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Accenture F2F interview questions 27/04/2019

1)difference between equals() and hashcode()

2)where we used equals() and where we used hashcode()
3) hashmap internal workflow
4) explain how to store below key,value fair in hashmap
5)difference between 1.6 and 1.7
6)Write a program count number of words in a string String s="hello wrod is any one there "
7)what is charAt[i] explain why used charAt[]
8)what is try with resource why introduced try with resource
9)what is composition
10) difference between composition and inheritance
11)what is static binding and what is dynamic binding
12) static method overloading possible
13) static method why can't override explain
14) Write a program Single ton Design pattern
15) what is maven
16) what is write in pom.xml
17) how to execute spring
18) what is write in web.xml
19) explain Spring MVC
20) where you write Dispatcher Servlet
21) what is Junit write some Junit TestCases
22) what is methodology used in ur company
23) who is assign work
24) what is agile methodology
25) explain about ur project
26) tell me roles and responsibility
27) What is JSf
28) Difference Between Jsp and Jsf
29) explain JSF life-cycle
30) What is OOPS principles

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