื่อมแบบที่เรี ยกว่า Y-welding สําหรับการเชื่อมแบบ V-welding

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 4

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

บริ ษทั KWH Pipe แนะนําการใช้อุปกรณ์ขอ้ งอและสามทางนําเสนอเป็ น EDRโดยการรับแรงดันของอุปกรณ์

ที่เป็ น EDR จะเหมือนกับท่อที่ SDR เดียวกัน ตารางข้างล่างเป็ นรายละเอียด SDR ของท่อที่นาํ มาใช้ในการผลิต

Fitting Description Fitting Wall Thickness EDR Pipe SDR for

fittings fabricate fittings
Bend (ข้องอ) ความหนาของข้องอควรมากกว่าท่อ 26 21
21 17
(cut angle 7.5 <   15) ประมาณ 25% 17 13.6
13.6 11
11 9
9 7.4
7.3 (ASTM)
7.4 (ISO)
Straight Tee(สามทาง) ความหนาของสามทางควรมากกว่า 26 17
21 13.6
ท่อประมาณ 50% 17 11
13.6 9
11 7.4
9 6
7.3 (ASTM)
7.4 (ISO)
EDR (Equivalent Dimension Ratio) = อัตราส่ วน OD/e ของระบบท่อที่จะนํามาต่อ

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 5

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

HDPE STUB END (Flange Adaptor) PE80

PN 3.2 – 6.3


Unit: mm
HDPE NS PN 4 PN 5 PN6/PN 6.3
OD h1 h3 h1 h3 h1 h3
mm inch
16 10 3/8" 40 - - - - - -
20 15 1/2" 45 - - - - - -
25 20 3/4" 58 - - - - - -
32 25 1" 68 - - - - 37 12
40 32 1 1/4" 78 - - 39 14 39 14
50 40 1 1/2" 88 - - 45 16 45 16
63 50 2" 102 48 18 48 18 48 18
75 65 2 1/2" 122 50 20 50 20 50 20
90 80 3" 138 52 22 52 22 52 22
110 100 4" 158 52 26 52 26 52 26
125 100 4" 158 53 28 53 28 53 28
140 125 5" 188 54 29 54 29 54 29
160 150 6" 212 55 30 55 30 55 30
180 150 6" 212 70 34 70 34 70 34
200 200 8" 268 65 38 69 32 69 32
225 200 8" 268 68 30 72 34 72 34
250 250 10" 320 68 32 74 38 74 38
280 250 10" 320 69 34 75 42 75 42
315 300 12" 370 71 36 81 46 81 46
355 350 14" 430 77 40 87 50 87 50
400 400 16" 482 85 44 97 56 97 56
450 450 18" 535 85 49 98 57 98 57
450A 500 20" 585 85 49 98 57 98 57
500 500 20" 585 85 49 110 76 110 76
560 600 24" 685 88 50 110 76 110 76
630 600 24" 685 97 56 120 82 120 82
710 700 28" 800 104 60 120 82 120 82
800 800 32" 905 110 63 120 85 120 85
900 900 36" 1005 114 66 120 85 120 85
1000 1000 40" 1110 140 76 140 85 140 85
1200 1200 48" 1330 155 80 160 90 - -
1400 1400 56" 1535 160 85 180 95 - -
1600 1600 64" 1760 170 90 190 100 - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 6

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

HDPE STUB END (Flange Adaptor) PE80

PN 8 – 16


Unit: mm
HDPE NS PN 8 PN 10 PN 12.5 PN 16
OD mm inch h1 h3 h1 h3 h1 h3 h1 h3
16 10 3/8" 40 - - 35 10 63 33 63 33
20 15 1/2" 45 - - 35 10 63 33 63 33
25 20 3/4" 58 37 12 37 12 63 33 63 33
32 25 1" 68 37 12 37 12 63 33 63 33
40 32 1 1/4" 78 39 14 39 14 63 33 63 33
50 40 1 1/2" 88 45 16 45 16 63 33 63 33
63 50 2" 102 48 18 48 18 63 33 63 33
75 65 2 1/2" 122 50 20 50 20 63 33 63 33
90 80 3" 138 52 22 52 22 63 33 63 33
110 100 4" 158 52 26 52 26 63 33 63 33
125 100 4" 158 53 28 53 28 66 36 66 36
140 125 5" 188 54 29 54 29 73 40 73 40
160 150 6" 212 55 30 55 30 77 44 77 44
180 150 6" 212 70 34 70 34 84 48 84 48
200 200 8" 268 72 40 72 40 90 53 90 53
225 200 8" 268 75 42 75 42 93 55 93 55
250 250 10" 320 75 45 75 45 101 62 101 62
280 250 10" 320 87 54 87 54 103 64 103 64
315 300 12" 370 93 58 93 58 117 73 117 73
355 350 14" 430 103 66 103 66 120 76 120 76
400 400 16" 482 113 72 113 72 125 78 125 78
450 450 18" 535 115 75 115 75 125 84 125 84
450A 500 20" 585 115 75 115 75 125 84 125 84
500 500 20" 585 118 80 118 80 130 93 130 93
560 600 24" 685 119 81 119 81 135 98 135 98
630 600 24" 685 120 82 120 82 140 103 - -
710 700 28" 800 120 82 120 82 145 108 - -
800 800 32" 905 120 85 120 85 - - - -
900 900 36" 1005 120 90 120 90 - - - -
1000 1000 40" 1110 140 95 - - - - - -
1200 1200 48" 1330 - - - - - - - -
1400 1400 56" 1535 - - - - - - - -
1600 1600 64" 1760 - - - - - - - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 7

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

HDPE STUB END (Flange Adaptor) PE100

PN 4 – 8


Unit: mm
HDPE NS PN 5 PN6/PN 6.3 PN 8
OD h1 h3 h1 h3 h1 h3
mm inch
16 10 3/8" 40 - - - - - -
20 15 1/2" 45 - - - - - -
25 20 3/4" 58 - - - - - -
32 25 1" 68 - - - - - -
40 32 1 1/4" 78 - - 39 14 39 14
50 40 1 1/2" 88 - - 45 16 45 16
63 50 2" 102 48 18 48 18 48 18
75 65 2 1/2" 122 50 20 50 20 50 20
90 80 3" 138 52 22 52 22 52 22
110 100 4" 158 52 26 52 26 52 26
125 100 4" 158 53 28 53 28 53 28
140 125 5" 188 54 29 54 29 54 29
160 150 6" 212 55 30 55 30 55 30
180 150 6" 212 70 34 70 34 70 34
200 200 8" 268 69 32 69 32 72 40
225 200 8" 268 72 34 72 34 75 42
250 250 10" 320 74 38 74 38 75 45
280 250 10" 320 75 42 75 42 87 54
315 300 12" 370 81 46 81 46 93 58
355 350 14" 430 87 50 87 50 103 66
400 400 16" 482 97 56 97 56 113 72
450 450 18" 535 98 57 98 57 115 75
450A 500 20" 585 98 57 98 57 115 75
500 500 20" 585 110 76 110 76 118 80
560 600 24" 685 110 76 110 76 119 81
630 600 24" 685 120 82 120 82 120 82
710 700 28" 800 120 82 120 82 120 82
800 800 32" 905 120 85 120 85 120 85
900 900 36" 1005 120 85 120 85 120 90
1000 1000 40" 1110 140 85 140 85 - -
1200 1200 48" 1330 160 90 160 90 - -
1400 1400 56" 1535 180 95 180 95 - -
1600 1600 64" 1760 190 100 190 100 - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 8

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

HDPE STUB END (Flange Adaptor) PE100

PN 10 – 20


Unit: mm
HDPE NS PN 10 PN 12.5 PN 16 PN20
OD h1 h3 h1 h3 h1 h3 h1 h3
mm inch
16 10 3/8" 40 - - 63 33 63 33 63 33
20 15 1/2" 45 - - 63 33 63 33 63 33
25 20 3/4" 58 37 12 63 33 63 33 63 33
32 25 1" 68 37 12 63 33 63 33 63 33
40 32 1 1/4" 78 39 14 63 33 63 33 63 33
50 40 1 1/2" 88 45 16 63 33 63 33 63 33
63 50 2" 102 48 18 63 33 63 33 63 33
75 65 2 1/2" 122 50 20 63 33 63 33 63 33
90 80 3" 138 52 22 63 33 63 33 63 33
110 100 4" 158 52 26 63 33 63 33 63 33
125 100 4" 158 53 28 66 36 66 36 66 36
140 125 5" 188 54 29 73 40 73 40 73 40
160 150 6" 212 55 30 77 44 77 44 77 44
180 150 6" 212 70 34 84 48 84 48 84 48
200 200 8" 268 72 40 90 53 90 53 90 53
225 200 8" 268 75 42 93 55 93 55 93 55
250 250 10" 320 75 45 101 62 101 62 101 62
280 250 10" 320 87 54 103 64 103 64 103 64
315 300 12" 370 93 58 117 73 117 73 117 73
355 350 14" 430 103 66 120 76 120 76 120 76
400 400 16" 482 113 72 125 78 125 78 125 78
450 450 18" 535 115 75 125 84 125 84 125 84
450A 500 20" 585 115 75 125 84 125 84 125 84
500 500 20" 585 118 80 130 93 130 93 130 93
560 600 24" 685 119 81 135 98 135 98 135 98
630 600 24" 685 123 82 140 103 140 103 - -
710 700 28" 800 123 82 145 108 145 108 - -
800 800 32" 905 140 85 150 113 - - - -
900 900 36" 1005 140 90 155 118 - - - -
1000 1000 40" 1110 140 95 - - - - - -
1200 1200 48" 1330 - - - - - - - -
1400 1400 56" 1535 - - - - - - - -
1600 1600 64" 1760 - - - - - - - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 9

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Long leg (LG)

Unit: mm
OD mm inch
16 10 3/8" 160
20 15 1/2" 160
25 20 3/4" 160
32 25 1" 160
40 32 1 1/4" 165
50 40 1 1/2" 165
63 50 2" 170
75 65 2 1/2" 175
90 80 3" 180
110 100 4" 265
125 100 4" 265
140 125 5" 265
160 150 6" 270
180 150 6" 370
200 200 8" 370
225 200 8" 375
250 250 10" 425
280 250 10" 430
315 300 12" 435
355 350 14" 485
400 400 16" 490
450 450 18" 795
450A 500 20" 795
500 500 20" 800
560 600 24" 810
630 600 24" 1015
710 700 28" 1025
800 800 32" 1030
900 900 36" 1090
1000 1000 40" 1100
1200 1200 48" 1320
1400 1400 56" 1340
1600 1600 64" 1560

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 10

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

  22.5o

Unit: mm
HDPE NS α = 22.5 only

OD(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 160
25 3/4" 160
32 1" 160
40 1 1/4" 165
50 1 1/2" 165
63 2" 170
75 2 1/2" 175
90 3" 180
110 4" 265
125 4" 265
140 5" 265
160 6" 270
180 6" 370
200 8" 370
225 8" 375
250 10" 425
280 10" 430
315 12" 435
355 14" 485
400 16" 490
450 18" 795
500 20" 800
560 24" 810
630 24" 1015
710 28" 1025
800 32" 1030
900 36" 1090
1000 40" 1100
1200 48" 1320
1400 56" 1340
1600 64" 1560

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 11

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

22.5o <  30o

Unit: mm
HDPE NS α = 30 only

OD(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 160
25 3/4" 160
32 1" 165
40 1 1/4" 170
50 1 1/2" 170
63 2" 175
75 2 1/2" 180
90 3" 190
110 4" 265
125 4" 270
140 5" 270
160 6" 275
180 6" 275
200 8" 380
225 8" 380
250 10" 435
280 10" 440
315 12" 445
355 14" 500
400 16" 505
450 18" 810
500 20" 820
560 24" 825
630 24" 1035
710 28" 1045
800 32" 1060
900 36" 1125
1000 40" 1135
1200 48" 1365
1400 56" 1390
1600 64" 1615

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 12

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

  45o

Unit: mm
HDPE NS α = 45 only

OD(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 225
25 3/4" 225
32 1" 224
40 1 1/4" 230
50 1 1/2" 230
63 2" 235
75 2 1/2" 240
90 3" 245
110 4" 346
125 4" 346
140 5" 346
160 6" 378
180 6" 478
200 8" 478
225 8" 510
250 10" 560
280 10" 565
315 12" 570
355 14" 648
400 16" 652
450 18" 957
500 20" 989
560 24" 1026
630 24" 1259
710 28" 1323
800 32" 1463
900 36" 1522
1000 40" 1533
1200 48" 1753
1400 56" 1827
1600 64" 2101

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 13

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

  60o

Unit: mm
HDPE NS α = 60 only

OD(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 229
25 3/4" 229
32 1" 234
40 1 1/4" 239
50 1 1/2" 239
63 2" 245
75 2 1/2" 249
90 3" 259
110 4" 351
125 4" 357
140 5" 357
160 6" 390
180 6" 490
200 8" 495
225 8" 524
250 10" 579
280 10" 584
315 12" 618
355 14" 673
400 16" 707
450 18" 1041
500 20" 1080
560 24" 1114
630 24" 1353
710 28" 1392
800 32" 1522
900 36" 1587
1000 40" 1597
1200 48" 1913
1400 56" 2054
1600 64" 2366

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 14

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

60o  90o Z

Unit: mm
HDPE NS α = 90 only

OD(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 324
25 3/4" 324
32 1" 329
40 1 1/4" 334
50 1 1/2" 334
63 2" 339
75 2 1/2" 344
90 3" 354
110 4" 470
125 4" 475
140 5" 475
160 6" 548
180 6" 648
200 8" 653
225 8" 722
250 10" 777
280 10" 782
315 12" 855
355 14" 910
400 16" 983
450 18" 1357
500 20" 1435
560 24" 1508
630 24" 1786
710 28" 1865
800 32" 2153
900 36" 2218
1000 40" 2228
1200 48" 2731
1400 56" 2961
1600 64" 3391

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 15

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

with StubEnd&Backing ring
  22.5o

Unit: mm
HDPE OD NS α = 22.5o
(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 120
25 3/4" 120
32 1" 120
40 1 1/4" 120
50 1 1/2" 120
63 2" 120
75 2 1/2" 120
90 3" 120
110 4" 150
125 4" 150
140 5" 150
160 6" 200
180 6" 200
200 8" 200
225 8" 250
250 10" 250
280 10" 250
315 12" 250
355 14" 300
400 16" 300
450 18" 300
500 20" 350
560 24" 400
630 24" 450
710 28" 550
800 32" 800
900 36" 800
1000 40" 800
1200 48" 800
1400 56" 900
1600 64" 1000

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 16

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

with StubEnd&Backing ring
22.5o <  30o

Unit: mm
HDPE OD NS α = 30o
(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 120
25 3/4" 120
32 1" 120
40 1 1/4" 120
50 1 1/2" 120
63 2" 120
75 2 1/2" 120
90 3" 120
110 4" 150
125 4" 150
140 5" 150
160 6" 200
180 6" 200
200 8" 200
225 8" 250
250 10" 250
280 10" 250
315 12" 250
355 14" 300
400 16" 300
450 18" 300
500 20" 350
560 24" 400
630 24" 450
710 28" 550
800 32" 800
900 36" 800
1000 40" 800
1200 48" 800
1400 56" 900
1600 64" 1000

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 17

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

with StubEnd&Backing ring
  45o

Unit: mm
HDPE α = 45o
(inch) Z
20 1/2" 185
25 3/4" 185
32 1" 185
40 1 1/4" 185
50 1 1/2" 185
63 2" 185
75 2 1/2" 185
90 3" 185
110 4" 231
125 4" 231
140 5" 231
160 6" 308
180 6" 308
200 8" 308
225 8" 385
250 10" 385
280 10" 385
315 12" 385
355 14" 462
400 16" 462
450 18" 462
500 20" 539
560 24" 616
630 24" 694
710 28" 848
800 32" 1233
900 36" 1233
1000 40" 1233
1200 48" 1233
1400 56" 1387
1600 64" 1541

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 18

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

with StubEnd&Backing ring
  60o

Unit: mm
HDPE α = 60o
(inch) Z
20 1/2" 189
25 3/4" 189
32 1" 189
40 1 1/4" 189
50 1 1/2" 189
63 2" 189
75 2 1/2" 189
90 3" 189
110 4" 237
125 4" 237
140 5" 237
160 6" 315
180 6" 315
200 8" 315
225 8" 394
250 10" 394
280 10" 394
315 12" 473
355 14" 473
400 16" 552
450 18" 631
500 20" 710
560 24" 789
630 24" 868
710 28" 946
800 32" 1262
900 36" 1262
1000 40" 1262
1200 48" 1498
1400 56" 1814
1600 64" 2051

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 19

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE BEND

with StubEnd&Backing ring
60o  90o

Unit: mm
HDPE OD NS α = 90o
(mm) (inch) Z
20 1/2" 284
25 3/4" 284
32 1" 284
40 1 1/4" 284
50 1 1/2" 284
63 2" 284
75 2 1/2" 284
90 3" 284
110 4" 355
125 4" 355
140 5" 355
160 6" 473
180 6" 473
200 8" 473
225 8" 592
250 10" 592
280 10" 592
315 12" 710
355 14" 710
400 16" 828
450 18" 946
500 20" 1065
560 24" 1183
630 24" 1301
710 28" 1420
800 32" 1893
900 36" 1893
1000 40" 1893
1200 48" 2366
1400 56" 2721
1600 64" 3076

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 20

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


D d

Unit: mm
D/d D/d
50 / 32 40 280 / 225 95
63 / 32 50 280 / 250 90
63 / 50 40 315 / 250 95
75 / 32 60 315 / 280 90
75 / 50 55 355 / 280 100
75 / 63 50 355 / 315 100
90 / 50 65 400 / 315 100
90 / 63 60 400 / 355 100
90 / 75 50 450 / 355 110
110 / 63 90 450 / 400 100
110 / 75 75 500 / 400 120
110 / 90 60 500 / 450 110
125 / 75 70 560 / 450 130
125 / 90 70 560 / 500 120
125 / 110 60 630 / 500 150
140 / 90 70 630 / 560 130
140 / 110 70 710 / 560 160
140 / 125 70 710 / 630 130
160 / 110 60 800 / 710 140
160 / 125 75 900 / 800 140
160 / 140 70
1000 / 900 150
180 / 125 75
180 / 140 70 1200 / 1000 200
180 / 160 65 1400 / 1200 200
200 / 140 75 1600 / 1400 210
200 / 160 85
200 / 180 65
225 / 160 90
225 / 180 85
225 / 200 65
250 / 200 85
250 / 225 80

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 21

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Unit: mm
D/d D/d
110 / 32 135 315 / 200 175
110 / 50 125 315 / 225 170
125 / 32 125 355 / 225 190
125 / 50 120 355 / 250 185
125 / 63 115 400 / 250 190
140 / 50 130 400 / 280 185
140 / 63 125 450 / 280 205
140 / 75 115 450 / 315 205
160 / 63 121 500 / 315 215
160 / 75 109 500 / 355 215
160 / 90 99 560 / 355 235
180 / 75 140 560 / 400 225
180 / 90 140 630 / 400 265
180 / 110 130 630 / 450 255
200 / 90 140 710 / 450 285
200 / 110 140 710 / 500 275
200 / 125 140 800 / 560 295
225 / 110 145 800 / 630 265
225 / 125 160 900 / 710 275
225 / 140 155
1000 / 800 285
250 / 140 155
250 / 160 165 1200 / 900 345
250 / 180 145 1400 / 1000 395
280 / 160 180 1600 / 1200 405
280 / 180 175
280 / 200 155

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 22

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


D d

Unit: mm

D/d D/d
250 / 125 220 800 / 400 515
280 / 140 245 900 / 500 545
315 / 160 255 1000 / 560 575
315 / 180 235 1000 / 630 545
355 / 180 270
355 / 200 250
400 / 200 270
400 / 225 265
450 / 225 295
450 / 250 290
500 / 250 305
500 / 280 300
560 / 280 330
560 / 315 330
630 / 315 360
630 / 355 360
710 / 355 390
710 / 400 380
800 / 450 420
800 / 500 410
900 / 560 430
900 / 630 400
1000 / 710 420

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 23

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department




Unit: mm
D/d D/d
50 / 32 140 250 / 200 235
63 / 32 150 250 / 225 230
63 / 50 140 280 / 225 245
75 / 32 160 280 / 250 240
75 / 50 155 315 / 250 245
75 / 63 150 315 / 280 240
90 / 50 165 355 / 280 250
90 / 63 160 355 / 315 250
90 / 75 150 400 / 315 300
110 / 63 190 400 / 355 300
110 / 75 175 450 / 355 310
110 / 90 160 450 / 400 300
125 / 75 220 500 / 400 320
125 / 90 220 500 / 450 310
125 / 110 210 560 / 450 330
140 / 90 220 560 / 500 320
140 / 110 220 630 / 500 350
140 / 125 220 630 / 560 330
160 / 110 210 710 / 560 360
160 / 125 225 710 / 630 330
160 / 140 220 800 / 710 390
180 / 125 225 900 / 800 390
180 / 140 220
1000 / 900 400
180 / 160 215
200 / 140 225 1200 / 1000 450
200 / 160 235 1400 / 1200 450
200 / 180 215 1600 / 1400 460
225 / 160 240
225 / 180 235
225 / 200 215

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 24

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE EQUAL TEE 90




Z1 Z2

Unit: mm
L Z1,Z2,Z3 L Z1,Z2,Z3
OD(mm) (inch) OD(mm) (inch)
20 1/2" 320 160 280 10" 1080 540
25 3/4" 330 165 315 12" 1120 560
32 1" 340 170 355 14" 1260 630
40 1 1/4" 340 170 400 16" 1300 650
50 1 1/2" 350 175 450 18" 1950 975
63 2" 370 185 500 20" 2000 1000
75 2 1/2" 380 190 560 24" 2060 1030
90 3" 390 195 630 24" 2530 1265
110 4" 610 305 710 28" 2610 1305
125 4" 630 315 800 32" 2700 1350
140 5" 640 320 900 36" 2900 1450
160 6" 660 330 1000 40" 3000 1500
180 6" 880 440 1200 48" 3600 1800
200 8" 900 450 1400 56" 3800 1900
225 8" 930 465 1600 64" 4400 2200
250 10" 1050 525

การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สามทางควรจะต้องมีการเสริ มความแข็งแรงให้ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของอุปกรณ์ เช่น การหุม้ ด้วย
คอนกรี ต หรื อ ไฟเบอร์กลาส
All Tees shall be fabricated from the same wall thickness as HDPE pipe. If a 40% de-rating is
applied to an equal tee, no reinforcement is necessary. If no de-rating is applied to an equal tee, the
installed fitting must be used in combination with reinforcement to the full strength of the fitting (for
instance concrete or fiberglass reinforcement).

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 25

Rev4: 13/07/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE EQUAL TEE 90


Unit: mm

L Z1,Z2,Z3 L Z1,Z2,Z3
OD(mm) (inch) OD(mm) (inch)
20 1/2" 260 130 280 10" 780 390
25 3/4" 265 133 315 12" 915 458
32 1" 272 136 355 14" 955 478
40 1 1/4" 280 140 400 16" 1100 550
50 1 1/2" 290 145 450 18" 1250 625
63 2" 303 152 500 20" 1400 700
75 2 1/2" 315 158 560 24" 1560 780
90 3" 330 165 630 24" 1730 865
110 4" 410 205 710 28" 1910 955
125 4" 425 213 800 32" 2400 1200
140 5" 440 220 900 36" 2500 1250
160 6" 560 280 1000 40" 2600 1300
180 6" 580 290 1200 48" 3200 1600
200 8" 600 300 1400 56" 3700 1850
225 8" 725 363 1600 64" 4200 2100
250 10" 750 375

การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สามทางควรจะต้องมีการเสริ มความแข็งแรงให้ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของอุปกรณ์ เช่น การหุม้ ด้วย
คอนกรี ต หรื อ ไฟเบอร์กลาส
All Tees shall be fabricated from the same wall thickness as HDPE pipe. If a 40% de-rating is
applied to an equal tee, no reinforcement is necessary. If no de-rating is applied to an equal tee, the
installed fitting must be used in combination with reinforcement to the full strength of the fitting
(for instance concrete or fiberglass reinforcement).

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 24

Rev 2: 01/10/09
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE SWAGED TEE 90


Z1 Z2

Unit: mm
L Z1,Z2 L Z1,Z2
D/d D/d
160 / 63 560 280 230 630 / 110-200
180 / 63-75 760 380 240 630 / 225
200 / 63-90 770 385 250 630 / 250 2220 1110
225 / 63-90 800 400 263 630 / 280 715
250 / 63-110 900 450 375 630 / 315
280 / 63-125 920 460 390 710 / 110-200
315 / 63-110 710 / 225
315 / 125 710 / 250
960 480 408 2260 1130
315 / 140 710 / 280 755
315 / 160 710 / 315
355 / 63-110
710 / 355 805
355 / 125
428 800 / 110-200
355 / 140 1080 540 750
355 / 160 800 / 225
355 / 180 528 800 / 250
800 / 280 2300 1150 800
400 / 63-125
400 / 140 450 800 / 315
400 / 160 1100 550 800 / 355
400 / 180 550 800 / 400
400 / 200 550 900 / 110-225 800
450 / 63-140 900 / 250
475 900 / 280 850
450 / 160
450 / 180 1730 865 900 / 315 2450 1225
450 / 200 575 900 / 355
450 / 225 900 / 400
500 / 63-160 500 900 / 450 1200
500 / 180 1000 / 110-250
500 / 200 1750 875 600 1000 / 280 900
500 / 225 1000 / 315
500 / 250 650 1000 / 355 2500 1250
560 / 63-180 1000 / 400
560 / 200 630 1000 / 450
560 / 225 1780 890 1000 / 500
560 / 250
560 / 280
Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 25
Rev 2: 01/10/09
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE SWAGED TEE 90


Unit: mm
L Z1,Z2 L Z1,Z2
D/d D/d
160 / 63 560 280 200 630 / 110-200 515
180 / 63-75 760 380 210 630 / 225
200 / 63-90 770 385 220 630 / 250 2220 1110 565
225 / 63-90 800 400 233 630 / 280
250 / 63-110 900 450 275 630 / 315 615
280 / 63-125 920 460 290 710 / 110-200 555
315 / 63-110 710 / 225
315 / 125 308 710 / 250 605
960 480 2260 1130
315 / 140 710 / 280
315 / 160 358
710 / 315
355 / 63-110 655
710 / 355
355 / 125 328
355 / 140 800 / 110-200 600
1080 540
800 / 225
355 / 160
378 800 / 250 650
355 / 180
800 / 280 2300 1150
400 / 63-125 800 / 315
350 700
400 / 140 800 / 355
400 / 160 1100 550
800 / 400 750
400 / 180 400
400 / 200 900 / 110-225
450 / 63-140 375 900 / 250 700
900 / 280
450 / 160
450 / 180 425 900 / 315 2450 1225
1730 865 750
450 / 200 900 / 355
900 / 400 800
450 / 225 475
500 / 63-160 900 / 450 850
500 / 180 450 1000 / 110-250
500 / 200 1750 875 1000 / 280
500 / 225 1000 / 315
500 800
500 / 250 1000 / 355 2500 1250
560 / 63-180 1000 / 400 850
560 / 200 1000 / 450 900
560 / 225 1780 890 1000 / 500 950
560 / 250 530
560 / 280

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 26

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE SWAGED TEE 90



OD 90

Z1 Z2
Unit: mm
L Z1,Z2 L Z1,Z2
D/d D/d
160 / 63 360 180 200 630 / 110-200 515
180 / 63-75 360 180 210 630 / 225
200 / 63-90 360 180 220 630 / 250 990 495 565
225 / 63-90 450 225 233 630 / 280
250 / 63-110 450 225 275 630 / 315 615
280 / 63-125 450 225 290 710 / 110-200 555
315 / 63-110 710 / 225
315 / 125 308 710 / 250 605
540 270 1080 540
315 / 140 710 / 280
315 / 160 358
710 / 315
355 / 63-110 655
710 / 355
355 / 125 328
355 / 140 540 270 800 / 110-200 600
355 / 160 800 / 225
378 800 / 250 650
355 / 180
400 / 63-125 800 / 280 1440 720
350 800 / 315
400 / 140 700
400 / 160 630 315 800 / 355
400 / 180 400 800 / 400 750
400 / 200 900 / 110-225
450 / 63-140 375 900 / 250 700
450 / 160 900 / 280
450 / 180 720 360 425 900 / 315 1440 720 750
450 / 200 900 / 355
450 / 225 475 900 / 400 800
500 / 63-160 900 / 450 850
500 / 180 450 1000 / 110-250
500 / 200 810 405 750
1000 / 280
500 / 225 1000 / 315
500 800
500 / 250 1000 / 355 1440 720
560 / 63-180 1000 / 400 850
560 / 200 1000 / 450 900
560 / 225 900 450 1000 / 500 950
560 / 250 530
560 / 280

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 27
Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE REDUCED TEE 90

“1 Step”


Z1 Z2
L Unit: mm

L Z1,Z2 L Z1,Z2
D/d D/d
50 / 32 350 175 385 280 / 225
1080 540 790
63 / 32 392 280 / 250
370 185 315 / 250
63 / 50 412 1120 560 858
75 / 50 315 / 280
380 190 418 355 / 280
75 / 63 1260 630 878
90 / 63 355 / 315
390 195 425 400 / 315 950
90 / 75 1300 650
110 / 63 400 / 355 1150
110 / 75 610 305 475 450 / 355
1950 975 1225
110 / 90 450 / 400
125 / 75 500 / 400 1320
483 2000 1000
125 / 90 630 315 500 / 450 1820
125 / 110 583 560 / 450
2060 1030 1910
140 / 90 490 560 / 500
140 / 110 640 320 630 / 500
590 2530 1265 2015
140 / 125 630 / 560
160 / 110 710 / 560
2610 1305 2115
160 / 125 660 330 650 710 / 630
160 / 140 800 / 710 2700 1350 2540
180 / 125 900 / 800 2900 1450 2600
180 / 140 880 440 680 1000 / 900 3000 1500 2650
180 / 160
200 / 140 1200 / 1000 3600 1800 3000
200 / 160 900 450 690 1400 / 1200 3800 1900 3550
200 / 180 1600 / 1400 4400 2200 3810
225 / 160
225 / 180 930 465 753
225 / 200
250 / 200
1050 525 765
250 / 225
การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สามทางควรจะต้องมีการเสริ มความแข็งแรงให้ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของอุปกรณ์ เช่น การหุม้ ด้วย
คอนกรี ต หรื อ ไฟเบอร์กลาส
Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 28
Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE REDUCED TEE 90

“2 Step”

Unit: mm
L Z1,Z2 L Z1,Z2
D/d D/d
125 / 63 630 315 543 500 / 315 1220
2000 1000
140 / 63 500 / 355 1420
640 320 550 560 / 355
140 / 75 2060 1030 1510
160 / 63 560 / 400
160 / 75 660 330 610 630 / 400 1635
2530 1265
160 / 90 630 / 450 2135
180 / 90 640 710 / 450
880 440 2610 1305 2245
180 / 110 740 710 / 500
200 / 90 650 800 / 560 2500
2700 1350
200 / 110 900 450 800 / 630 2700
200 / 125 900 / 710 2900 1450 2740
225 / 110 1000 / 800 3000 1500 2800
225 / 125 930 465 823
225 / 140
250 / 140
250 / 160 1050 525 855
250 / 180
280 / 160
280 / 180 1080 540 880
280 / 200
315 / 200
1120 560 948
315 / 225
355 / 225
1260 630 978
355 / 250
400 / 250
1300 650 1050
400 / 280
450 / 280
1950 975 1125
450 / 315

การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สามทางควรจะต้องมีการเสริ มความแข็งแรงให้ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของอุปกรณ์ เช่น การหุม้ ด้วย
คอนกรี ต หรื อ ไฟเบอร์กลาส

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 29

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE REDUCED TEE 90

3 Steps 4 Steps
d d

Z3 Z3


Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2

Unit: mm
L Z1,Z2 L Z1,Z2
D/d D/d
250 / 125 1050 525 925 800 / 400 2700 1350 2230
280 / 140 1080 540 950
900 / 500 2900 1450 2830
315 / 160
1120 560 1038 1000 / 560 3000 1500 2900
315 / 180
355 / 180 1000 / 630 3000 1500 3100
1260 630 1068
355 / 200
400 / 200
1300 650 1140
400 / 225
450 / 225
1950 975 1225
450 / 250
500 / 250
2000 1000 1320
500 / 280
560 / 280 1410
2060 1030
560 / 315 1310
630 / 315 1555
2530 1265
630 / 355 1635
710 / 355
2610 1305 1845
710 / 400
800 / 450
2700 1350 2630
800 / 500
900 / 560 2700
2900 1450
900 / 630 2900
1000 / 710 3000 1500 2940
การติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สามทางควรจะต้องมีการเสริ มความแข็งแรงให้ครอบคลุมทั้งหมดของอุปกรณ์ เช่น การหุม้ ด้วย
คอนกรี ต หรื อ ไฟเบอร์กลาส

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 30
Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE TEE WYE 45



Z1 Z2

Unit: mm
(mm) mm mm mm
63 2" 380 130 250
75 2 1/2" 380 130 250
90 3" 425 135 290
110 4" 425 135 290
125 4" 545 190 355
140 5" 580 205 375
160 6" 625 210 415
180 6" 700 250 450
200 8" 760 273 487
225 8" 825 295 530
250 10" 905 325 580
280 10" 995 365 630
315 12" 1090 400 690
355 14" 1155 425 730
400 16" 1250 450 800
450 18" 1350 500 850
500 20" 1600 600 1000
560 24" 1850 650 1200
630 24" 2200 800 1400

Nominal pressure of Tee Wye 45= 0.5xPN of Pipe
(ในกรณีที่ผลิตจากความหนาเหมือนกับท่ อหลัก)

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 31

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Fabricated HDPE TEE WYE 45 PLUS




Z2 Z3
Unit: mm
(mm) mm mm mm mm
63 2" 380 570 130 250
75 2 1/2" 380 585 130 250
90 3" 425 625 135 290
110 4" 425 765 135 290
125 4" 545 820 190 355
140 5" 580 840 205 375
160 6" 625 960 210 415
180 6" 700 1100 250 450
200 8" 760 1130 273 487
225 8" 825 1260 295 530
250 10" 905 1355 325 580
280 10" 995 1410 365 630
315 12" 1090 1475 400 690
355 14" 1155 1650 425 730
400 16" 1250 1730 450 800
450 18" 1350 2100 500 850
500 20" 1600 2300 600 1000
560 24" 1850 2565 650 1200
630 24" 2200 3025 800 1400

Nominal pressure of Tee Wye 45Plus = 0.5xPN of Pipe
(ในกรณีที่ผลิตจากความหนาเหมือนกับท่ อหลัก)

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 32

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

PN 6.3 – 10
(ISO 9624 / ISO 7005 / DIN 7168)

Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/ Other
t specified

Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot dipped

D ID galvanized/ Other specified
Unit: mm
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 28 60 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 28 65 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 105 34 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 115 42 85 14 M12 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 140 51 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 150 62 110 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 165 78 125 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 185 92 145 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 200 108 160 18 M16 8 18
110 100 4" 220 128 180 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 220 135 180 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 250 158 210 18 M16 8 18
160 150 6" 285 178 240 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 285 188 240 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 340 235 295 22 M20 8 20
225 200 8" 340 238 295 22 M20 8 20
250 250 10" 395 288 350 22 M20 12 22
280 250 10" 395 294 350 22 M20 12 22
315 300 12" 445 338 400 22 M20 12 26
355 350 14" 505 376 460 22 M20 16 28
400 400 16" 565 430 515 26 M24 16 32
450 450 18" 615 470 565 26 M24 20 36
450A 500 20" 670 517 620 26 M24 20 38
500 500 20" 670 533 620 26 M24 20 38
560 600 24" 780 618 725 30 M27 20 44
630 600 24" 780 645 725 30 M27 20 44
710 700 28" 895 740 840 30 M27 24 50
800 800 32" 1015 843 950 33 M30 24 56
900 900 36" 1115 947 1050 33 M30 28 56
1000 1000 40" 1230 1050 1160 36 M33 28 60
1200 1200 48" 1455 1260 1380 39 M36 32 60
1400 1400 56" 1675 1460 1590 42 M39 36 80
1600 1600 64" 1915 1660 1820 48 M45 40 100

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 33

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

PN 16
(ISO 9624 / ISO 7005 / DIN 7168)
BC Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/
Other specified
Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot dipped
galvanized/ Other specified
Unit: mm
OD OD ID BC Thickness, t
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 28 60 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 32 65 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 105 38 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 115 48 85 14 M12 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 140 55 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 150 66 110 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 165 78 125 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 185 92 145 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 200 108 160 18 M16 8 18
110 100 4" 220 128 180 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 220 135 180 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 250 158 210 18 M16 8 18
160 150 6" 285 178 240 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 285 188 240 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 340 235 295 22 M20 12 20
225 200 8" 340 238 295 22 M20 12 20
250 250 10" 405 288 355 26 M24 12 24
280 250 10" 405 294 355 26 M24 12 24
315 300 12" 460 338 410 26 M24 12 28
355 350 14" 520 376 470 26 M24 16 32
400 400 16" 580 430 525 30 M27 16 36
450 450 18" 670 470 585 30 M27 20 36
450A 500 20" 715 517 650 33 M30 20 44
500 500 20" 715 533 650 33 M30 20 44
560 600 24" 840 618 770 36 M33 20 50
630 600 24" 840 645 770 36 M33 20 50
710 700 28" 910 740 840 36 M33 24 56
800 800 32" 1025 843 950 39 M36 24 56
900 900 36" 1125 947 1050 39 M36 28 56
1000 1000 40" 1230 1050 1170 42 M39 28 60
1200 1200 48" 1455 1260 1390 48 M45 32 60
1400 1400 56" 1685 1460 1590 48 M45 36 80
1600 1600 64" 1930 1660 1820 55 M52 40 100

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 34

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

JIS 10 kg/cm2
(JIS B 2222-1972)

Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/ Other
t specified

Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot dipped

D ID galvanized/ Other specified
Unit: mm
mm inch D M No. PN 10
16 10 3/8" 90 28 65 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 32 70 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 100 38 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 125 48 90 18 M16 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 135 55 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 140 66 105 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 155 78 120 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 175 92 140 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 185 108 150 18 M16 8 18
110 100 4" 210 128 175 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 210 135 175 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 250 158 210 22 M20 8 18
160 150 6" 280 178 240 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 280 188 240 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 330 235 290 22 M20 12 20
225 200 8" 330 238 290 22 M20 12 20
250 250 10" 400 288 355 24 M22 12 22
280 250 10" 400 294 355 24 M22 12 22
315 300 12" 445 338 400 24 M22 16 26
355 350 14" 490 376 445 24 M22 16 28
400 400 16" 560 430 510 26 M24 16 32
450 450 18" 620 470 565 26 M24 20 36
450A 500 20" 675 517 620 26 M24 20 38
500 500 20" 675 533 620 26 M24 20 38
560 600 24" 795 618 730 33 M30 24 44
630 600 24" 795 645 730 33 M30 24 44
710 700 28" 905 740 840 33 M30 24 50
800 800 32" 1020 843 950 33 M30 28 56
900 900 36" 1120 947 1050 33 M30 28 56
1000 1000 40" 1235 1050 1160 39 M36 28 60
1200 1200 48" 1465 1260 1380 39 M36 32 60

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 35

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

JIS 16 kg/cm2
(JIS B 2222-1972)
BC Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/
Other specified
Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot dipped
galvanized/ Other specified
Unit: mm
OD OD ID BC Thickness, t
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 28 65 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 32 70 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 100 38 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 125 48 90 18 M16 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 135 55 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 140 66 105 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 155 78 120 18 M16 8 16
75 65 2 1/2" 175 92 140 18 M16 8 16
90 80 3" 200 108 160 22 M20 8 18
110 100 4" 225 128 185 22 M20 8 18
125 100 4" 225 135 185 22 M20 8 18
140 125 5" 270 158 225 24 M22 8 18
160 150 6" 305 178 260 24 M22 12 18
180 150 6" 305 188 260 24 M22 12 18
200 200 8" 350 235 305 24 M22 12 20
225 200 8" 350 238 305 24 M22 12 20
250 250 10" 430 288 380 26 M24 12 24
280 250 10" 430 294 380 26 M24 12 24
315 300 12" 480 338 430 26 M24 16 28
355 350 14" 540 376 480 33 M30 16 32
400 400 16" 605 430 540 33 M30 16 36
450 450 18" 675 470 605 33 M30 20 36
450A 500 20" 730 517 660 33 M30 20 44
500 500 20" 730 533 660 33 M30 20 44
560 600 24" 845 618 770 39 M36 24 50
630 600 24" 845 645 770 39 M36 24 50

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 36

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

CLASS 150 lb
(ANSI B 16.5,16.47 series A)
BC Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/
Other specified
Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot dipped
galvanized/ Other specified
Unit: mm
OD OD ID BC Thickness, t
mm inch D M No.
20 15 1/2" 90 32 60.3 16 M14 4 14
25 20 3/4" 100 38 69.9 16 M14 4 14
32 25 1" 110 48 79.4 16 M14 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 115 51 88.9 16 M14 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 125 66 98.4 16 M14 4 16
63 50 2" 150 78 120.7 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 180 92 139.7 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 190 108 152.4 18 M16 4 18
110 100 4" 230 128 190.5 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 230 135 190.5 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 255 158 215.9 22 M20 8 18
160 150 6" 280 178 241.3 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 280 188 241.3 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 345 235 298.5 22 M20 8 20
225 200 8" 345 238 298.5 22 M20 8 20
250 250 10" 405 288 362.0 26 M24 12 22
280 250 10" 405 294 362.0 26 M24 12 22
315 300 12" 485 338 431.8 26 M24 12 26
355 350 14" 535 376 476.3 30 M27 12 28
400 400 16" 595 430 539.8 30 M27 16 32
450 450 18" 635 470 577.9 33 M30 16 36
450A 500 20" 700 517 635.0 33 M30 20 38
500 500 20" 700 533 635.0 33 M30 20 38
560 600 24" 815 618 749.3 36 M33 20 44
630 600 24" 815 645 749.3 36 M33 20 44
710 700 28" 925 740 863.6 34.9 M33 28 50
800 800 32" 1060 843 977.9 41.3 M39 28 56
900 900 36" 1170 947 1085.8 41.3 M39 32 56
1000 1000 40" 1290 1050 1200.2 41.3 M39 36 60
1200 1200 48" 1510 1260 1422.4 41.3 M39 44 60
1400 1400 56" 1745 1460 1651.0 47.7 M45 48 80

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 37

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

PN 6.3 – 10
(ISO 9624 / ISO 7005 / DIN 7168)

Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/ Other
t specified

Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot dipped

D galvanized/ Other specified
OD Unit: mm
Blind Flange
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 60 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 65 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 105 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 115 85 14 M12 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 140 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 150 110 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 165 125 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 185 145 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 200 160 18 M16 8 18
110 100 4" 220 180 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 220 180 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 250 210 18 M16 8 18
160 150 6" 285 240 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 285 240 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 340 295 22 M20 8 20
225 200 8" 340 295 22 M20 8 20
250 250 10" 395 350 22 M20 12 22
280 250 10" 395 350 22 M20 12 22
315 300 12" 445 400 22 M20 12 26
355 350 14" 505 460 22 M20 16 28
400 400 16" 565 515 26 M24 16 32
450 450 18" 615 565 26 M24 20 36
450A 500 20" 670 620 26 M24 20 38
500 500 20" 670 620 26 M24 20 38
560 600 24" 780 725 30 M27 20 44
630 600 24" 780 725 30 M27 20 44
710 700 28" 895 840 30 M27 24 50
800 800 32" 1015 950 33 M30 24 56
900 900 36" 1115 1050 33 M30 28 56
1000 1000 40" 1230 1160 36 M33 28 60
1200 1200 48" 1455 1380 39 M36 32 60
1400 1400 56" 1675 1590 42 M39 36 80
1600 1600 64" 1915 1820 48 M45 40 100

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 38

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

PN 16
(ISO 9624 / DIN 7168)

Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/

BC Other specified

t Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot

dipped galvanized/ Other specified
OD Unit: mm
Blind Flange
OD OD BC Thickness, t
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 60 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 65 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 105 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 115 85 14 M12 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 140 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 150 110 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 165 125 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 185 145 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 200 160 18 M16 8 18
110 100 4" 220 180 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 220 180 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 250 210 18 M16 8 18
160 150 6" 285 240 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 285 240 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 340 295 22 M20 12 20
225 200 8" 340 295 22 M20 12 20
250 250 10" 405 355 26 M24 12 24
280 250 10" 405 355 26 M24 12 24
315 300 12" 460 410 26 M24 12 28
355 350 14" 520 470 26 M24 16 32
400 400 16" 580 525 30 M27 16 36
450 450 18" 670 585 30 M27 20 36
450A 500 20" 715 650 33 M30 20 44
500 500 20" 715 650 33 M30 20 44
560 600 24" 840 770 36 M33 20 50
630 600 24" 840 770 36 M33 20 50
710 700 28" 910 840 36 M33 24 56
800 800 32" 1025 950 39 M36 24 56
900 900 36" 1125 1050 39 M36 28 56
1000 1000 40" 1230 1170 42 M39 28 60
1200 1200 48" 1455 1390 48 M45 32 60
1400 1400 56" 1685 1590 48 M45 36 80
1600 1600 64" 1930 1820 55 M52 40 100

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 39

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

JIS 10 kg/cm2
(JIS B 2222-1972)

Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/
Other specified
Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot
D dipped galvanized/ Other specified
Unit: mm
Blind Flange
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 65 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 70 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 100 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 125 90 18 M16 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 135 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 140 105 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 155 120 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 175 140 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 185 150 18 M16 8 18
110 100 4" 210 175 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 210 175 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 250 210 22 M20 8 18
160 150 6" 280 240 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 280 240 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 330 290 22 M20 12 20
225 200 8" 330 290 22 M20 12 20
250 250 10" 400 355 24 M22 12 22
280 250 10" 400 355 24 M22 12 22
315 300 12" 445 400 24 M22 16 26
355 350 14" 490 445 24 M22 16 28
400 400 16" 560 510 26 M24 16 32
450 450 18" 620 565 26 M24 20 36
450A 500 20" 675 620 26 M24 20 38
500 500 20" 675 620 26 M24 20 38
560 600 24" 795 730 33 M30 24 44
630 600 24" 795 730 33 M30 24 44
710 700 28" 905 840 33 M30 24 50
800 800 32" 1020 950 33 M30 28 56
900 900 36" 1120 1050 33 M30 28 56
1000 1000 40" 1235 1160 39 M36 28 60
1200 1200 48" 1465 1380 39 M36 32 60

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 40

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

JIS 16 kg/cm2
(JIS B 2222-1972)
BC Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild
Steel/ Other specified
Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot
dipped galvanized/ Other
D specified

Unit: mm
Blind Flange
OD OD BC Thickness, t
mm inch D M No.
16 10 3/8" 90 65 14 M12 4 14
20 15 1/2" 95 70 14 M12 4 14
25 20 3/4" 100 75 14 M12 4 14
32 25 1" 125 90 18 M16 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 135 100 18 M16 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 140 105 18 M16 4 16
63 50 2" 155 120 18 M16 8 16
75 65 2 1/2" 175 140 18 M16 8 16
90 80 3" 200 160 22 M20 8 18
110 100 4" 225 185 22 M20 8 18
125 100 4" 225 185 22 M20 8 18
140 125 5" 270 225 24 M22 8 18
160 150 6" 305 260 24 M22 12 18
180 150 6" 305 260 24 M22 12 18
200 200 8" 350 305 24 M22 12 20
225 200 8" 350 305 24 M22 12 20
250 250 10" 430 380 26 M24 12 24
280 250 10" 430 380 26 M24 12 24
315 300 12" 480 430 26 M24 16 28
355 350 14" 540 480 33 M30 16 32
400 400 16" 605 540 33 M30 16 36
450 450 18" 675 605 33 M30 20 36
450A 500 20" 730 660 33 M30 20 44
500 500 20" 730 660 33 M30 20 44
560 600 24" 845 770 39 M36 24 50
630 600 24" 845 770 39 M36 24 50

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 41

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

CLASS 150 lb
(ANSI B 16.5 ,16.47 series A)

BC Material: Ductile Iron/ Mild Steel/

Other specified

t Finishing: Epoxy coated/ Hot

dipped galvanized/ Other specified
OD Unit: mm
Blind Flange
OD OD BC Thickness, t
mm inch D M No.
20 15 1/2" 90 60.3 16 M14 4 14
25 20 3/4" 100 69.9 16 M14 4 14
32 25 1" 108 79.4 16 M14 4 16
40 32 1 1/4" 115 88.9 16 M14 4 16
50 40 1 1/2" 127 98.4 16 M14 4 16
63 50 2" 152 120.7 18 M16 4 16
75 65 2 1/2" 178 139.7 18 M16 4 16
90 80 3" 191 152.4 18 M16 4 18
110 100 4" 229 190.5 18 M16 8 18
125 100 4" 229 190.5 18 M16 8 18
140 125 5" 254 215.9 22 M20 8 18
160 150 6" 279 241.3 22 M20 8 18
180 150 6" 279 241.3 22 M20 8 18
200 200 8" 343 298.5 22 M20 8 20
225 200 8" 343 298.5 22 M20 8 20
250 250 10" 406 362.0 26 M24 12 22
280 250 10" 406 362.0 26 M24 12 22
315 300 12" 483 431.8 26 M24 12 26
355 350 14" 533 476.3 30 M27 12 28
400 400 16" 597 539.8 30 M27 16 32
450 450 18" 635 577.9 33 M30 16 36
450A 500 20" 699 635.0 33 M30 20 38
500 500 20" 699 635.0 33 M30 20 38
560 600 24" 813 749.3 36 M33 20 44
630 600 24" 813 749.3 36 M33 20 44
710 700 28" 925 863.6 34.9 M33 28 50
800 800 32" 1060 977.9 41.3 M39 28 56
900 900 36" 1170 1085.8 41.3 M39 32 56
1000 1000 40" 1290 1200.2 41.3 M39 36 60
1200 1200 48" 1510 1422.4 41.3 M39 44 60
1400 1400 56" 1745 1651.0 47.7 M45 48 80

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 42

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Stubend and Stubend connection
PN 4 ‐10 (for ISO Flange)

Unit: mm
Stubend to Stubend
HDPE Thread
NS Machine Bolt length
M No. PN 4 PN 6-6.3 PN 8 PN 10
40 32 M16 4 75 100 100 100 100
50 40 M16 4 75 110 110 110 110
63 50 M16 4 75 110 110 110 110
75 65 M16 4 75 120 120 120 120
90 80 M16 8 75 120 120 120 120
110 100 M16 8 75 140 140 140 140
125 100 M16 8 75 140 140 140 140
140 125 M16 8 75 140 140 140 140
160 150 M20 8 75 140 140 140 140
180 150 M20 8 75 150 150 150 150
200 200 M20 8 75 150 150 160 160
225 200 M20 8 75 150 160 180 180
250 250 M20 12 75 150 160 180 180
280 250 M20 12 75 150 180 200 200
315 300 M20 12 75 180 200 220 220
355 350 M20 16 75 180 200 240 240
400 400 M24 16 100 200 220 260 260
450 500 M24 20 100 220 240 280 280
500 500 M24 20 100 220 280 280 280
560 600 M27 20 100 250 300 300 300
630 600 M27 20 100 250 300 300 300
710 700 M27 24 100 280 320 320 320
800 800 M30 24 100 300 340 340 340
900 900 M30 28 100 300 340 340 340
1000 1000 M33 28 150 360 360 380 380
1200 1200 M36 32 150 360 360 400 -
1400 1400 M39 36 150 400 450 450 -
1600 1600 M45 40 150 450 480 - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 43

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Stubend and Stubend connection
PN 16 (for ISO Flange)

Unit: mm
Stubend to Stubend
NS Machine Bolt length Stud Bolt length
M No. Thread Length L L(min.)
40 32 M16 4 75 140 180
50 40 M16 4 75 140 180
63 50 M16 4 75 140 180
75 65 M16 4 75 140 180
90 80 M16 8 75 140 180
110 100 M16 8 75 140 180
125 100 M16 8 75 160 200
140 125 M16 8 75 160 200
160 150 M20 8 75 180 220
180 150 M20 8 75 180 220
200 200 M20 12 75 200 240
225 200 M20 12 75 200 240
250 250 M24 12 100 220 260
280 250 M24 12 100 220 260
315 300 M24 12 100 260 300
355 350 M24 16 100 260 300
400 400 M27 16 100 280 330
450 450 M27 20 100 300 350
450A 500 M30 20 100 320 370
500 500 M30 20 100 340 390
560 600 M33 20 150 360 420
630 600 M33 20 150 380 440

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 44

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Stubend and Flange connection
PN 4 ‐10 (for ISO Flange)

Unit: mm
Stubend to Flange
NS Thread Machine Bolt length
OD Length
M No. PN 4 PN 6-6.3 PN 8 PN 10
40 32 M16 4 75 90 90 90 90
50 40 M16 4 75 90 90 90 90
63 50 M16 4 75 90 90 90 90
75 65 M16 4 75 100 100 100 100
90 80 M16 8 75 100 100 100 100
110 100 M16 8 75 110 110 110 110
125 100 M16 8 75 110 110 110 110
140 125 M16 8 75 110 110 110 110
160 150 M20 8 75 110 110 110 110
180 150 M20 8 75 120 120 120 120
200 200 M20 8 75 120 120 130 130
225 200 M20 8 75 120 120 130 130
250 250 M20 12 75 120 130 140 140
280 250 M20 12 75 130 130 150 150
315 300 M20 12 75 140 150 160 160
355 350 M20 16 75 150 160 160 160
400 400 M24 16 100 160 170 180 180
450 500 M24 20 100 180 180 200 200
500 500 M24 20 100 180 200 200 200
560 600 M27 20 100 200 220 220 220
630 600 M27 20 100 200 220 220 220
710 700 M27 24 100 220 240 240 240
800 800 M30 24 100 240 250 250 250
900 900 M30 28 100 240 260 260 260
1000 1000 M33 28 150 260 260 280 280
1200 1200 M36 32 150 260 280 280 -
1400 1400 M39 36 150 320 320 340 -
1600 1600 M45 40 150 360 360 - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 45

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


Stubend and Flange connection
PN 16 (for ISO Flange)

Unit: mm
Stubend to Flange
NS Machine Bolt length Stud Bolt length
M No. Thread Length L L(min.)
40 32 M16 4 75 110 145
50 40 M16 4 75 110 145
63 50 M16 4 75 110 145
75 65 M16 4 75 110 145
90 80 M16 8 75 110 145
110 100 M16 8 75 110 145
125 100 M16 8 75 120 160
140 125 M16 8 75 120 160
160 150 M20 8 75 140 180
180 150 M20 8 75 140 180
200 200 M20 12 75 140 180
225 200 M20 12 75 140 180
250 250 M24 12 100 160 200
280 250 M24 12 100 160 200
315 300 M24 12 100 180 220
355 350 M24 16 100 200 240
400 400 M27 16 100 200 250
450 450 M27 20 100 220 270
450A 500 M30 20 100 240 290
500 500 M30 20 100 240 290
560 600 M33 20 150 260 320
630 600 M33 20 150 280 340

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 46

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


CLASS 150 lb
(ANSI B 16.5 ,16.47 series A)

Stubend to Stubend Stubend to Flange

Unit: mm
BOLT Stubend to Stubend Stubend to Flange
HDPE NS Machine Bolt Stud Machine Bolt Stud
OD length Bolt length Bolt
M No.
Thread Thread
L L(min.) L L(min.)
mm inch Length Length
40 32 1 1/4" M14 4 75 140 180 75 110 145
50 40 1 1/2" M14 4 75 140 180 75 110 145
63 50 2" M16 4 75 140 180 75 110 145
75 65 2 1/2" M16 4 75 140 180 75 110 145
90 80 3" M16 4 75 140 180 75 110 145
110 100 4" M16 8 75 140 180 75 110 145
125 100 4" M16 8 100 160 180 75 110 145
140 125 5" M20 8 100 160 200 100 120 160
160 150 6" M20 8 100 180 220 100 120 160
180 150 6" M20 8 100 180 220 100 140 180
200 200 8" M20 8 100 200 240 100 140 180
225 200 8" M20 8 100 200 240 100 140 180
250 250 10" M24 12 100 220 260 100 150 200
280 250 10" M24 12 100 220 260 100 150 200
315 300 12" M24 12 100 240 280 100 180 220
355 350 14" M27 12 100 260 300 100 180 230
400 400 16" M27 16 150 280 330 150 200 250
450 450 18" M30 16 150 300 350 150 220 270
450A 500 20" M30 20 150 300 350 150 220 270
500 500 20" M30 20 150 320 370 150 220 270
560 600 24" M33 20 150 340 390 150 240 300
630 600 24" M33 20 150 360 420 150 240 300
710 700 28" M33 28 150 380 440 150 260 320

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 47

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department



Unit: mm
PN4 PN5 PN6.3 PN8 PN10 PN12.5 PN16
16 10 3 40 - - - - 11 11 11
20 15 3 45 - - - - 15 15 15
25 20 3 58 - - - 20 20 20 19
32 25 3 68 - - 27 27 27 26 24
40 32 3 78 - 35 35 35 33 32 30
50 40 3 88 - 45 45 43 42 40 38
63 50 3 102 58 57 56 55 53 50 48
75 65 3 122 70 68 67 65 63 60 57
90 80 3 138 84 82 80 78 75 72 68
110 100 3 158 102 100 98 95 92 88 83
125 100 3 158 116 114 112 109 105 100 94
140 125 3 188 130 128 125 122 117 112 106
160 150 3 212 149 146 143 139 134 128 120
180 150 3 212 167 164 161 156 151 143 135
200 200 3 268 186 183 178 174 168 159 150
225 200 3 268 209 206 201 195 188 179 169
250 250 3 320 232 228 223 217 209 199 188
280 250 3 320 260 256 250 242 234 223 210
315 300 3 370 293 288 281 273 263 251 236
355 350 3 430 330 324 316 307 296 283 266
400 400 5 482 372 365 356 346 334 319 300
450 450 5 535 418 410 401 389 375 358 338
450A 500 5 585 418 410 401 389 375 358 338
500 500 5 585 465 456 445 433 417 398 375
560 600 5 685 520 510 499 485 467 446 420
630 600 5 685 585 574 561 545 526 502 -
710 700 5 800 659 647 632 614 592 565 -
800 800 5 905 743 729 713 692 667 - -
900 900 8 1005 835 820 802 779 751 - -
1000 1000 8 1110 928 911 891 865 - - -
1200 1200 8 1330 1114 1094 - - - - -
1400 1400 8 1535 1299 1276 - - - - -
1600 1600 8 1760 1485 1458 - - - - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 48
Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department



THK Unit: mm
PN5 PN6.3 PN8 PN10 PN12.5 PN16
16 10 3 40 - - - - 11 11
20 15 3 45 - - - - 15 15
25 20 3 58 - - - 20 20 20
32 25 3 68 - - - 27 27 26
40 32 3 78 - 35 35 35 33 32
50 40 3 88 - 45 45 43 42 40
63 50 3 102 58 57 56 55 53 50
75 65 3 122 70 68 67 65 63 60
90 80 3 138 84 82 80 78 75 72
110 100 3 158 102 100 98 95 92 88
125 100 3 158 116 114 112 109 105 100
140 125 3 188 130 128 125 122 117 112
160 150 3 212 149 146 143 139 134 128
180 150 3 212 167 164 161 156 151 143
200 200 3 268 186 183 178 174 168 159
225 200 3 268 209 206 201 195 188 179
250 250 3 320 232 228 223 217 209 199
280 250 3 320 260 256 250 242 234 233
315 300 3 370 293 288 281 273 263 251
355 350 3 430 330 324 316 307 296 283
400 400 5 482 372 365 356 346 334 319
450 450 5 535 418 410 401 389 375 358
450A 500 5 585 418 410 401 389 375 358
500 500 5 585 465 456 445 433 417 398
560 600 5 685 520 510 499 485 467 446
630 600 5 685 585 574 561 545 526 502
710 700 5 800 659 647 632 614 592 565
800 800 5 905 743 729 713 692 667 -
900 900 8 1005 835 820 802 779 751 -
1000 1000 8 1110 928 911 - 865 - -
1200 1200 8 1330 114 1094 - - - -
1400 1400 8 1535 1299 1276 - - - -
1600 1600 8 1760 1485 1458 - - - -

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 49

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department


W Extrusion Welding

HDPE OD H (min) L W D*
mm inch mm mm mm mm
50 1 1/2" 25 650 25 150
63 2" 25 650 25 150
75 2 1/2" 25 650 25 150
90 3" 25 650 25 150
110 4" 25 650 25 150
125 4" 25 1150 25 150
140 5" 25 1150 25 150
160 6" 25 1150 25 150
180 6" 25 1150 25 150
200 8" 30 1150 25 150
225 8" 30 1150 25 150
250 10" 30 1150 25 150
280 10" 30 1200 25 200
315 12" 30 1200 25 200
355 14" 30 1200 25 200
400 16" 30 1200 25 200
450 18" 30 1200 25 200
500 20" 30 1200 25 200
560 24" 30 1200 25 200
630 24" 30 1250 25 250
710 28" 50 1250 25 250
800 32" 50 1250 25 250
900 36" 50 1250 25 250
1000 40" 50 1250 50 250
1200 48" 50 1550 50 250
1400 56" 50 1550 50 250
1600 64" 50 1650 50 250

D* สามารถปรับความยาวได ้ตามความต ้องการของลูกค ้า

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 50

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department



(mm) (mm)
20 x 20 94
25 x 25 100
32 x 32 123
40 x 40 150
50 x 50 170
63 x 63 196
75 x 75
90 x 90 252
110 x 110 374

Reducing Coupling

(mm) (mm)
25 x 20 97
32 x 20 112
32 x 25 113
40 x 25 120
40 x 32 138
50 x 25 135
50 x 32 159
63 x 32 166
63 x 50 185
75 x 50
75 x 63
90 x 63 238
90 x 75
110 x 75
110 x 90 284

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 51

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

End Cap

(mm) (mm)
20 52
25 58
32 68
40 77
50 92
63 102
90 130
110 131

Elbow 90o

(mm) (mm)
20 x 20 60
25 x 25 67
32 x 32 83
40 x 40 93
50 x 50 111
63 x 63 132
75 x 75
90 x 90 173

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 52

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Male Elbow 90o

DxG L L1
(mm) x (inch) (mm) (mm)
20 x ½ 59 42
20 x ¾ 59 42
25 x ½ 67 51
25 x ¾ 67 55
25 x 1 67 55
32 x ¾ 83 60
32 x 1 83 60
40 x 1 93 65
40 x 1¼ 93 65
40 x 1½ 93 65
50 x 1¼ 111 77
50 x 1½ 111 77
63 x 2 132 89
75 x 2
75 x 2½
90 x 3 173 122

Female Elbow 90o

DxG L L1
(mm) x (inch) (mm) (mm)
20 x ½ 59 43
20 x ¾ 59 43
25 x ½ 67 50
25 x ¾ 67 50
25 x 1 67 51
32 x ¾ 83 60
32 x 1 83 60
40 x 1 94 67
40 x 1¼ 94 67
40 x 1½
50 x 1¼ 111 77
50 x 1½ 111 77
63 x 2 132 86
75 x 2
75 x 2½
90 x 3 173 114

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 53

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Male Adapter

(mm) x (inch) (mm)
20 x ½ 69
20 x ¾ 69
25 x ½ 74
25 x ¾ 75
25 x 1 78
32 x ½ 82
32 x ¾ 82
32 x 1 86
40 x 1 102
40 x 1¼ 102
40 x 1½ 102
50 x 1¼ 117
50 x 1½ 117
63 x 2 127
75 x 2
75 x 2½
90 x 3 165
110 x 4 208

Female Adapter

(mm) x (inch) (mm)
20 x ½ 70
20 x ¾ 72
25 x ½ 75
25 x ¾ 76
25 x 1 79
32 x ¾ 85
32 x 1 89
40 x 1 104
40 x 1¼ 104
40 x 1½ 105
50 x 1¼ 125
50 x 1½ 125
63 x 2 152
75 x 2
75 x 2½
90 x 3 177
110 x 4 194

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 54

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Male Tee 90o

DxG L L1
(mm) x (inch) (mm) (mm)
20 x ½ 120 47
20 x ¾ 120 47
25 x ½ 134 50
25 x ¾ 134 50
25 x 1 134 50
32 x ¾ 160 59
32 x 1 160 59
40 x 1 189 62
40 x 1¼ 189 65
40 x 1½
50 x 1¼ 220 77
50 x 1½ 220 77
63 x 2 262 92
75 x 2
75 x 2½
90 x 3 348 125

Female Tee 90o

DxG L L1
(mm) x (inch) (mm) (mm)
20 x ½ 120 47
20 x ¾ 120 47
25 x ½ 134 50
25 x ¾ 134 50
25 x 1 134 50
32 x ¾ 160 59
32 x 1 160 59
40 x 1 186 65
40 x 1¼ 187 65
40 x 1½
50 x 1¼ 220 78
50 x 1½ 220 78
63 x 2 262 90
75 x 2
75 x 2½
90 x 3 348 118

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 55

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Coupling Tee 90o

DxD L L1
(mm) x (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 x 20 120 63
25 x 25 134 67
32 x 32 1160 80
40 x 40 187 96
50 x 50 220 112
63 x 63 262 132
75 x 75
90 x 90 348 174

Reducing Tee 90o

D x D1 L L1
(mm) x (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 x 20 134 67
32 x 20 160 75
32 x 25 160 77
40 x 25 187 83
40 x 32 187 83
50 x 25 220 100
50 x 32 220 102
63 x 32 262 125
63 x 50 262 128
75 x 50
75 x 63
90 x 63 350 160
90 x 75

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 56

Rev 4: 07/06/11
Range of Product
Technical and Product Department

Saddle Camp (Female Thread)

(mm) x (inch) (mm) (mm)
25 x ½ 17.5 20 2
32 x ½ 21 20 2
32x ¾ 21 20 2
32 x 1 21 20 2
40 x ½ 25 20 2
40 x ¾ 25 20 2
40 x 1 25 20 2
50 x ½ 31 20 2
50 x ¾ 31 20 2
50 x 1 31 20 2
63 x ½ 37.5 20 4
63x ¾ 37.5 20 4
63 x 1 37.5 20 4
75 x ½
75 x ¾
75 x 1
75 x 1¼
75 x 1½
90 x ¾ 53 20 4
90 x 1 53 20 4
90 x 1¼ 53 20 4
90 x 1½ 53 20 4
90 x 2 53 23 4
110 x ¾ 64 20 4
110 x 1 64 20 4
110 x 1¼ 64 20 4
110 x 1½ 64 20 4
110 x 2 64 23 4
125 x ¾ 71 20 4
125 x 1 71 20 4
125 x 2 71 23 4
160 x ¾ 90 20 6
160 x 1 90 20 6
160 x 1½ 90 20 6
160 x 2 90 23 6
180 x ¾ 101 20 6
180 x 1 101 20 6
180 x 2 101 23 6
200 x ¾ 111 20 6
200 x 1 111 20 6
200 x 2 111 23 6
200 x 2½ 111 23 6
200 x 3 111 23 6
225 x ¾ 123.5 20 6
225 x 1 123.5 20 6
225 x 2 123.5 23 6
225 x 3 123.5 23 6

Remark: All dimensions are subjected to change without prior notice. 57

Rev 4: 07/06/11

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