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Chemotherapy is one of theprocedures common treatment for cancer. This therapy

relies on the ability of specific drugs to destroy cancer cells that attack the body. These
drugs work by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. In the medical world, this
treatment is considered to have sufficient strength to stop the growth and development of
cancer cells in the body. All chemotherapy treatments are intended to destroy cancer cells.


Chemotherapy drugs work by destroying and stopping cells that are growing. Cancer
cells that grow abnormally will of course be destroyed by these drugs. But , not only cancer
cells just normal cells that are growing and developing will also be destroyed, because
chemotherapy drugs can not differentiate cancer cells and normal cells that are growing.
Therefore, many effects caused by chemotherapy treatment with it works that destroy the
growth of all cells.


Chemotherapy is one of theprocedures common treatment for cancer. This therapy

relies on the ability of specific drugs to destroy cancer cells that attack the body.
chemotherapy can not differentiate cancer cells and normal cells that are growing,
Therefore, many effects caused by chemotherapy treatment with it works that destroy the
growth of all cells.


It should be noted that the treatment of possible side effects, so that side effects do
not decrease the patient's health status. the patient must also have a strong immune
system. This can be helped by a strong intake of food, no less, and eating healthy foods. We
relize cancer patients can successfully undergo treatment by minimizing the side effects that
may result from chemotherapy.


Semester : VA

NIM : 0415103031

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