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Energy Transformations

P1: The light you see….

P2: The heat you feel…

P3: The sound you hear…

P4: And the motion of something….

P5: This is all because of the energy that is used.

(insert title)

P1: Hello! And welcome to the Late Late Show with *insert name* and we are going to answer some

P1: First question is from @xxJejexx and she is asking, What is Energy?

*insert TV error sound*

P2: well, energy is *insert definition*

P3: Energy is used so the cars can run, a cellphone to work and more!

P4: But what if, all the energy is used up?

All except p4: THAT CAN’T HAPPEN!!

P4: Why???

P5: Because the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy CANNOT be created or destroyed but
can change form.

P4: But, what is Energy Transformation?

P2: Energy transformation is the change of energy from one form to another. Energy transformations
occur everywhere every second of the day. There are many different forms of energy such as electrical,
thermal, nuclear, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical. Because the law of conservation of
energy states that energy is always conserved in the universe and simply changes from one form to
another, many energy transformations are taking place constantly.

P4: ohhhh….. NOW I get it…

*insert TV error sound*

P1: *watching TV*

P2: hey, did you know that just by watching TV you’re actually wasting energy?

P1: haaaaaay here we go agaaaaain…..

P2: *says random stuff*

*insert TV error sound*

P1: hello! And we are back here at The Late Late Show with *insert name*! Next question is from
@xXjejemehXx. Wait, her again?!?! Okay fine….

P1: And her question is… What are some examples of energy transformations? This is for my homework.


*insert TV error sound*

P2: going back to the topic, I’ll give you some examples of transformations of energy…

P2: A microwave! A microwave transforms electrical energy into thermal energy and heats the food.

P3: The sun transforms nuclear energy into ultraviolet, infrared, and gamma energy all forms of
electromagnetic energy.

P5: The car transforms chemical energy to mechanical energy when the gasoline makes a car run.


*insert TV error sound*


P1: Energy is the ability to do work.

P2: The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy CANNOT be created or destroyed but can
change form.

P3: Energy transformation is the change of energy from one form to another. Energy transformations
occur everywhere every second of the day. There are many different forms of energy such as electrical,
thermal, nuclear, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical. Because the law of conservation of
energy states that energy is always conserved in the universe and simply changes from one form to
another, many energy transformations are taking place constantly.


All: *acts normal like nothing happened*

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