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Project intermediate 2

Good morning everyone we are going to perform a conversation about three differents

Karla represen Iran, Karen Japan and in my case Poland.

Lets start.

Carla: today we have an interest program about countries each of us visited different places
around the world

Karen: well i visited japan and I saw a lot of costumes which are different to our for example
you can’t Kiss them on a check because they respect the personal space, when you meet a
jappanese you can shakehands or bow.

Marce: actually in poland when you meet someone, you Kiss on the check tree times. Doesn’t
matter if you are a man or woman.

Carla: oh really? I have been to iran and saw the people put their hands on their faces like this
to say hi. its like a spirit simbol. Karen Did you dye your hair?.

Karen yes it looks fantastic. Doesn’t it? Dyeing your hair is common in japan. all the young
girl do it and i wanted to try it, speaking about beauty. Canine teeth were protuded by
japanese women because it made them look like a Little girl and men have obsession about
teenagers, we could call it subtle pederasty .

Marce: Otherwise in Poland, they dont dye their hair just brush it and usually don’t wear make
up. They prefer a nature beauty. They don’t even depilate. Its ok if you don’t take a shower
Because the weather is freezing so they choose to do it once in a week.

Carla. yes but here in Peru its inappropriate to not take a shower. in iran is important to get
rinoplasty . The protectic plaster is used by women much longer the necessary it is a simbol of
class and high economic level. Iran is the country with the most plastic surgery.

Marce : going off on a tanget did you try any food in japan?

Karen obviously I tried, their eating habits are healhty they eat a lot of fresh fruit vegetables,
also this food is based on boilded fish, it’s soup is used to flavor dishes.

Marce: the weather in Poland is freezing, so they eat a lot of soup like mushroom soup, pickle
soup and tomato soup, but my favorite soup is the pickle soup and they eat it with milk cream.
It’s similar to chupe. Polonian love to eat a lot of potatoes and bread, so they serve it with
each meal.

Carla: iran has a wide variaty of food the base of their cuisine are punget vegetables an dried
food. One of the traditional with spread is saffron this is a very common ingredient in many
iranian dishes, i could try Kabobs and it looks like brochetas.

(carlas cellphone start to ring and marce and Karen saw weird carla )

Karen: oh it reminds me when someone invited me wasabi, have you ….

Carla: excuse me, i’m sorry to interrup, but I need to answer the phone

Karen: using the phone is not allowed here

Marce: yes we are on air also in many countries it is impolite to answer the phone when you
talk to someone.

Karen: I think so, coming back to our conversation, have you ever tried wasaby?

Marce: yes i have, It was one of my favorite. I like it a lot

Karen: really? I see what are you saying but in my experience was terrible, because it is so
spicy and made me cry. Most of people say that it is like Fireworks but for me it is like tear

Carla: sorry it was an emergency, but i was hearing you talking about wasabi and i‘m not sure
about that because i have never tried wasabi, but I’d like to try. As you Know i like trying
differents drink, when i travel. But in iran i couldn’t do it. It’s ilegal drink alcohol, they only use
it in a religión ceremony, but many people don’t respect that, they usually offer you a glass of
whisky when you visit iran.

Marce: speaking about alcohol, have you ever drunk warm beer?

Karen: no it is weird here, why?

Marce: drinking warm beer is common in Poland, they drink it and it taste delicious

Karen oh it sound interesting, in japan the tradicional drink is sake and it is like cañazo, for
this reason they drink it in small glass.

Carla: i almost forgot I have a gift for each of you. (give a present)

Marce: it’s a beautiful scarf

Carla: it is not a scarf

Karen: so, what is that?

Carla: it is hijab it sort of handkerchief to cover the head and shoulder, i had to use it in Iran
because dressing in this country has it on rules is something strict, it’s one of the biggest
doubts for tourist traveling to Persian territory. The important garment that you shoudn’t
forget in your suitcase and it is the famouse handkerchief.

Karen: In japan it is so different, old japanese usually wear formal clothes but young people
make cosplay and they dress like a cartoon characters and you can find some beautiful
custom anyday, but in their festival they usually wear kimono and it is like this.

Marce: the way of dressing in Poland is more conservative, men and women wear suite for
work and young people copy their styles from italy and france they use shiny bags and high
heeals. They love getting tattoos although they are conservative. I got one when i was there.
Have you ever gotten a tattoo?

Carla: i haven’t ever gotten a tatto its not allowed to get a tattoo in iran and the person who
wants to work getting tattoos risk a lot because they are taken to prision by the authority and
pay a expensive fine.

Karen. Girls, production tells me that we are runnig of time .

Marze , ok guys remember when you wan t to travel to another country there are some thing
that you should remember like jet lag, and personal space.

Karla , ok guyes that all, and see you tomorraw at the same channal and at the same hour.

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