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My Favorite Banding Tips
Choose a color set to represent your brand. Use these colors in your logo and
as a palette for everything you regarding your brand. Choose colors with
meaning and considering how the colors and its combinations make your
customers feel.


Create a good name for your brand. It should be unique; maybe a made-up
name. It should be easy to spell and remember. Try to avoid names that are
too long. Sometimes there are valid exceptions as some proper names just
sound good, have a special ring to it or even sound like a brand. But for most
cases, long names tend to be hard to remember. You want your brand to be

Never. Never, never, never... use acronyms for

your brand's name. A lot of people does it, but it
does not mean it's a good idea. A brand is the
image that comes to people's mind when they
read your name (or your company, artistic name,
band's name, organization name). Some people
choose to abbreviate their name like CH for
Carolina Herrera (and she even used the full
name written along the CH. You cannot take the
risk that someone would not identify the brand.)
And the abbreviation is usually done when it's
already a famous brand. A single symbol or
initials can identify a legendary brand after it is
super famous, but if you are not that famous you
are in the process of building your brand, a
suggest you keep a brand where you can read
the name clearly.

For example. If your real name is Juan Pablo

Gonzalez and you name your brand JPG
people cannot read or hear the name Juan
Pablo anywhere and will have nothing to
relate it to you. If people remember you but
search the web for JPG, they will find millions
of things on the internet, and none of them
will be you. You just blended in between way
too many things totally unrelated to your
brand. A diluted, hard to remember, hard to
find a name is the opposite of what a brand
should be.

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