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Martina is a 19 year old 2nd year student taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Riverdale

University. Her father, who is the sole provider of the needs of the family met a car accident and has to
amputate his right leg. This means that he has to stop working. The family was saddened about the
news, especially Martina, the eldest of 5 siblings who really wanted to pursue her dream of finishing her
course. Her mom informed her one day that she has to stop school because of financial difficulties.
Martina is now having a dilemma on what to do.

I. In what stage and level does Martina belong when she makes the following moral reasoning?

1. I will stop school because that is what my mother told me and I have to obey her as a good
daughter. Answer: _______________

2. I will stop school because my father is sacrificing so much for me, so in return, I will look for a
job to help my mother provide for the needs of the family. Answer: _______________

3. I will stop school because my mother will disown me if I will not do so.
Answer: ______________

4. I will not stop school because it is my right to be educated and it is my parents’ responsibility
to send me to school. Answer:___________

5. I will not stop school because I will look for a part-time job to sustain my studies and I will
apply for any scholarship grant to help me finance my education. Answer: ______________

II. If you were Martina, what do you think should be the right thing to do? What made you say so?

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