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“Security and Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Frequency Division

Multiplexing (OFDM) System”

Submitted to

Dr. Manoj Kumar Nigam

In partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree



Electronics and Telecommunication



Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Session: 2018 onwards


OFDM Wireless communications is employed in latest technology and plays a vital and
important role in day to day life. The broadcasting phenomenon of radio propagation leads
wireless communications to malicious and unrecognized attacks, and leads to several critical
challenges in securing the wireless transmission. We are hereby inspired and motivated by the
insufficiency of traditional older approaches to secure wireless communications, hence the
physical layer security of the multiplexing channel is investigated to be the most important
phenomenon to reach the maximum level of accuracy in any channel medium. Few linked
techniques toward the OFDM channel security of wireless communications are proposed by us.
The first two techniques will obviously focus on the security risk assessment in ofdm wireless
networks to enable a situation-alert based protection. The later techniques will use wireless
medium features to enhance the built-in security of wireless communication systems, so as to
prevent all types of passive eavesdropping. The last technique will provide a confidential
signaling link for secure transmitter-receiver interaction in OFDM systems.

Caesar cipher is an ancient, elementary method of encrypting plain text message into cipher text
protecting it from adversaries. However, with the advent of powerful computers, there is a need for
increasing the complexity of such techniques. To increase the strength of this classical encryption
technique, the proposed modified algorithm uses the concepts of affine ciphers, transposition ciphers and
randomized substitution techniques to create a cipher text which is nearly impossible to decode.

A safest level alert scheme is proposed in this dissertation, where the number of active users in
a multipath fading environment is estimated.
We will then imply any of the cryptographic technique at the starting of transmission.With the
help of which the data to be transmitted will get encoded.Similarly at the end of the receiver the
modulated transmitted data will be retrieved by decoding the channel using the same
cryptographic medium.Hence the channel and data will remail unuttered and accurate .And the
result will be obtain in the form of higher efficiency of Ofdm channel.

Key words:
Wireless communications, encoding,decoding, OFDM, security level
alert, eavesdropping.


The Telecommunications industry faces the problem of providing telephone services to rural areas,
where the customer base is small, but the cost of installing a fixed wired phone network is very high. One
method of reducing the high infrastructure cost of a wired system is to use a fixed wireless radio network.
The problem with this is that for rural and urban areas, large cell sizes are required to obtain sufficient
coverage. This result in problems caused by large signal path loss and long delay in multipath signal
propagation. Global System for Mobile telecommunication (GSM) technology is being applied to fixed
wireless phone system. However GSM uses TDMA, which has a high symbol rate leading to problems
with multipath causing inter-symbol interference. Several techniques are under consideration for next
generation of digital phone systems, with the aim of improving cell capacity, multipath immunity and
flexibility. These include Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Coded Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (COFDM). Both of these techniques could be applied to provide a fixed wireless
network in rural areas. OFDM has more advantages over CDMA. The OFDM was developed in the year
1960’s but because of unavailability of softwares for implementation of OFDM and the components
which work on high frequencies was not in focus. Due to the inherent broadcast nature of radio
signal propaga-
tion, wireless communications is vulnerable to masses of malicious attacks, including
eavesdropping, jamming, spoofing and so on [1]. Hence, securing wireless communication
systems has become a critical issue along with the proliferation of wireless applications [1].

1.1 Basic principle of OFDM

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is very similar to the well-known and used
technique of Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). OFDM uses the principles of FDM to allow
multiple messages to be sent over a single radio channel. It is however in a much more controlled manner,
allowing an improved spectral efficiency.

A simple example of FDM is the use of different frequencies for each FM (Frequency Modulation)
radio stations. All stations transmit at the same time but do not interfere with each other because they
transmit using different carrier frequencies. Additionally they are bandwidth limited and are spaced
sufficiently far apart in frequency so that their transmitted signals do not overlap in the frequency domain.
At the receiver, each signal is individually received by using a frequency tuneable band pass filter to

selectively remove all the signals except for the station of interest. This filtered signal can then be
demodulated to recover the original transmitted information.

1.2 Comparison with other techniques.

There are various types of multiplexing techniques like TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA. Another
name of multiplexing technique is the OFDM. CDMA code division multiplexing technique is new
advanced name in the communication field which has much craze. Even CDMA has some disadvantages
of multipath, inter use interface which reduces the number of users in the cell.
OFDM overcomes all these effects because of its high efficiency.

1.2.1 Multipath Effects

In a radio link, the RF signal from the transmitter may be reflected from objects such as hills,
buildings, or vehicles. This give rise to multiple transmission paths at the receiver. OFDM is the key to
play with the multipath signals by adding guard interval period in active symbol period. Each impulse
corresponds to one path, with the strength of each impulse dependent on the path loss for that path. For a
fixed frequency Signal, (i.e. a sine wave) the propagation delay results in a phase rotation of the signal.

Figure 1: Multipath effects

The transmitted signal is striked by several objects placed and located in between the transmitter and the
receiver.So,noise and other unwanted errors of surroundings get added to the original signal and the
original one is not retrieved at the receiver end .This adding up of noise to the transmitted signal is shown
in above figure.

1.2.2 Delay Spread

The received radio signal from a transmitter consists of typically a direct signal, plus
reflections off objects such as building, mountings and other structures. The reflected signals arrive at a
later time then the direct signal because of the extra path length, giving rise to a different arrival times,
spreading the received energy in time. Delay spread is the time spread between the arrival of the first and
last significant multipath signals seen by the receiver. The faster the phase is varied the faster the symbol
rate and the higher the data rate and bandwidth. For OFDM transmission, each symbol corresponds to a
parallel transmission of many low bandwidth carriers. The symbol time in this case corresponds to the
period over which the amplitude and phase of the data carriers is remained fixed corresponding to one
data vector.

Figure.2: Delay spread

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas can be combined with orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) to achieve diversity gain and/or to increase system spectral efficiency
through spatial multiplexing. In this report, we discuss about the working of the transceiver of OFDM
with MIMO. Implementation of high-data-rate wireless local area network (WLAN) has been a major
focus of research in recent years. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) schemes and orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) can be combined to operate at the high-throughput mode, or
the diversity mode, or the combination of both in fading environments .

Alternatively, the relative capacity and throughput of different system configurations can be obtained by
using the channel characteristics. If analytical characterizations of the channel are available, this approach
will be more efficient than the former, as it does not require complex system-level simulations.

1.2.4 What is a cipher?

The method of encrypting any text in order to conceal its meaning and readability is called cipher. It is derived from the Arabic
word sifr, meaning zero or empty. In addition to ciphers meaning in the context of cryptography, it also means a combination of
symbolic letters as in letters for a monogram which is a symbol made by combining two or more letters.
Cryptanalysis refers to the study of ciphers, cipher text, or cryptosystems with a view to finding weaknesses in them that will
permit retrieval of the plaintext from the cipher text, without necessarily knowing the key or the algorithm. This is known as
breaking the cipher, cipher text, or cryptosystem . The word breaking the cipher can be interchangeably used with the term
weakening the cipher. That is to find a property or fault in the design of the encryption algorithm which would help the attacker
to reduce the number of keys that he should try while performing brute force attack to break the code. For example, consider a
symmetric key algorithm that uses a key of length 2^128 bits which implies that a brute force attack would require the attacker to
try all 2^128 possible combinations to be certain of finding the correct key to convert the cipher text into plaintext, which is not
possible since it will take thousands of years to try out each and every key. However, a cryptanalysis of the cipher text reveals a
method that would allow the plaintext to be found in 2^20 rounds.
The Caesar cipher is named after Julius Caesar, who, according to Suetonius, used shift cipher with a constant left shift of 3 to
encrypt important military messages during the war. Hence it is also known as shift cipher, Caesar's cipher or Caesar shift. It uses
a substitution method to evolve the encrypted text. Consider an Example, Plain text: ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Cipher text: WVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAZYX When encrypting, an individual looks up each letter of the text message
in the "plain text" and writes down the corresponding letter in the "cipher text". Deciphering is done in exactly reverse manner,
with a right shift of 3.We can use any substitution cipher to encode the data.

2.Problem Identification

OFDM has been widely adopted in modern high-speed wireless communication

networks such as LTE, IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16, mainly due to its high spectral
efficiency and robustness against multipath fading. Unfortunately, the distinct time
and frequency characteristics of OFDM signals make OFDM communication systems
extremely susceptible to malicious attacks from the adversaries.

2.1 Security Risk Assessment in Wireless Networks

In order to provide confidential, authenticated, integral and reliable communication between

legitimate users, a wireless communication system needs to take some proper actions to defend
against the malicious attacks. One fact to be addressed is that the transmission risk of an
operating environment is time-varying due to variations of the channel conditions, the
surrounding devices as well as the roles played by coexistent users [14]. As a result, the
security scheme and implementation need to be evaluated regularly and updated corresponding
to the security risk changes in the communication environment. Otherwise, insufficient
defending would fail to pro-
tect the transmission security, and over-performed countermeasures would reduce the
efficiency of the system since any security solution is resource-consuming. n order to effectively
and efficiently defend against malicious attacks in a wireless network, a wireless device should
assess the security risk in the operating environment in the first place. Intuitively, a wireless
device could identify all malicious attacks and then take corresponding actions to combat the
identified attacks, which, however, is not enough since the detection of the types of attacks
cannot indicate the severity of the security threat.Furthermore, the detection of all malicious
attacks is unrealistic than the practical implementation. First of all, there are a mass of potential
attacks and each typical security attack may have numerous derived varieties [14]. Hence, it is
difficult for legitimate users to identify all malicious attacks in the detection phase.
Second, the attack detection process is time- and power-consuming. Large numbers of tests
have to be carried out in order to cover adequate potential attacks. Putting aside the latency
caused by the attack detection phase to the data transmission, the detection results may be out-
of-date, and legitimate users may suffer power-crisis. In addition, some attacks are hard to be
identified in time, such as eavesdropping,spoofing, and attacks from adversaries with anti-
reconnaissance capabilities. Therefore, security risk assessment in wireless networks cannot
rely on the attack detection strategy. To that end, security risk assessment schemes for wireless
communications, which can effectively and efficiently evaluate the transmission risk in an
operating environment, need to be investigated. In principle, any node in a network, even a
present legitimate user, may intentionally or unintentionally perform hostile attacks such as
eavesdropping and jamming, and becomes a potential threat [15]. It is near impossible to
prevent some amount of data loss or disclosure from devices that can physically access the
network [16]. The communication risk arises along with the increase of coexistent users. Hence,
the number of active users in a network can generally indicate the security level of a wireless
environment, and be used to guide developing the defending strategies. Compared with the risk
assessment scheme that attempts to detect all potential attacks, the estimation of the number of
active users is much simpler and easier to be implemented. Although the number of active
users in a network cannot identify the attacks, it would imply the possible existence of attackers
and the defending intensity needed in the operating environment.Considering that device
identities at upper layers of the protocol stack such as media access control (MAC) and Internet
protocol (IP) addresses can be duplicated with little effort, mature estimation schemes for the
number of active uses, which exploit the device-specific physical-layer characteristics of
wireless devices, would be preferred. Moreover, in order to further improve the overall efficiency
of a wireless communication system, we would like to avoid unnecessary estimation operation
for the number of active users.

2.2 Attacks-
The most common forms of passive and active attacks in wireless communications are listed as
Eavesdropping: Eavesdropping is the act that an attacker, named eavesdropper,
passively listens to a network and intercepts the ongoing traffic [2]. Due to the openness of
wireless medium, an eavesdropper is possible to access the data stream as long as it lies in the
coverage of the transmitter. In the case that communication protocols are known by the
eavesdropper, it can simply follow those protocols like normal participants and then intercept the
sensitive and private information.

Traffic Analysis : Traffic analysis is the process of intercepting and examining

the collected data streams in order to deduce information from patterns of com-
munication. Similar to eavesdropping, traffic analysis is also based on what the attacker hears in
the network. However, this sort of attack does not have to demodulate and understand the
actual data in transmission [19]. It is often used to determine the locations, identities and
behavior patterns of the communicating parties. Adversaries can then use the collected
information from traffic analysis to support other forms of attacks [2].

Jamming : Jamming occurs when intentional or unintentional interferences flood a

communication link [20]. A hostile jammer can broadcast interference signals over a broad
spectral band to degrade the channel condition and disrupt the legal information transmission.
In the situation that the attacker has infinite power supply, it can even exhaust the resource for
legitimate users and then destroy the legal communication.

Spoofing : In spoofing, an attacker pretends to be an authorized client, device

or user to gain access to a network protected by some forms of authentication mechanisms, so
as to seize the system resource and intercept the confidential information [1]. Moreover, an
attacker can also impersonate a network resourceby positioning itself between the client and
intended resource. When a victim initiates a connection, the attacker can intercept the
connection, and then complete the connection to the intended resource. As a result, all
between the client and intended resource is controlled by the adversary [1].

Injection and Data Modification: Injection happens when an attacker adds com-

mands and data to the existing connection to hijack the ongoing communication, or maliciously
send commands and data to manipulate the available resource [2].
Moreover, adversaries can flood the network access point with connection messages, thereby
tricking the network access point into exceeding a maximum limit and then denying authorized
user access to the network [20]. Data modification refers to an attack in which an aggressor
adds, deletes or even changes the network communication contents [2].
The classification of these security attacks is shown in Table 2.1. Under active attacks,
communication anomalies can normally provide demonstrable evidence of malicious attacks, so
that legitimate terminals can easily detect the attackers and
then launch corresponding defending operations. In contrast, passive attacks without leaving
much evidence about their illegal behaviors are difficult to be detected. Sensitive and private
information may be intercepted by adversaries without the awareness of the communicating
pair. The threats from eavesdropping and traffic analysis would be inherent risks in wireless
networks that cannot be avoided [1]. Please note that malicious attacks typically do not stand
alone. Adversaries usually coordinate several attacks to further the damage, where passive
attacks such as eavesdropping and traffic analysis are essentially used to gather information for
other forms of attacks. Therefore, as the foundation of malicious attacking and with the counter-
detection feature, passive attacks can cause fatal damage to a wireless communication system.
It is also noteworthy that the risks and threats in wireless communications are time- and
location-varying, due to the variations of channel conditions, surrounding devices as well as
roles played by coexistent users.

3 . Expected Solution to make channel secure

Securing communication systems has been a problem of interest since the time of conception of
network based communications [17]. The concept of secure communication is linked to two
main desired objectives: effective defending against malicious attacks and reliable transmission
between legitimate users. The first objective indicates that a communication system should
protect the Confidentiality authenticity,integrity, and availability of data transmission, by
defending against various attacks [14, 21], where;

Confidentiality denotes the property that the transmitted information is prevented from
unauthorized individuals, entities or processes;

Authenticity is to provide the assurance of the identities of communicating nodes, which ensures
that a received message comes from a desired transmitter and vice versa;

Integrity indicates the capability to protect transmitted messages from being

modified and destroyed by adversaries during the propagation;

Availability means that a communication system is able to provide services

whenever it is demanded by a legitimate entity.

With regard to the second objective, a message for an intended receiver should be
reliably received by that user. In other words, the demodulation error rate at the
legitimate receiver needs to satisfy an acceptable requirement.
In addition, since the risks and threats in wireless networks are time and location
varying, the solutions to secure wireless communication systems need to be evaluated
and updated regularly. In order to effectively and efficiently defend against the ma-
licious attacks, a wireless device should intelligently perform proper security schemes
corresponding to the real-time communication risk in an operating environment.

4. Algorithm

4.1.1 Encryption
1) Create a matrix of N x N.
2) Input the plaintext to be encrypted and a password (key) of size N.
3) From the input password (key) generate two sub keys ckey1 and ckey2 using KeyGenerator() function.
4) Call initialize() function to create two substitution tables.
5) Create ciphertext1 by replacing each character in plaintext by values assigned in the substitution table - map in step 4
6) Perform double columnar transformation using ckey2 which was generated by KeyGenerator() function.
7) Transmit the ciphertext generated in step 6.

4.1.2 Decryption
1) Create a matrix of N x N.
2) Input the ciphertext to be decrypted and a password (key) of size N.
3) From the input password (key) generate two sub keys ckey1 and ckey2 using KeyGenerator() function.
4) Call initialize() function to create substitution tables.
5) Perform reverse Columnar transformation twice using ckey2 which was generated by KeyGenerator() function.
6) Generate plaintext by replacing each character in the string obtained by step 5 by values assigned in the substitution table -
inversemap in step 4


In this proposal, the limitations and weaknesses of classical encryption algorithms like
Caesar cipher and Transposition cipher are described.Then a modified Caesar algorithm is
proposed to overcome all the weaknesses and limitations of Caesar cipher. The proposed
algorithm uses a randomized approach for substitution which is then combined with double
columnar transposition technique to increase the strength. The broadcast nature of wireless
transmission has made this technology vulnerable to passive and active attackers, mainly
eavesdroppers who are able to capture, decode and recover the transmitted signals with sufficient
power . Conventionally, communication security is viewed as an independent feature and is
addressed at the upper layers of the protocol stack by applying traditional cryptographic schemes
(data link layer and above) .
Security provided by this algorithm can be enhanced further by using it with one or more
different encryption algorithms or by using asymmetric key approach instead of symmetric


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