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Mariah Estrada

Professor Parker

ENG 101

23 August 2019

Heart Activity reflection

At first it was kind of hard to pick who will receive the heart only because each and every

one of the contestants has a heartbreaking story but when it comes to situations like this you have

to consider what's best for the world and not use your emotions. So honestly I was happy with

my choice of choosing Carla because Carla is 10 years old already taking college courses and has

great potential to grow up and be something amazing. Carla has the ability to do what each of the

other contestants were doing. Overall, me and my group were able to agree, we did concede

about who should get the First, second and third spot just because Carla, Roman, and Andrea

have the most heart warming stories when it comes to them and the world but they had

convinced me to have Carla get the heart because she has a lot going for her and the brightest

future. What really impressed me about this activity though is that i never thought of a situation

like this and I thought it was very interesting to read about these people and see which one

deserves the heart, I mean it's a sucky situation cause you only get to choose one person to

receive it but its interesting to see the results. Like in class the groups had different views then

my group, we thought of what would be best for the future and they went more of the emotional

route. This activity was overall saad though due to you picking one of five to receive the heart

but you also don't want to pick the wrong person and it go terribly wrong and make you regret

your decision with who receives the heart cause that would be a terrible feeling.

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