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ieDICAL SCHOOL FOUNDATION DN A tm Extensive Re‘ PATHOLOGY Pretest A sS-yearald female recently separated ftom her spouse and ving slone is found dead on Fra. A suo ntfs ped on her computer. The meical fcr enters the folowing tcings aurea, Bing around te neak, venous engorgement of tho face, crcumoral cyanosi, ai reenian goo congestion. The rest ofthe findings are essentially normal. What was the most probable cause of death, ‘A. Strngulaion ©. Smothering Slnengne D. Choking 2_ 2. 30-year-old woman complains of 6 month's amenorrhea. She has two healthy children, is not Bregnént and has been taking no medications. Within the past week, her breasts have been producing milk ‘She has been bothered by headaches for the past 3 months and worries that she may be going bind. An ‘ophthalmologist finds her lateral vison to be reduced. On physical examination she {= alebrile and ‘normotensive. Which of the following is the most probable hormonal status of the patient at this time: ‘A. Glucose intolerance . Hyperaldosteronism 'B. Hypercortisolism ‘D. Hyperprolactinemia A_3. A28-year-old woman complains of cificuty in concentrating on her ob at work forthe past month 35 she feels anxious most times and the work area is too hot. She has been eating well but has lost 5 kg ‘the past month. On PE she appeared nervous,her body temperature is 37.5 C, pulse raletOt/minno respiratory rate Biminuto, and blood pressure 145/85 mm tg, What endocrine’ open wecce probably __responsibie for her condition: ‘A. Thyroid . Pituitary gland B. Organ of Zuckerkandt D. Adrenal cortex: B_4. A 19-year-old female was seen in the ER because of high fever and extensive areas on her skin, She Tiad a mild pharyngitis the previous day. Vital signs: T,39 C, P 102/minute, RR Z1/minute, and > ‘80/50 mm Hg. Laboratory results indicated hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and hypoglycemia. An infectious process was strongly considered. What complication is she most ikely to be suffering fromm, ‘A. Infectious thyroiditis . Autoimmune-induced diabetes B. Acute adrenal insufficiency D. Acute pituitary necrosis, B_5. A 40-year-old woman noted enlargement of her anterior neck region over the past 8 months, There is difuse, symmetrical non-tender thyroid enlargement. A chest radiograph is nonnal. Laboratory studies show that she is euthyroid, but her serum fonized calcium is elevated. Thyroidectomy specimen ‘shows a malignant neoplasm composed of polygonal cells in nests with an amyioid-posive stroma with Congo red stain. Immunostaining for calcitonin of the permanent sections is posite. Which of the following neoplasms is she most likely to have? ‘A. Anaplastic carcinoma . Papillary thyroid carcinoma B. Medullary carcinoma 1D. Metastatic clear cell carcinoma __ 6. Which thyroid neoplasm is diagnosed by the presence of capsular and vascular invasion: ‘A. Anaplastic carcinoma ©. Papillary thyroid carcinoma B. Folicular thyroid carcinoma, D. Medullary carcinoma 8 __7. A 38-year-old man us seen his physician because of abdominal pain, nausea, and constipation ‘or thé past 3 days. Physical examination is unremarkable, except for a heart rate of 80 with an irregular fhythm. He has a stool positive for occult blood. Serum calcium is high. Upper GI endoscopy reveals ‘muttiple 1 cm diameter shallow ulcerations of the gastric antrum. What neoplasm does the patient have: ‘A. Paraganglioma . Adrenocortical adenoma B. Parathyroid adenoma 1D. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor £_8 Which statement describes an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic response: ‘A. Helper T cells facitate attachment of antibodies to target cells 'B. Complement fragments attach to antibodies and facilitate phagocyte action . Anlibody-coated cells are lysed by NK cells and macrophages D. Complement is activated to form a membrane attack complex that leads to isis 9, What type of hypersensitivity disorders seen in Post streptococcal GN: ‘A Typet ‘©. Type it 5 Type tt D. Type 1v woman undergoing chemotherapy for a malignancy is p_ 10, A25-year-okt we reeks later, a fine, scaling skin rash develops nen ‘Te lated bhood for iops ‘ae most consistent with which ofthe following complicate exerts, These To medated squamous cal destruction lteations? . ne tolerance through cross-reactivity B. Bypase of erwroen genetic predisposition and environmental stress 8 Mian nopathologic mechanism is involved in myasthenia gravis: 11, Wat bey ning 8. Complement-induced cell lysis €, Release of sequestered antigens : aceophage activation and delayed hypersensitivity nat oukooye serves 25a reservoir of HIV: Benen ca creat 8:Teat . Macrophage {5 18. whichis an important step in the activation of te adaptive immune sytem in acute rheumatic F ‘A Filtration of bacterial products by the spleen B. Lymph drainage of antigens for presentation to lymph nodes . Formation of immune complexes and deposition in tissues. . Trapping of antibodies to bacterial fragments in the kidneys 14. A scar that appears raised and prominent with well-defined x the limits of the original wound would be due to 2492s that have not grown beyond A. Failure of collagen maturation B. Excessive formation of granulation tissue C. Poor function of myofibroblasts and minimal wound contraction D. Hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis as a genetic defect {__ 15. Whats the most probable cause of weight loss in advanced PTB: ‘A. Lung cancer as a complication of PTE. BB. Malnutrition due to poor appetite . Continued use of metamphetamine in spite of his denials D. Systemic effect of cachexin (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) D_ 16. Which is generally a non-erosive cause of gastritis: ‘A. Alcohol C.NSAIDs B. Aspirin DH. pylori A_17. A 70-year-old obese female complained of mild to moderate precordial to ‘epigastric pain at odd. hours of the day associated with an acidic taste in the mouth especially on bending over. Sie has always strained at defecation and was advised increased dietary fiber by a nuliionist. PE was unremarkable, Which of the following mechanisms can be the most probable cause of her condition: A. Hiatal hemia ©. Chagas disease B. Scleroderma D. Neuropathy of diabetes melitus 8 _ 18. A 40-year-old female complained of ascites and a mass i Chest x-ray is essentially normal. Pertoneal fluid analysis showed pleocytosis with iymphocyto ‘predominance and negative bacterial cultures. Laparoscopy reported the presence of aplastic exudate sad the peritoneum studded with minute, pale granulomas. What most probably are these peroneal lesions: inthe right side of the lower abdomen. ‘A. Multiple mesenteric cysts C. Metastatic neoplasm B. Tuberculous lesions D. Bacterial colonies —© 18, Reddish spots on his chest and abdomen of typhoid patients, called Rose spots, are: A. Petechiae C. Bacterial emboli B. Hypersensitivity reaction to drugs D. Viral cytopathic change —420, What is true of adenomatous colonic polyps: ‘A. The loss of Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) Gene isthe first step in the formation of adenomas 'B. Most adenomas atise as the resutt of epithelial proliferative dysplasia G. Cancer is seen in at least 10% of tubular adenomas smaller than 1 em in diameter. . Severe dysplasia occurs as often in villous as in tubular areas, szousetoic growth remaved by snare showed a focus of sverly adenoma mneirated through the muscularis mucosa into the subm BP sre gr Savarenen chee lowing Ww youNST il space, ba ans ime: at this itorir ‘occult GIT bleeding reeomme erode mento ine coon from where the polyp was removed Segmental one patient that the inal polypectomy procedure was adequate & Reastetoscopy ite fue hemontoids: 122. whatis te 20 ttn ofthe ana and perial enous penises "A. Former wrely common at all ages, except chikdren below 12 &. Probably unrelated to portal or systemic ‘circulations: . Broa lated 10 pregnancy farmer from Palawan with mitral stenosis from childhood RHD complained of Ee a ee re! on ernest hkely explain his conliion: wn "A. Edema due to congestive heart failure . B. Sudden incarceration of an indirect inguinal hemia Lymphatic obstruction and lymphedema 5: Dependent type of edema due to Ever cinosis C24. The Iver biopsy in alcoholic ver disease would show: ‘A. Presence of Mallory bodies B. Microvesicuar steatosis ©: fatonsive necrosis ofthe peripheral hepatocytes, with litle or no regeneration D_ Distinct fibrous bands C..25. Which ofthe following would be seen in the ver in acetaminophen poisoning: "a. Presence of Mallory bodies B. Microvesicular steatosis Extensive necrosis of the peripheral hepatocytes, with litle or no regeneration D. Distine fbrous bands. ‘A_26. The liver biopsy specimen of a chronic HBV carrier was diagnosed as cirrhosis. Which histologic finding is NOT necessary to make such a diagnosis: C. Regenerating nodules A Fatty change BB. Bridging fibrosis, D. Piecemeal necrosis _D_27. 26-year-old farmer from Samar developed hematemesis. PE revealed hepato- ‘splenomegaly. CBC showed marked eosinophilia. What is the LEAST acceptable diagnostic procedure at this point ‘A. Antibody detection ©. Rectal biopsy B. Fecalysis D. Liver biopsy _§ 28. A 40-year-old chronic dialysis patient developed jaundice. HBsAg was negative; anti-HCV was josiive, What should be your next step in reaching an etiologic diagnosis: ‘A. Liver biopsy C. Blood cutture BLHCV-PCR . Viral isotation D_ 28. A Ss-year-old alcoholic complained of deepening jaundice and right upper abdominal iscomfort. On palpation the liver was enlarged and stony hard. Which ofthe following is the ‘most ikely diagnosis: ‘A. Ascending cholangitis ©. Amebic tiver absoess BB. Mioronodular cirthosis D. Hepatocellular carcinoma B_ 20. aesyear oid mate retired nurse, diagnosed 2 years previously with a vlous adenoma in the Tectosigmoid, had an ultrasound which showed a suspicious liver neoplasm. Which of the statements, below is probably true in his case: ‘A. Removal of the entire adenoma should have been made during colonoscopy B. Large villous adenomas have a 40% chance of malignancy C. Colon cancers metastasize preferentially to the brain D. Grade of a malignant tumor is more important than stage female complained of postprandial ight upper abdominal uiscomon ro toned stones tne gallbladder, What I Possbiythe groatest ask tare the A ao-yoa ,aied stones satiety hs Fasano i ©. Disorder of tite sat syrthesis 2 Terercreon of aay cholestrol . Bacterial contamination of bitay tree a tne toting agnostic osu Is NOT consiston! witha diagnos of ate A 2 ar ner tone DTS etoumin and white cll casts posserept Pen Ueeferescony. DiUSe Sfomendarhyperclariy: lekooytintration rescence Microscopy: Granular IgG and G3 in GBM and mesangium & Bresron Microscopy: Subepitheia! humps 2o.year-okd male reports that his urine appeared dark. He has been seen at the ER a few ti he 82 saa 6 montrs foray cough occastnaly accompanied By bloody seeks, Wher acne ey in oruive and afebie. Urals showed 2+ albumin, numerous red blood els, and'¢ geri os sve ap Chest ay findings depict palchy infates wit sparing ofthe upper ng ea pet jolowing would be the LEAST specific diagnostic finding in this case: the" R. Circulating anti-GBM antibodies C. Elevated serum creatinine B. Crescent formation by kidney biopsy D. Linear 19G along the GBM by IF A_34. A 55-year-old male with a 15 years history of diabetes metitus came in because of edema a weight gain. BP was 150/100, Uinalyss showed + albumin and 3» sugar. Serum crealnne Veco What keéney biopsy finding would be most compatible with her condition: : ‘A. Die and nodular thickening of the glomerular basement membrane and mesangium . B. Sclerosis of most glomeruli with epithelial crescents C. Enlarged hypercellular glomeruli D. Focal and segmental sclerosis C_ 35, wnatisfare tne accepted mechanisms forthe production of the kidney lesions in diabetes molltus: ‘A. Ametabolc dofoc linked to production of advanced glycosylation end products B. Hemodynamic effecis associated with glomerular hypertrophy ©. Both D. Neither C_ 36. A 45-year-old afebite male wih history of mild systemic hypertension, was seen at the ER ‘etause of severe headache and vomiting. BP was 180/430. Urinalysis showed 2 albumin “ame GG RBCs per hpt. Serum renin and aldosterone were both elevated. Which of the folowing is consisteat wath the expected histologic features in his kidneys: ' Fibinold necrosis oferteroles B. Onion-skinning of inteobular arteries and arterioles ©.Bah D.Nelther —© 27. By what mechanism do the vascular changes occur in malignant nephrosclerosis: 'k. "Endothelial damage ©. Both B. Effect of growth factors D-Nether 8 30, A econly discovered hypertensive paiont develops severe basat congestion and edema of the {ungs. PE reveats a loud pericardial friction rub. GFR is 5% of normal. What Is the main organ of pathology in her ease: ‘A. Heart ©. Lung B. Kidneys, D. Blood vessels -C_ 29. a 22-year-old worn previously diagnosed with SLE reports recent weight gain and passage of ‘Smoky urine. BP is 150/90. GFR is 60 mi/min. Renal biopsy reveals enlarged hypercellularglomerul with ‘iffuse lesions. What other histologic feature of the disease can be found at this time: ‘A. Double contour appearance . Wire loops B. Spikes 1D. Mesangial nodules 40. wnatis tne most serious lesional morphology in SLE nephritis: ‘A. Mesangial lupus glomorulonephrits ©. Difluse proliferative glomerulonephriis B. Focal proiferative glomerulonephriis 1D. Membranous glomeruionephriis, ined of leeding gums and easy bruising. CBC showed oan ans yearsld mele Comer of 60,000. A bone marow aspirate showed ao rete of Ea wee of 25.08 this malignancy Is: ‘myeloid blasts. ae. i , 3a conan ction Of 8s . Acquired genoto akerations ees Gens te pmeticdeg 6. Creedeclon of eye é ens ranulocytes, monocytes, and platelets are the terminally differ _ pent geritor calls rentited calls of ‘Frick hematopoiet ie Lymphoid ‘8 myeloid . All of the above B. Enthroid void male was noted to have anemia, thrombocytosis, leukocyto A 43, A A530 WBC differential count 73 segs, 12 bands, 6 metamyelocytes, rmyclocytes, 2° splenomegaly “16 iymptiocytes. What is NOT true of his condition: 3 rota Mf. teresprosferaion of myeloid cols wth loss ofthe capacty to diet esis that develops in afew yoars withthe production of sof-issue or skin vukemic infitrates. leuko of BCRVABL rearrangomont as a reciprocal translocation between the tong arms of chromosomes 22 and 9; 1(9:22) Db’ Hepatomegaly when present represents extramedullary hematopoiesis, A 30-year-old woman reports low grade fevers, night sweats, and generalized mal eefcngurmro ems epta eases tei a ocernd ase Pas aination of an excised cervical lymph node discloses proliferation of large and small ymphooytes, frasma cells and eosinophils broken up by fibrous bands into var-size nodules and associated with large es with miror image nuclei and inclusion like nucleo. Which ofthe following isthe most likely diagnosis? ‘A. Burkitt lymphoma C. Hodgkin lymphoma. BB Non-hodkin lymphoma Dic 4.45.8 50-year-old male complained ofil-defined, erythematous, scaling, and ulcerated plaques in the face. The histologic study of the skin lesion shows an infiltrate of atypical the epidermal ayer with smell microebscesses in the epidermis. What lymphocytes beneath itis condo: cleats ‘A, Mycosis fungoides . is B Eczema 1. Discoid tupus 46. A 15-yearcold boy came in because of cough, fever and sore throat, Anterior cervical nodes are Britta dSeStoned tal WH6 a f0000eu enh many lg tence uphoeie The Resse number ofeukooytes in blood in his case is most probably due to: ‘A. Acute lymphocytic leukemia . Malignant lymphoma B. Leukemoid reaction 1D. Streptococcal pharyngitis _4_ 47. A.10-year-old had an enlarged non-tender, sightly luctuant anterior cervical nade. Chest x-ay is Tormal. PPD resulted in a 9 mm area of reddish induration. FNAB showed acute inflammation and Granulomas, AFB stain of aspirate is negative for AFB. Culture of aspirate is likewise negative for MTB. This is a case of: A Scxofula ©. Chronic non-specific lymphadenitis B. Sarcoid D. Acute non-specific lymphadenitis C48. A 40-year-old male known case of atrial septal defect was admitted because of progressive Gyspnes, He is afebile. Chest xray showed right ventricular and right atrial enlargement and prominent Inlar vascular markings. What changed in the course of his disease: "A. Mural thrombosis and pulmonary embolization B. Infectious endocardis ©. Pulmonary hypertension and reversal of shunt 1. Adut respiratory disiress syndrome % 49. & 45-year male with a history of viral myocarditis 20 years previously is admitted ‘because of exertional dyspnea and weight gain. Chest x-ray revealed cardiomegaly. EKG showed left ventricular enlargement. What is his condition: A. Coronary artery disease C. Bisenmenger complex B. Dilated cardiomyopathy D. Hypertensive CVD —_— a rial bers wy myocar ema; hemorthage ; 8. Coaultion nee tre, wt dying neulrophis c. Oesitegrai jar granulation tissue Formation of fbrovas ‘ tensive female colapsed while negotiating 4 fights of stairs whe ec a fates evator i her Busing Wee eg. _anterior wall infarc. The patient was admitted to the lous She was. oot. EKG! a messradenly expired on the 8" hospital day. Autopsy revealed cariae ‘tamponade, doing wel bt Sent with the tissue changes in a inated heat the sion occurs on the 1st week post Mi How wal. nfare expansion and exenson oo ens the priced ve 8. Fibriows poiciryams are weak and provide a site for rupture e the ‘infarcted tissue is maximally sof around this time C._ 52. Whats the most common heart valve problem and one that usually presents as a Nis C. Mita valve proiapse 4 eee . Chonda npture _C._53, Which ofthe statements below is NOT rue about the relationship between cor pulmonale and ihe coronary circulation: : ‘A. Chronic pulmonary disease can cause an increase in right ventricular workload and ‘cause it fail BB Afaling right ventricle will cause a fallin let ventricular output C. The right ventricle is supplied by the right coronary artery which originates in the coronary sinus ° D. Low left ventricular output can lead to right ventricular hypoperfusion 8 _54, Whatis the most common cause of cardiomegaly among the folowing: "A. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy & Physiologie cardiac hypertrophy B, Systemic hypertension . Rhabdomyoma 8.55, as0.yearold female, married, withtwo children had a badly sprained ankle which needed casting. Fast histor is noncontibulry, excep for use of contraceptive pils forthe past “two "seeet ane. recuperating at home, she suddenly colapsed while gasping for breath. She was immediataly brought te the hospital but was DOA. What will you probably find at autopsy: ‘A. Massive myocardial infarction B. Large embolus straddling the pulmonary arteries . Ruptured papillary muscles on the left ventricle D. Massive pneumothorax 8 _ 56. A tumor involving the upper end of the tibia is examined, The tan-white tumor fills most of the ‘medullary cavity of the metaphysis and proximal diaphysis. It has infitrated through the cortex. The periosteum. which has been lifled, has laid down a proximal triangular shell of reactive bone. Microscopic ‘Study discloses a coarse, lacelike pattem of neoplastic bone produced by anaplastic malignant tumor ‘cells with frequent, occasionally bizarre, mitotic figures. What tumor is this: ‘A. Ewing's sarcoma C. Malignant fibrohistiocytoma B. Osteosarcoma D. Undifferentiated malignancy E57. A 40-year-old martial arts instructor complained of a large mass in his le shoulder which limited ‘ine cf mation. Biopsy showed a neoplasm composed of malignant hyaline and myxoid cartilage. What, other bones are common sites of this type of tumor. ‘A. Long bones ©. Pelvic bones 8. Cranium D. Vertebrae > sna compiaon may ase om a snl bone cyt ‘A. Accelerated bone growth ©. Osteomyelitis 6. Malignant degeneration D. Pathologie fracture A s9, _ What s the most common route forthe production of osteomyelitis: ‘A Hematogenous C. Extension from contiguous site B. Lymphatic, D. Trauma ined of severe back pain. She had been on inh: seaside nian way 60.4 85) punched-out bone lesior Teepe ssi tra pollen sh ns. The me ture arma aig eurae. st ©. Paget’ disease of the bona e852: enbig Menl O00 eteoporests , Multiple myeloma B, steroid 4 jously diagnosed with poorly differentiated prostati or. aasvemrat ne epeble ‘cause of the fracture: i carcinoma sips and Beatin tor el ©. Extramedullary hematopoiesis A ee ed “pateoporosis D. Osteomyelitis 8 myosarcoma is associated with what cytogenetic abnormality: 62, Enbronal maT sss ©. Retinoblastoma gene OER Gemiine smasome 11p15.5 D.FLTI-EWS 8 oti Toss of C0 ‘663. n esophageal mass that consists of interlaced smooth muscle fibers would most nn ©. Both Bast rome D. Neither 64. Whatis the malignant potential of a lipoma: "a. 100% ©.10% B. 50% D. None an fant sucounbed to overwheing sepsis, Autopsy showed a massive subas Oe tae. Explain the mectianism fo ts production inthis case: mactnold Semen ; C. Fibrinoid necrosis of brain capillaies 5: Mutple intracerebral septic embol D. Venous thrombosis of sagital sinus ‘A._68, Whatis the most frequent cause of intracerebral bleed: ="... Chareat-Burchard microaneurysm LAV maltomnation EIEN D. Hemangioma 67, what replaces lost tissue following ischemic necrosis of brain parenchyma: BT ine on Se C. New white matter ena D. A cyst space surrounded by gliosis |B 98, a5:yoarold male suddenly develops Nigh over, nuchal ity, altered mental status. Give an intial impression ‘A. Tuberculous meningitis B. Acute bacterial meningitis C. Ruptured epidermoid cyst in the subarachnoid space 1D. Pontine hemorrhage C 66, The most common route of CNS infection: ‘Peripheral nerves ©. Hematogenous B. Lymphatic , Direct implantation _f 70, whats true about variant Creutzieldt-Jacob disease: ‘A. Caused by Infectious proteins ingested from infected cattle BB. Prions eat away atthe brain and create large cyst-tke holes there s early development in affected humans of neurologic problems lke ataxia, amentia and mtyocionus and late onset of psychiatric abnormalities 1D. Occurs almost entirely in elderly individuals c 71. A 10-year-old gif over a period of months manifested forgetfulness, inritabilly, and myocionic Jerk. Lately, her mobilty has been hampered by spasticy of the leg muscles. The child tas not been sick before, except for measles at age 2 and chicken pox at age 9. She hasn't had mumps. What most probably is her condition: ‘A. Mad cow disease c. SSPE B. West Nile Disease D. Avian flu B_ 72. ANew Yorker developed fever, headache, and body aches, accompanied by a skin rah and Swollen iymph nodes. Later, high fever, neck sifiress, stupor, and disorientation were noted. What is your ‘A. HIVIAIDS, ©. Dengue hemontagic fever B. West Nile encephalitis D. Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome ald steroids compitine x-ray revealed marked osteopenia and a commrescion’s (Mer oid woman OnE p60. ASE Yo Tyen mantns. A seed punched-out bone lesions. The most ike ave wee vn C. Paget's disease ofthe bone ea": imohirg al tr aperis 1D. Mutipte myeloma oii aaa yamate provousy cagnosed with poorly diferentated prostatic carcinoma sips ana ‘agsyoaratd Wrobable cause ofthe fracture: A 61 ASE oe whats 2 ery C. Extramedullary hematopoiesis ies Bone metas oporosls D. Osteomyelitis B. Agel arcoma is associated with what cytogenetic abnormality: “52 enya aon ‘Retinoblastoma gene A Germliges of chromosome 11pt5.5 D.FLT1-EWS B ‘, an esophageal Mas that Consists of ntelaced smooth musce fers wou most —— probably be 6 ©. Both 2 Leiomyema B.cist D. Neither i nt potential of lipoma: Bi es thai mains ©. 10% fuer D.None int succumbed to overwhelming sepsis. Autopsy showed a massive subarachnoid 068, Aan nthe mani fr Hs production inthis case: Roe . Fibrinoid necrosis of brain capillaries BB. Mutple intracerebral septic embolt . Venous thrombosis of sagittal sinus ‘A _ 66. Whatis the most frequent cause of intracerebral bleed: ‘A. Charcot-Burchard microaneurysm ©. AV malformation B.Bery aneurysm D: Hemangioma 67, What replaces lst tissue fllowing ischemic necrosis of brain parenchyma: —"'k Granulation tssue CC. New white matter B. Gray matter D. Acyst space surrounded by gliosis _8 68, A.35-year-old male suddenly develops high fever, nuchal rigidity, altered mental status. Give an intial impression "A. Tuberculous meningitis B: Acute bacteria meningitis C. Ruplured epidermoid cyst in the subarachnoid space D. Pontine hemorthage C 59. The most common route of CNS infection: ‘A. Peripheral nerves C. Hematogenous B. Lymphatic . Direct implantation 4 70. wnatis true about variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease: ‘A. Caused by infectious proteins ingested from infected cattle B. Prions eat away at the brain and create large cyst-ke holes C. There is early development in afected humans of neurologic problems lke ataxia, ‘dementia and myocionus and late onset of psychiatric abnormalities . Occurs almost entirely in elderty individuals S71, t0yearod git over a period of months manifested frgetiuiness,itaity, and myoclonic Jers. Lately, ner mobility has been hampered by spasticy of the leg muscles. The child has not been sick betore, except for measles at age 2 and chicken paxat age 9. She hasn't had mumps. What most probably 's her condition: ‘A. Mad cow disease ©. SSPE B. West Nile Disease D. Avian fu B_72. A New Yorker doves wae, oped fever, headache, and body aches. accompanied by a skin rash and wollen lymph nodes. Later, high fever, neck stiffness, stupor, and disorientation were noted. What is your ‘A.HIVAIDS . Dengue hemorrhagic fever B. West Nile encephalitis, D. Waterhiouse Friderichsen syndrome diarthea and is admitted to the provincia Tr develops eo rc examination of feces. (73-74) ‘spHal. Amebic a aniyearl Toeeen inter " ‘roph saniertemet by te vain trophozoites that leads othe formation ofthe nase D_ 73. in er C. Lymphoid aggregates Tapes tS D. Muscularis propia ris cose : esions ftis paastccondton canbe grossly confused wth which non-nvectous colon he iia ©. Sarcoid toes D. Colonie cancer 8 sker who was roughly handling the animals was bitten in the hand by a pig. What is 75. A farm caretaker infection that he can acquire for which definite precautions must be taken: sbable life-threatening: Teer . 4 Raoieyeis D. Flesh-eating staphylo/streptococci 78. Anewbom premature male infant had bloody dante He had been given antiotcs aA pith because ris mother had suffered from bacterial vaginosis He was sared on ata amply tis mother had ite ik production. What isthe LEAST important consideration towards a inthis case: : ciagnost NES C. Prematurity and the immune system A Gonter Ss D. Antibiotic use for § days or more fessor period had severe pricking pain atthe right side of the face and over a 2 week pend developed \Jesicular lesions arrayed ina linear fashion over the malar area (77.78) 71. The inflammatory response to these lesions is: RATT Mononuceat and granulomatous inflammation 'B. Cytopathio-cytoprolferative inflammation G. Necrotizing inflammation D. Chronic inflammation and scarring 78. What childhood disease would be part ofthe patient's past medical history: A. Mumps C. Measles B. Chicken pox D. Exanthem subitum: _D 70. one of the following is most tikely present in a 35 y/o male morgue technician who consulted Because of a hyposthetic, annutar, nodular growth on the face. His uinar nerve was prominent. An AFB, ‘smear of the skin lesion showed few organisms. ‘A. Cutaneous tuberculosis C. Lepromatous leprosy B. Discoid lupus y D. Tuberculoid leprosy __A_ eo. What sa preferred site of devdoprient of melanoma other than the skin: ‘A. Oral mucosa C. Rectosigmoid cofon B. Eustachian tube D. Brain parenchyma £81. which of the following presents as a pore-tike fesfon with keratin plug: ‘A Intradermal nevus ‘G. Seborrheic keratosis ‘B. Lupus vulgaris: D. Basal cell carcinoma AL 82. Adenomyosis is derived from: A. Stratum basale of the endometrium C. Metaplasia of smooth muscle. Bi. Mullerian duct remnants D. Embryonic eel resis ~0__88.A large uterus from a 52-year-old menopausic woman is sectioned and reveals a thin endometium and a large, faiy circumscribed soft to frm mass inthe posterior myometium, Microscopically, the mass consisted of atypical spindle cells with frequent mitosis. What isi ‘A. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma C. Choriocarcinoma B. Immature teratoma 1D. Leiomyosarcoma woman complains of vaginal leeding. A trans-vaginalutrasound i mich of the following histologic descriptions fits the mast serious oid meno wii a4. a 55900 etn. Dasa twee wom ‘jands set in 2 fibrous stroma associated with stromal he cause ie ste is ' Po a yp sa 8. Gna Jands ned by strafed columnar cals within a caller stroma 2 Erovded comple* O° stratified columnar cells with large pleomorphic nuctoi ‘a of the ovary may show tissues derived from which germ cell ine: cystic teratom: C. Mesoderm "a. Etoderm D. All ofthe above sold female student was rushed to the ER accompanied by her live-in boytiend a y arminal pain. History revealed 2-month’s amenorthea attibuted by the patient to Facause of owe a ous exercise in an attempt to lose weight. When examined, BP was 80/50 and ear resictions and vido orninal tap revealed blood within the peritoneal cavily. At emergency iia ein ras ound (0 be grossly unremarkable, Wha isa plausible explanation: su al pregnancy, ht B. Strained right iiopsoas muscle CC. Mesenteric lymphadenitis D. Mecket’s diveriultis sold female, market vendor who is maned toa tricycle diver, develops 87. A 22,yoar-ol formihs amenormea. Uterus is 4 to 5 month’s gestation size. Pregnancy test is al Heeding ater 30

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