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I have experimental mindset..

So I started a new experiment in the Inner Circle

We created a separate WhatsApp group for people who want to participate in the challenge.

And I have answered their questions.

[23:57, 9/16/2018] Guru: ​This offer is only sites using english? Or we can join if our site is in
other regional language?

[23:57, 9/16/2018] Shail Inc: The idea and the Power of your Confidence Pushed me to take
decision right away

[23:58, 9/16/2018] Pardeep Goyal: English only.

Since it's an experiment, we have to be clear of the rules

So ask your doubts and we will make the rules based on those
[23:59, 9/16/2018]​ Shail Inc: Yet I haven't get in to A2Z ... so Shall I get in now?

[00:02, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: You can decide your pricing point of the course.. At same
price you can sell your website back to me.

My true wish is that you make 100x of what you invest in the course so that you never have to
sell that website

But I am giving the option of choosing the price to you.

[23:59, 9/16/2018] ​Guru: Shall we start the experiment with new site??
[00:04, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: No, you can start with a new or old.. But you have to inform
me the URL of the site within first month of joining..

[00:01, 9/17/2018] Shail Inc:​ Is there specific Niches required or we can go with any blogs? To
get success in affiliate?
[00:05, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: I don't care about the niche as long as those are aligned with
what we teach in the course. Your execution steps must match with what we teach in A2Z

So, if your niche has profitable keywords we are fine with that.

[00:13, 9/17/2018] Vishnu Inc​: I see monetory results after implementing 100%.
My thoughts:
Working collabratively with the participant to bring more results by helping the person to do
more things in a right way. Then sell it at a great price and share it.
[00:15, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: You can collaborate but the ownership should be on the
individual level.. Means everyone should have their own websites.. Otherwise there would be
issues of profit sharing and all..
[00:14, 9/17/2018] Guru: ​Does daily working for 2 to 3 hrs is sufficent for the information shared
in A2Z course is sufficient ? Else we need to do it as a full time??
[00:19, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: Yes, it's sufficient.. I will release a list of things that I would
expect at the end of 6 months
For example
- number of article
- style and ratio of different types
- format of website as per what we suggest
- social media presence
- basic level of link backs (we won't ask you to buy)

I will define the things which are directly under your control
Would not expect the things which are out of your control (like traffic and money )

[00:20, 9/17/2018] V​ishnu Inc: Yes ownership is 100% needed. My view is how we can
maximize the efforts if the participant willing to sell and may be your team can quickly guide (
which should not be spoon feeding and takes little time)
[00:22, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: I will guide you till 6 months... Full support for your success

If you still fail then you have option to offer your website to us.
That's the beauty of experiment..
And my confidence in the process.

[00:27, 9/17/2018] Vishnu​ Inc: 👍 The course and the process is structured perfectly. Yes, I
agree no one will sell it if they implement whats being shared with us.
[00:28, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: That's what I want to see.. 100s of people making passive
income successfuly after 6 months of efforts

[00:30, 9/17/2018] Shail​ Inc: & Your Assurance of getting this done is boost for all of us. 👍🏻
[00:32, 9/17/2018] Vishnu​ Inc: I wish to see you not getting any sales offers (100% success
rate) and you come up with another experiment.
[00:35, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: That's my wish too

[00:39, 9/17/2018] Vishnu Inc​: Are there any rules on who can not participate. On the basis of
their present skill set, time investment and money investment.
[00:40, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: No such rule. Everyone who is investing their hard earned
money into the A2Z course is eligible.

[00:41, 9/17/2018] Pavan​ Inc: Pardeep - I want to get started on this, Does it start from basics
or we need to buy another course before this or after this
[00:43, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: A2Z course would cover everything that's required to get the
success within 6 months.
Other courses are for going into depth of each subject.. But A2Z success is not dependent on

[00:45, 9/17/2018] Vishnu​ Inc: Does non Amazon websites accepted

[00:47, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: Good question.
NO - we would accept only Amazon websites
Exception can be taken but you have to take the approval. Anyways I don't recommend that. It's
gonna be complex for you.

[00:45, 9/17/2018]​ Pavan Inc: Great, I assume it covers blogging , content writing , affiliate
marketing. Pls correct me if am wrong.
[00:48, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: Don't assume the things what would be covered.. I am
saying that whatever would be covered is sufficient to get the success. You have to implement

[00:49, 9/17/2018] V​ishnu Inc: In calls you said to start 2 websites.Considering following all the
rules set by you.
Will the 2 websites accepted.
[00:50, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: No.
Money website would be accepted which I recommend to start with the focus of affiliate
The first website is suggested to keep as hobby blog.. Why anybody want to sell his hobby blog
[00:54, 9/17/2018] Vi​shnu Inc: What is the number of participants you are looking for the
[00:55, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: If possible, please bring 100,000 participants.

Just imagine, we would take over entire work of SEO and affiliate marketing of the world...

The way we took over the IT and BPO work.

[01:01, 9/17/2018] Vis​hnu Inc: Sorry Pardeep... Hosting and Domain name providers are not
generous as you are.

They will not offer the offer you offered to us. le beta try affiliate marketing if not works we will
give back your money after 1 yr

[07:21, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: Honestly, it's not my generosity, but my style of working.

They don't have experimental mindset

And their goals are different than me.

[01:02, 9/17/2018] Vis​hnu Inc: I see people around me who want to make side income but wont
invest in hosting and domain name.
[01:07, 9/17/2018] Vishnu Inc: I will share to my small email list about the challenge if you are
planning to spread it outside the inner circle.

[07:23, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: It's not a challenge.. But investing in our assets with true
intentions of growing..

And as of now, offer is only available to Inner Circle members.

And existing buyers of A2Z course

I will extend the offer slowly to the outside world.

[04:12, 9/17/2018] Pra​shanti: Hi Pardeep !!! It’s a great idea . After working on blog for 6
months , why don’t you pls Assess the blog and mentor us and help us scale it up if something
is missing in the blog ?

[07:25, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: That's what I will do..

But I won't promise as it requires a lot of time..

[04:22, 9/17/2018] Pune​et: Hi, Pradeep sir, Puneet this side.

I believe in your experiments, there are two reasons I want to join the A2Z Course.
1. I know the power of Affiliate Marketing and how fruitful it will be if I do every step right.
2. I believe in your experiments and want to be part of your this experiment.

I have to start my blog from the scratch again but have all the relevant knowledge.
And I will give time as per my availability and the worthiness of the member
[07:26, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: I could not understand your problem..
If you have knowledge then why don't you scale up your blog?

[08:11, 9/17/2018] Sha​nkar Inc: Pardeep- what is the potential of an affiliate site? I am asking in
terms of earnings.. I understand that we are doing this more for our learning
[08:27, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: Rs. 10,000 per month within 6 to 9 months
[08:28, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: And then it can grow to a couple of lakhs per month

[14:56, 9/17/2018] Amm​ar Inc: One very silly question.

[14:59, 9/17/2018] Ammar Inc: A2Z as what I understood I.e Basic of Site setup creation then
content writing then SEO then ......
[15:07, 9/17/2018] Ammar Inc: and also hand holding for a month.
[15:22, 9/17/2018] Sh​aradwan Inc: Ammar; if it was the ☝case then probably Pardeep might
have not created the A2Z challenge. Infact 30 day blogging challenge was more than what you
First: It's learning some thing more than/ next to blogging. Exploring the business sense in you
and where you stand.
Second: You get a community to share and grow around with every one.
Third: It generated ideas like domian investment/ this experiment group. May be more in
comming days.
Fourth: Even getting insured when things are not as per your expectations.
So; I see in this way. When your risk is covered then why not put out your best attempt for once
in a life. May be we are on a colosial journey and rest will be history.

[15:30, 9/17/2018] Vis​hnu Inc: Pardeep has generously shared paid A2Z course videos and
other important information on email and facebook group. By watching those videos (close to 10
videos) we will have sufficient Information on how Pardeep planing to share actionable and
simple to implement working process and steps for our success.

He also mentioned the course is not planned and will be with the flow which will be more than
what we pay and also extended support for right questions and for right candidates.

[16:23, 9/17/2018] Am​mar Inc: I am trying to setup my site for 3 to 4 months now and I have
issues in various areas and I am getting stuck in technical areas also hence am searching for an
end to end course. I am very much keen on it and want to make it a success anyhow but need
right guidance and a little tech help where ever required including silly once also.

[16:25, 9/17/2018] Ammar Inc: and also if this includes SEO also then I would rather do this
complete course.

[18:12, 9/17/2018] Pardeep Goyal: I think you should not invest in A2Z course at this time.. You
are too much obsessed with the tech setup of website which is just 2-3 days work.. We
explained that in 30Days Blogging Success Formula course.

You must go through that and implement all the steps.

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