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Three groups: husband present, relatives or friends present, no one present with the
mother: two hospitals (no one present within the 2 settings to examine reasons that led
to the woman not having a companion (

Get information about : men’s and women’s experiences and measure the effects of
presence by the female companion vs husband vs no one present irrespective of the
confounding variables. Find out who which group will be willing to choose any method
for FP before they leave the woman get discharged from the hospital and examine the
role of man in that or companion in that and the woman’s role. Follow up the group six
weeks postpartum, six months (as menses may return within this period for women who
choose to breastfeed exclusively: ask if they use FP method and the role of husband in
that, thus follow up 24 months later to find which group will have kept using FP at the
time and this will determine whether fathers’ attendance may be effective in the
promotion of FP

Intervention to give: training about male partners’ presence at childbirth and companion
for those women who will opt to have one, postpartum care by the man, and postnatal
consultation and a module about family planning. ANC, postpartum before discharge
and six weeks they get the training about FP options for the woman and the man and if
possible that the pill for man may have been approved this can be suggested as an

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