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Nama : Michel Angel Luntungan

Kelas : Kimia b 2016

NIM : 16030234035

Reaksi Esterefikasi

1. Perhitungan menggunakan metode MM2

a. Menghubungkan Atom O(7) dengan C(16)
- Sebelum di MM2

Cartesian Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom X (A) Y (A) Z (A)

H(1) -5.0139 0.4878 -0.8462
C(2) -3.9009 0.4878 -0.8462
H(3) -3.5294 1.5369 -0.8462
C(4) -3.3986 -0.2229 0.3866
H(5) -3.5301 -0.0369 -1.7550
O(6) -2.2111 -0.3335 0.5783
O(7) -4.2686 -0.7306 1.2673
H(8) -3.9451 -1.1884 2.0613
H(9) 1.9971 0.9848 0.5517
C(10) 3.1101 0.9848 0.5517
H(11) 3.4817 2.0339 0.5517
H(12) 3.4806 0.4606 1.4609
C(13) 3.6176 0.2668 -0.6919
H(14) 2.7521 -0.0832 -1.2980
H(15) 4.2352 0.9669 -1.2978
C(16) 4.4636 -0.9298 -0.2773
H(17) 4.8348 -1.4550 -1.1856
H(18) 3.8446 -1.6292 0.3281
O(19) 5.5541 -0.4890 0.4858
H(20) 6.1768 -1.1113 0.8208

Internal Coordinates Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom Bond Bond Angle Angle (0) 2nd Angle 2nd Angle 2nd Angle
Atom Lenght Atom Atom Type
C(2) C(4) 1.5090
O(7) C(4) 1.3380 C(2) 120.0000
O(6) C(4) 1.2080 C(2) 120.0000 O(7) 120.0000 Pro-R
H(1) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 O(6) 180.0000 Dihedral
H(3) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 H(1) 109.5000 Pro-S
H(5) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.5200 H(1) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(8) O(7) 0.9720 C(4) 120.0000 C(2) 180.0000 Dihedral
C(10) O(6) 5.6305 C(4) 158.9964 C(2) 34.0069 Dihedral
C(13) C(10) 1.5230 C(4) 102.9299 C(2) -65.2890 Dihedral
C(16) C(13) 1.5230 C(10) 109.4618 C(4) -111.6081 Dihedral
O(19) C(16) 1.4020 C(13) 109.4618 C(10) -59.9996 Dihedral
H(14) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.5000 C(16) 109.4618 Pro-S
H(15) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.4418 C(16) 109.5200 Pro-R
H(17) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5000 O(19) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(18) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4418 O(19) 109.5200 Pro-S
H(9) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 C(16) -120.0004 Dihedral
H(11) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 H(9) 109.5000 Pro-R
H(12) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5200 H(9) 109.4418 Pro-S
H(20) O(19) 0.9420 C(16) 120.0000 C(13) -180.0000 Dihedral
- Setelah di MM2

Cartesian Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom X (A) Y (A) Z (A)

H(1) -3.4994 -0.1011 0.0655
C(2) -2.6753 0.2928 -0.5804
H(3) -2.8472 1.3979 -0.5014
C(4) -1.4198 -0.2723 0.1258
H(5) -2.9975 -0.1246 -1.5718
O(6) -1.0158 0.2493 -0.9178
O(7) 0.0537 -0.5573 0.2415
H(8) -0.1531 -0.9679 1.1386
H(9) 1.4869 2.0930 0.8857
C(10) 2.4540 1.6233 0.5992
H(11) 3.0974 2.4190 0.1551
H(12) 2.9582 1.2728 1.5286
C(13) 2.2193 0.4757 -0.3924
H(14) 1.5319 0.8108 -1.2042
H(15) 3.1837 0.2855 -0.9278
C(16) 1.6814 -0.8681 0.3632
H(17) 1.6618 -1.5254 -0.6376
H(18) 1.3935 -1.1617 1.4899
O(19) 3.1059 -1.3076 0.7596
H(20) 3.1457 -2.2609 0.6389
Internal Coordinates Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom Bond Bond Angle Angle (0) 2nd Angle 2nd Angle 2nd Angle
Atom Lenght Atom Atom Type
C(2) C(4) 1.5090
O(7) C(4) 1.3380 C(2) 120.0000
O(6) C(4) 1.2080 C(2) 120.0000 O(7) 120.0000 Pro-R
H(8) O(7) 0.9720 C(4) 120.0000 C(2) 180.0000 Dihedral
Lp(21) O(7) 0.6000 C(4) 129.2205 H(8) 110.6795 Pro-S
Lp(22) O(7) 0.6000 C(4) 30.5259 H(8) 89.4741 Pro-S
H(1) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 O(6) 180.0000 Dihedral
C(10) O(6) 5.4821 C(4) 158.6596 C(2) 34.4566 Dihedral
H(3) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 H(1) 109.5000 Pro-S
H(5) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.5200 H(1) 109.4618 Pro-R
C(13) C(10) 1.5230 C(4) 102.7765 C(2) -65.3891 Dihedral
C(16) C(13) 1.5230 C(10) 109.4618 C(4) -111.4216 Dihedral
O(19) C(16) 1.4020 C(13) 109.4618 C(10) -59.9996 Dihedral
H(9) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 C(16) -120.0004 Dihedral
H(14) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.5000 C(16) 109.4618 Pro-S
H(15) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.4418 C(16) 109.5200 Pro-R
H(11) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 H(9) 109.5000 Pro-R
H(12) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5200 H(9) 109.4418 Pro-S
H(17) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5000 O(19) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(18) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4418 O(19) 109.5200 Pro-S
H(20) O(19) 0.9420 C(16) 120.0000 C(13) -180.0000 Dihedral
Lp(23) O(19) 0.6000 C(16) 106.7597 H(20) 106.7597 Pro-S
Lp(24) O(19) 0.6000 C(16) 103.2984 H(20) 103.2984 Pro-R

------------MM2 Minimization------------

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of O(7)

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of C(16)

Note: 1,3 van der Waals interactions are used to compute the energy of angles around atoms with
more than 4 coordinate bonds.

Warning: Some parameters are guessed (Quality = 1).

Iteration 87: Minimization terminated normally because of an insignificant change in the varying

Stretch: 45.1159

Bend: 187.1408

Stretch-Bend: -0.1497

Torsion: 7.7850

Non-1,4 VDW: -0.9410

1,4 VDW: 17.1771

Dipole/Dipole: 2.6422

Total Energy: 258.7703 kcal/mol

Calculation completed

b. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan O(7) dan H(8)

- Sebelum di MM2

Cartesian Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom X (A) Y (A) Z (A)

H(1) -5.0139 0.4878 -0.8462
C(2) -3.9009 0.4878 -0.8462
H(3) -3.5294 1.5369 -0.8462
C(4) -3.3986 -0.2229 0.3866
H(5) -3.5301 -0.0369 -1.7550
O(6) -2.2111 -0.3335 0.5783
O(7) -4.2686 -0.7306 1.2673
H(8) -3.9451 -1.1884 2.0613
H(9) 1.9971 0.9848 0.5517
C(10) 3.1101 0.9848 0.5517
H(11) 3.4817 2.0339 0.5517
H(12) 3.4806 0.4606 1.4609
C(13) 3.6176 0.2668 -0.6919
H(14) 2.7521 -0.0832 -1.2980
H(15) 4.2352 0.9669 -1.2978
C(16) 4.4636 -0.9298 -0.2773
H(17) 4.8348 -1.4550 -1.1856
H(18) 3.8446 -1.6292 0.3281
O(19) 5.5541 -0.4890 0.4858
H(20) 6.1768 -1.1113 0.8208

Internal Coordinates Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom Bond Bond Angle Angle (0) 2nd Angle 2nd Angle 2nd Angle
Atom Lenght Atom Atom Type
C(2) C(4) 1.5090
O(7) C(4) 1.3380 C(2) 120.0000
O(6) C(4) 1.2080 C(2) 120.0000 O(7) 120.0000 Pro-R
H(1) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 O(6) 180.0000 Dihedral
H(3) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 H(1) 109.5000 Pro-S
H(5) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.5200 H(1) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(8) O(7) 0.9720 C(4) 120.0000 C(2) 180.0000 Dihedral
C(10) O(6) 5.4821 C(4) 158.6596 C(2) 34.4566 Dihedral
C(13) C(10) 1.5230 C(4) 102.7765 C(2) -65.3891 Dihedral
C(16) C(13) 1.5230 C(10) 109.4618 C(4) -111.4216 Dihedral
O(19) C(16) 1.4020 C(13) 109.4618 C(10) -59.9996 Dihedral
H(14) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.5000 C(16) 109.4618 Pro-S
H(15) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.4418 C(16) 109.5200 Pro-R
H(17) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5000 O(19) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(18) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4418 O(19) 109.5200 Pro-S
H(9) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 C(16) -120.0004 Dihedral
H(11) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 H(9) 109.5000 Pro-R
H(12) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5200 H(9) 109.4418 Pro-S
H(20) O(19) 0.9420 C(16) 120.0000 C(13) -180.0000 Dihedral
- Sesudah di MM2

Cartesian Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom X (A) Y (A) Z (A)

H(1) -5.0139 0.4878 -0.8462
C(2) -3.9009 0.4878 -0.8462
H(3) -3.5294 1.5369 -0.8462
C(4) -3.3986 -0.2229 0.3866
H(5) -3.5301 -0.0369 -1.7550
O(6) -2.2111 -0.3335 0.5783
O(7) -4.2686 -0.7306 1.2673
H(8) -3.9451 -1.1884 2.0613
H(9) 1.9971 0.9848 0.5517
C(10) 3.1101 0.9848 0.5517
H(11) 3.4817 2.0339 0.5517
H(12) 3.4806 0.4606 1.4609
C(13) 3.6176 0.2668 -0.6919
H(14) 2.7521 -0.0832 -1.2980
H(15) 4.2352 0.9669 -1.2978
C(16) 4.4636 -0.9298 -0.2773
H(17) 4.8348 -1.4550 -1.1856
H(18) 3.8446 -1.6292 0.3281
O(19) 5.5541 -0.4890 0.4858
H(20) 6.1768 -1.1113 0.8208
Lp(21) -4.8663 -0.6921 1.2322
Lp(22) -3.7010 -0.6335 1.0988
Lp(23) 5.8612 -0.1045 0.1425
Lp(24) 5.2963 -0.2710 0.9818
Internal Coordinates Table of Molecule “Transition Energy”

Atom Bond Bond Angle Angle (0) 2nd Angle 2nd Angle 2nd Angle
Atom Lenght Atom Atom Type
C(2) C(4) 1.5090
O(7) C(4) 1.3380 C(2) 120.0000
O(6) C(4) 1.2080 C(2) 120.0000 O(7) 120.0000 Pro-R
H(8) O(7) 0.9720 C(4) 120.0000 C(2) 180.0000 Dihedral
Lp(21) O(7) 0.6000 C(4) 125.7998 H(8) 114.1765 Pro-S
Lp(22) O(7) 0.6000 C(4) 30.5259 H(8) 89.4741 Pro-S
H(1) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 O(6) 180.0000 Dihedral
C(10) O(6) 5.4821 C(4) 158.6596 C(2) 34.4566 Dihedral
H(3) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 H(1) 109.5000 Pro-S
H(5) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.5200 H(1) 109.4618 Pro-R
C(13) C(10) 1.5230 C(4) 102.7765 C(2) -65.3891 Dihedral
C(16) C(13) 1.5230 C(10) 109.4618 C(4) -111.4216 Dihedral
O(19) C(16) 1.4020 C(13) 109.4618 C(10) -59.9996 Dihedral
H(9) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 C(16) -120.0004 Dihedral
H(14) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.5000 C(16) 109.4618 Pro-S
H(15) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.4418 C(16) 109.5200 Pro-R
H(11) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 H(9) 109.5000 Pro-R
H(12) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5200 H(9) 109.4418 Pro-S
H(17) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5000 O(19) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(18) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4418 O(19) 109.5200 Pro-S
H(20) O(19) 0.9420 C(16) 120.0000 C(13) -180.0000 Dihedral
Lp(23) O(19) 0.6000 C(16) 106.7597 H(20) 106.7597 Pro-S
Lp(24) O(19) 0.6000 C(16) 103.2984 H(20) 103.2984 Pro-R

------------MM2 Minimization------------

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of O(7)

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of H(8)

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of H(20)

Note: 1,3 van der Waals interactions are used to compute the energy of angles around atoms with
more than 4 coordinate bonds.

Warning: Some parameters are guessed (Quality = 1).

Iteration 2516: Minimization terminated normally because the gradient norm is less than the
minimum gradient norm

Stretch: 242.8058

Bend: 2611.5732

Stretch-Bend: -20.3114

Torsion: 0.2722
Non-1,4 VDW: -1.8151

1,4 VDW: 16.5102

Total Energy: 2849.0349 kcal/mol

Note: Due to high VDW interactions, some terms were not computed.

Calculation completed

c. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan H(8)

- Sebelum di MM2

Cartesian Table of Molecule “transition Energy”

Atom X (A) Y (A) Z (A)

H(1) -5.0139 0.4878 -0.8462
C(2) -3.9009 0.4878 -0.8462
H(3) -3.5294 1.5369 -0.8462
C(4) -3.3986 -0.2229 0.3866
H(5) -3.5301 -0.0369 -1.7550
O(6) -2.2111 -0.3335 0.5783
O(7) -4.2686 -0.7306 1.2673
H(8) -3.9451 -1.1884 2.0613
H(9) 1.9971 0.9848 0.5517
C(10) 3.1101 0.9848 0.5517
H(11) 3.4817 2.0339 0.5517
H(12) 3.4806 0.4606 1.4609
C(13) 3.6176 0.2668 -0.6919
H(14) 2.7521 -0.0832 -1.2980
H(15) 4.2352 0.9669 -1.2978
C(16) 4.4636 -0.9298 -0.2773
H(17) 4.8348 -1.4550 -1.1856
H(18) 3.8446 -1.6292 0.3281
O(19) 5.5541 -0.4890 0.4858
H(20) 6.1768 -1.1113 0.8208

Internal Coordinates Table of Molecule “transition Energy”

Atom Bond Bond Angle Angle (0) 2nd Angle 2nd Angle 2nd Angle
Atom Lenght Atom Atom Type
C(2) C(4) 1.5090
O(7) C(4) 1.3380 C(2) 120.0000
O(6) C(4) 1.2080 C(2) 120.0000 O(7) 120.0000 Pro-R
H(1) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 O(6) 180.0000 Dihedral
H(3) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 H(1) 109.5000 Pro-S
H(5) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.5200 H(1) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(8) O(7) 0.9720 C(4) 120.0000 C(2) 180.0000 Dihedral
C(10) O(6) 5.4821 C(4) 158.6596 C(2) 34.4566 Dihedral
C(13) C(10) 1.5230 C(4) 102.7765 C(2) -65.3891 Dihedral
C(16) C(13) 1.5230 C(10) 109.4618 C(4) -111.4216 Dihedral
O(19) C(16) 1.4020 C(13) 109.4618 C(10) -59.9996 Dihedral
H(14) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.5000 C(16) 109.4618 Pro-S
H(15) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.4418 C(16) 109.5200 Pro-R
H(17) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5000 O(19) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(18) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4418 O(19) 109.5200 Pro-S
H(9) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 C(16) -120.0004 Dihedral
H(11) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 H(9) 109.5000 Pro-R
H(12) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5200 H(9) 109.4418 Pro-S
H(20) O(19) 0.9420 C(16) 120.0000 C(13) -180.0000 Dihedral

- Sesudah di MM2
Cartesian Table of Molecule “transition Energy”

Atom X (A) Y (A) Z (A)

H(1) -2.9690 -0.5789 -1.3648
C(2) -2.1697 0.1511 -1.0861
H(3) -2.7723 1.0953 -1.0126
C(4) -1.6126 -0.4754 0.2162
H(5) -1.5290 0.1181 -2.0070
O(6) -0.9732 0.5641 0.0192
O(7) -0.7664 -0.5276 1.3281
H(8) 0.2004 -0.7504 1.1914
H(9) 2.5603 1.4002 1.4143
C(10) 3.1202 1.3896 0.4516
H(11) 3.1890 2.4444 0.0984
H(12) 4.1544 1.0305 0.6562
C(13) 2.4235 0.5074 -0.5923
H(14) 1.3859 0.8798 -0.7550
H(15) 2.9521 0.6151 -1.5707
C(16) 2.3972 -0.9733 -0.2142
H(17) 1.8043 -1.5630 -0.9516
H(18) 3.4351 -1.3809 -0.2016
O(19) 1.8544 -1.1777 1.0634
H(20) 0.8932 -0.9217 1.1202
Lp(21) -0.8402 -0.0475 1.7014
Lp(22) -1.0126 -1.0473 1.4986
Lp(23) 2.1604 -0.7918 1.4093
Lp(24) 1.8742 -1.7769 1.1266

Internal Coordinates Table of Molecule “transition Energy”

Atom Bond Bond Angle Angle (0) 2nd Angle 2nd Angle 2nd Angle
Atom Lenght Atom Atom Type
C(2) C(4) 1.5090
O(7) C(4) 1.3380 C(2) 120.0000
O(6) C(4) 1.2080 C(2) 120.0000 O(7) 120.0000 Pro-R
H(8) O(7) 0.9720 C(4) 120.0000 C(2) 180.0000 Dihedral
Lp(21) O(7) 0.6000 C(4) 106.7597 H(8) 106.7597 Pro-S
Lp(22) O(7) 0.6000 C(4) 103.2984 H(8) 103.2984 Pro-R
H(1) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 O(6) 180.0000 Dihedral
C(10) O(6) 5.4821 C(4) 158.6596 C(2) 34.4566 Dihedral
H(3) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.4418 H(1) 109.5000 Pro-S
H(5) C(2) 1.1130 C(4) 109.5200 H(1) 109.4618 Pro-R
C(13) C(10) 1.5230 C(4) 102.7765 C(2) -65.3891 Dihedral
C(16) C(13) 1.5230 C(10) 109.4618 C(4) -111.4216 Dihedral
O(19) C(16) 1.4020 C(13) 109.4618 C(10) -59.9996 Dihedral
H(9) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 C(16) -120.0004 Dihedral
H(14) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.5000 C(16) 109.4618 Pro-S
H(15) C(13) 1.1130 C(10) 109.4418 C(16) 109.5200 Pro-R
H(11) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4618 H(9) 109.5000 Pro-R
H(12) C(10) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5200 H(9) 109.4418 Pro-S
H(17) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.5000 O(19) 109.4618 Pro-R
H(18) C(16) 1.1130 C(13) 109.4418 O(19) 109.5200 Pro-S
H(20) O(19) 0.9420 C(16) 120.0000 C(13) -180.0000 Dihedral
Lp(23) O(19) 0.6000 C(16) 106.7597 H(20) 106.7597 Pro-S
Lp(24) O(19) 0.6000 C(16) 103.2984 H(20) 103.2984 Pro-R

------------MM2 Minimization------------

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of H(8)

Warning: The number of ligands attached does not match the geometry of H(20)

Warning: Some parameters are guessed (Quality = 1).

Iteration 751: Minimization terminated normally because of an insignificant change in the varying

Stretch: 2.7713

Bend: 121.2372

Stretch-Bend: -0.3203

Torsion: -0.0092

Non-1,4 VDW: -2.0249

1,4 VDW: 19.6791

Dipole/Dipole: 2.9892

Total Energy: 144.3225 kcal/mol

Calculation completed
2. Perhitungan menggunakan metode HF
a. Menghubungkan Atom O(7) dengan C(16)

Table Atom Property of Molecule “Transition Energy”

GAMESS Job: Minimize (Energy/Geometry) RHF/3-21G
Atom Lowdin Charges Lowdin Mulliken Charges Mulliken
(GAMESS Populations (GAMESS Populations
Interface) (GAMESS Interface) (GAMESS
Interface) Interface)
H(1) 0.121794 0.878206 0.25645 0.74355
C(2) -0.318841 6.31884 -0.693589 6.69359
H(3) 0.126747 0.873253 0.258347 0.741653
C(4) 0.343201 5.6568 0.830711 5.16929
H(5) 0.126009 0.873991 0.256867 0.743133
O(6) -0.317696 8.3177 -0.605772 8.60577
O(7) -0.356735 8.35674 -0.711372 8.71137
H(8) 0.27639 0.72361 0.409657 0.590343
H(9) 0.092595 0.907405 0.210755 0.789245
C(10) -0.261123 6.26112 -0.596684 6.59668
H(11) 0.088952 0.911048 0.201736 0.798264
H(12) 0.095757 0.904243 0.218371 0.781629
C(13) -0.176276 6.17628 -0.443014 6.44301
H(14) 0.083598 0.916402 0.204373 0.795627
H(15) 0.092005 0.907995 0.22481 0.77519
C(16) 0.034557 5.96544 -0.077782 6.07778
H(17) 0.057414 0.942586 0.181841 0.818159
H(18) 0.058642 0.941358 0.183484 0.816516
O(19) -0.406633 8.40663 -0.680994 8.68099
H(20) 0.23964 0.76036 0.371804 0.628196
GAMESS Interface: Dipole = (1.949532, 0.455531, -1.771905) 2.673542 Debye

GAMESS Interface: Kinetic Energy = 262052.7169 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Potential Energy = -524710.3273 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Total Energy = -262657.6104 Kcal/Mol

Finish @ energy = -262657.610434 Kcal/Mol (-418.571892 Hartrees)

b. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan O(7) dan H(8)

Table Atom Property of Molecule “Transition Energy”

GAMESS Job: Minimize (Energy/Geometry) RHF/3-21G

Atom Lowdin Charges Lowdin Mulliken Charges Mulliken

(GAMESS Populations (GAMESS Populations
Interface) (GAMESS Interface) (GAMESS
Interface) Interface)
H(1) 0.121167 0.878833 0.255313 0.744687
C(2) -0.318708 6.31871 -0.693425 6.69343
H(3) 0.126467 0.873533 0.257831 0.742169
H(4) 0.126228 0.873772 0.257391 0.742609
C(5) 0.341972 5.65803 0.829685 5.17032
O(6) -0.315789 8.31579 -0.603966 8.60397
O(7) -0.357257 8.35726 -0.711915 8.71191
H(8) 0.27592 0.72408 0.409085 0.590915
H(9) 0.094522 0.905478 0.214531 0.785469
C(10) -0.262232 6.26223 -0.601572 6.60157
C(11) -0.187482 6.18748 -0.471095 6.4711
H(12) 0.085161 0.914839 0.197947 0.802053
H(13) 0.087391 0.912609 0.201769 0.798231
H(14) 0.112088 0.887912 0.261464 0.738536
H(15) 0.08655 0.91345 0.212219 0.787781
C(16) 0.034412 5.96559 -0.07289 6.07289
H(17) 0.057692 0.942308 0.183932 0.816068
H(18) 0.058525 0.941475 0.184934 0.815066
O(19) -0.405036 8.40504 -0.680826 8.68083
H(20) 0.238409 0.761591 0.369588 0.630412
GAMESS Interface: Dipole = (-1.331542, -1.481380, 0.004857) 1.991862 Debye

GAMESS Interface: Kinetic Energy = 262046.0098 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Potential Energy = -524701.6357 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Total Energy = -262655.6259 Kcal/Mol

Finish @ energy = -262655.625913 Kcal/Mol (-418.568729 Hartrees)

c. Meghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan H(8)

Table Atom Property of Molecule “Transition Energy”

GAMESS Job: Minimize (Energy/Geometry) RHF/3-21G

Atom Lowdin Charges Lowdin Mulliken Charges Mulliken

(GAMESS Populations (GAMESS Populations
Interface) (GAMESS Interface) (GAMESS
Interface) Interface)
H(1) 0.12125 0.87875 0.255642 0.744358
C(2) -0.31876 6.31876 -0.693453 6.69345
H(3) 0.126539 0.873461 0.257819 0.742181
H(4) 0.126419 0.873581 0.257609 0.742391
C(5) 0.342017 5.65798 0.829519 5.17048
O(6) -0.316031 8.31603 -0.604246 8.60425
O(7) -0.35723 8.35723 -0.711839 8.71184
H(8) 0.275796 0.724204 0.40895 0.59105
H(9) 0.096278 0.903722 0.218001 0.781999
C(10) -0.243464 6.24346 -0.55444 6.55444
H(11) 0.075791 0.924209 0.179523 0.820477
H(12) 0.095396 0.904604 0.216345 0.783655
C(13) -0.182844 6.18284 -0.477536 6.47754
H(14) 0.083369 0.916631 0.209741 0.790259
H(15) 0.083987 0.916013 0.210774 0.789226
C(16) 0.031034 5.96897 -0.072046 6.07205
O(17) -0.40102 8.40102 -0.677761 8.67776
H(18) 0.058676 0.941324 0.18548 0.81452
H(19) 0.059689 0.940311 0.187061 0.812939
H(20) 0.243109 0.756891 0.374858 0.625142

GAMESS Interface: Dipole = (-1.331953, -1.481245, 0.004917) 1.992037 Debye

GAMESS Interface: Kinetic Energy = 262046.0061 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Potential Energy = -524701.6318 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Total Energy = -262655.6257 Kcal/Mol

Finish @ energy = -262655.625729 Kcal/Mol (-418.568729 Hartrees)

3. Perhitungan menggunakan metode DFT
a. Menghubungkan Atom O(7) dengan C(16)

Table Atom Property of Molecule “Transition Energy”

GAMESS Job: Minimize (Energy/Geometry) B3LYP/3-21G
Atom Lowdin Charges Lowdin Mulliken Charges Mulliken
(GAMESS Populations (GAMESS Populations
Interface) (GAMESS Interface) (GAMESS
Interface) Interface)
H(1) 0.116411 0.883589 0.227887 0.772113
C(2) -0.318885 6.31888 -0.63483 6.63483
H(3) 0.122454 0.877546 0.235665 0.764335
H(4) 0.122507 0.877493 0.235645 0.764355
C(5) 0.216753 5.78325 0.600205 5.3998
O(6) -0.237955 8.23795 -0.476792 8.47679
O(7) -0.272317 8.27232 -0.544959 8.54496
H(8) 0.251032 0.748968 0.357179 0.642821
H(9) 0.094823 0.905177 0.20107 0.79893
C(10) -0.251478 6.25148 -0.529463 6.52946
H(11) 0.078355 0.921645 0.168255 0.831745
H(12) 0.094102 0.905898 0.199723 0.800277
C(13) -0.179621 6.17962 -0.416279 6.41628
H(14) 0.082962 0.917038 0.189739 0.810261
H(15) 0.083604 0.916396 0.190803 0.809197
C(16) -0.015588 6.01559 -0.134096 6.1341
O(17) -0.331372 8.33137 -0.543334 8.54333
H(18) 0.058087 0.941913 0.169034 0.830966
H(19) 0.059088 0.940912 0.170717 0.829283
H(20) 0.227038 0.772962 0.333832 0.666168
GAMESS Interface: Dipole = (-1.169777, -1.491074, 0.036822) 1.895530 Debye

GAMESS Interface: Kinetic Energy = 262009.2744 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Potential Energy = -526093.2771 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Total Energy = -264084.0027 Kcal/Mol

Finish @ energy = -264084.002662 Kcal/Mol (-420.844994 Hartrees)

b. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan O(7) dan H(8)

Table Atom Property of Molecule “Transition Energy”

GAMESS Job: Minimize (Energy/Geometry) B3LYP/3-21G
Atom Lowdin Charges Lowdin Mulliken Charges Mulliken
(GAMESS Populations (GAMESS Populations
Interface) (GAMESS Interface) (GAMESS
Interface) Interface)
H(1) 0.116505 0.883495 0.2279 0.7721
C(2) -0.31894 6.31894 -0.634789 6.63479
H(3) 0.122526 0.877474 0.23572 0.76428
H(4) 0.122395 0.877605 0.235529 0.764471
C(5) 0.216866 5.78313 0.600616 5.39938
O(6) -0.237785 8.23779 -0.476813 8.47681
O(7) -0.272688 8.27269 -0.545551 8.54555
H(8) 0.251121 0.748879 0.357388 0.642612
H(9) 0.09481 0.90519 0.201072 0.798928
C(10) -0.251471 6.25147 -0.529393 6.52939
H(11) 0.078318 0.921682 0.168269 0.831731
H(12) 0.09412 0.90588 0.199761 0.800239
C(13) -0.179621 6.17962 -0.416209 6.41621
H(14) 0.082892 0.917108 0.189566 0.810434
H(15) 0.083492 0.916508 0.190525 0.809475
C(16) -0.015557 6.01556 -0.133738 6.13374
O(17) -0.331241 8.33124 -0.543397 8.5434
H(18) 0.058078 0.941922 0.169119 0.830881
H(19) 0.059059 0.940941 0.170562 0.829438
H(20) 0.227121 0.772879 0.333863 0.666137
GAMESS Interface: Dipole = (1.209248, 1.500197, -0.021795) 1.927005 Debye

GAMESS Interface: Kinetic Energy = 262012.4234 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Potential Energy = -526096.3993 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Total Energy = -264083.9759 Kcal/Mol

Finish @ energy = -264083.975886 Kcal/Mol (-420.844952 Hartrees)

c. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan H(8)

Table Atom Property of Molecule “Transition Energy”

GAMESS Job: Minimize (Energy/Geometry) B3LYP/3-21G

Atom Lowdin Charges Lowdin Mulliken Charges Mulliken

(GAMESS Populations (GAMESS Populations
Interface) (GAMESS Interface) (GAMESS
Interface) Interface)
H(1) 0.116504 0.883496 0.227899 0.772101
C(2) -0.31894 6.31894 -0.634788 6.63479
H(3) 0.122527 0.877473 0.235722 0.764278
H(4) 0.122395 0.877605 0.23553 0.76447
C(5) 0.216866 5.78313 0.600615 5.39938
O(6) -0.237784 8.23778 -0.476813 8.47681
O(7) -0.272689 8.27269 -0.545551 8.54555
H(8) 0.25112 0.74888 0.357387 0.642613
H(9) 0.094813 0.905187 0.201076 0.798924
C(10) -0.251472 6.25147 -0.529394 6.52939
H(11) 0.078316 0.921684 0.168265 0.831735
H(12) 0.09412 0.90588 0.19976 0.80024
C(13) -0.179621 6.17962 -0.416208 6.41621
H(14) 0.08289 0.91711 0.189563 0.810437
H(15) 0.083492 0.916508 0.190525 0.809475
C(16) -0.015557 6.01556 -0.133736 6.13374
O(17) -0.331239 8.33124 -0.543396 8.5434
H(18) 0.058076 0.941924 0.169116 0.830884
H(19) 0.059061 0.940939 0.170565 0.829435
H(20) 0.227122 0.772878 0.333864 0.666136
GAMESS Interface: Dipole = (1.209670, 1.500092, -0.021755) 1.927187 Debye

GAMESS Interface: Kinetic Energy = 262012.4218 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Potential Energy = -526096.3974 Kcal/Mol

GAMESS Interface: Total Energy = -264083.9756 Kcal/Mol

Finish @ energy = -264083.975604 Kcal/Mol (-420.844951 Hartrees)

4. Perhitungan menngunakan metode Table Energy Ikatan Rata – rata

Dari tabel energy ikatan rata – rata diatas dapat digunakan untuk menghitung/menentukan nilai
energi transisi dari molekul diatas.
a. Menghubungkan Atom O(7) dengan C(16)

Energi Transisi 1 = (10 x C – H) + (3 x C – C) + (3 x C – O) + (1 x C = O) + (2 x O – H)

= (10 x 413) + (3 x 348) + (3 x 358) + ( 1 x 891 ) + ( 2 x 63 )
= 4130 + 1044 + 1074 + 891 + 126
= 7265 Kj/Mol
= 1736,4 Kcal/Mol
b. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan O(7) dan H(8)

Energi Transisi 2 = (10 x C – H) + (3 x C – C) + (3 x C – O) + (1 x C = O) + (3 x O – H) + ( 1 x

= (10 x 413) + (3 x 348) + (3 x 358) + ( 1 x 891 ) + ( 3 x 63 ) + ( 1x 436 )
= 4130 + 1044 + 1074 + 891 + 189 + 436
= 7764 Kj/Mol
= 1855,6 Kcal/Mol
c. Menghubungkan Atom H(20) dengan H(8)

Energi Transisi 3 = (10 x C – H) + (3 x C – C) + (3 x C – O) + (1 x C = O) + (2 x O – H) + (1 x

= (10 x 413) + (3 x 348) + (3 x 358) + ( 1 x 891 ) + ( 2 x 63 ) + ( 1x 436 )
= 4130 + 1044 + 1074 + 891 + 126 + 436
= 7701 Kj/Mol
= 1840,6 Kcal/Mol
Perbandingan Energi pada perhitungan Metode Energi Ikatan Rata – rata
Energi Awal(reaktan) = (10xC-H +2 x C-O + C=O+3 xC-C +2xO-H)
= (10 x 413 + 2 x358 + 891+ 3x348 +2x 63 )
= 4130+716+891+1044+126
= 6907 Kj/mol
= 1650.8 Kcal/mol
Energi Akhir(produk) = (10xC-H +2 x C-O + C=O+3 xC-C +2xO-H)
= (10 x 413 + 2 x358 + 891+ 3x348 +2x 63 )
= 4130+716+891+1044+126
= 6907 Kj/mol
= 1650.8 Kcal/mol
ΔHf = Energi awal – energy akhir
= 1650.8 Kcal/mol - 1650.8 Kcal/mol
= 0 Kcal/mol
Energi Aktivasi = |Energi transisi terendah – energy awal|
= 1736.4 - 1650.8 Kcal/Mol
= 88.5 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 1 : 1736.4 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 2 : 1855.6 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 3 : 11840.6 Kcal/Mol

Energi Ikatan Rata - rata

Energi Transisi
Energi Kcal/mol

40800:00:00 1736.4
39360:00:00 Energi Akhir
Energi Awal
38880:00:00 1650,8
1 2 3
Perbandingan Energi pada perhitungan metode HF
Energi awal(reaktan) = |-142152.079357 + -120508.484611 | = 262660.563968 Kcal/Mol
Energy akhir(produk) = |-215229.849505 + -47430.866523 |= 262660.716028 Kcal/Mol
ΔHf = Energi Produk – Energi Awal
= 262660.716028 - 262660.563968 Kcal/Mol
= 0.15206 Kcal/Mol
Energi Aktivasi =|Energi transisi terendah – energy awal|
= 238297.230378 - 238299.5308
= 2.300422 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 1 : 262657.610434 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 2 : 262655.625913 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 3 : 262655.625729 Kcal/Mol

Energi Awal Energi akhir

Energi Transisi
1 2 3
Perbandingan Energi pada perhitungan Metode DFT
Energi awal : |-142879.415297 + -121208.636377| = 264088.051674 Kcal/Mol
Energy akhir : |-216435.319214 + -47650.983816|= 264086.30303 Kcal/Mol
ΔHf = Energi Produk – EnergiAwal
= 264086.30303 – 264088.051674 Kcal/Mol
= -1.748644 Kcal/Mol
Energi Aktivasi = |Energi transisi terendah – energy awal
= 264088.051674 – 264083.975604 Kcal/Mol
= 4.07607 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 1 : 264084.002662 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 2 : 264083.975886 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 3 : 264083.975604 Kcal/Mol

Energi Awal
264089 264088.0517
Energi Akhir
264087 264086.303
Energi Kcal/mol

264083 Energi Transisi
1 2 3
Perbandingan Energi pada perhitungan metode MM2
Energiawal(reaktan) = |7.0548 + 0.0289 | = 7.0837 Kcal/Mol
Energy akhir(produk) = |-1.7485 + 2.6167 | = 0.8682 Kcal/Mol
ΔHf = EnergiProduk – EnergiAwal
= 0.8682 - 7.0837 Kcal/Mol
= - 6.2155 Kcal/Mol
Energi Aktivasi =|Energi transisi terendah – energy awal|
= 144.3225 – 7.0837 Kcal/Mol
= 137.2388 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 1 : 258.7703 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 2 : 2849.0349 Kcal/Mol
Energi transisi 3 : 144.3225 Kcal/Mol

160 Energi Transisi
Energi Kcal/mol

40 Energi Awal 7.0837 Energi Akhir
20 0.8682
1 2 3

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