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Mini proyecto


According with the text I decide to do a List of Likes and Dislikes.


1 The basic methods of the elephants families is that thay always are together,
although the situation, because the better way to Feel protect is when somebody
support in any situation.

2 When you just see the elephans they greet to other herd, so for that reason I
think that the are friendly.

3 The important when the elephants is dad is his baby, so, in any momento of risk
he protect his baby in spite the circumstance.

4 Also when you see carefully you can look that the elephants families always
protect someone that is in bad conditions, for that reson when a elephant is sick
the animals choose other elephan to watch him.

5 Although the circustances the elephants never think to leave a elephant sick

6 The protagonist in the herd is a female, because in each herd there are a
important female to direct the elephants.

7 When a female is mother, she need the basic things for her baby, because she
responsable of the baby, that’s why she must be friendly and loving with the baby.

8 I can see that the elephants asume the important to be Father and Mother,
without doubt of take a bad way.

9 Since the babys begin to grow, they learn to putt he face on the problema and
always are strong in every moment.

10 The participant of the herd have trust in the female to guide.


1 when a elephant died all of the herd was son sad, because each of the integrant
of that herd It’s neccesary.
2 sometimes the elephants male when are 6 or 7 years old, they decided to make
other group or life rest of his life alone.

3 They don’t limit the risk of her life and decide to do everything to get all of they

4 In the herd, the life of the Young elephant is more important so, when someone
are in a difficult situation the old elephant put forward of he.But now the risk is in
the old elephant.

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