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2 q conTD ato MOZART Z know, I knew ... perhaps you should give me some lessons in that! SALIERZ Z wouldn't presuse! .-. All the same, if it wouldn't be imposing, I would like you to see my new piece, It would be a tremendous bonour for me. MOZART Oh no -- the heneur would he all mine SALIERI (bowing) Grasie -- mio caro Wolfgang! MOZART Grazie, a lei! Signor Antonio!’ ... Be bows too, giggling. cur To: INT. OPERA HOUSZ. NIGHT, 1780's. 2 SOLOISTS, 24 CBORGS, 30 ORCHESTRA, 700 SPECTATORS. : A performance of SALTERI's: grand opera, Axue: xine of Oraus. Deafening applause from a crowded nouse, we see ‘he reception of the Aria which we saw CAVALT on the stage near the start of the film (Scene 14 CAVALIERI in mythological persian costune is bowing to the rapturous throng: below her is Satta. EMPEROR, STRACK, ROSZNZERG, SONNO, VAN SWz: applauding. We hear great ezies of "SALIZRI! see TBRAVO[" and "BRAVA!" singing €.0. SALIERI locking at the crowd with immense pleasure, Then suddenly at: ¢.0, MOZART standing in a box and clapping wildly Behind him, seated, are SCEIXANEDER and the TEREZ Gi3iS we sav before in MOZART's apartzent. 6.0, SALIERD starii xedly at MOZART, then MOZART 8tii2 clapping, apparentiy with trenendous enthusiesm. was this? by any =:

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