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The chapter was about the bold return of Jose Rizal to Manila in June 1892, His second
homecoming, His first homecoming from abroad was August 1887. Rizal believed that the fight
for Filipino liberties had assumed a new phase it must be fought in the Philippines not in Spain.
Rizal also believe that La Solidaridad was no longer as battlefield because it is a new struggle for
them. In the noon of June 26, 1892 he arrived Manila with his sister Lucia. He was met by many
Carabineers, He was busy in doing many things he travelled anywhere in manila to do important
things. Weeks was ended He have done so many things like visiting Friends , interviews with the
Governor General Despujol, and he also attended to a meeting about Liga Filipina with the
Patriots. Rizal explained the objectives and they also elected a new officer for the new league.
This league is for all Filipino's who have a heart and welfare to their Fatherland. In July 6, Rizal
arrested and send to Fort Santiago jail for investigation because of the leaflets about Poor Friars.
In the same issue Governor General Despujo's exile Rizal in Dapitan on July, 17, 1892 until July
31, 1896.


In this chapter, Rizal was lived lonely in Dapitan on 1892 to 1896 which was under the missionary
jurisdiction of the Jesuits. During his stays in Dapitan he did so many things like practicing
medicine, pursuing scientific studies, continuing his artistic and literary works, he also widened
his knowledge in languages and established school for boys. His tediously unexciting life become
abundantly fruitful in four years. In the beginning of his stays in Dapitan there was a letter from
Father Pablo informing Father Obach that Rizal must be lived at the parish convent by giving the
following conditions. In the following days Rizal and Pastells having a debate about religion, Rizal
revealed his anti catholic ideas, he believed that individual judgement was a gift by God and
everybody have power to used it, the years have past and Rizal have done so many things, he
experienced a lot of struggles but at the end he still sturdy. July 31,1896 exile of Rizal in Dapitan
was end.

The chapter was about after an exile of Rizal. He had a pleasant trip from Dapitan to Manila, with
delightful stopovers in some province. He stated what was happening what he is doing during
stopover. Rizal arrived Manila Bay early in the morning Thursday, august 6 1896 Rizal misses ship
going Spain because it had departed the previous day at 5:00 pm and he was greatly disappointed.
Before he goes to Spain, there is an outbreak happened in Philippines revolution, August 30,1896
when the state of war was proclaimed in the eight provinces. Rizal received a two letter informing
him about the minister of war and colonies. September 3 when he left the manila bay and go at
Spain, it was the beginning of last trip of Rizal. He stated the happenings during his departure
bound in Spain. He was a victim of duplicity and arrested before reaching Barcelona, he arrived
Barcelona as Prisoner.


The chapter was about last homecoming in 1896 of a martyr's which is Rizal. It was the saddest
return to his beloved native land, he knew he was facing a supreme test, which might mean the
sacrifice of his life but he was unafraid. It was the start of his sacrifice, he gladly welcomed his
enemies, he knew that his life was the answer to achieve the freedom that his countrymen hoped
that’s how Rizal loved his country. So many things happened they confiscate the diary of Rizal,
there is a preliminary investigation, he also manifesto his people to stop the necessary shedding
of blood to achieve their liberties by means of education and industry. They give Rizal a chance
to choose a defender during that time. The year 1896 was the saddest Christmas of Rizal he was
alone and depressed in the dreary prison cell. The trial of Rizal was an eloquent proof of Spanish
injustice and misrule. The trial become unfair because all of his argument and proofs was taken
for granted court must be favor in the Spaniards arguments and proofs. His defender do anything
to defend him but it was useless because of unfair treat of Spanish friars. December 26 1896,
Polavieja approved the decision of court martial and ordered Rizal to be shot at 7:00 in the
morning of December 30 at Bagumbayan field.

The chapter was about the last 24 hours of Rizal life, he came back to his cell at fort Santiago to
prepare his rendezvous destiny. He visited by his parents, siblings, friends, professor that loved
and care's for him. He wrote a last letter to his love ones before he was executed. Rizal was the
reflection of the true heroic figure, he never give up to fight for his native land, he have a self
affirmation to fight to the Spaniards until the end of his life without shedding of blood.

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