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org/ to work on draft curriculum for video lessons
Moodle with plugins for platform

MAIN STRENGHT: an effective and efficient methodology

Develop curriculum with checklists: copy fluency checklists and create our own list of words and
complete with Vaughan method to practice grammar and vocab. From fluency we will get the
structure and how to introduce the tenses and vocab and from vaughan the use of questions to
elicit answers in order to practice different complex grammar structures and vocab.

Looking into moodle to develop a platform to support the curriculum

Level test
Offer individualized study plan: divide each level into 14 units (for example), each one with:
 Free? Online class (for up to x people)
 Vocabulary and grammar to study (fluency style)
 Online lessons
 Free support
 Exercises related to the topics: filling the gaps, writing exercises, listening exercises…
Create checklists as in Fluency

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