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1. Swallow = menelan
2. Ingesting = menelan
3. Ripping= cemerlang,halus
4. Tearing=merobek
5. Crushing=penumpasan
6. Blood stream =aliran darah
7. Provide=menyediakan
8. Nourishment = makanan
9. Throughout=sepanjang
10. Breakdown= kerusakan
11. Waste=limbah
12. Hole=lubang
13. Alimentary = pencernaan
14. Fancy =mewah
15. Acceptable=dapat diterima
16. Expanded =diperluas
17. Twisty =berkelok-kelok
18. Sequence=urutan
19. Widht = lebar
20. Portion=bagian
21. Definitily=pasti
22. Iniate= memulai
23. Rooted =berakar
24. Vast =luas
25. Elementary canal= saluran pencernaan
26. Bounded = dibatasi
27. Slit-like= celah
28. Sensory organ present on the floor of the bucal cavity = organ sesoris terletak
dibagian bawah rongga bucal
29. Attached= terlampur
30. Ligamentous fold= lipatan ligamen
31. Frenulum
32. the posterior a part of the tounge is attached to the floor of the buccal cavity by a
soft ligamentous fold=bagian belakang bawah lidah menempel ligamentum yang
halus yang biasakita sebut dengan frenulum
33. the surface of the tongue is covered by a mucous membran line stratified
squamous epitelium = bagian permukaan lidah di lapisi oleh mucosa epitel
berlapis gepeng
34. remain = tetap
35. the upper and lateral surface of the tounge remain covered with various types of
papillae= bagian atas lateral dari lidah tetap terdapat bermacam-macam variasi
dari papilla
36. conical= berbenruk kerucut
37. paralel row over the anterior two third of the tounge = barisan sejajar 2/3 bagian
depan lidah

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