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Against Reality Shows

Reality Shows are supposed to be our entertainment. There is a variety of reality shows, such as:
survivals, dating programs, cooking shows, daily life, and etcetera. This kind of programs features
“real situations” with celebrities and non-celebrities, showing us how they would react and act in a
specific situation. But, what if, producers try to exaggerate everything just for the sake of ratings?
Or are damaging the health of its participants? These are 3 reasons of why I think some reality
shows should be cancelled.

1. Some reality shows are cruel, exposing the participants to gross humiliation for our
amusement. Like in Fear factor, where the participants have to eat worms and cockroaches
to win the grand prize.
2. They often create drama and attack the vulnerable points, to force the participants to fight
each other.
3. The participants can suffer from bullying or malicious comments after going through reality

Some people say that these kinds of situations are just mean to be entertaining and all scripted. But,
I do not believe this is the type of programs we should enjoy. Is not healthy be amused with the pain
of others. We should not support reality shows that could harm people, or living beings, just to gain

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