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holo’ Robert Jonn ‘Guns W’Roves lead singer Ax! Rose leaped across the stage during a concert Group guitarit Slash eays of Rose: “Axis a magnet for problems, Slash says controversy integral part of rock ’n’ roll ‘By son Bream’ Stat wrtar Al amapnal problema,” una Rona gutaet aha epi un cnvoventae age = Slash has taken on tho responsibilty of explaining Ax 29, and tha much revered, much reviled rockband tothe media, Slash pays Keith Richards to Ax Mick Jagger. Sash writes tho muse, Axl the fre, Hie quitar-playing a eo highly kta, Bob yan, ogy Pop, Lenny "nested for iting aneighbor witha wine bottle; he ‘ut at his band mates onstage for beng Junkies; be caused 2 rlotata concerti St, Loui fee ecutly ‘guards; he called Fis hometown ot faton ampere wasperomig inept he hes blasted ers and others from the concert stage, even people who work for his on racord company; he has wrt yes {hat have beon labeled sexs, racist and homophobic. ‘Compared to Ax, Slash sms ike the calm before the storm. Tobe addiction o heroin and saying couple He'll you t's part the rock ro i stings tt Gare opr onan BU egos telophone conversation Saturday from a Twin Cas hotel, romped St stan a fan. Tha ops nuded Aart inured hard ho ‘Slash got his nickname, how he feels about swe ‘and what e's been doing n Minneapolis befor ‘concers tonight and Wednesday at Target Center Te seeing sy Ssh toni etn guts and cascading ick curs, didnt dodge any questions. He did use ‘words (maybe 10 or 12 mes) tha this newspaper seldom prints, ‘at Injured hand/ The load singer slashed his hand when @ SLASH Continued on page SE Slash/ Band's popularity comes from talking about subjects others keep He said the allfemale horn section was his idea. "is ike seeing a git rving a Ferra," he said. "It's someting you don't oxpet ose ‘but t's coo! when you do.” He sab the hom players wear whatever they want, and thay opted foringo- re, ‘Continued from page 1E Guns N’ Roses pitonanictohone tot inf aperigmancolast woekinDayion, With: Soundgardon Chie rappened ae eG Wharer Target Cota, 600 Tet Av of the set and he made it throu ge are a ffowteteshowe' Sst sau" NaMinneapois. Mesmekogeveyood) pencus.| When: @ p.m. Tuesday and didn’t want anything to happen to Wed thahand| jist wanted hnto tit Tickets: $20, cal SOOSTSI. Gherkedoutto make suretwas, Tickets: S2U cat S60-5151 The lyrics of “One in. Milion"/ ‘The iyi to this 1988 song deni- ESE (BKC He was a rouper. rata niggers," faggots" andi grants. Rosé nas explained that Slash doosn'tknow how many cops is he largast-seling debut the song was his reaction to being Bbiches the singer received, but album in history. The ensuing Said he's "fina." GNA canceled its “GNA Lies” sold 8 milion ard last exttwo concerts scheduled for year’s "Use Your llusion I" and jtrot and came tothe Twin ities "Use Your Ilusion Il" have sold 2 lursday, Slash said he hung out and 3 milion, respectively. Almost hhassled when he moved from ind ana to Los Angeles in 1960. Slash said the backlash about tho ‘ng, which GNR has never per~ Bed went to strip joints unti/his all ofthe band's recant concerts formed in concert, nas died coven. fore nmover the have been sold out. ‘But itis something he knows he wl eke. hhave to explain time and again, i ‘One of the reasons we're so pop- Slash psa becaus ns moter is wy GNR concerts start solate/ ular —Inaver try and sit hare and iB concars are advertised as___analyzBit — is because we u 1've known him for along time and fEetigatom, winopenng act sbesedy ak about sje at weve gone vouch coroner Ityayn'a ral comment Slash undgarden. Aisome recent per- people innormal fe are forced to ent plateaus in the relationship. It. said, "but can undorstand how eecoetet Keep quiet” Slash said raferring tock me along time to understand poopie think that, When I first heard fage unt after michight and to specific subjects, buttothe him, We're so dierent as far as the iyrc, I Was, Ike, ‘AX. | KNOW, te as 3:45 a.m, ‘We talk about relationships gone ‘plex; I'm very black-and-white. So people are going to take it right. | ree ‘We reasons we seem so shocking.” _ ist, from the lyrios of some of their eee ee Benin oe isn't necessarily going to go av said Slash. “We're talking about struction,” which sold 14 million "“Axl’s amazingly misunderstood. 1970s, His mother is a costume ’s ‘Dancin’ little heat Ruby's ‘Dancin’ Up a Storm’ generates a little hea By Mike Steele/Staff Writer Areview Dancin’ Up a Storm Cibp ‘Roumper sticker making the Not evary number is tere, Once Tie abby! Meds all ttc betyteA esigner who has worked with ‘John Lennon, Diana Ross and the Pointer Sisters, His father nas d2- signed album covers for Neil Young ‘and Joni Mitchell. Drawing was Young Hudson's frst intrest; he ‘lustrated an unpubisiad book of verse by Mitchell, one of tha Hud ‘sons’ neighbors, ‘Aiterhis parents divorce, his mom datad David Bowio, with whom Slash remains cose. “He's tke family,” Slash said of Bowie. "He realy helped when | ‘was going through the down part of the heavy drug petiod. Having been through it himself, he was sort of @ help. He's someone that | genuinely respect and admire ‘x's background "'m almost {rom the entertainment business,” ‘Slash sald. I lived in Hollywood all iy ile — nothing shocks me — \wheroas Ax!'s coming from the Micivest, coming from a constricted background. To move from that into Los Angeles, where avery: stings gong o at cnc, nas com- ing from a completely afferent viewpoint. “1 came from a cool family, AX! ‘came from a very repressed up- bringing. That why he's so Hey. ‘When he saes something that he oven’ tke, his knuckles are all over it Slash's nicknamo/ When he was 14 0r 15, Slash got his nickname ‘rom actor Seymour Cassel who played Sam Ketchum in "Dick Tra- {y'), te father of ona of his frlends, who called him that be- ‘cause he was a "skinny, wiry kid always in a rush.” His parents call him Slash, too. ‘Working with Michael Jackson and ‘Bob Dylan/ Slash's recording with ‘Jackson took only one night, "but ‘over a period ofa year, i that makes any sense.’ The guitarist Fecorded tracks for "Black or White” and a year later he was Called back to record "Give Into Mo,” which Jackson sai he wouldn't record unless Slash wag. Involved, “| was really flattered that he called,” Slash said, "But | can'ttell you! sitaround and... he's rotmy Siglo sof musi stan ae People have put forth countiess Ideas about what Jackson is ike'€s ‘person, but "having gone through being judged and misrepresontad, | Wash about todo that to him" Slash sald. "Ho was aasy to get long wit, ie was eat 10 work with, He's pretty humble, It was a ‘los experience ‘Dylan? I hated it. He was imposst- ble to work with. He was impossible to talk to, He was absolutly no fun toe around. He nad no idea what ‘was going on, as far as | could tel ia a realy good solo for him and he took t off at the very ast minute. He said, lt sounded too much lke Guns N’ Roses.’ Wall, why did you call me? Using vulgar language ontve TV/ Sie acts to faving beon arin ing wine unente was a te Ama can Mie Awards in 1980, When he avd at ha podium oacaopk an award he sid the torbidcart = “Ferd tS “1 think twas the funniest thing = that heppened during the whole show. twas a very stif awards. show. Itwas really a bore | tiedTo ‘maka ita good tim. It slipped out, Was alitla nervous,” he sa. "They called me up and asked me the awards again this year TV executives need not worry: Slash will tape his appearance be= ‘cause GNA will be on tour ‘GNR’s legacy’ if Guns N' Rosas: ‘ended today, how would Slash Iké, the group to be remembered? = ‘As being fr real as being rea: truo to our art, and being true to What's great about rock’! (ofthe good ones. I'd lke to bet remembered — period.”

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