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ANTHE Syllabus

ANTHE Syllabus for Class 8th :

Physics: Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current

Chemistry: Synthetic Fibers and Plastics, Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

Biology: Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe, Conservation
of Plants and Animals, Cell- Structure and Functions

Mathematics: Squares and Square Roots, Exponents, Quadrilaterals, Percentage, Linear

Equations in One Variable, Cubes and Cube Roots, Data Handling

Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Number and Alphabet Test, Series,
Classification, Analogy, Direction Test, Coding and Decoding, Problems based on Figures

ANTHE Syllabus for Class 9th :

Physics: Motion, Force, and Laws of Motion, Gravitation (Excluding Floatation)

Chemistry: Matter in our Surroundings, Is Matter Around Us Pure?

Biology: Cell: The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues

Mathematics: Number Systems, Factorization of Polynomials, Lines and Angles,

Congruency of Triangles, Heron’s Formula

Mental Ability: General Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Figure Matrix, Problems
based on Figures

ANTHE Syllabus for Class 10th :

Physics: Class 9 – Gravitation (Floatation only), Work and Energy, Sound Class 10 – Light-
Reflection and Refraction, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Chemistry: Class 9– Atoms and Molecules, Structure of the Atom Class 10 – Chemical
Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-Metals

Biology: Class 10– Life Processes- Nutrition, Respiration, Transportation, Excretion; Control
and Coordination in Animals and Plants

Mathematics: Class 9 & 10– Real Numbers, Polynomials, Triangles, Class 9– Mensuration,
Circles; Quadrilaterals Class 10– Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic
Equations, Trigonometric Ratios and Identities

Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding
and Decoding, General Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Problems based on Figures, Data

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Aakash ANTHE Exam Pattern

ANTHE Exam Pattern for class 8, 9 & 10 is given below!!! Those who are going to
participate can check no. of question, duration or marks

 Total Number of Questions: There will total 90 Questions

 Duration: Exam must be completed in 2 hours
 Total Marks: 360 Marks
 Marking Scheme: Each correct answer 4 marks will be allotted and
 Negative Marking: There is no negative marking

Subjects Questions

Mental Ability 20

Science 45

Mathematics 25

Total Questions 90 Questions

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