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NAME: _____________________________ SECTION:____________________ DATE: __________

I. Write True if the statement is correct and false if not.
_________________1. The divine comedy is a book that tells about the journey of a man struggling to
reconcile himself to God.
_________________2. There are three main parts of the divine comedy.
_________________3. Virgil is the author of the divine comedy.
_________________4. Dante Allegheirie is Greek.
_________________5. The tree parts of the divine comedy is Canto I, Canto II at Canto III.
_________________6. The major section of a long poem is calles a Chapter
_________________7. The divine comedy has 100 chapters.
_________________8. The Italian term of paradise is paradise.
_________________9. The three animals that stopped Dante to go up to paradise are a she-wolf, tiger and
_________________10. The angel that sent Virgil to see Dante is Elizabeth.
_________________11. There are three major parts of an argumentative essay.
_________________12. An argumentative essay gives entertainment to the reader.
II. Identify what is asked.
_________________ 13. In this part of an argumentative essay, the writer gives details to about his reasons.
_________________14. This part introduces the problem.
_________________15. This gives the thesis statement.
_________________16. This part restates the main claim
_________________ 17. This part should give examples and statistics.
_________________ 18. This gives a background information about the lesson.

III. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY. Read the argumentative essay below, then do the activities below.
Global Warming
There is little doubt that the planet is warming.
We must know the causes of global warming, and then we as individuals must do our part to help save the
planet. Here are some tips to follow that will help us all.
Firstly, reduce, reuse and recycle. Only buy what you need; don’t stock the cupboards with things you may
or may not use. Reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. It really is
as simple as that. Something as simple as walking instead of taking the car will help reduce pollution. As well as
stopping pollution, you are giving yourself exercise, something important for our bodies. So the next time you get
into your car, or your motorbike, think – do I have to make this journey by vehicle or can I walk? Finally, turning off
unused sources of power such as televisions and heaters will help the environment, as well as save you money.
If everybody stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth. So please take
into consideration what I have said, and try to do your part. After all, it will be our next generation that will feel the
19. Box the introduction
20. Underline the reasons
21. Double underline the conclusion

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