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Understanding The Self

Reflection on Depression and suicide Conference

Jabir, Sittie nor asiah G.

Conference on Depression and suicide have been held at SLH on March 30, 2019. Prof.
Maria Junnah A. Liguid discusses the depression and the underlying factors and the steps we could
take to prevent or overcome depression. The said conference chooses a good topic that everyone
could relate to, depression have been a rampant issue that gradually affects the society.

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of
interest. It affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and
physical problems. Depression is more than just a low mood, yet many people nowadays
mistakenly refer sadness to depression in a view of fact that they’re not aware how serious
depression is. Significant issues that affects depression is the people surrounds us, especially when
we are ignored by them, when we are not appreciated that we see ourselves as worthless creatures.
It stirs up our emotion and could lead to a mental problem. As a friend, sibling or parent we should
always give time and appreciate people because even a simple action could affect someone’s

People who are a victim of depression should take it seriously and have treatment because
it may worsen, and suicide could happen. Our lives is a precious creature by God, we should take
care of it. Whatever life burdens you, you should be tough enough to get through over it because
God won’t burden you on things that you can’t handle, we must trust the God’s plan for us and
never think Suicide as a solution for any dilemmas. Life offers challenges and those challenges
makes us stronger and braver for the succeeding stages we’ll soon experience. Problems are
inevitable, it is created for us to be responsible in every action we take. Thus, the solution is in
every corner, we just have to find it and take a risk for a greater outcome.

Whatever life offers you, don’t give up, you are more than that. There’s so many beautiful
things you’ve got to experience in this world, live better. “I am bent but not broken, I am scared
but not disfigured, I am sad but not hopeless, I am tired but not lifeless, I am afraid but not
powerless, I am angry but not bitter. I am depressed but not giving up”.

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