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CONVERSATION Please call me Alexa. © Listen and practice. Arturo: Hello, 'm Arturo Valdez ‘Alexa: She's my classmate. We're in the same Alexa: Hi. My name is Alexandra Costa, but business class. please call me Alexa. Arturo: Where's she from? Arturo: OK. Where are you from, Alexa? Alexa: South Korea. Let's go and say hello. Sorry, ‘Alexa: Brazil. How about you? what's your last name again? Vargas? Arturo: |'m from Mexico. Arturo: Actually, it’s Valdez. ‘Alexa: Oh, I love Mexico! It’s really beautiful. Alexa: How do you spell that? ‘Oh, good. Soo-jin is here. Arturo: V-A-L-D-E-Z. Arturo: Who's Soo-jin? JSPEAKING Checking information ‘A PAIR WORK Introduce yourself with your full name. Use the expressions in the box. Talk to the classmate sitting next to you and to three more classmates. A: Hil I'm Akemi Shimizu A: Shimizu. useful expressio B: I'm sorry. What's your B: How do you spellthat? TT last name again? {im sorry. What's your ist last B c Tell the class the name of the first classmate name again? you talked to. Make a list of names. How do you spell that? “Her name is Akemi Shimizu. She spells her name..." ‘What do people call you? CONVERSATION This is Arturo Valdez. © A Liston and practice. HiSoosjin, hiss Arturo Velden ED Les bicosy scone Nice to meet you, Arta, {im Soon Ki. a exp (anise indo) © B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What city is Arturo from? What's it ike? PRONUNCIATION Linked sounds © Listen and practice. Notice how final consonant sounds are often linked to the vowels that follow them. Img biology student. My friend ig gver there. My name jg Alexandra Costa. GRAMMAR FOCUS oo Earn adjectives Statements with be Contractions of be | Possessive adjectives tm from Mexico. tm = lam ny You're from Bri te aa een ieee his shois her itis its She's a business student. It’s an exciting city. We're inthe same class. we are our = they are th They're my classmates, POS ‘A Complete these sentences. Then tell a partner about yourself 1. ___My _nameis Aiko Yoshida from Japan. family is in Nagoya. brother is @ college student. name is Haruki 2 name is Matias. from Santiago. areally nice city. sister is a student here. parents are in Chile right now. Angelica, but everyone calls me Angie. last name is Newton. a student at City College. parents are on vacation this week. in Las Vegas. Where are you fom? questions with be Where's your friend? He's in class. Whe'e Soojn? ‘She's my classmate, ‘What's Seoul like? Ws a very exciting ety Where are you and Vanessa from? We're from Brazil How are your classes? ‘They're pretty interesting, What are your classmates lke? They're really nice. Fora list of countries and nationalities, see the appendix at the back of the book. B Complete these questions. Then practice with a partner. 4, A:___Who's that? AA: the two students over there? B: Oh, that’s Mrs. Adams. B: Their names are Mason and Ava. 2A: she from? 5. A they from? B: She's from San Diego. B: They're from Vancouver. 3A: herfirstname? 6. At they 2 B: It's Caroline. B: They're shy, but very friendly. C GROUP WORK Write five questions about your classmates. Then ask and answerthe quectons. Whats youracs art Where's Jay from? SNAPSHOT SCHOOL SUBJEC nats Write the names of the school subjects under the pictures. ‘math literature What is (or was) your favorite school subject? history chemistry What subjects don't (or didn't) you like? pie ay biology physical education RE Unit 1 ou CONVERSATION How's it going? © Liston and practice. ae Great! How are you? com com ‘im fine, thanks. S0, ae your classes interesting this semestar? ‘Yes, they are. really love biology. logy? Are you and Alexa the same class? co cor co Are you free? Yes,!am. No, 'm not. Is Arturo from Mexico? Yos,he is. No, he's not /No, he isn’t. le Alexa's class in the morning? Yes, itis. No, it's net./No, it isn’t ‘Are you and Alexa in the same class? Yes, weare. No, we're not /No, we aren't. Are your classes interesting? Yes, they are. No, they're not /No, they aren't EERIE A Complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner. 4. A:__Is__ Mr. Jones from the United States? 3. you and Giovanna from Italy? B: Yes, he from Baltimore. Yes, we from Milan. 2A English class at 2:00? 4A Mr and Mrs. Flores Brazilian? B: No, it at 3:00. No, they Peruvian. B Answer these questions. If you answer "no,” give the correct information. Then ask your partner the questions. 1, Are you from the United States? 2, Is your teacher from Canada? 3. Is your English class in the mornit 4, Are you free after class? C GROUP WORK Write five questions about your classmates. Then ask and answer the questions. ‘Are Kate and Phil from Chicago? Where are you for? WORD POWER A. Do you know these expressions? Which ones are “hellos” and which ones are “good-byes"? Complete the chart. ‘Add expressions of your own. jo and good-bye v Bye. How are you? 1 Good morning Hows it going? Good night See you later. Have a good day. See you tomorrow. Hey. Talk to you later. Hi What's up? Hello Good-bye 7 Good morning Bye. B Match each expression with the best response. 4. Have a good day.- 2 Oh, not much. 2. Hi. How are you? oN, b, Thank you. You, too. 3. What's up? «Good morning 4. Good morning, d. Pretty good, thanks. C CLASS ACTIVITY Practice saying hello. Then practice saying good-bye. A: Hi, Sakura, How's it going? B: Pretty good, thanks. How are you? f y LISTENING Everyone calls me Bill. © Listen tothe conversations. Complete the information about each person First name Last name Where from? What do they study? 2 Ortiz | 3. Minr-600 | i INTERCHANGE 1 Getting to know you Find out about your classmates. Go to Interchange 1 on page 114. ED Unit 1 B READING A Look at the names in the article. Are any of the names popular in your country? What similar names can you think of? IS YOUR NAME Oe ‘Some people have names that are There is aso a tend for Very unusual and unique. Think names that are things or about the actress Emily Blunt, for _ places (like Egypt). Flower ‘example. Her daughters’ names names are becoming more are Hazel (an eye color) and Violet _ popular: Poppy, Daisy, and {a flower). Alicia Keys has a son Lotus, for example. Space named Egypt. How cool s that? nares ae cool, too. More Are these names trendy? The and more babies have answer is ... maybe. names like Orion (a star), Many names seem to be trendy Luna (the moon), or Mars for a while, just like clothes. In the (a planet). United States, some grandmothers POPULAR NAMES FOR BOYS & GIRLS {and greet-grendmothers have names like Mildred and Dorothy For CaN you guess who helped make these names popular? grendiathers and great-grandtcthers, it old names lke Eugene or Lay These names usually come from Greek and Latin, but they're not very Leonardo popuier now. Parents sometimes choose names because they lke an actor ora famous person, That's how tends usualy stat. For example, David and Victoria Beckham have @ son named Brooklyn and a daughler named Harper. Now, Bxookyn is a Bruno opuler boy's name and Harper is ‘4 popular gir's name. In the United Kingdom, baby boys often get the name George because of Prince George, Prince Willam and Kate Middleton's first cild B Read the article. Then check (Y) the sentences that are true. [1 2. Baby names ike Mildred and Larry aren't so trendy now. [By 2. Many babies are named after clothes. LB 3. Alicia Keys has a son named Hazel. [B) 4. There is a famous prince named George. LE] 5. Some girs’ names are the same as flower names. El atten tier nave ars tat le tis ani aa ptanats Sti C GROUP WORK What names do you like? Can you think of anyone with an unusual name? Do you know how they got that name? Tell your classmates. Where are you from? | Where are you from? Write about yourself. My first name is Please call me My last name is - I'm from — Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer the questions. 4. class your how English is A: Howie your English clase a B: Its pretty interesting 2 name teacher's. your what's 3. from your teacher where is 4. your what friends’ are names 5. classmates what your are_—_like A - 2 4. A: Hi, I'm Diane. Ak B: _Oh, hi. Peter. B: * Oh, hi. 'm Peter. ‘+ What do people call you? 2. A: My name is Bill Matory. 5. A: B: B * Nice to meet you, Bil, + Let’s go and say hello, Hello. I'm a new student here. 6m B: © Thanks. = Welcome. Look at the answers. What are the questions? What 's your name? My name's Silvia What Ivia: My last name's Garcia. Silvia: That's my husband. 3. Agent: Who vit 1 3 | Choose the correct responses. I'm sorry. What's your name again? # PARK. * Eun-ha Park How do you spell your first name? 'm Akira SAKLRA. What do people call you? ‘It’s Angela Young, * Everyone calls me Angie. What His name is Gustavo. Where We're from Venezuela, Who They're my children, 1. That's Antonio. He is in my class. (He / His) 2. I'm from Barcelona, Spain. is a beautiful city. (It/’s) 3. Excuse me. What's last name again? (you / your) 4, They're my classmates. names are Jill and Tae-min, (They / Theit) 5. ____name is Naoko. Please call me Nao. (I/ My) &. This is Ellon’s husband. name ie Tim, (His / Her) 7, My parents are on vacation. are in Australia. (We / They) 8. We have English at 10:00. [2 complete this conversation with am, are, or is. Amber: Who ___are___ the men over there, Ethan? Ethan: Oh, they _ ____ classroom number is 108-C. (Our / We) __ on my baseball team. Let me introduce you. Hi, Pablo, this ‘Amber Fox. Pablo: Nice to meet you, Amber. ‘Amber: Nice to meet you, too. Where you from? Pablo: | from Cuba. Ethan: And this Marco. He from Brazil. Lisa: Hi, Marco. 2 are you from? lo and welcome! A Read these four student biographies. Then complete the chart below. Every month, we meet new students at the school. This month, we want to introduce four new students to you. Please say “hello” to them! Rafael isin Engish 101. He is from Puebla, Mexico. His first languages Spanish, ond he also speaks alittle French. He wants ‘0 be on the school volleyball team. He says he doesnt ploy very well, but he wonts to lean! Sun sinEnlsh 102 She's from Woon, Chino, Ske sos she wits and reods Engish pvt well, but she needs oof practice speoking Enlsh. Her fist language is Chinese. She wont to slay vleybol onthe school om, Fino, meet Arun, He isin Fsia’s cls. He oy he specks Erlish wal but his miting is’ very good! Aun for Chen, Ino, ond is B istlonquoge Hind. Heisosacer | came oye, ond he wont fo be onthe goo sce feo, Fatima isin Egish 103, he's from Tunis, Tans. She spenks Anahc ond French Shes on engineering stent, She wots be on engnet. Sho soys she doesn't plo any sports. She wont o make alt of new fens in er cs es: sacenscmmamseiard 1. Rafael | Tunis, Tunisia - po | English and Chinese | | + [ soccer | B Write a short biography of a classmate. Unit 1 [JI choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. [1 You, 100. Talk to you later. Hi, Stacey. 'm Omar. How are you? Li treaty ike biology. [1 Yes, tam. i'm an exchange student from Egypt. ves, he is. We're in Biology 300 ts he your friend? Hello, I'm Stacey. Hi Stacey. Im Omar. How are you? = 7 Pretty good, thanks. Are you a student here? Stacey Stace (Cn - 7 : Stacey: Welcome. Do you like it here? What's your favorite subject? Omar: - oe Stacey: Oh, really? Is Ben Jones in your class? Omar: Stacey: No, he's my brother! Actually, | have to go meet him now. Nice to meet you, Omar. Omar: _ _ - - conversation. Use contractions where possible. Do not use contractions for short answers with Yes. ‘Are you from Argentina? Is he from Greece? Yes, 1am. (not Yes, mm) Yes, he is. (not Yes, he's.) Alex: Hi Paola Vieira. Are you from South America, Paola? Yes, from Brazil Where are you both from? Alex: from Puerto Rico. Paola: Are you from San Juan? No, from Ponce. By the way, are you in English 1017 Paola: No, I'm in English 102. Where are you from? i 4. A: Who's Allison? — B: Allison is my best friend. 2m& _ B: My favorite school subject is history B: Yes, Mary and Yuka are in my class. B: Ryan is funny and friendly. B: No, Ms. Rogers isn’t my English teacher. She's my math teacher. a ] Read the expressions. Which ones say “hello” and which ones say “good-bye”? 1. How are you? 2. See you tomorrow. 3. Good night. oO 4, Good morning. 5. Talk to you later. | 6. How'sit going? Qo oO oO Have a good day. oO What's up? oO ofce 1. Are you on vacation? 2. Is your teacher from Canada? 3. Is your frst name popular? 4, Is your English class in the morning? 5. Are you from Asia? 6. Are you a student at a university? ED nit 1 P oo, a [Pz] Answer these questions about yourself. Use contractions where possible.

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