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I am Alolika Chakraborty currently in my third year at GNLU. I intend to be a part of IDIA,

Gujarat Chapter because of a number of reasons. I feel truly privileged to have been enrolled
into a prestigious institute like GNLU and only after I had joined IDIA in my first semester
did I realise that no competitive exam least of all CLAT is a test of merely one’s meritorious
capability. This is because a number of meritorious students in society remain automatically
barred from the exam due to factors such as lack of funds and sadly in a number of cases lack
of awareness.

IDIA seeks to thus continuously reduce and remove this gap in the field of law between the
elite and the have-nots of society. The idea resonates with me at a deeper level especially so
after my encounter with IDIA scholars within the batch and in the lower batches. I have
increasingly come to understand that the gap lies not due to their lack of the requisite
intelligent quotient required to make the cut but rather due to the lack of opportunities that
would allow them an equal footing in the fierce battle for seats in the select few premier law
colleges in India.

What further encourages me to apply for this initiative is that I feel my experience in the past
few years working pro bono at various schools in Gujarat has shown me that a child can do
wonders if his/her aptitude is identified, developed and honed early on.

I feel I can contribute to this initiative not only because I empathise with the individuals and
want to do my bit for the society around me but also because I have picked up a few soft
skills such as good communication ,persuasiveness and the capability to bear responsibility
during my participation in the various committees, centres and while organising events at
GNLU.I feel these can be put to good use during my work here.On a personal level I feel I
would be able to add value to the initiative because I feel so strongly regarding the particular

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