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Dear Medley,

I have gone through the correspondences relating to the potential contract with Excel Tire
Corporation. It is clear that the main cause behind the miscommunication is the fax dated November
15. In an attempt to answer the queries of Ms. Beechum, Lumbar seems to have confused her. He told
her about ISDN, which could be a future solution to combining Excel’s various communication
mediums. However, Beechum seems to think our “single system of communication” functions as ISDN,
and that we can combine different types of signals.

Along with this, Miss Beechum misunderstood that since satellite dishes and signals can be shared
between multiple buildings, they can also be shared between different firms. This seems to have
happened because Lumbar went into a lot of technicalities in answering a simple question Miss
Bechum asked.

It is extremely crucial that we immediately get in touch with Ms. Beecham, and clear all the
misunderstandings. We should clearly tell her that ISDN is a future solution, and that we cannot
provide it right now.

She should also be made aware that for sharing satellite dishes and signals between different firms,
Excel Corporation will have to obtain a license from federal authorities. The procedure for obtaining
licenses is very elaborate, which might take 6-8 months, and cost up to 5 lakh dollars.

Considering the importance of this contract to our company, we must promptly reply to Ms. Beechum,
and try to salvage this deal.


Amar 3

Kumar Aditya (1901087)

Palak Goel (1901093)

Ritamvara Das (1901100)

Sachin Balahedi (1901103)

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