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TITLE : Mass media interventions: effects on health services utilisation

AUTHOR: R grilli Ramsay Cochrane minazzi.

TITLE: Public health communication: Evidence for behavior change.

AUTHOR: R Honrick 2002.

TITLE:The state of internet related research communications , marketing and


AUTHOR: Chang Hoan cho , Hyoongkoo kang.

TITLE: Themes and topics in religious television programming

AUTHOR: K Neuendorf

TITLE: Adolescent patterns of communication about sexually related topics

TITLE: Communication models for the study of mass communications

AUTHOR: S Windahl 1952

TITLE: The process and effects of mass communication.

AUTHOR: We Schram - 1954

TITLE: Changing work environment of environmental reporters

AUTHOR J detien Fico , X Li , Y Kim

TITLE: Human blue-opsin promoter preferentially targets reporter gene expression to rat s-cone

AUTHOR: LG Glushakoya, J Pang

TITLE: Reporter discrepancies among parents, adolescents, and peers: Adolescent attachment and
informant depressive symptoms as explanatory factors.

AUTHOR:KB enrich , J casday child development , willey

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