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ADMITERE, august 2008 IMinisterul Internelor si Reformei Administrative CONCURS DI ‘Academia de Politie,,lexandru Ioan Cuza” Sesiunea iuli LIMBA ENGLEZA A2 1) We get on very well with our next-door neighbours. We are with them. a) on good premises 'b) on good terms ) in fine terms 4) over good relations 2) The manager was upset when his employees failed in their task. a) rightly b) right ©) rightful 4) rightfully 3) Stiu engleza foarte bine si imi place foarte mult conversatia cu vorbitorii nativi, a)I know very well English and I like very much conversation with native speakers. b) I know very well English and I like conversation with native speakers very much. c) [know English very well and I like very much conversation with native speakers. 4) [know English very well and I like conversation with native speakers very much. 4) the whole, I found his novel disappointing, a) In/ profoundely b) On/ profound ©) On / profoundly 4) Over / profoundly 5) Should they their dinner, they will go out for a walk as nights be pretty warm here in September. a) finished / can b) have finished / can ©) be finishing / may d) finish / ought to 6) You didn't tell me you liked English literature. If 1 I you a good English novel. a) have known / will give b) had known / would have given ©) would have known / would have given 4) would have known / had given 7) Before she knew it, her car crashed into a tree. Ifshe more careful, she in hospital now. a) had been / isn't b) would have been / wouldn't be ) has been / weren't d) had been / wouldn't be Noti:Fiecare intrebare are o singurd varianté de rispuns corect a) b) ©) d) Exemplu de marcare rispuns: Rispuns corect la intrebarea nr... b) 1 f Pagina I din IMinisterul Internelor si Reformei Administrative CONCURS DI ‘Academia de Politie,,lexandru Ioan Cuza” Sesiunea iul LIMBA ENGLEZA august 2008 ADMITERE, A2 8) Fortunately, the flood didn't much damage to the village. a) do 'b) make ©) hit 4) hold 9) Credeam ca discursul acela ¢ o pura prostie. a) I thought that speech is an utter nonsense. b) I thought that speech was an utterly nonsense. ©) I thought that speech is utterly nonsense 4) I thought that speech was utter nonsense. 10) The students are getting ready for a trip. They will travel in and visit the museum. a) three-days / pairs / threes b) three-day's / pair / three ©) three-day / pairs / threes 11) I don't believe he has failed his driving test again. his driving test again, a)He mustn't have failed b) He can't have failed ©) I can't believe he should fail 4) It's impossible he may fail 12) I begged him to accept some money, but he hear of it, He thinks he consider a bank loan, but the situation be worse. a) shouldn't / could / won't 1b) wouldn't / may / can't ©) won't / might / shouldn't 4) didn't / could / couldn't 13) She clearly remembers anice present and her mother kept her word. a) to be promised b) being promised ©) been promised d) to being promised 14) The news that somebody broke into their house shocked me, Iwas by the news that their house a) taken aback / had been broken into ) taken up / had been broken ¢) put off/ had been broken into 4) taken off'/ was broken Noti:Ficcare intrbareareo singur variant derispuns cree : Exemplo de marcarerispns: Rispuns cores a nebarea rb) a) b) ¢) dy Pagina 2 din S to as well ADMITERE, august 2008 IMinisterul Internelor si Reformei Administrative CONCURS DI ‘Academia de Politie,,lexandru Ioan Cuza” Sesiunea iul LIMBA ENGLEZA A2 15) Would you a) to turn b) to be turning 6) to have turned 4) turning the radio down ? 16) | saw her , but I don't know ifshe came back .She is said out. a) leave / to be moving b) leaving / be moving ©) left / to move d) to leave / to move 17) Ce-ai vrea si facd ei? a) What would you have them to do? b) What would you better they did? ©) What would you rather they do? 4) What would you rather they did? 18) Vorbeste de parca ar fi descoperit Amer nimic. a) He speaks as if he would have discovered America and he is always showing off, though it's much noise about nothing. b) He speaks as if he had discovered America and he always shows of, though it's much noise for nothing, ©) He speaks as if he had discovered America and he is always showing off, though it's much ado about nothing. 4) He speaks as if he has discovered America and he always is showing off, though it is much ado for nothing, a si intotdeauna se di mare, desi ¢ mult zgomot pentru 19) Money isn't the solution every problem a) of bat oto d) against 20) She tured as white as when you told her the story about the house. a) ice / hunted ) snow / hunting ) a wall / haunting d) a sheet / haunted 21) Credeam ed o si-I vizitezi cand o si afli c& s-a cAsdtorit gi e acum in Londra, a) I thought you will pay him a visit when you learn he got married and now is in London. b) I was thinking you will pay him a visit when you will learn he got married and now is in London. ©) [thought you would pay him a visit when you learnt he has got married and now is in London. 4) [thought you would pay him a visit when you learnt he had got married and now was in London. Noti:Fiecare intrebare are o singurd varianté de rispuns corect a) b) ©) d) Exemplu de marcare rispuns: Rispuns corect la intrebarea nr... b) 1 I Pagina 3 din S ADMITERE, august 2008 Ministerul Internelor $i Reformei Administrative CONCURS DI Academia de Politie,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Sesiunea juli LIMBA ENGLEZA Ad 22)" to Mary for ages”. "Really ? How long is it since you a) didn't talk / have seen b) haven't talked / saw ¢) hadn't talked / have seen 4) haven't talked / seen 23) Ea a spus cd igi va vinde masina, Doar peste o siptimand ne-am dat seama ce s-a intdmplat. She she her car. Only a week later what a) said / would sell / we realized / had happened b) told / would sell / we realized / happened ©) said / would sell / did we realize / had happened 4) said / will sell / we realized / happened. 24) Parents are always proud when their children take them, a) after b) by ©) about 4) over 25) Social status for little if you are marooned on a remote island, a) applies ») signifies ©) counts 4d) makes 26) Pune-o s& vind inainte si se porneasca ploaia, dacd nu o s& te pund ea sa vii si o iei cu umbrela, a) Have her to come before it will start raining, or she will have you to come and pick her with an umbrella, b) Have her come before it will start raining, or she will have you come and pick her with an umbrella. ©) Have her come before it starts raining, or she will have you come and pick her with an umbrella, 4) Have her come before it starts raining, or she will have you coming and picking her with an umbrella. 27) I wouldn't describe his family as although they live in a beautiful house, a) well-off b) good-off c) well-on 4d) wellup 28) 1 took two books with me on holiday, but I didn't read of them, while Peter took five books, but he didn't read of them, a) neither / some ) neither / none ©) none / any 4) either /any Noti:Fiecare intrebare are o singurd varianté de rispuns corect a) b) ©) d) Exemplu de marcare rispuns: Rispuns corect la intrebarea nr... b) 1 I Pagina 4 din S ‘Academia de Politie,,Alexandru Ioan Cuca” Sesiunea julie-august 2008 LIMBA ENGLEZA isterul Internelor $i Reformei Administrative CONCURS DE ADMITERE, A2 29) Ela spus cd va trebui sd stim in casa pana cdnd se va potoli furtuna. a) He said we would have to stay inside until the storm blew itself out. b) He told we would have to stay inside until the storm blew itself out. c) He said we must stay inside until the storm will blow itself out. 4) He said we would have to stay inside until the storm has blowed itself out. 30) Brenda explained that if she how the robot , she a) me / knew / works / would have told b) me / knew / worked / would tell ©) to me / would know / works / would tell d) to me / knew / worked / would tell me, too. Noti:Fiecare intrebare are o singurd varianté de rispuns corect Exemplu de marcare rispuns: Rispuns corect la intrebarea nr... b) 1 a) b) ©) d) Pagina 5 din S -

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