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Dear Sr.

I am writring to express my total dissatisfaction with the purchase the last week of a
computer Lenovo with 4 RAM from your store with location on the street Laranges 105
nearly a two months ago. Unfortunately, your product has not adecuate for work correctly,
the computer is very slow, it reboots constantly, and your service has been completely
inadequate, to say the least.

Firstly, when I turned it on there were several problems for start in the time adecuated, so I
immediately called your service department who told me the start would soon go away.
However, the problem has gradually been getting worse and now it is almost impossible a
start adecuated and make documents of work.

Secondly, I am angry because I contacted your office support countless times but they
always seemed uninterested and unwilling to help. For instance, I was informed that they
would send a technician to solve the problem, but this never happened.

Although you advertise top quality, both your product and your service are well below the
standars I expected. As you can imagine, I am absolutely furious. Therefore, to resolve the
problem, I would appreciate an immediate solution. I attach a scanned copy of the receipt
and must insist on receiving a full refund or I will be forced to take legal action.

Yours sincerely

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