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Nuh Titang Salyowioso_195020301111033_CD

Student of Brawijaya University, Faculty of Economics and Business,

Accounting Study Program

I was born with unique name, Nuh Titang Salyowioso. As we know Nuh is
prophet in Islam and Titang doesn’t mean anything and Salyowioso from king
of the Madra kingdom. People used to call me Titang but that’s the thing. I have
to spell T-I-T-A-N-G every letter when people asked my name. In Starbucks,
bank, school, everywhere. But, I think it’s cool to not have a same name with
everyone else.

I was born on October 31st, 2000. I was the 2nd child of my parents. I have an
elder sister. I belong to a stable family. My mother is a housewife whereas my
father has 3 jobs: lecturer, farmer, and bussinesman. We live in a spacious

Like every parent, my parents love me very much. They take care of my minor
necessities. At my pre-school developmental stage, I used to listen to stories
from my father, and this has a long-lasting effect on me.

I am a politic, economy, literature, sport and also movie enthusiasts.

First of all I am big of fan of the brilliant and complicated co-founder of apple,
Steve Jobs. He influenced me so much from the way he think, his behaviour,
even his opinion about music and movie. We’ve got such a lot in common.

From my Political view I admire Soe Hok Gie’s idealism. He is perfect role for
any college students in Indonesia. My favorite word from his book “Catatan
Seorang Demonstran” is “I’d rather exiled than giving up on hypocrisy”. It was
his critism to his friends for giving up on hypocrisy.

I read some political books but the one who influenced me so much is Netflix
television series House Of Cards. That series opened my eyes how actually
politic works. But, the leading actor Kevin Spacey having issues and causing he
can’t be participate the finale season. At the first I was excited about the finale
season for some reason I watched article review abou this series finale season
and it doesn’t worth. I decided not to watch the finale season for not ruin my

“Happiness is only real when shared.”

Back in the day, I watched Into Wild. Movie that based on the true story of 19
year old Christopher McCandless who walked out of his privileged life and
promising future to become a back-to-nature wanderer.

On the way, he encounters a series of adventures and people shape him in a

unique, meaningful way. But, he didn’t realize that nature also can be harsh and
uncaring. At the end of the movie he wrote “Happiness is only when shared”
and he died.
And there is a book, “The subtle art of not giving a f*ck” such a phenomenal
and best seller book. Actually, I hate what people love and love what people
hate. I don’t know why. This book I categorized as a mainstream book cause
everyone reads it. I usually don’t like something mainstream but I just love this
According this book we have to stop trying to be happy. “Pleasure is a false
god. Research shows that people who focus their energy on materialistic and
superficial pleasures end up more anxious, more emotionally unstable and less
happy in the long-run. Pleasure is the most superficial form of life satisfaction
and therefore the easiest. Pleasure is what’s marketed to us. It’s what we fixate
on. It’s what we use to numb and distract ourselves. But pleasure, while
necessary, isn’t sufficient. There’s something more.”

After this I read this book until today I never trying to be happy.

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