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ffan-^c.- -T"lr' t4.


India - Central Asia ,- 4!-

Tle eid of Sovret t oioa creaied, new potirical r€aldy n Lre est expme of € File new Centrrt A&an
Refublic (CARsl, r.tathstan, Ky.B.,/zsr.n, tijikistatr,
Turtnsirran and U6etinan ernersed, each with its oM
natio^a,,d-nr /p|otlems and
Fot,rx \

The geottrateeic to@tio. of rhe CentralAnao srates h6 nEde this regi6 ext.emely pivotat.
CdA, fie at the
do$roads of nu$ia, rhe Middl. Errt, so{th An.,0,j
the f* East. any ceop.tiri€at chtrnees nr the reei6
inevit hly e{end tir€i. ihpa.t on severat nates
io the reirnrDuih@d_ Insiitril,ty aod .h.os io CeniratAsia
, d,'ip. r dor'ppr ol don,ino e er
t dr, ),( the r"gm "nrr,c
B€ni6 firied ln th! hirdle of rhe Eu.arian Continer! it i, dso ore of the mst cmveniEnt .oute, ot t.anri.
ir rich in minerals, especialy hydrocarbons. As z
cda@ nEte! ir stil.emanE to be €iptoited
lndB a5 an extended rcighbo!r of CAtu
har majo, gsn !t?Sic. economic and i.terelts in thij,eens_
Throuahout lndbo history the cenrratAsian (omectnh t6 bea erremety important_ lr has deeply iaflue;c.d
l.diat lrirtory, .utt!.e atrd potity.

Colrhect Centr?l Asi.t inlu..20t2 on o..:sion o f coinpl€tion oft@ &.ndeJ cf diptomata. ret3rio.s wkh countri.;ot
.P ', lA.' t,e,-rchtrehl:orr.rp.r
,. E'. prli.y rfti ro have grenter polirical, e.onon( atrd c,,,r,", ,n,n.*."p,1,1u,
"nrr"",r"n,_ -
aocussing o.4c,s ,.Co r.rcr.e, aoonedivit,,, coeLr and Comoonity".
2 lh€ poli.y @llr tor s.rnng up of univecities, h6pftals,
iafo.m.rion re.hoctosy r) .:rrie5. in c.
r.twork irirale edu.arion anJ r.te heitrh rcryicer conRertind
lftd.3 to th. CAR5, ioicl
lrnnr'es irnp.ovina ai..onoe.iility ro t.F t krde md
tou.isnr, ioint sciennfi. r e,€ $raL€Er
Fi:trernrip5 in deience and se.u ry affan5. IE nEin poli.y ir kEromote tndia,,
soit powe. to
.o.soirdate goodwill in ari Cenrrat Aeian c@otnes
rhrough tI, .uttur., nerworking with y.u,,s
ir0liricia.rt and

I io i..p.oveconne.tivity to rhe region, hdia i5 wntiflg or the lnrero.tioort South T..njpo.t
aorido.{l 51C) a^d atso r.Airl

i.di. pi;ns to furrhe. strenerhco irs str.tegic ad s(!.iry .oode.aripo

wth al rhe cAR, (ith a tftu!
o" m.l,'.., t,Jr"nB. ;.,. ,, , :,.. , .,,,,on and Lto\c ru.".L,rriro. on
Afghanstrnwfthnr the tra m
evio.k of lts ,,Lnmect Chtrat Ar,a" poticy_

Official Velsion or co.n..t a€ntrrl byMoSE.! al

Asa. fiJr tiitia Cent.:t Asia Di:t.Eo. ir tu.e
2012 at $ilrt.:t, Kyrgyzstdr
/t C!nt,.iAsir, Fol.t, is i L,, r,..
r o rr'1or6,,a(tuo.i,e por,nol.,p(u,,rl. .,i,o,ii.,nd. rui i

I tle will.oninue to blild on DUr sirong

lotitial ret2rons rh.ough the er.hanEE of high l'-vL,t !i!rt!
o!r Ie3de,s v?itt coniinue to i,rr!.n.t.toselyboth,n bltare.aianC
flutritarerrl foi,
we w'll suengrhen ou. ltr.tcEeand si:tMty c@oerat'on. we *e.dy haE rtrrl egi( pdrtnfl+ip1 in
place with rome central,Aiian c@nt is- ln focus will be mitE y t..inin& joint, counte.
teno.irh @o.dination and close consuttations od Afghaniltlo-
3. we will step up multilate.a! eng.c€mdt witfi centGlAsrrn pJJlns unnB the elnergY ofpint eko.ts
tl.ougi existinA fo.a like the SCO, €msa.n Economic Communny GEC) aod the Cuttom Union. lndi3
h!5 aLeady prcpNd a Comp'chFnstup tco.omic Cooperali@ agreemenl lo iol€8rcle itlYrtPlr
wit|the unitline tucrian spa.c. I
rndia looks to Cmt@l A5i. as a loog tcm pa.toer in, add natural .esou,.e!. Centr.l Asia
posserses la.8e culti%ble t.a.ts of land and we see pototial td hiia to c@per.te an p.oduction cf
profirable crops with v:lue .ddition

The medkal field ir.nothe. area th.t offe6 Suge poteltial fq @peration. We are .eady to extend
cooperation by retting up civil hospitalv.Inics in Cent.aI Asa.

lodia's highe. edu@tid ryrtem delireB ar ata.tion of the ,€es aharged by Weste.. universities-
Keeping thit io mi.d,l.iji, would like to assist io the settins rp Arian Unive6aty in Bithkek
that could come up .s a .ent.e of q.ellence to imprn wo.ld dass edu.ation in areas like lI,
mrnrgeme.r, philosophy rnd ldnEuaSas.

7 we are wortine sening up J C€ntral As'an a nptworl wilh ils hub.n lndi; lo dcl,ver, lele'
ed!.3tion aod tele nediciir connc<riqty, tiflking all the fiveCentalAsian states.

8_ our companier.a. show.ase India't eF;b lty in tlie onstructron sector aod 6uild wo.ld ch5t at competitive .ater. Cedk.lAtia. .oont.ies, etpeciatl (arakhnan, have almott lnnitless
re5erues of iron o.e and coal, as w€ll as.bundant che:p elekicity. Iirdir can heles€t up several
m, o.!n (n- $pel roll,ns mill,, p'odu, rng rtl requi.emcrr or \pcnfrr prod!rt-

9. Ae fo. lan{i connedivity, we have reactivated the ltrte.nltamal South lranrporacoflidor
(lNsrc) Wc need to joi* o!( ro dircuss ways to bridee the mitsiflC link! in the co.rido. at the
earliest and :ko wo.k on cther conn<ring spu.5 along the rout€.

10 Absen.e of a vLble banking infrart.lcture in rhe regioo is , hajcr ba(ier to t.ade and inve+menl.
lndiln bank5 can expand thei. prerence afthey see a policy eovi.onment

i1- We willioinq work to imp.ove ai. connecrivity between @. colntries. lndia is one of the biB:gest
markets for'outbound travelle.s estimated ar UsD 21 billio. in 2011. Miny count.ies have orened
tolrist offices in l.dia to woo lndiaa touriits. Cenkal Asi.n .ountries .o!ld eme.8e a5 attractive
holiday desti.atioB fo. to(.ists and even fo. rhe lndian film andust.y khich lite5 to depict exoti.
fo,eign lo(ale\ In its frh!.
12. Conne.tions between o{r peoples a.€ the most vii.l linkages to ou. deep €ngageme.t. I
would parti.ularly like to empfiasie eichanges between yourh and the future leade6 cf lddia ..d
Centr.lA5ia. we alreadyhave a .obui erchange of we v/il{!,ar exchangetof
tdbl36, academica, .ivil society and yolth dclegations to gain deeper inrightr nrto erch other'a'
![dia - Taiikistan
.,: faji(iitan's importan.e fo.India lies in irr ao-rk.tegic locatihj it, borde.,
with Onu, Arghanisran,
UzbekG.n. a.d (y.syr5ran .od i, tcatei, n
Fonmiry to ?akistan o.cupied rGshhir {po,.}. rn kr.,; .ecionil
se.q{iry calculut Tajil{stan asumes a igdtar.r pta.e
especia[y in the context of Afchaoirra &d paki56n.
The in fik.. tion of exrremist fok6 inro
Iaili*n can have ssirus ku,ity inrpti€tions fo. tndia becuse oi its
proxioity to Po( and the tikety impact of rhi, (ashmi.,
@ the siruation in trade wirh Tajikistan is noi ar a.q ,i6itta^t

tevet. The toral trade in the year 2Oi2 1l dood at US S 45
nrillion. T.ade is hnmpered by the cnco.ro6 .ode
pha.maceuricak, t€a, .offee, dEmicat,
rediles & .torhhs aod oa;hinery .nd rhe haiq ih;o.ts {e
aluhi.ium, cottoo,.r.y fruits, veg€tabt€s, o(8&icchemiGts and esentiat oit,
Accordhg to theioitrt stateoent i$ued d&!gtft€
visit of Iajiti,ran presidenr Emomati Aahtuntotn.iia in sep
2012, rnditr afld Taiikisran ha\e -ddided to.laate
then Ubktul.etotions to the levet aIo,r,g t m,iotegrc
pdttn€ritip". This sr.tecic pa.tne.$ip
is s!€.tEd to rnc.€.se .*pe.irion n a wrdc spedum
politi.rl, economi., heatth, hum.n .erB of .reas -
devetopme! defen.e, counte. terrorism, scien.e and
technology, cL,rure and tourism. lmFort,@ o{I:iitisran _

. lndia rnd Taji&istan sha.€ dore 66.e lnd securiry relaiions_ tndia has upgraded the Ayni ai.pon Dushanbe, sdici is fully <jo.rrrmal now. The.e C ongoing .ooper.tion
in the dafdre 5edo.
where lndia as prdiding training to I+1 fo.cej with la.8e nufrbe6
of Taji& military young
@ders and
. ollicss und€.goins rraining at E.irE defence trainiogjostitotes in tndia_
. Iaii(itrrn aleo has deporitt oa n@ than 40 semi_p.ecioqs
stooes, Bold and sitve. Ihere a.e la,se
..reruet of me.cury, br@n tea{ ,inc, adtimony aod rungsten. and uranium depos(s. Ihese
resoorces make Iajikistan a,isnif@t@untry
in rhe.egion that offe.s many oppoduniries to lndi..
,. strateSic locatiofl., em€rging.s gare{ay ro Asia fo. tndia.
. I' l, r r hclpi.e tdJr(6rdn,n dpvelrli.€theVdr.ob I hyo,o.po*". 11ar,o,,
. lJrdi. and Tajikistan face commd&@t,
and challenges in th€ reeion.Ihe @mmonatitv ofintereet
p.ovidet g.eater opportuniry !o coo?s.te
more doseti rn aaOre*ine ttre reeronat s&r,rv usues or
extrernism and ter.o.ism. The ikB5ing vioten.e
in pakstan, re eme.Cence ofTalitran in Afghanistan
and the propo*d withddwlt of (6 lore, in
2014, al are tikety to have serious secnrity amplicrion,
for both count.ies- Thus, the counrri6 sfioutd an...ase
their security .@pe-.ation Ite.e is already a
lo in! lvor I ng Group on Counre.
Ioornm beMeen t;drd .nd I ajrr nr cn.
. '
rriikstan is also import.nrfor hdia ro,ecu.e irs 5ear in sCO. The Iajit 5ide has reite.ated its suppo.t
for t.dia,j fu membeGhip in the S@,

rt fi
I ndia - Kazakhstan I
Relataont between lndia and (@khstan a.e, of cou.!e, ad<int and hktoncal. &!r[.
I €r one ot the fict
eunt.i€s to.e.ognize (az.khtEo as a sove.eien Stale aftdr1e b.eal.{p of irE Soriet Unron rn 1991-
Reasonr rd ou. rt.onc and abifiig relations a.e nor diff'c,rt to tuJ god, or,.or"tF &e mulri-ethn,c. mqlti'
lingu6tic, muhi{ultu.;l ecieiGs .ommitted to iollori.g sedla. poftcies a^d to
l6{ddi.B lundamei'talism,
.eligiour e remism and tem.iem. Mew5 of both @. cdnt i€s coincide q dl tuio. domcstic and
inre.nationat ireu€s. This cloeness .nd wa.mth in our ...Ltrec was amply demdrt lted by the fact th3t
PresidenlNazarbayev chose lndia to b€ tlp foreigfl @ntry ouBide Cls to 6at in februa.i 1992 ,fte.
Kalakhstan att.ined independse h Decembe. 1991.

The tiet between the two cou.trer were improved over thelan tew ye. rs an@ rlte let of Vke P.esrdent Mtl
Aneri to k2akhstan an, 20(Xi foll@ed by rhe srare Viitor Preideo! Naa.bayev asllE qtlqf cue* ar

l.dra't 60rh RppublK OaV (cletxdtions in 2OOc lrJ,e priqlegel UEr the.elalonship h8 started exhlbiung signs
of dy.amism rnd vitality- Ret!.n lisit by PM Dr Manmotar tngh in, 2011 !.@ided the mu.h needed
f'll'o Jnd ro rhc bilr(erar en6rCement
tmpor tdnce ol Ka zakh;tan
. -lts l@ii6 - Kazakhstan's geo-polirical sirtence between 86d. pnd Asia,,along wiih
. long bo.ders with Chin4 makes it a country if g.e.t skategic impo.tlrE (auakhstan lies to rhe
nortt east oa tht C.spl& Sea, bordered by tie 8u$iao Fae.alioo to the (in, Orina to tt ,"a
Kyrgy6rdn, Turkmedrte ahdtlztrelastan to rhe joorlt.
" ".rtr
. ltt ecohomic poteoti.l, Espe.ially in of en6gy.esoo.ces. lr har huge re*ryes ot u.adum as
well as oil and gas. Ka.athstan lEe the;cond h.Best d€positr ol ura.i@ at 1.5 nriliron tons,
conniruting approximately 17 pe..ent of the wo.ld roral_ tt !s poised to {e.Ee as the nu.rber one
iupplier of uraoium in rhe wortd
! h,multr prhoi, Jndwurdr rtru ruro

l.dirand Kazakhttan a.tively cooperate unde. the aegit ofla.ious fora in.luding CICA, 5CO and
the UN o.San isations lndia hat been a ensi5tent supponer ol rhe Confe.ence on tnreractior and Coniidenie .
Bu:.d,.5 Mpdrurc\ rn A\ia (ClC lrndird,rrJelypaii,,rp.noBinthepro,.\r.(rC/,!rthconlVrpnrrolAndn
fo.!m of whrch lndia ii a full menber. (azakhstan i5 also supportive ol India r mernbe.thip to

Among all theCe.tralAlian count ies, Kazakhstan remains tfte mjo. trading pa.tn6 of hdia. Trade between
lndia and kzakhst.n do not mrt.I the existing va( potenliat in thir field. Silat@l r.ade in 2013 wa5 USD
676 9l mIlion in.ompa.ason to U5O 525.15 hitlion in 2Ot2_ BataNe oft.ade is in favod ofkzakhrtan. lndia is
also negotiatinsa. FIA witi c6tom unio. of 8e', (. zat${a n Ruleia. Ih'e r aza[tstan Prend ent NuEultad
Nara.bav€v visited lndia in lanuary 2OO9 and a .ivil duclea. pact was made flth lndia under which the
u.anium{ich Central Asian .ountry will supply fuel ro aromic ptadtt in lndia- Prime Minister Or- t",lanmohan
Sinsh vis.ted Astana in April 2011. Ouring the visit, severar agreenrenrs iere sreneC tdpo^ant amon6 them

(0 Agreement between ONGc videsh timited aod(azmunaigas on Satpaye, trpioGt,on

(i) Agrcemeot forCoope.ation in the Pea.efut UsetofAtomic tnergv; and
(rii) ,n,rt r,,'on Plda ro. lu.llre' rn8 \r. pdnnc.\hrp bpM""n hdia Jna,drJth r,n

) lhe ogrcenent on ot@ic enc.qy p.oln1es o leqol lronewotk ior coo?erouon in fuel suuply, nu.leo.
use of rodiotian tethnologietfot hcolah cote including i.otopet.eocto.5olery nechdnism,'
c' honoc ot
'ed{\ ond rc'pot.h,.lotmoton. e,plototon dnd iont ainia,) oJ dnAtum. de,an
construction oft! opeation olnucleo. eowet otdnt
ln rhe tFld or mve(nEd rla*tBrin
offe,, hu8c aope. CurrFn(t/, tumpere re
r3alh'ta. ,l8O rn b,,,."r, b";.
d rnd6, hddr h rhe oir aad natsra, ga, *ctor. lndiJn inver&r€.t in (azath5tan h,, tpe.
abdr 518 hifion Many}*kofrpiniB inctudh, lspa! Puni tloYd' ovL Puojlb National
€t. -" .l*"dy p."r""; ; r-;.P"''arounc 8a't' Mittal stecl
\h.r (o,, e\p o,a,oor. ru:
,.*,;;";,;:';,1,.;J::::Iliil:f[: H::T":"*ifi::
*.,"- d. hrdroca.bon p,perine with (azakhstan rhat
:tI rcure
nrt6n :..:.y
tnd6 u'.r"a dE @ncepr
woqld brins fuer rrroush a rve-
(rn Apflt 2ogl of rhe pipe&re, which
in tutu." ;"r,; ;".;_;;;* ,,
usi'a T1re propoled pipclE routd @ver
about I .

"" o,_"* .*-aJl *n,ili,i_*:*gl.*,J:x;"J H:i:;:.,H,,H:::LTT

."_ernr-i oty of Stvnte( l wn todav for o
AlBh.nisran a.d then fdor dE roure "., "^,". ,.uot,."n. ,.o. ,;";;;; ;* ,.
ro be rakcn by the TApttcipetine
curent,y mon hydr@rtj.(
inro t.dia viafatistan. Oflicials qid
a,ietnes from cenrr.t ,

",i,.p.Ji,e;;";;;..iT ff";:,ffi*"::x.Iff [:I:;Li

r" o. nonr,-o,tr,
Chafieng?s to the coope,alic[
1. The bigCest piotrt€niRenhancio8 commerciat €xcknges i, the absence of trnd
- add tand..e5s berwee. tndia and
,nd€ is not a6,.e to Ere
throush Pakktm
adcn;"." ;;;,;;{#:::.",^}',:TJJJ:ll1:J:1i:1iT.::i
-d lfgha.istan on accouor of rhe !flsraljte se.urity and !o|tic.l sitlation in uEse
). Anothpr rmpo.l&r e,tn ,s JJCI.
arou, the *.*;
; ;*".::i:H::"i",. T::* :l'il"#:.,""::-iJl"-r"iit:
of ddeo,

g.p, berween rhe rwo c.runt.i

es which keept them f'om r€aliring the {u'ii potcntiJ
then .etarionshh- of

Pulentinl at ol.oopqotien

1 Oil a.d Cas ejatoGtioi.

2. hfGstrucru.e and const.uc(ion projects
in (azathnan.

5. lnf(]rmil)oIechhology, ph, and Iexriles,

a.€.s like tigher tdu.arion, Sp.ce,
Small &d Medium Susine$,}ower gederatioo,
Food pro.essing and Agri.utr(e.

_ India - Turlonenistan
the year 20 14 ma.ks the 22d adnive.ery of establirldor o{ dptooatt ti.s bet*een tndia and Turl menistan,
On the nte.national front, Ts.tmenisran tl.s ded!.ed llef . count y N,itn 'p€roanent neur.ality', whicn [..
o,en .l .o dpp, ovad t y the U N. in r 9t5 t,bi, feek ;k er5d,tiet to d€rce sepa rately r ith Turl meo,srrn at it
,:rhp only (enr.rl Arirn country khici ir not pan of dF !6.rghai Coopedrion Organisrrion (qcol.

tn porto ace oI I urkmeais tan

. rpBil ,mportanc. wttn ,y'nelr ro u*ursr:.,;
sr, r
. tner8y s.@ntr keler I APt'sas pioetinel,
. AJhCabat sqpport5 I ndiat pe.manenr po5irioo h ttE UNSC.
. Comme..ial-

Irade with hdia a6 2012 1]:TotalkadeS 78.25milin;

Expo.ts f.!m lndia - us s 69.92 millioo;

Idporr5 by rndia Us S a3l mitlion;
lmpotu from hdia: €lect ooic and tenr (tC p.odudr made in tndia), Machinery and woven appar€l
and pharmaceuti6ls, f.ozen mearand tyres_
Exports to lodi.: Raw conon, raw hides and indgank demaGtt

TurkmenCtan is inqeaiinB p.odldion of potash-bar€d ferrilis€rt 'u.6, add wheat ao an artempt to wideo
hil.t€ral trade watt and South-Asian c@htie. ftus the.cqi{rv mav soon export potishtased
len'l',"rro lnd,J

lndia ha5 proposed a joiit venture of.hrdian and Tlrtmen comp.ru_s to minuf..ture AlGth porrabte PC.
lndia't progct in ICI cao be a'lyst fo. deerenins;trd widening mutu.l .elarionstrip of rhetwo narions btr
there iH need to-elPlo.e different a.eis of ens+!*nr tm@E opportuniraes cx'ist in se.tort su.h s
infrartructu.e, pha.m.c€utacals and tourism. tt witt he mtudty beneficll for the two count,ies'€s to
e.courage ru.&herieot.epreoeu.s to explore inverrmnr and busiresr opportuflitaes id tn.jia, especialtyinthe
infrart.!.tufu sector On the othe. ha.d, high i.@me a@ing frofr hyd.ea.bon erports h$ led to massive
infrastructurt development a6d .onstruction a.tMris ro Tu.tmnisr.n; tndirn companEs may become a
prrtner in thir p.o.ese. similarly, in..ea5ed pe.aptta income i5-likety ro
eenerate out6ound rooristt frm
Turkmeniitan.nd an'ios€dible lndia'd do more to atr.acr_the pot&tiat rolrisrr. Aesides, Turkmenitian ie
moving tow,rdr dedo.racy, lndia'i dem@raric sedenu;ts a.e atre.ady est.blrshed, and New oelhi, if
app.oached by Ashgabat, .an a5sist in iG endearc{r The futu.e of tnd,a Tu.kmenistan mutlal coope.ario

ro]!n!3ry 2013, Mr. Rashid Me.edov, Deputy prime Ministerand Minirter for Foreigr Aflairs oflu.krnenirt o
to lndia. the visir Meeting of t.dir,T!*meni5i2. lnte.<ove.oment"l commGsion {3s al5o
held lh- rollowtr,B drp irre e,.crpr!i
1. Ihe itsue ofthe srategic Cas pipeline p.oiecr Turtmeoirtan{fuha.isran,paki5ra n tndia (IAPtl *at in

2. ihe lu.khe( side of it' intentioh ro sra( flieht serykes from Ash8abar ro Goa rn o.ds to
i.. r.",p tou",m dnd ppopte (o peoptelnu
I The connni$ion asreed to ford a loiniwo.kine 6.ouD oniade & rconcmi. coop€.arion which was
trsked to meet early and discuss the nreatur€s ro i.(er5e rhe tritate.alt.ade and adentily new ert

Ihe oext i.e 51" m.eting ofthe lccwillbehctdan 2014.

India - Kyrglzstan
Sin.e the indepmde.ce of Kyrgr Replblic on 3r,, AuBUs!
t99L tdia qas rmoop the lLsr ro esilblish
diplomat.. .el.tions in 199?. the (yrsyr telder5hips b€o
tuppon,v. or .* ,,",! * x"+_J-*i,r,
Pakistar. (yrcyzsr.n alro suppo.ts tdia,s bid {or permanent
,e.t .t Ufisc and rnd,r r.t h th" scol sot
.ount.ies thare common on threar of te.ra,i5m,
ertremih and drug t..fficking_
rhe vGitoflndian oefence Maniste.A-( Anrony ro Birhre* in
ruly 20rt hae gjven a np*;/.**.
(yrgyzttan tier. hdia hls of{e.ed f
assirta..e to Kyrgyrstan ifl E,i@, aeas. Ihis in.nrd;, eftdnr8 a tcam ^on-
train ( arred forc€t in UN pe.ceke;pin€ operatioos an.t imp&tiog
English language sl(i115, tndia and
KyrEyrstzn al4 signed MoUs for cooperation ji
.eseardr and devetopment in higfi attitlde ba5e
agricult!.e, pla{tarjon, ani'at husbandry, pookry, eduGtio.,
spqts, cuku.e, [, heatth, S&I and food

Import4d.c ol Kyt st%tan to tndia

ll Strlegi( Ihporlan(e: Ite erFdr po*er inrer",r, in t<vre'"lldn are uJiely to douieh s@o lhc
Russians and Ameri.ans h3ve thei. agendas wel drawn_ Both US.nd Russi! are tikety to,etain rheir
eist,ng milita.y,
ia nor arquire more, for a tonge. rerm basis. and
hehce lndia .eeds to warch
and udsttand the potitict of ai. base in the re8ion.
Xyrgy4t.. wiu d5 .n imponat t.ansi(
pornt for NAIo', wnhdrr*ar f, om Atghanr.rdn
rr ScO Mem6?..Kyr8.Yr\trn, a! d bord.; st.t" ro Lhinr, srujd,-.erve I,du! (to* J,enron. The
chnrese are mutel, expanding thei. :phere, oi i.flueoe
in (yr8y2rtad, esEecially m rh'e e@nomi.
and strateeis f.ont, add in_the tonse, r".,, it *outa
t. r"i, to .ssu@ th3t Kvrgy.rrs woutd largetv .
fd| und-, rhp (l,'nae e.unomk influ,1,
l) As US Prkittan retations srraii, r,bm.bad G r
c.rdib .,yi.cenka Asa,,*,.o.."o,,o,,,,,lils,l;.JlHli;iill,iii.;,il-l111lil:
left betin,i in rhe rebalracanc
cl Rcs@n.! Srrbitrty. p , yyrg,r rdn. .
'j J,_.u,tv ,t,dOrr, ,-*,o,, ,"-,n" r",eanr VJrlet ha5 taFB
' beeran n!.ubatorof relieiousradrcalrrm
5l Nrs.ent d;mo(acy: shifted to muln.!,.ty partrament
ry rEd€ in 20 10; srriving to Cain i.rernationat ,
re,:oSoition. Ihe (vr8yz experitunt with pi rtianteorary is likety to su.vive and may even _
inrlL, n - (hJng", rn .F
6) ^eiRhbJL,h)od
Erttwhilc Sovier 5tate with p.oiolnd likeness
for lndia: Solltrood, Yogi, lI erc were ertremely
,opuldr Ir rhc p".1. Nrw ,e I,t" rp,n trortd, r.,,n", K..ea are occLpyine
that sor.e. andia neads ro
revive the dilured lin!
7) conne.tivity: kyrgy6tant te.ntoryof{ers no.rh.5curh
and east wesr t.arsit routes.
8) .dia thoqrd exproirKvr.v.sran'senormo!r hvdro er€.rri. potentiarand
vast mioerar
9) with stabitiry rerurnin8 to (yrgyzstan, piospe.tjot blriBre, have srown.

lfldi''s kide with (v.8yrstatr it v.rv rcw a.d remained

srsensnrover the ycars.lrowever, trade had increas.d
19 per cent to l7 hitlion i. 2ot2 11. tndia,e expods ro kyr€yrndi (otit;d
Jround Sl, .*." f,o i, o *.
.entl wh..eas (vrsrz expo.rtlorndia anbunted
tc o.ry s2.ll mallaonin 2012,reather
a@it, diuss & pharmaceuticah, f$e clenric,ls, 3nd tea a.e ese oI the impo,rant
items an ntdiJ,s erp.rrt:
' bs5ket to Kvfgvzstan (vrgvz expons ro rndir consist of .aw hid€i. metalif€.5 .res & meial sc.ap et.. t.ade
lvilh lndi. faces 5naf comp.lition f.oh chinr,
Turkev and CtS.ounrries. La.k ol conn..tiviry and lensthy and
unl.rirble surfr.c r.ade roures rnrjor
hurdies t.r rhe expo.r ofgood5 f{om 2oo4 Kyrgy.shn
be.a.'e. p.rtyto !her.i,ate.rlTrdnsit Ag.eement
berween llllllr, tranaid Iurkmeni5r.n
hdidn in!as(mpnb to ty,gyArdn h&e rot bee f*lr@In,€ tq i..iou\ , ea,ons. Th",p a.. _
- 1) the couEtry tacks the m{ertrnoL.titute
The ba^lin8 tysteh and financiat institutoG
l2) ..€ .bt devetoped fo. arr.a.tinB aot and{.(

1 rt t ,n ,-*". visa .e€rme of xyrgy.sten ate F,tl sp numerous ohstades for t rvc&s tda
/ businessmed
J 4)".nrrheeoveomnrtlhdrbndeye{.^oth.rnroLtcflrrorlheinvz(6
5) Ky.gyzstan has opened upr@oud| ro O*a{ s{tt othe6 a.e not abte ro compere.
Delen e Cooperdtio
oeie'ce coope.ation fonn! an importanr (DmpdE{ of .erationr-
rndi, has b4tr era&g
a$ist3[c !9 lhe Kvrsvz aroed rhrousn a Mo{, 6 lliritary T€chniar
coope.ariotr sigied h r9rr. rh6E
has beeo signifiant progress io defe.ce cioperation
let*een India and (y.gyzstan ovs tfi€ le,i! Itr.
tainiig oe(f6y. ofricers in rndia h6 bs the mah.oocooen.
of defen.e coope.arion. anon€tr{n*lsh
defen@ cooperation we.e rhe vints of &at{E Mantii
!o (yrCy:stan in Novembe., 2ool and 2oU 6 wet the
vint of the Kyrgyz Defence Mini!1e6to tftti. in Noehbe
2@S and 5eptemtrer 2011.

F4ture Prospects
. Xy.8YEt.n pe.ceiies a large aod 5(ce5stu {Ed€t of democracy and se.!l3.ism with €rq.ftIig
political and eco-nohic ifllluenae not
o.iy on Ajan aaa.n5, blt al,o on the gtD6li (y,gysrao trd a&o
opGd for parliamentary fo(n of dem@cy since
t n yes. rhi, Ocripec.tiv€, it seetr to turrtE dr€p6i
(he retatioost ip.kirh demo.ratic tndia.


lndia - Uz6ekitan :

Retations between Uzbekisii^ and &r!a have thek .@ts deep in hi5tory Buddhirm ir eid to have tralc{€d ro
china th'oq8h uzbeknan *hrdr !6Et ated ce.tEt,".pr,", u,-usr, or *day's uzbeustrn. rrE
tounde, , th. M ugh rl dvn,\iy, 8!hui, .dme trom Ult€tislan "."",

lrddc reldrions0",**.,"0,r.* Urbet6bn ft Ao/erneC by the Aeremot n ttl,ma

coopEration siened in May tEli. rhL ee.*-,
/",ia{ ror sulh rhinss .5 mutuat MFN t.eahs{.
promotion of €.oqo*{iq induilial, s.ieotific and t(tikat co.ptrahoc, In.tLdhg in ttu fEtd of rraidr€.f
perso.Del, active padicip.tio. of nal and medn m sized enterpriee, in bilare.aleommk ceperatie, ard
couot.drade, etc. ,rdi. and Uzh€ki$.n ale srene,d an &reemenr on Avoadane of Ooubte Taxation in
and fo. ailateral lnvcstnent Promrion and p.otectid in May 1999_ Totlt t.ade in rlE ye.r 20t2 was U5 S'.I}
nriilioo. tilted nr favou. of lndi.

Uzbeliisrlo hrs bm app.aiatir of t.dia,s .e@ar&!ctl9! e{{€.r! io Afghrnistan and soppo.ts t.rdi.,s
r tno'o dtur F lo r u ll membehhip h dr S{O anrt UNSC me two c o""rr,-r ,
are h d,vnsp :R 106, dEs,6
{.om coal earifi.arion, oil and g{, bankin& pha.dlet ti.ats, rertites, science and t€tnotogy, rtanda.disatu.
lmall and medium enterpri* ed tou.ih. nt@ are eore rh3n sixty tndian comp3hies op€raridg n rtE
.ountry. Economic .e.oostructi{ pojects atrd @peration oa cou{re.-redo.ism, in the bact{r@D oa
withdriw:! ofUs t.ooprfro;Alehanirbn h 2014, nrye been Aiven prio.ity in lndia{rziekiltan rj6_ lndia &d
U.bekittrn the view rhar any ouriide int<fe,?,e in inte.nat a{faks of Afghinhtan iroutd proE ro be
oqn { produ,r\; rorcpsby20tll.
O(rifd drc yjsir ol Uzbeki!{d's Pr€sident klam At:idge.ievich Ka.nnov ro tndj. in 2011_ both sides agrc€d ro
elevnte tneir bil,ter3i relarionship ro a long te.n and st.ategi<€rship ba5ert on equakry and nurGt
underst..dins. The p.rhaEtrip mvisiBcs..rive @pe.ation in a wide spectrum ofa.eN in.t(,ring poitrrcat
coudter ter.o.isd, econoni., ed@tion, heatrh, hum6n ddetop@.r, ene.g, ,dere ad
technolosy, to(irnr aM &ttu.e.,

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